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Everything posted by arramus

  1. 20.1 has been trouble free. In fact, Wasteland, Bdub Vehicles, VM Vehicles, NPC Mod, and some others were playing together very well without any warnings or game breaking issues. That loot though... The new system seems to assign % as a text value from veryLow to guaranteed (5% - 100% chance) with loot levels for different Tiers being weighted with progression. In practice, for mods I've tried, something is really not working out well with it. For example, nests being given a veryLow setting which should be a 5% chance are more often than not rewarding with a 40-50% chance with slight changes over different biomes. Whereas, I have not seen a single Railway Gun in A20 yet and I have checked far and wide, while A19 was very generous. A20 drop rate looks very generous though.
  2. Inside the A20-ServerSideVehicles-2022Jan20-main, you'll find a folder called A20_ServerSideVehicles_2022Jan20. This is the top layer folder. The additional folder is made by the file host and is not needed. You'll find the same is the case for Mods---A20-main-Bdubs Vehicle and The Wasteland. Here is the pattern: The top layer folder is the one that has the ModInfo file inside it. If the top later folder doesn't have that inside it, then the contents can be taken out until you get to a top layer folder (with the ModInfo file just inside). Some storage hosts won't do that, but some will and it justs needs a quick check to see how they handle things.
  3. I placed them all in the Mods folder, started with EAC off (because the Wasteland has a new .dll for the trader) and it all loaded up just fine. You checked that the main folders are all top level and not embedded with an extra folder they don't need, right?
  4. This crossbow is one of the 'Legendary' weapons in the Wasteland Mod. It drops a lot of the stealth attribute bonus in favor of increased bolt capacity. It pairs well with the VM buggy.
  5. A small sample of what I've played with so far. 2 friendlies and 1 hostile. The hostile is basically a Snufkin and I'll experiment more to see what other class, modeltype, physicsbody it can take. This may serve as a base to work from. https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod/blob/main/1-UMASamplePack.zip
  6. We reported this to the game developers about a year ago, and the response was that it is a low priority to zero priority update since there are many other priority items to be acted on first. It relates to the model that is used for the school bus in the main game and the Magic Bus for the mod, as suggested in the log. It generally occurs when a player attempts to place the Magic Bus on the ground. I'm afraid we will not be reporting again as a reminder, as issues relating to Mods where things are used beyond their intended use, appear to be placed at the very bottom of 'the list'.
  7. It will be released as an UMA Sample Pack. Something to emulate and expand on. And it will be listed in the main NPC Mod thread where there are so many wonderful NPC Mods already.
  8. In relation to the NPC Mod, there is clearly some great potential for both the regular hostile zombie variety, as well as further expanding it to support allies. This example is using the ally system and hiring an archetypal version with buff attachment batons and shock buffs built into the melee. I think you'll find many ways to have fun with this.
  9. After play testing, checking around, and considering the current vanilla set-up, it has been hard to track down anything in particular that is causing this issue. It has been shared that there is a 'falling under the world' type issue generally with blocks and other types of items. For example, sledge falling under blocks, some zombies being pushed under blocks in POIs, vehicles dropping under terrain, other mods using NPCs seeing their characters falling under the world surface never to return. It just seems that netcoding and online play exacerbates this with syncing server and player assets. It was suggested that the recent experimental release contained something to address this but it does not show. This looks to be a wider general issue that impacts this mod as well.
  10. Feel free to share your IP address when hosting, or set up a chance to join the testing on this one and we can join the party.
  11. There are a few customised vehicles contained within bdubyah's Wasteland Mod.
  12. Vehicle Madness, Wasteland Vehicles, Bdubs Vehicles, Server Side Vehicles, and the NPCMod all playing together very nicely.
  13. For the silencer, removing the noSilencer tag from the Hyper Blaster tag will place it in the first location on your image. This is a Snufkin weapon, and out of consideration for his original concept, it was left as close to its original state as possible and will remain this way unless he requests otherwise for where it is currently packaged. However, feel free to share your end result and methods as that was always something Snufkin promoted with his mods.
  14. As for the scope(s), there will be something specific connected to the Hyper Blaster in the item_modifiers.xml which governs placement settings.
  15. I can appreciate the reason you are considering this action to possibly increase availability. I'm guessing it's not to lower the limit. I posted this elsewhere to a reasonable comment, and just overlooked others as they were a 'touch' unfair relating to the SPIFSAL update. I hope you'll read it and consider it, and if it doesn't work out, I'll be the first to assist you with your request. -------------------------------------------------- This is a very fair and understandable comment. The first release candidate of SPIFSAL was tested thoroughly over a prolonged period of time to check the impact on a wide range of dynamics (logical progression linked to GS, overall challenge and core needs, fun factor, ability to play solo, existing additional Wasteland gains beyond Vanilla, etc). The feedback was that there were a few primary areas that could do with placing a little earlier on the SPIFSAL list to allow them to be more accessible. This was in consideration of fundamental activities that are critical to survival, particularly in early GS. However, adding ALL of what we have become accustomed to as being fundamental in the Vanilla build, into the 21 would make SPIFSAL redundant and go against where it can be most appealing, especially because a number of these suggested 'fundamentals' compound (Miner 69er-Motherlode / Master Chef-The Huntman-Living off the Land). This current release is a balanced compromise. After testing this current build with a variety of trade-offs, there are 3 clear modes of play that stand out: - A balanced load out. This was carefully calculated to available SPIFSAL and gives the player access to most, but not all key survival elements. Players can thrive from very early GS. In fact, they can reach Skill levels quicker than in Vanilla for many traits and this may come as a surprise. Players new to the Wasteland Mod will recognize these choices when choosing SPIFSAL and this can provide them with a sense of security and familiarity to ease them in. More experienced players may also prefer this load out for what it offers. - Semi-balanced load out. This still offers many primary survival features, but players will need to be more considerate of where they will need to put in a bit more work. The trade-off will be that specialization that can make all the difference in certain situations. And players can manipulate their game-play to increase these certain situations. - Specialized load out. Players who really want to be a master of some very specialized feature(s) will feel the challenge in primary survival activities early on and will need to adapt. However, once established, those specializations will be clearly useful, and some may say excessively useful. On top of the SPIFSAL 21, we are going to find the additional statues to give a permanent +1 to each attribute. As players test a few load outs, they may reconsider that initial SPIFSAL 21 in the knowledge that these statues are to come, and possibly at a time when they are more relevant. In addition, 'time' sensitive or 'inventory' sensitive items will also provide those attributes, as players have become accustomed to in Vanilla, as well as the unique ones we can find in the Wasteland, such as 'Happy-go-Lucky', 'Braintats', and their cousins which I won't mention so as not to spoil the surprises. Players will see how these additions can be used at the right time and for the right purpose when they are most needed. And with all the Wasteland 'health' drinks from Nuka, customized items, custom general weapons and ammo, abundance of Wasteland food choices to offset the change in Vanilla farming, supplementary Wasteland books also integrating skill features that are fundamental to survival, Power Armor and the abundance of mods, and last but certainly not least 'Legendary Weapons', life will remain pretty good out there for players who are getting their quests complete, looking out for those high value looting opportunities, and making considered choices. The update is very new. Subjective and impulsive concerns are noted but given very limited consideration. However, constructive feedback based on objective tangible observations based on putting in some time to test things out are not only welcome but will be acted on where re-balancing may be appropriate. Give it a chance The Wasteland Mod and Bdub's Vehicles run together without any issues at all. I have been using them both since the first release of The Wasteland. It's as convenient as placing 'Bdubs Vehicles' mod in your 'Mods' folder in your 7 Days to Die main directory.
  16. The original silencer is potentially a decoration added to the Hyperblaster within the items.xml There sure is a lot of action going on in there to decorate it and Snufkin did enjoy this part of building the weapons. <effect_group name="Deco"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="SetTransformActive" active="false" transform_path="GunMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="SetTransformActive" active="false" transform_path="ClipMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="SetTransformActive" active="true" transform_path="GunMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="SetTransformActive" active="true" transform_path="ClipMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Items/Misc/sack.fbx" parent_transform="Handle"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="SetTransformActive" active="false" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sackMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="SetTransformActive" active="false" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sack_LOD1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="SetTransformActive" active="false" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sack_LOD2"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="SetTransformActive" active="true" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sackMesh"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="SetTransformActive" active="true" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sack_LOD1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="SetTransformActive" active="true" parent_transform="Handle" transform_path="sack_LOD2"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main1" local_offset="0,.06,-.22" local_rotation="-110,0,180"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main2" local_offset="0,.1425,-.1" local_rotation="-110,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main3" local_offset=".045,.164,-.13" local_rotation="70,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main4" local_offset="-.045,.204,-.13" local_rotation="70,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main5" local_offset="-.045,.2325,-.175" local_rotation="70,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflexPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="main6" local_offset=".045,.2725,-.175" local_rotation="70,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main1" local_offset="-0.003,.05,-.04" local_rotation="0,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main2" local_offset="0.003,.09,-.04" local_rotation="0,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main3" local_offset="-0.003,.13,.06" local_rotation="0,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main4" local_offset="0.003,.17,.06" local_rotation="0,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main5" local_offset="-0.003,.21,.16" local_rotation="0,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main6" local_offset="0.003,.25,.16" local_rotation="0,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main7" local_offset="-0.003,.29,.26" local_rotation="0,0,90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/scope_laser_reflex.fbx" parent_transform="main8" local_offset="0.003,.33,.26" local_rotation="0,0,-90"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="SideB" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Sides/pistol_flashlightPrefab.prefab" parentTransform="main1" localPos="0,.05,-.375" localRot="90,180,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="SideC" prefab="#Other/Items?Tools/flashlight02Prefab.prefab" parentTransform="main1" localPos="0,.0825,.01" localRot="0,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="SideC" prefab="#Other/Items?Tools/flashlight02Prefab.prefab" parentTransform="main2" localPos="0,.1225,.2" localRot="0,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="SideC" prefab="#Other/Items?Mods/Scopes/ak_mounting_bracketPrefab.prefab" parentTransform="main1" localPos="0,.015,.2" localRot="0,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/PistolPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="Handle" local_offset="0,-.03,-.15" local_rotation="0,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AttachPrefabToHeldItem" prefab="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/TaserBaton/TaserBatonPrefab.prefab" parent_transform="Handle" local_offset="0,.005,-.2" local_rotation="90,0,0"/> </effect_group> Systematically removing/commenting out these entries may bring the aesthetic result you are looking for.
  17. The Progression has certainly changed for this build and since we can no longer interact with the attribute tree, it can pretty much be overlooked. I spent 5 SPIFSAL on Strength and I will only concern myself with what's on the left side from hereon. Saying that, there is still some residual interaction since each SPIFSAL added to strength opens up a slot on the Backpack regardless of adding no Skill to Pack Mule. And now all the SPIFSAL unlocked Perk Skills have become level dependent there are some interesting trade offs compared to the regular system. For example, I can access Miner 69'er Skill Level 4 pretty quickly since there is no need to build the attribute tree and all those Skill Points can be dedicated to Miner 69'er based on Level. And since early Level increases come rapidly, our selected SPIFSAL options are going to be a real asset to offset the ones we didn't select. Choosing that initial SPIFSAL load out very carefully was something I found to be critical. I went with a very very balanced selection that provides for early game features with survival and 'body' features being predominant. This ensures I can take a knock from the zombies and get my base up and running without any slogging for resources. My understanding is we can find further SPIFSAL as we progress and I can unlock some specialised items later on. And that's what I like about this new system. We can choose either a very balanced set-up to give all the essentials right from the start, or slightly move towards a very specialist track. And players who can deal with that initial struggle who put all their SPIFSAL into something highly specialised are investing for latter Game Stage where that initial suffering will have paid off. It took me a couple of play throughs to get a feel for the SPIFSAL set up as with learning anything new, but I can appreciate its intricacies and 'manipulate' it to the way I play. What's up with your health? Are you carrying an injury from one of the Wasteland beasties?
  18. From what I understand, we can find 'statues' which carry additional SPIFSAL attribute increases for individual attributes.
  19. Nice tile choice. This one was placed at the edge of a town and looks right at home in the snow biome. Even looking back into town had no noticeable FPS hits even when the 'passengers' attempted to disembark. ^^
  20. Decent, and much appreciated as always. I've been watching your creation flow over the past year in Discord and always appreciate how you share the process to the extent we could meet up on a live Discord stream. Learning how you created this floating effect, using a very novel approach, was enlightening. The same goes for the traps added to the rose-hued sandstone structure in the Petra POI last summer. Thanks for taking the time to specialise in this part of the game to bring us some very original ideas and techniques.
  21. @SketchFoxsky Here is an update for the Server Side Vehicles: https://github.com/arramus/A20-ServerSideVehicles-2022Jan20 The Magic Bus returns to A20 and has received a small upgrade. As the image suggests, the Magic Bus can hold up to 9 players without the need for a seating mod. This will accommodate larger communities, or servers that use the extended party mod that typically allows 8 players to 'party up'. Players will need to enter the bus from the non driver's side via the sliding door. ^^ Player No.9 sitting in the last rear seat at the back of the bus. The Magic Bus can still accept all vehicle mods, even though the seating mod will have no effect, and see the benefits they provide. Since only the Magic Bus and the Whirligig use non standard seating, players can see the seat count as they approach these vehicles. As with A19, when the headlights are turned on, flames will appear from the front 'impalers'. Driving into a zombie will knock them over and set them on fire. There will be no XP gain for any eliminations using this method of zombie control.
  22. Thank you. It looks like they are behaving liked spawned entities that can totally disappear when a player goes out of their range. I shall discuss this with the main creator to see if it's linked to something specific.
  23. Is this for servers that are running the expanded 'Party' mods that often allow 8 people to all join together? We'll see what vehicle options are available and acceptable. It may not look pretty as the A20 vehicles got a pretty big update but we'll see what remains.
  24. If this was a consistent and repeatable issue, it would be easier to troubleshoot and consider a solution. It certainly appears to be linked to a server restart, but there is nothing that stands out to point to any particular restart. One server where this happened enough to be an issue requested players to limit the amount of guards and pets per person. Reducing the overall amount could retain them longer, but it was not a totally perfect solution. In the end, this server simply increased air drops to every 24 hours to ensure it was easier for players to replace any losses.
  25. The models are given a decorative 'buff' to give their customised appearance. The buffs are added as you get closer to them. The buffs.xml checks that the buff is constantly being applied on a regular basis. If a converted vehicle has the model/decoration applied but not the update which keeps checking on them, then it can look like it isn't added until picked up and placed again. However, even with the check to make sure they are updating, it can sometimes be finicky. This is especially true where a server is running a lot of other mods, has a lot of players, or is being pushed in any other way. It is intended that the vehicles will regularly check themselves to make sure the decorative buff is added but it is not always effective. The dog usually just stands still but depending on the server, netcoding and syncing, things can go a bit odd at times. The origin of this mod was very experimental and pretty much a single player thing. It responded quite well online and was released for us all to have fun with. But yes, there are limitations that are a trade off to many of the fun and enhancing things.
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