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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Summary: This may be intended, or I may be misunderstanding if things are being called in another way, but I shall report it anyway based on inference. A groupQuestFarmPlotsT2 gives a questRewardFarmT3Bundle. Game Version: A20.2 (b2) Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: (Intel i7 10700K System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: AMD 5600 GT Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Video Settings: Default Load Out Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? No EAC on Status: NEW Bug Description: I was testing the potential to receive questRewardFarmT2Bundle but it has been elusive. I checked the loot.xml and see T2 group is rewarding T3 Bundle. <lootgroup name="groupQuestFarmPlotsT2" count="all"> <item name="questRewardFarmT3Bundle"/> </lootgroup> And the T3 group is also rewarding a T3 Bundle. <lootgroup name="groupQuestFarmPlotsT3" count="all"> <item name="questRewardFarmT3Bundle"/> </lootgroup> While the T1 group is rewarding a T1 Bundle. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: Any instance where groupQuestFarmPlotsT2 is called. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) questRewardFarmT3Bundle is received. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) I was expecting some potato.
  2. Yes, this observation really stands out. Regardless of the player's World, they are just doing their thing and paths will periodically cross for better or worse.
  3. Yes, the Baker is a very resourceful character.
  4. Just testing a mixed group of Bandits with some only melee, some only range, and others mixed. Getting the balance is fun and a run through with a 1:4 ratio for ranged felt comfortable. That may well change though as the NPC Mod continues to add more sophistication. Without sharing too much, so it doesn't ruin player's own run throughs, the muzzle flashes are awesome and still runs silky smooth. And the Bandits do not hesitate to keep you out of their territory. And with the random spawning, you just never know who is coming to greet you first. Plenty of fun with the NPC Mod Add On characters. And this will just add another layer to Vanilla default game play. We'll have our regular Zombies going up in Game Stage for Fetch, Clear, and Power Up, as well as the chance to do all of that with the NPC Mod Add On characters. And with NPC interaction comes the chance to expand with NPC Mod specific Quests. What Vanilla has provided so very well with A20, can be integrated and expanded.
  5. I can confirm that after updating a dedicated server that I play on, to the most recent experimental build, I was able to manufacture an Ammo and Mining Bot on the Workbench, place them, add tools, and start to manufacture and mine without any NRE warnings. Create Place Produce Mine All I can suggest, as with any change to Mods since load order changes may also change internal ID numbers of blocks/items, it to test it on a totally new World and see if the same error persists. As with my attempt in the earlier post, I was able to successfully install and run the Auto Workstations with all of the main SMX Add Ons, on a new World.
  6. There are a nice variety of Bandit type entities in the Add On packs, and it seemed fitting to create a Bandit Settlement out in the Wilderness which can be RWG'd to any Biome. This settlement is just getting some detail and will then be populated for play testing. The dynamics are very different when setting up a POI for ranged hostiles. ^^ Out in the snow Biome. And the darker Wasteland/Burnt Forest. And thanks to @MichaelL. for allowing O.D Hugh Manatie Dirigible POI to become a main feature of the compound.
  7. I believe this was reported a few posts back, and has possibly been addressed.
  8. Here is a small update download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2022Feb02 This update adds 'Hammer Spammer'. A Thor type entity who carries an electrified Hammer which can shock players. This entity was inspired by ShoudenKalferas' plan to incorporate Dwarf characters into the White River - Tools of Citizenship Quests. Hammer Spammer is a tall, and pretty fast entity, with brute power. Best to steer clear until you are ready. Receiving a shock.
  9. If you visit the entitygroups.xml you will see a variety of groups. Any group which does not say night, is predominately or totally daytime spawning. Delete all of those and keep the ones that specifically have night in the title. If you deleted every line from Line 60 to 175 and 220 to 273 that will remove a whole heap of day time spawners.
  10. Since it was not possible to update the Loot Box Machine using the A19 features, here is a simpler version for A20 without any background images or sophisticated coding. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-LootboxAddon-A20-2022February01 Introduction: The Loot Box Add On requires the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod to funtion. It is an Add On mod that brings an additional expanded feature as follows: - Add Green, Yellow, Red, and Purple tickets to various kinds of loot. - Adds a Loot Box Machine (a regular Vending Machine that can be constructed on the Workbench). - 10 tickets of the same colour can be traded for Loot Box of the same colour. - Tickets are found based on their rarity with Level 1 - 4, namely Green, Yellow, Red, and Purple. - Corresponding Loot Boxes contain weapons of varying strength, also from Level 1 - 4 to match the ticket rarity. - Tickets can be upgraded to the next level on person or on the Workbench, e.g. 10 Green Tickets can be crafted to make a Yellow Ticket. Here are a few images to show how it works. Find a ticket in a variety of locations (safes, treasure, and zombie loot bags). Higher level tickets are found in higher level locations such as Gun Safes and Boss Loot Bags. Bring the ticket back to a Loot Box Machine. Craft/Exchange your ticket for a Loot Box of the same corresponding colour. A clear description of what can be received is displayed in the description area. Open the Loot Box and receive your new weapon from one of the suggested weapons in the description. There is equal probability to receive any of the weapons listed. On this occasion, it is the Turret Auger. Here we upgrade 10 Yellow Tickets to 1 make Red Ticket. And it Crafts/Exchanges to a Red Loot Box which in turn becomes a Tier 6 Black Widow.
  11. @Infringed Download: https://github.com/arramus/A20SnufkinPartyPackStarterKit A small collection of items to start players on their journey in Snufkin Land. Weapon and Tool levels used to be randomly assigned. This is no longer possible in A20 and everything will start out at Level 1. These items will allow players to survive the first few days by quickly completing the Tutorial, easily making their way to the first trader, and completing those initial quests until better loot can be found. The items can be manually edited in the items.xml for type and quantity.
  12. And the direct link to the location where the current version is held is here: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2021Dec07 The starter party pack. Let me make a new one to match A20.
  13. Yes, there is. An updated link is provided in the very post first of this thread.
  14. You are very busy. I won't do anything because maybe there will be questions about it later and it will make you busier. Players will find your link if they use a word search.
  15. A small update to the 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion to bring them into pretty much all areas. They have been added to a few selective 'abandoned' vanilla POIs (renamed to keep vanilla ones safe) which can't be quested, a couple of questable versions, and one sample version which serves as a spider monument. This ensures they can be encountered all over the world at various degrees.
  16. Here are 5 types to chose from. I don't know how many you are looking for but feel free to use them all or as you need. I shall send them your way. And scaling.
  17. Let me check what we have here. Players will need to go to Creative Menu to obtain these items as they are not found in any loot locations. And I understand your comment about Level 6 weapons being rare items. Credit to Snufkin for the Loot Box Add On, and thank you for bringing us this option. It seems that Server Admin could add them to a Player Vending Machine and sell them, or give them away as 'Prizes'. That can be an interesting feature for many servers. Maybe you can rename your file to 'A20-LootBox-CreativeMenu-egik152' and we can link to it in the first post?
  18. I can certainly get this started. A Dwarf, or a Norseman of lower than average stature, I do not know. He packs a punch regardless.
  19. And the fix? Rename AutoBots folder to TheAutoBots. This will load the Bots after the SMX Mods because they are loaded in alphabetical order. Remember this for any other mods you would like to install with SMX features.
  20. Yes, it is unfortunate. I hoped this was fixed for A20 since the machete could also cause this issue in A19. It now seems to have got worse and is something we shall monitor for future updates.
  21. Here's the updated A20 version thread for the Autominers/AutoBots. See how it gets on with SMX assets. Things have changed a little though with Ratches and Augers being replaced for forge tools which also bring their own benefits. If you prefer another style, also with updated features, then you can find an A20 version made by @magejosh discussed in the same thread and the links are all still working for his downloads.
  22. A small update has been added to the download that removes the Perk Deep Cuts from the Brainsaw. This is the perk that is causing the issue and the higher your Attribute/Skill related to this, the more it should happen. There are two ways to update. Install the updated version in place of your current version. It is a simple removal of one tag in the items.xml for the Brainsaw and will not cause any issues on the server/World. The update name remains the same. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A20-2021December17 or, go to your items.xml and look for the Brainsaw. Remove the ,perkDeepCuts entry and save. Notice the little comma at the front has also been removed. <property name="Tags" value="melee,weapon,heavy,tool,motorTool,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,perkDeepCuts,brainsaw,canHaveCosmetic"/> The Brainsaw really doesn't need this Perk Buff as the zombies are not around enough to bleed out anyway. At least cutting down trees and other highly functional actions will be a daily part of survival again with the constant loss of blood.
  23. This is not intended. The settings are the same as for A19 except for the model update to match the new Chainsaw. It took me 30 minutes to replicate the issue and that was only after using another weapon prior to the Brainsaw that has also been demonstrating some weird knockback and burn features when hitting an entity. I began on Day 2: 11:44 in a 60 minute day cycle. I cut all manner of blocks and entities without issue. 14:03 and was getting close to 10 minutes. I then switched weapons to something I know has been troublesome. The incinerator from Wasteland Mod which I shall share about with the creator. My shot was direct and reflect the damage on me. I let myself bleed/burn out for a respawn. On respawn I started to cut a stop sign and received the bleed buff from the Brainsaw. I then left and rejoined, which resolved the issue. Both of these weapons have a 'buff' where the Brainsaw causes bleedout and the Incinerator causes the burn. These buffs have been assigned to hurt the non player recipient but are hurting the player directly. It wouldn't surprise me if this issue was also seen in the machete and other weapons that have such buffs. It was a slight issue in A19 with the machete from time to time for sure. This appears to be a Vanilla issue and I cannot report it for the Brainsaw or Incinerator because they are mods even though they are using the buffs as intended. It is only if we see this occur with molotovs, the regular chainsaw, and other tools/weapons that we can report it. I shall share this issue with the Wasteland creator as his experience is greater. It is an issue that comes and goes and is very hard to predict. However, this would certainly not be built into the Brainsaw as standard because it would be annoying and make it rather useless.
  24. This version has A20 attributes, and checking the Darkness Falls link shows the public release is currently at A19.6. Saying that, there there may well be an A20 version being supported for Discord community members. It would be hoped the DF community took the lead on testing compatibility, which would include maintaining updates and any related issues.
  25. The Spider Colony Expansion Mod Pack has just been updated with a couple of Prefabs. One is an overhaul of Cave_04 from Vanilla game play at Tier 3. The second one is a Tier 5 Spider's Nest. Rather large and would benefit from 2+ NPC support depending on your level, etc. It's a Wilderness tagged POI and will head into any Biome that supports it. The Pine Forest. And desert. Should spice up spider interactions.
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