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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. It only costs 6 stone to make a new one, so it's not a great loss.
  2. Read the patch notes for each update. It will tell you if a wipe is advised. For the most part though, assume every update requires a wipe. Unstable Experimental is NOT for long-term saves. It is for play testing and reporting bugs.
  3. You will likely need to wipe the server multiple times during experimental, and again when it goes to Stable. This is an unstable build, that is not intended for long-term play. Only opt-in if you intend to do bug testing and reporting.
  4. I believe that it's merged into Wasteland now.
  5. It will probably work, but you're also probably going to have issues due to changes. You are recommended to clean slate for updates during experimental, and for when Stable drops. You may also have to wipe for a .1 or .2 release.
  6. When you update this for a20, would it be possible to also make an all-in-one version. I can understand having the separate modlets, but when you're already running a number of mods adding an additional 20 is enough to push it over the edge and tank server performance. I have one I slapped together for our groups server, but I made a number of other changes to it as well, so it's not really fit for posting.
  7. We've always self-hosted. Have two servers up currently. One is Navezgane, and the other is the 10k pregen. They will be available for gameplay and bug reporting throughout experimental.
  8. The login splash screen does. I have not tested the inventory window.
  9. no. It has infinite ammo. it never runs out.
  10. Time to share your seeds again!Please postSeed name : Biome adjustment settings : Screenshot : Number of traders if known : You can find out details on POI and trader placement via this tool. Please not that this thread is NOT for discussion of Nitrogen/KingGen. This is for seeds using the in-game RWG mixer. Also note that it is helpful to provide the full selection menu options used when creating the seed as they will change the layout.
  11. Yep. I argued this for a while, but three days honestly does not make that much of a difference. You shouldn't be concerned with using mods on an experimental release anyway. Wait until after Stable is out.
  12. Ok, a few things going on here. 1. The game only supports 8 players. 2. Even in testing with extreme hardware, having more than 30 players will corrupt data and cause sync issues. For your hardware, you shouldn't be above 20. 3. 99% of game clients and dedicated server processes only utilize a single core. 7 Days will often use up to 4, but 95% of the processing is done on the main thread which is on one core. 4. Setting the max zombie count higher than 90 will break server performance. Especially when it comes to the AI managing entities. 5. This is a voxel game, your storage is your weak point. In my extreme test I had a full array of Optane drives pushing 45Gbps R/W. The max speed of your single SSD is almost a tenth of that. The more players you have moving around, the more data is being written to, and read from your drive. Most rented servers are using a pair of high-end NVMe drives in RAID. For our groups servers, we're using a set of four drives in RAID. Max player count is set to 20, and we've been running up to ten servers on this configuration for years without an issue. 7 Days is not an MMO. It's made for small group co-op. You need to lower your player count, and lower your max zeds.
  13. You can get all these things via the console using debug and creative modes. God mode removes all debuffs and heals you. There is a developer gun that instant-kills entities and has infinite ammo. There are mod items for speed and super-jump, but it's easier to just hit H and adjust the speed as you like it.
  14. You will need to wait until the overhaul mod is updated to the current build. Usually that can take a week or two. And really, a20 Stable is still a bit out. Monday's release is going to be an opt-in only unstable test build for people to use for testing and reporting bugs. It is not advised for regular gameplay, modded or vanilla. It may be that the mod author will opt into this unstable release, and use the information in it to prep their mod for when a20 goes Stable. Then they'll only be out of the loop for a few hours, instead of a few weeks. Lastly, if you still want to play your mod and it's not ready for a20 yet, you an lock into a19.6 and continue to play it with the current version of the mod.
  15. I used to have one for my avatar. Should dig that up again.
  16. Yeah, will need logs. I'm guessing corrupted save, but hard to say. If you can see the main menu screen, it's not likely a driver issue.
  17. I can see TFP maybe extending multiplayer to 12 or 16 players with some server optimizations. I don't see it going any higher though as this is not a game designed to support massive player counts. It's designed for small group co-op.
  18. You know, they should have just stuck to their guns and left it at Halloween. Even if it is a whole buncha months away.
  19. This would be a feature provided by a server API tool. I personally prefer to use CPM and the POI restrictions than the old region reset method, but there are several tools available. They are Pinned in the Multiplayer section of the forum.
  20. 1. This is an English-Speaking forum. Your posts are required to be in English. 2. Most likely a mod conflict. Next time use Pastebin. Instructions are Pinned.
  21. You can find his ID by looking him up in Steam, using a service like SteamID.io, or checking the log when they attempt to connect to your client. He can also look it up himself by simply checking his Steam account information. Example... Right there below my name is my Steam-64 ID number.
  22. Here is the actual error. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 _chunkViewDim) [0x0005d] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 at NetPackagePlayerId.ProcessPackage (World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback) [0x00000] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection, ClientInfo _clientInfo) [0x000c4] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x00109] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 (Filename: <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8> Line: 0) Looks like the player data file is corrupted. Find their files in the players folder (found by Steam-64 ID), back them up, and then delete them.
  23. The post had instructions to use Pastebin even. >.< I'm sorry, but is reading really that hard? You didn't open up access to the file either. Just follow the instructions. It's not rocket science. You simply need to be able to read and understand basic middle-school English. I suppose if reading is hard, you're one of those people that need a YouTube video to know how to do anything? That's fine. I've got you covered. Honestly, we could probably have had an answer for you 24 hours ago if you had just read and followed the instructions in the first place. There is a reason those topics are Pinned at the top of the forum. We really do want to help, but you need to be able to help yourself first.
  24. Put it in the bottom slot, and it should be fine.
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