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Everything posted by arramus

  1. This question is answered in the post directly before your question. I shall also add the answer directly into the very first post because it is a common question since the original version is no longer updated.
  2. @EZ7 The Chicken Coops have received an update for both size and audio. The Coops have increased in size to match the one on the left. The audio drops off until you reach this distance (about 12 blocks) at which point the Coop cannot be heard. This will better allow players to select the distance from their base where the Coops are placed for those who prefer silence, a little ambient sound, or full volume.
  3. Correct, and this Mod is still a WIP for these elements for sure. I haven't questioned Oakraven's overall objective; whether these are just placeholders for the future, be it individual custom schematics or linked into existing Vanilla schematics. I do recall that using multiple cvars can cause the 'book' to remain looking unread as was experienced with an extended traps mod that linked 1 schematic to 4 types of possible trap. Time will tell on this, but feel free to test your own findings and report back what looks to be practical.
  4. Can you confirm that extracting the files hasn't double nested them? The ModInfo file should be inside the first 'primary' folder.
  5. And missing the progression unlock. The Pineapple chefs thank you.
  6. In the Config folder, you can find the entitygroups.xml. This file shows a list of: - What entities will spawn - Where and potentially when they will spawn - At what probability they will spawn. Simple deleting the whole line/area specific to the entity you do not want to spawn will remove it from appearing. The top half is for regular game play and there are not too many to remove. The bottom half is for Horde Night and does actually contain a lot but using an editor such as Notepad++ will allow you to remove large batches of text at any one time. The top half is a 5-10 minute activity. The bottom half depends on if you are familiar with batch deletions.
  7. To make your cities more dangerous, but still provide some redundancy for the Mushrooms, Plants, and Bee Logs, I think your own tweaks are sufficient and you can emulate the concept of Dangerous Cities with your own values to ensure out of the cities still gets its share. How about just adding an extra 1 entity to the maxcount for anything which suggests Downtown or DowntownNight in its spawning.xml name to start with and work your way up as needed. This will give you movement towards the fun of the Dangerous Cities Mod but still leave enough count to allow for outside of the cities. The Dangerous Cities Mod changes are very much about creating 'Urban Zombie Warfare' with the reduction in out of city spawning.
  8. If nothing is still spawning, attempt to decrease the respawn rate so it's even faster to: respawndelay="0.016" which should be every gameplay minute based on a 60 minute day cycle just for the purpose of testing. At least it will confirm it they are spawning or not.
  9. Yes, A20 cities are pretty dangerous these days with the new downtown tagging feature and high spawning.xml probabilities. An additional mod may not be necessary for that. I would recommend this setting for the Bee Spawns. Bee Spawns: <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Day" entitygroup="BeeLog" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="BeeLog" /> This will increase both how quickly they respawn within a given area. Lowering it from 3 to 1 increases frequency of spawning rather than overall amount. That will ensure you are not flooded with them. It has its very own spawning group for the Pine Forest. It means it has no competition from any other entities. Its only competition is the maxcount for the server. respawndelay is the most important thing here. For A20, the xml comments teach us that this delay is based on the day length for the server. Having respawndelay at 3 means the area will only spawn every 3 game days. The new downtown areas use counts such as 0.03 which is seconds to minutes depending on server day length and will be constant. I also believe that the area covered is about 50 blocks square for these respawns. This is based on testing a custom spawning.xml for the NPCMod. The same can be applied for the mushrooms. The same amount but quicker to respawn.
  10. If you wouldn't mind sharing how you finally got AOO to work, it would really help other players with the same issue follow your troubleshooting method. Even if it is a list of the whole process you followed for all of the months you tried, it will be valuable information because a player may be at one of those exact stages. I was very lucky in that manually creating a second instance of 7D2D just for AOO, and tagging it through Steam worked first time, every time.
  11. The warning is expected as the spawn method is rather unorthodox but we'll keep monitoring feedback to see how it goes. At present; Something spawns, then kills itself after a certain amount of time, to then spawn elsewhere. This makes it so there is always something out there but players will never be sure where. The concept was a dynamic environment where many interactions could be kept quite random. Ways to increase performance, should it cause issues are to: 1. Let them spawn in as they are now, but not allow them to self destruct and respawn. (This will keep them always appearing but locked to the same spot until a player finds them) 2. Place them in the decorations when the World is generated. (This will stop any warnings, but once they are gone, they are gone forever. At that stage, the hydroponic farming should be quite advanced though). The bee stumps and plants are classed as animals (snakes to be exact ^^) Since they are static once placed and do not need to use much resource, they should not cause too much overhead on the server. We can't be sure if they are classified as animals for spawning by 7D2D though as it may be linked to the class or the spawning group. That part of the code is hidden and it's going to be trial and error to find the best balance. For now, since they have the snake connection, it may be worth increasing the maximum animal count a little higher as those chickens and rabbits in A20 are really high probability spawners. These mods were originally made for A19 spawners but things changed a little since then. Queen bee collection is governed by the blocks.xml. The way to remember is, if you have to break it then it's usually blocks (like trees) but if you can access it (bee hives and chicks in the nest) then it's loot. Check OldBeeStump in the Bee Hives blocks.xml This is what happens as we manually break something with an axe. We can receive between 20 - 30 wood 100% of the time as we are breaking. We can receive 1 honey, 100% of the time once it is fully broken. We can only receive a Queen Bee 30% of the time once it is fully broken. These can easily be changed based on Server Admin preferences. <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceWood" count="20,30" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="foodHoney" count="1" prob="1"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="QueenBee" count="1" prob="0.3"/>
  12. For the wild plants, the Jalapeno, Turnip, Eggplant, and Strawberry should only appear in the Pine Forest in the day time. While the Pepper, Pineapple, and Tomato only appear in the desert for both day and night time. And the mushrooms only appear in the Pine Forest at night time. The warning WRN Invalid Layer Index '1' is caused by them spawning in as an animal and then changing to the log, plant, or mushroom. This is very experimental and if it causes performance issues, they may need to be changed to the same system the default tree logs use by being 'decoration' that is added on World generation. As for the bees, there is a 30% chance of harvesting one from a log. This was to give a small challenge to players, since once they are added to hives they will have an infinite resource.
  13. It is possible that the old version and new version are seen as separate items and are not happy about being updated on the same existing World. I tested the new version on a completely new World as I change Worlds a lot with new Mods constantly being loaded in and out of the game. Maybe you can delete/remove/destroy all older version items relating to the previous mod in the World itself as they are saved to the World data, and then replace them with the new version once that updated mod is added and you rejoin the World again. Replacing in Creative Mode/Menu is certainly appropriate for this occasion depending on your game style. This is a very experimental way of allowing things to spawn into the game. Things have a limited life span and are then spawned randomly elsewhere to keep the Biomes dynamic. However, if it is causing performance issues, then it may need to be set as static spawners so they do not have a limited lifespan. This will dramatically reduce this kind of warning as they will only be 'killed' when a player removes them. For the wild plants, the Jalapeno, Turnip, Eggplant, and Strawberry should only appear in the Pine Forest in the day time. While the Pepper, Pineapple, and Tomato only appear in the desert for both day and night time. And the mushrooms only appear in the Pine Forest at night time. I wonder if you are seeing none at all...
  14. These server side xml only changes allow the server to continue to run in EAC mode.
  15. Those 5 mods are the files to install in the server. I tested the full version and can't validate if the xml version is bug free but it should be identical apart from the custom assets. enZombies Robeloto Patch: zombieFreezer is renamed to zombieCold zombieRadRobot1 is renamed to zombieRobot zombieMPF is totally removed because it doesn't exist and there is no mention of it being renamed. I did not use the entityclasses.xml in the enZombies Patch and it is all commented out so it doesn't get read. If you use it, it will require renames and removals as well.
  16. The files are all posted in this area of the forum: Robeloto's are kept here. There are a variety of versions and the xml only one is appropriate if your server is server side only. And the enZombies are also linked in this forum. The enZombies creator will update the Patch for Robeloto's mod but until then it is necessary to do it manually by changing the name for two and removing one in the Patch entitygroups.xml. You will see the instructions in the enZombies thread.
  17. A few posts are coming over to the Snufkins related to the Robeloto Patch and this is for hosts/players to consider when using the enZombies patch. For the patch, players will need to: Change Radrobot1 from the entitygroups.xml to zombieRobot. Change zombieFreezer from the entitygroups.xml to zombieCold Remove zombieMPF from the entitygroups.xml. It may have changed names but there is no notification that stands out. There may be more updates but this was the minimum to launch/join with no warnings. Be aware that there are quite a lot of versions of this mod. The default one has custom assets for explosions and sounds. There is also an xml server side only version. If your players are getting errors and are unable to join, ensure they also have the Robeloto Mod in their Mod folder depending on which version you have opted to use.
  18. I am testing in a dedicated server. It required a few updates to get it working as follows: - Remove zombieRadRobot1 zombieFreezer zombieMPF from the Robeloto Zombie Patch because they are not being found. This information should be shared in the enZombies forum area. Ensure your friend has also installed the Robeloto Mod in their mod folder because it contains some custom resources for sound and effects. That is unless you are using the xml only version. When having these changes in place and the correct mod folders where necessary, starting and joining a dedicated server has been successful as the images below show. A mix of enZombies, Robeloto Zombies, and Snufkin Zombies. These were manually spawned in. My client game is showing no errors or warnings once those updates were added and I added the main version of Robeloto's to my client. I checked the server logs and couldn't find any errors. Ya, there is an XML only version of the Robeloto's in the download.
  19. Within this mod is a Config folder and within that is blocks.xml. It is possible to change the type of storage area that has been alloted for the storage containers to increase the slot size. At the moment, each type uses: <property name="LootList" value="storageCrate"/> storageCrate is the same size given to the non writeable and writeable storage crates at a size of 8 x 9 (72 slots). This is the maximum size for this type of storage. The largest storage container in the game is for the 4x4 vehicle. If you were to change <property name="LootList" value="storageCrate"/> to <property name="LootList" value="vehicle4x4Truck"/> for all entries in the blocks.xml then all of the crates would be given the larger size of 9 x 9 and at least increase the size from 72 to 81 slots. An extra 9 slots is pretty decent. Maybe you've come across the larger stacking mods where things can be bundled into larger amounts for storage, e.g. from 6000 wood to 32000 wood. One I particularly like is Reasonable Stack Size. All of the mods of this type are great, but this one doesn't add a blanket increase and considers each item carefully. This really helps to keeps things more efficiently stacked and reduce need for space. If these solutions are still not enough, the next step up from that would be to make a customised storage crate size. In the past, this could cause problems because different mods would sometimes share the same ID number. However, in A20, a fall back was added where it is given both a name and a number and this should stop any compatibility issues. From the developers comments in the code, it is possible to make 16 rows across. For the sake of the HUD, maybe 12 across and 10 down for that 120 slots would keep it looking decent. The easiest option is potentially a stack size mod like the Reasonable Stack Size or ones that give a blanket 10K, 20K, 32K type stack.
  20. I shall set up a standalone dedicated server with enZombies, Snufkins, Robeloto's, and the add on packs from enZombies. I shall remove the Robot1 from the add on pack enZombies for Robeloto as that entity does not exist in the current Robeloto build and see what errors it throws when I join. A20 Scorcher remains static with the attachments being fixed in place using buffs. It may be possible to create 2 Scorcher entities; one with the attachments and one without (and also no ability to throw flames with just melee ability). After the first Scorcher is 'killed' it may be able to downgrade to the second type of Scorcher without the flames and attachments. Once that one is killed, XP would be granted and Scorcher would be no more. 7D2D has the downgrade block feature as we see for wrenching vehicles and damaging blocks. Good luck to any modders who want to test this. ^^
  21. Here is a new Mod that provides players with Custom Storage that allows writing. There are currently 10 choices and they are all governed by a Variant Helper which allows the 'master' version to be changed into a choice of 10. Crates, cases, boxes, containers, shelves, and similar storage types. They allow for a large inventory and use the regular Writeable Storage Crate size. One recipe for the Oakraven Storage Types allows a choice of 10 types. These can be made on the player just as with regular Crates and Containers.
  22. It may just need dropping the outer values a little to keep things more balanced. After doing a fly over in God Mode on a new World it seems that spawning.xml is split into area sizes of about 40-50 blocks square. Did you do a KillAll while in the the city at night to see if it is still registering the existing values? Ya, A20 has certainly split things up. These were supposedly fixed in A18 but it could be linked to something new for A20. Players are seeing a lot of these warnings in the NPC Mod and it is possibly linked to the new crawling animation.
  23. This line is specifically for the Snufkin Zombies and is in addition to the default ones. It only suggests the Biome with no tag reference to the city or suburb tiles within that Biome as with a few others in the default list. It contains the Juggernaut and is a special feature and it may be best to keep those counts as they are. ^^ I don't know how many players are on the server but is it possible it is reaching max zombie counts and is locking others from spawning? The city centers are already set to see a high (constant) amount of zombies and just outside the city centers will also be quite high. More so at night. This was a new feature added by the Devs for A20 and I don't touch that in case players want to be able to complete quests without being overwhelmed by additional spawns flooding into the POI; especially in the Wasteland. I believe there was also a link to POI zombies where it would reduce those being spawned in the wild when quest zombies would spawn and wake up. I can't be sure if that is still connected or became independent.
  24. The type of chicken that is 'grown' from these Coops is a smaller type when compared with the actual game chickens. There is a chance that players will be able to receive this smaller sized version once the Coops have come to maturity. These smaller types were actually even smaller on the initial release and I suggested a slightly bigger version that could just get into the door ways of the smaller sized Coops and look a little closer in size to the game versions. This size was a compromise to keep them bigger than quails but small enough to give context to the Coop sizes.
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