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Everything posted by arramus

  1. The name of the POI is house_old_victorian_03. The issue came at about 85% complete and was in an upper area the Mantis really shouldn't be able to get to with the closed doors and external scripted path routing. Attacks were not causing the visual disturbance buff typically associated with the Mantis, either. These entities were fast all the time and it seemed to fit with the new Mutated zombies. The only audio was the sound of impact strikes from melee which also matched the Mutated zombies for speed. Certainly not ruling out the Cop though as they can be fast when they want to be. I was at GS136 at the time.
  2. Correct, there is an 80% chance the trader will be male. As far as I experienced, the Trader is a tangible known entity (typically the nearest) that we collect the Quest Reward from. I'm not sure what is imaginary about that. The value of that 20% variable is subjective and perhaps I just put a little more emphasis on it than others which means there can be no overall consensus and it'll be left to ShoudenKalferas to decide.
  3. There is always a risk that a mod added to an existing World, that is already running other mods, can replace an item from one or more of those other mods. For example, a custom weapon from a mod can change into a decorative stove. As such it is recommended to start a new World. However, it is not always practical to do that if players have put in a lot of time and effort to build their level and base. To minimise the risk, if you do decide to add this mod, it is good practice to ask all players to empty their player inventories into a storage box before the server is restarted with the new mod. If they see something is strange with their items, the Admin can always replace it. If there is a strange item that can't be removed from the storage box, then all the other items can be removed and the box can be destroyed. A20 did introduce a new system for loot containers where they can fall back on a name rather than an ID number so the Chicken Coop, Rabbit Trap, and Mushroom Planter shouldn't cause any issues for compatibility. It's just that a modded molotov cocktail may turn into rabbit feed. One more way to minimise risk is making sure this mod loads last. If you rename the folder to ZOaks_Pets_and_Guards with a Z at the front, it will load last since they load in alphabetical order and hopefully be assigned ID numbers that come after those already existing. And should it all work out well for you, if you do choose to install it, you can do the same for any other mods you choose to add thereafter such as Z for the first. ZZ for the second, and so on. A Server Admin (Dre) experimented with this in the past very successfully. ll the best with your choice. ^^
  4. The first sentence can be 'he' for sure as it can specifically be a male doctor and an imaginary person as per the creator's intent. The second sentence 'He is willing to....for your assistance gathering supplies for the doctor.' He in this context is the Trader, and if that Trader on that occasion is Jen, then maybe it shouldn't specifically mention gender.
  5. Click on the little red X mark on the top right side of each pin tag.
  6. I had that odd entity issue today whereby an entity is invisible but they are happily attacking the player. It began with an NRE which I thought was related to the previous post, but it only flashed up once. I took a screenshot at that occasion. That's when the invisible entity attacks began and they were vicious. One tell-tale sign though was the spitting. I was really chewing on the Health Packs here to learn more about what was going on. Here the door is being broken down by the invisible entity (or possibly two). And more of the spitting. Something about entity52912 and 52913. I don't recall an enZombie that spits acid and it could well be a Vanilla issue if remove and append settings are all looking good. I gave up on this quest soon after as completion was dependent on that ghost.
  7. Much appreciated! I tested the Pin Recipes Mod along with Khaine's food and water mod as well as the 60 backpack inventory slot mod which both append XUi and these limited changes had no negative impact on the Pin Recipes Mod. Pinning the Tutorial list and checking for compatibility with 2 very popular Quality of Life mods. Moving to the next pin list in preparation for interactions. And an after thought for the first Horde Night. It is also a nice touch to see the count down on required resources as with the molotov gas requirements.
  8. A nice find. I tend to let these go because localising can be such a tedious chore, but since you've started on this one, here is a possible rewrite including your find: - Remove gender association to reflect Jen (should she also be party to this quest) - General grammar/clarity/punctuation (full stop at the end). The trader mentioned a settlement doctor in need of ingredients to make first aid bandages, but is too busy treating the injured to be able to collect them. The trader is willing to offer you Gupta's first aid bandages in exchange for your assistance in gathering supplies for the doctor. Gather 10 aloe leaves + 10 cloth fragments + 10 bandages. I really like this quest because it allows a nice stash of healers to face off against Wendigo and some of the more challenging quests as we progress.
  9. The original version gives them a 25% chance to be chosen, but some of the original zombies are at 100% and it kind of averages things across many of them. Playing on a new World will also make it seem there are a lot more of them as well until you travel around the map a little. The Lite version is only from 5-10% with the most difficult ones being 5%. This is much nicer to start with. If you feel there are too few after the map is open, you can always install the default version. Explaining how to apply the 'Lite' version is in the ReadMe. It is a 10 second task but is easier to share with you your very own version on this occasion to avoid any misunderstandings. https://www.dropbox.com/s/etziwo5tnnfyi2b/VP_SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A20_2021Dec07.zip?dl=0 Let me know once you have downloaded it and I shall remove it.
  10. That's kind of you to say, @oakraven will appreciate that a lot.
  11. A tweak with the 0-XNPCCore settings and potentially Darkstardragon's SoldierPack or farm yard animals will now be able to play together with Oak's for players who prefer to expand beyond. Oak's Pets and Guards will remain a server side only mod, and just as with any overhaul, integration to the receiving mod to accept an additional modlet is a good first point of call. Thank you for taking the time to tinker with that magejosh in the way you always do so well. Players can always further integrate back into Oak's for the updated Core Entity Class at their leisure.
  12. Here is a link to the A20 version of the Snufkin Zombies PLUS. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2021Dec07 There are instructions inside the mod 'ReadMe' on how to use a 'Lite' version which will make them spawn less during regular game play. Here is the thread which you can post questions about the mod if the instructions are difficult to follow.
  13. The guards are made around an entity just like the zombies rather than the turrets. As such they are not connected to the player for rewarding Exp. The Exp was turned off so that players would have no incentive to shoot them and gain Exp that way as it could cause a lot of server grief. To be rewarded XP for the Guard kills would require integrating them into a system like the Automated Turrets. Sorry about that.
  14. Just to double check the combination of 42 mods, including some C# mods on the server I am currently playing in which uses Oaks, is not causing any major issues for the Guards. There is a Snufkin Hisser snake just below which is built in as an Add On for the enZombies, and the Turret Bandit Guard is keeping is subdued with a regular volley of shots. I went down to finish it off soon after.
  15. We've all seen that UMA type entities based on the archetypal system have some interesting physics and ragdolls. We can also see there is a correlation for damage where actions which cause more damage increase the ragdolls effect. Just to clarify that in a specific demonstrations, here are 3 scenarios with the following setup. 1. All enZombies have seen their HP reduced to only 10% of normal. This is to support a low damage weapon. 2. 3 identical weapons are being tested. The T3 Sniper, however: - One is low powered and 10% damage of default - One is default. - One is high powered and 1000% damage of default 3. In addition to base weapon damage, the ammo type will have the greatest impact. In this test, 7.62mm ammo has been used as follows: - One is low powered and 10% damage of default - One is default. - One is high powered and 1000% damage of default Here are images to demonstrate how this effected the weapon specifications and the result. The enZombies level 6 low powered sniper at 9.4 Ranged Damage. The default level 6 low powered sniper at 95 Ranged Damage. The enZombies level 6 high powered sniper at 956.5 Ranged Damage. And the associated ammo which is where the real power comes from. The enZombies low powered 7.62 at 4.7 Ranged Damage. The default 7.62 at 47 Ranged Damage. The enZombies high powered 7.62 at 470 Ranged Damage. And the enZombie candidates. Abobo (enZombies enBiker1) with health reduced to only 10% to allow the low powered sniper to be effective. Their health values were 30, 28, and 31 from left to right due to a random feature. The lower powered enZombies sniper rifle completed the task with gentle ragdoll effect and the entity dropped cleanly. The default sniper rifle completed the task with what we are accustomed to and the ragdoll effect was more noticeable than a default entity. The high powered enZombies sniper rifle completed the task with an exacerbated ragdoll effect and the entity dropped somewhere about 100 blocks or so in the distance. I am pointing in the direction he landed. Just to demonstrate that again from another angle. As weapons receive mods, increase in level, and receive stronger ammo, the ragdoll will receive its force. If your server has up-modded ammo/weapons then expect similar effects to the high powered sniper/ammo. My earlier visit to a server which delights in such mods. This is the pipe rifle and showed about 200 Ranged Damage. One potential way to reduce the ragdoll is to decrease ammo damage and entity HP proportionally so it could potentially be as balanced as usual but with a reduction in ragdoll. This would require quite a lot of resetting of values though. It may be possible to buff the damage so that the value is the same but the effect is reduced but that would require a modder with deeper knowledge of the xml capabilities.
  16. I tested spawning all of the entities in the image exactly as it says there just before each warning appeared and they could spawn without issue. I wonder if you can share which building you entered and what other mods are being used and if there were any other warnings before these for other issues such as cntvehiclesedan type warnings.
  17. I'm glad you mentioned the animal guards because that offered a big hint that something seems to be putting them into a passive state where they need to be attacked first. The animal guards are usually verrrrrrry aggressive and will disappear before you can even acknowledge a zombie is coming towards your base. In this image, the dog is chasing a Coyote and it is so far out of range that it will not show up well in this image. They are just to the right of a boulder (left of the small Oak tree in the middle) In this image, a few dogs are set down. Some soldier are released about 40 blocks out. I took a shot at them to attract their attention and at about 20 blocks out the dogs started to go wild. They have a sight range of 30 but on a dedicated server begin to activate from about 20-25 as the processes activate. I have only tested Oaks Pets and Guards with enZombies and Snufkins. The Snukins server is purely server side mod. The enZombies server is using some C# mods and custom content. It is using 42 Mods and was more until the server admin combined a few to reduce the load. None appear to impact on NPC behaviour or conflict with the Oaks Pets from what I can see so far.
  18. I agree with this and have seen it's not only limited to melee weapons but also projectiles and explosives. I am playing on a server where the weapon damage is clearly modded higher and a headshot using the pipe rifle is launching zombies high into the air and far away, whereas fist fights are comparatively gentle and their ragdoll is only 2-4 blocks. The server admin really likes this though and mentioned in an earlier post they do not want it removed. ErrorNull will certainly be aware of this as when Version 1.0 was first launched a few images were shared of this effect using pipe grenades, rockets, and a combination of other armaments. They were launched so high that they would appear to hit ceiling height and disappear without falling back to the ground. But yes, if there is a way to implement a buff where the UMA type entities take the damage but see a large reduction in the associated ragdoll, it can be a workaround, and an optional choice for those who prefer it toned down a bit. Yes, players can either exploit this situation as they often get stuck, or adapt for the nuances of A20 and fill the gaps. It's still learning stage for sure.
  19. I am trying to test a number of scenarios the Turret Guards will be faced with including being approached and attacked to see if I can experience the same where they remain absolutely passive. I started with a simple tower type structure and released a batch of zombies. The Turret Guards, with only Oakraven for this occasion as that was the one mentioned, do not really like shooting down 'hallways' or enclosed areas but open areas and closer proximity do not seem to be too much of a problem for them. Even though they do not like those enclose areas, the guard at the back is firing as the muzzle flash shows. Here is the Oakraven facing off against a few lab entities. He is responsive and will be overwhelmed but is taking a few along with him before then. And a duo is able to hold off a similar amount. I have not been able to replicate a scenario where Oakraven would remain passive and not attack at the moment. Sure, when there are walls and other obstacles that effect like of sight it can have a big impact. It may well be the same with terrain as on the tower structure the left side, when looking up the structure was not as responsive when Oakraven was on a small platform while the right side was much more responsive. The only difference was the uneven and possibly higher terrain level in the left side. I also tried a mix of Turret Guards to look for different behaviour patterns but couldn't see anything that stood out. This was a mix of Turret Guards and the Oakraven at the front with the muzzle blast seems to be responsive from this range and field of vision. Overall, close proximity attack was working, distance attack with a very clear field of view was sometimes tooooo effective, and towers with straight walls reduced their effectiveness. This was tested on a dedicated server before and during Blood Moon to increase the server stress. I'm willing to join your hosting to experience the situation you saw if you would like to set up and share your IP.
  20. Here is an update to Oak's Pet Animals and Guards. https://github.com/arramus/Oaks-Pet-Animals-and-Guards-A20-2022Jan01 Updates include: 1. The Chicken Coop and Rabbit Trap have been returned to the loot box system where items ready to 'harvest' can be collected in the same way as other storage containers. However, the Rabbit Trap has been upgraded to collect a variety of seeds. Rabbits carry seeds in their fur and paws and there is a small probability that something will be found when a rabbit is trapped. On this occasion, 2 rabbits were trapped. After collecting from 40 Rabbit Traps, here is a break down of finds. 39 rabbits and a collection of seeds. This stays close to the original 1 rabbit per trap with the extra bonus on top. 2. 4 new guards, testing out a slightly different spawning system. Both systems will work together very well and we'll monitor if either is superior in A20. The new guards are Darkstardragon, JoJo, Lezabel, and Oakraven. In addition, all guards have also been given a number to help with player trading. 3. This update introduces a new farming feature: Mushroom Planter. The Mushroom Planter is placed in the same way as the Coop and Trap. It requires a Mushroom Starter made of Mushroom Mycelium to get things started. Once the mushrooms are ready to be harvested there will be a small net gain which may include a new mushroom 'seed' to make your next starter. Even if it doesn't have a seed, you will have enough mushrooms to make a new 'seed' and have something left over for cooking. Place the Mushroom Planter Add your Mushroom Mycelium Harvest when ready. Other changes include: - Reduced Rabbit and Chicken Feed requirements to reflect A20 challenge increase. - Reduced Chicken Coop collection from 60 minutes to 40 minutes to reflect abundance of Chickens and Eggs in the wild. As always, your feedback will be appreciated. If you are going to upgrade from a previous version to an existing World, the addition of the new Mushroom Planter and new guards can cause existing inventory to be replaced. It is recommended to start a new World or clear you player inventory of any Oak's Pets and Guards assets.
  21. I have visited a variety of servers that mention 'mods' in their description and quite a few seem to be using the A20 version as standalone or combined with the enZombies. If A19 was anything to go by, some server admin will combine Robeloto's, enZombies, and the Snufkins all at the same time. I rarely see servers mention Snufkin Zombies specifically by name these days unless we visit their Discord where all mods are listed in full.
  22. It's always going to be a tricky one since there are only limited options available for tweaking the ragdoll effects. In A18 it was less pronounced but with A19 came an expanded ragdoll feature which exacerbated what we see now. It also feels like playing on a dedicated server further increases it from what I've experienced. We've tinkered with mass, weight, the physics you have edited, and anything else that seems to connect but without any real success. The only definitive solution is to set <property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/> to "false" in the entityclasses.xml. They'll go through the motions of all other animations, but their ragdolls will be gone and their death animation will be like a suspended animation on an invisible crucifix.
  23. The (A20) Snufkin Weapons Xpansion has been pushed to stable since feedback was positive. A few small updates to loot locations and probability to match A20 formatting, as well as an audio update for an issue found by @TiLath for the PP-19 Bizon and a great suggestion from @AndrewT to update the Railgun to its most natural model type using the Dragunov, which was always its natural partner, were changes presented during the experimental push. The download link remains the same as it allows dynamic updates. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A20-2021December17 @magejosh has kindly offered to look at the Loot Add On Box in more detail and as soon as it's release ready, it will be bundled into the weapons mod as an optional addition to servers. Thank you for the valuable suggestions and observations to keep the mod thriving.
  24. I haven't heard back from Snufkin, but this is a necessary update more than just a cosmetic update and it has been integrated into the main link version. I'll switch it over to stable now as beyond a few more cosmetic updates in the future, it has been functional without any warnings. The Railgun was added before the Dragunov appeared and it may well have originally been the weapon of choice.
  25. Thank you magejosh. I got to the stage of using a less complex visible="${visible|false}" to visible="false" just for testings but it seems the $ (selector value?) may be necessary.
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