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Everything posted by arramus

  1. @KhaineGB There's a little exploit I could experience for one of the #C Mods, but it' only when it's used against instructions and in a certain sequence of use. Is it something worth sharing in the forum or privately?
  2. I could join mrgreaper's server for an hour, and even with an abundance of mods, it was an error free and fun run through. During all that time, I experienced 2 pause moments and they were barely noticable. They were rare enough that they can be seen as just background noise. I took on 3 quests in that time and certainly came across a very large amount of enZombies because the server was running a X2 spawn mod.
  3. I could also see consistency with a 'magical' number and would spawn in 3 Vanilla zombies followed by 1 Archetypal zombie. Again the stutter would occur like clockwork regardless of how many Vanilla zombies split up the sequence. I also tried whatever Avatar Controllers and UMA modeltypes/physics remained and while some would spawn, the stutter remained and in some cases all animation was lost. I do not have access to A19 files any more, and will not download again to check, lol, but believe CrawlerSteve was the last remaining UMA type hybrid zombie which now has its own nice mesh covering. More experimenting ahead, but it's good to hear that the flaming attacks are working now though.
  4. After some testing, I have been able to replicate this stutter issue in SP pretty much at will. I was flying around in God Mode in the desert with F3 active to show what zombies were spawning. There were periodic stutters and Desert Male 3 was a common, but certainly not the only, connection. After mixing up the mods and testing out a variety of scenarios, here is what appears to be the issue. 1. All zombies built with the Archetype system are potentially causing periodic stutters when they are spawned. I could test this using F6 to spam spawn. It was common that the 5th to 7th spawn of the same zombie with an Archetype caused a stutter. This calmed down thereafter but was repeatable and occurred again as spawns went into double figures, but always on the 5th to 7th spawn in sequence. 2. This was also true for Snufkin Zombies Mod built with Archetypes but to a slightly lesser degree. This was replicated in both the enZombies Add On and Snufkin Zombies stand alone Mod. 3. Vanilla default Zombies were not causing this stutter and smoothly spawned way past 20. 4. Snufkin Zombies built around a default Zombie model were also not causing this stutter way past 20. If the above holds true, there is possibly an individual issue in the Archetype system causing this, as with what appeared to be more of a pattern with Desert Male 3, or it has become a general issue.
  5. Please update to the newest version in the download link, and these non critical warnings should disappear. They were just a few small things from A19 that needed removing or updating.
  6. Feel free to share your server i.p. address and I am good to pop in and take a look at the setup. It's in everyone's interests that such mods are working smoothly and optimised for a live server where netcoding and client side connections come into play.
  7. A quick check on the Loot Box Add On shows it needed one small change for an insertAfter prompt: <insertAfter xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier6complete']" > to tier5complete for quests.xml since it no longer exists. The second issue relates to an XUi controls.xml warning. Line 52: <rect depth="2" width="30" height="30" pos="0,0" visible="${visible|false}"> is not being accepted on this A20 update. I shall ask for input from modders who are accustomed to XUi for a potential alternative or rewrite. 2021-12-23T10:30:06 52.956 ERR [XUi] Control parameter 'visible' undefined (in: visible="${visible|false}") --- hierarchy: -> windows -> window (RedeemInfoPanel) -> rect (contentCraftingInfo) -> rect (ingredients) -> grid -> lootbox_ingredient (1) -> rect (row) -> rect FormatException: Value is not equivalent to either TrueString or FalseString. There are other things to update after this, such as the loot.xml to match new A20 formatting and they'll be done in sequence as things are resolved.
  8. Now that A20 has gone stable, and the feedback on weapons hasn't been a flood of issues to revisit, the Loot Add On is next on the list for updating.
  9. Thanks for digging, and good spot. This was an original weapon from Snufkin for the Snufkin Weapons mod and was kept as true to the original as possible for as long as possible. The mp5 firing and even model attachment data was kept in recent Alphas even though it lost its place in Vanilla, but the time has now come to replace it since it has been purged to make way for the pipe guns. There is a missing attachment feature for the mp5 but the tin can remains and makes the PP-19 what it is. There was the option for regular SMG audio and 'pipe_smg_fire' version for the new Pipe MG. The regular SMG has the best pitch and random variety to match the context and the PP-19 will be happy with that. For your reference, it follows regular SMG settings apart from the muzzle flash which retains pistol gunfire. <property name="Sound_start" value="smg_fire"/> <property name="Sound_loop" value="smg_fire"/> <property name="Sound_end" value="smg_fire_end"/> <property name="Sound_empty" value="dryfire"/> <property name="Sound_reload" value=""/> <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="gunfire_pistol"/> <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire_fpv" value="gunfire_SMG_fpv"/> I tested it at night, and it was a real magnet and things got busy very quickly, far beyond regular volume. This update has been pushed within the same download on the first page and we'll see over time if any other features were removed that need an alternative. Some of the patching up for A20 will leave the original creating wincing, but that's the way it is.
  10. There is a file in the PLUS version called entitygroups.xml. Editing this will allow you to remove certain zombies from being spawned. It governs the mod in two ways. The top section allows the PLUS zombies to spawn in regular gameplay specific groups and biome areas: ZombiesNight ZombiesAll ZombiesBurntForest SnowZombies ZombiesWastelandNightHard ZombiesForestDowntown ZombiesForestDowntownNight ZombiesDesertNight Within these groups you can see all of the PLUS zombies. If 'over the top' means a bit too intense then I recommend using the PLUS zombies but in the 'lite' version which can be found in the 'Server Admin Spawning Options' folder. If they are just too much for the way you play then continue to read on for how to remove them. There are 2 ways to remove PLUS zombies from these groups. 1. You can manually delete their whole line entry. For example, in the ZombiesNight group you can see '<entity name="Mittens" prob="0.1"/>'. You can simply delete this whole line from the xml code and Mittens will not be called for ZombiesNight. This needs to be repeated for every group. Many groups are pretty identical but there are some discrepancies so copy/paste for each group may not always be the best idea as Wendigo spawns less out of her natural environment. 2. You can comment out an entry so that it will remain in the list but not be called. To do this it is necessary to add !-- after the first angle bracket and -- before the last angle bracket. For example: <!--entity name="Mittens" prob="0.1"/--> If you don't switch to the lite version, then you can manually change the probabilities to how they are in the A19 Snufkin Zombies version as well so they emulate your current settings for the original Snufkin Zombies and should offer an identical experience. It is also possible for you to allow all or a select few of the PLUS Zombies to appear in a Biome such as the WastelandNightHard by leaving some open to be called while everywhere else has them removed from game play. And now for the bottom area which regulates the Horde Night settings based on Game Stage. You will see lonnnnnnnng lists of the regular and PLUS zombies in each of the Game Stages. Fortunately, an application like Notepad ++ allows batch deletion of all entities which are identical. For example, If you added all of this text into the Notepad ++ application in 'Search' > 'Replace' <entity name="HellBear" prob="0.1"/><entity name="HellBoar" prob="0.1"/><entity name="HellFlyer" prob="0.1"/><entity name="HellLion" prob="0.1"/><entity name="HellShocker" prob="0.1"/><entity name="HellWolf" prob="0.1"/><entity name="Mittens" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieMotorhead" prob="0.1"/><entity name="Paindeer" prob="0.1"/><entity name="SharkWFLB" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieGeistArcher" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieHisser" prob="0.05"/><entity name="zombieTipsySquatch" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieDirewolf" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieTipsyPinkSquatch" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieSnowBear" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombiePogo" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieRedOni" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieBlueOni" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieNavezganeSlasher" prob="0.1"/><entity name="MotherClucker" prob="0.1"/> And left the Replace with: area blank, and then selected 'Replace All', it will delete all of the entries the same as the above for the early Games Stages. You would need to repeat this a few times down the Games Stages as they change every 40 or so lines. This can be daunting if you are not familiar with this file, but is typically less than an hours work regardless of experience. Care is the biggest factor here. Once you have completed this and feel it matches the A19 experience, feel free to upload it for others to enjoy.
  11. A19 could use the older resourceSteelPolish icon and was kindly built in to the mod as a 'commented out' optional server side version. For A20 this icon has been removed. However, it is still possible to make a few edits to bring back that similar feature so it can remain server-side. I certainly like to use this mod when the Snufkin Zombies are installed at Warrior and above with BM damage above 100% since some of them can melt through regular steel. Here are the steps used to have an alternative icon and make it server side but keep within the context of Polished Steel. 1. Choose an icon from the 'SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\ItemIcons' folder which is a suitable alternative to the custom icon. I chose the oil because it has that bottle shape. 2. Replace the code in the items.xml from: <property name="CustomIcon" value="steelPolish"/> to <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceOil"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="25,140,255"/> <!--property name="CustomIcon" value="steelPolish"/--> in two places; steelPolish and steelPolishBundle. Save and play test. The image shows that the icon has been tinted to distinguish it from regular oil and possibly give it a more polished steel appearance. I made one more small update to the localization.txt file and changed from: steelPolishDesc,items,Item,New,"Box of Steel Polish that will produce bottles when opened." for the last entry, to: steelPolishBundleDesc,items,Item,New,"Box of Steel Polish that will produce bottles when opened." Buggi kindly released this mod in a timely fashion and it's for us to share this kind of feedback where a small update may be needed. There are a number of options to choose from for icons, such as the Acid or Kerosene containers, or anything else that fits your idea. The icon name in the icons folder will just be copied identically in the items.xml file based on what you want to use.
  12. Excellent. I understand you could delete/comment out the area of xml which was causing this issue.
  13. Thank you for testing and confirming as it's only really possible to validate on a community server. The first post download has received an update and push to incorporate 'medLow' as the default probability. And other Server Admin/Players will be able to see other possibilities in this thread if they prefer more or less.
  14. There are two other alternative versions to download and try in this thread.
  15. Here is how it looks after doing a mass supply crate spawn and checking how the inventory looked after collecting all of the loot. This is just from the test server which is exactly the same as a regular dedicated server set up but without the stress of load and player count. Some of those turret guards and pets are duplicates from different drops and it looks a little misleading, but all in all it balances out much better using the "medLow" setting and the approximate 1 in 3 chance. That 1 in 3 chance also has to be weighed up against the chances for other items. For example, food may have "low" chance, whereas armor pack may have "veryLow". The game will then need to calculate the chances of all 3 against each other and some items which are way up there on 75%. There is also game stage changes to consider as well. But yes, the current spawn chance of 100% and the predominance of Mods to often take priority is too much and players may not be able to get their glass beakers early on. See how it goes and what everyone thinks.
  16. Which version did you decide to use? Did you remove or change the logo code inside the windows.xml?
  17. Mmmmmm, I just checked how loot is handled for A20 and there appears to be a change from a numerical probability to a text based template. In addition, there is often a tendency that Mods are overly prioritised during the loot type process regardless of the probability being equal to other kinds of loot in the default game files. I wonder if you could try something before we make any permanent changes. This will provide decent feedback and play testing in your server which will be more populated and facing bigger stresses than anything done on the test server. In this mod, within the Config folder is a loot.xml file. This governs loot box containers such as the Air Drop box. It currently reads as: <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='34']"> <!-- Supply Crate General, the normal airdrop --> <item group="petanimals" count="1,3"/> <item group="turretguards" count="1,3"/> </append> in the bottom of the file. It is only a small file and contains very little code. We can add the new probability setting that appears in A20 and change this to: <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='34']"> <!-- Supply Crate General, the normal airdrop --> <item group="petanimals" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> <item group="turretguards" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> </append> This has added 'loot_prob_template="medLow" to the end of the regular code that governs what is dropped. The choices in the default game are: veryLow = 5% low = 20% medLow = 35% med = 50% medHigh = 63% high = 75% guaranteed = 100% Setting the Pets and Guards to drop at 35% gives approximately a 1 in 3 chance and makes it the exception but still enough to be noticeable. If you prefer not to try this manually, I can upload a test version in a whole mod which can replace your current mod and initiate on your next reboot. I wanted to show you it this way though as you will be able to fine tune it to low or greater probabilities as shown in the above list of choices. As this appears to be a new naming convention brought into A20, it will slowly trickle through to mods who may want to keep with the new format.
  18. @chikuwa I can also confirm that the download link in the first post of this thread contains a viable option for A20. And since you'll ultimately be translating to your local language, just having a working format is sufficient to model as the template for your own edits. In summary, you have 3 choices to choose from. One from the original author which was potentially supported by DanielHazmat but I can't be sure since the ModInfo retains just the original author names, as well as 2 English version updates; the first of which was kindly shared by ktrain and then a second latter version from zo_Onk.
  19. @chikuwa I can also confirm this version of the modlet, which appeared first in the thread, functions as expected with the original release but updated for the benefit of A20. @slimlong103 I really wish you well with the release of the update and hope it will be a smooth and seamless transition. While Snufkin hasn't visited the forum in quite a long time, the combination of your work on this mod has brought great value to server administration which we all appreciate a lot.
  20. My confirmation post was actually for the benefit of a non English speaker who is also reading this thread and contacted me via DM on Discord. This person is not quite sure what to download since the number of download links is growing. Sometimes things get lost in translation. I download the last version in the thread (as is common practice) regardless of the author simply to demonstrate to this non English speaker a viable option. It is in no way implying anything about what has been posted in the past. In fact, I do hope the original author and supporting authors will ultimately come to a common agreement on how this valuable mod will be released going forward.
  21. I can confirm this version of the modlet functions as expected with the original release but updated for the benefit of A20.
  22. Ah yes, I checked in the same place as Gouki in blocks, as well as a peek in painting.xml as well. I suggested 191 because TFP used it for steel inside the new gas storage containers. It actually looks very decent and has a decent reflection.
  23. Ahh yes. With the hunting rifle switched to a new model, it looks a bit different. It will take a little getting used to for aiming without mod scopes as it has the new aiming for the new model. It certainly still packs a punch though and has always been a favorite. Things like damage may have changed in A20 so feedback is very welcome on the Savery and any other while it's being fine tuned for A20.
  24. I believe that was the Metal Bollard. I tested it in A20 along with all weapons and it was able to loot, open, and all other interactions while holding it. It was tinkered with for A19 but was never able to allow interaction. For A20, it fixed itself without any need to try again. Possibly a change to collision in that model.
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