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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. I think the command still works, it's just held to the same constraints as the slider. The theory is that this was done to a. stabilize performance for bug reports, and b. to curb the ability to look through the underground to some extent.
  2. Again, you have the wrong version of the mod installed. You fix it by installing the correct version. Mod version, and client version must match. You've most likely got the 18.2 version of the mod, and the 18.3 version of the client.
  3. Part of what you guys fail to realize is that the grand majority of the money you spent on the console version did not go to The Fun Pimps. It went to TellTale, who ♥♥♥♥ed things up and put the console port into the situation it is in. Then on top of that, TFP went and spent the small percentage of money they had made on the console, PLUS some of the development funds for the PC version, just so they could get the rights back so you would have some hope of something in the future. And you have the audacity to sit here and blame TFP for something they had little control over. You guys sure have a hard time facing reality. What would you do if TFP just said "♥♥♥♥ it" and shut this entire section of the forum down? Then culled any further discussion on the Console port, and told you to just deal with the fact that TellTale ♥♥♥♥ed you over. No, instead they have asserted that though it is not financially feasible to continue working on the ♥♥♥♥ed up version you were given by TellTale, they do intend to continue with a new release after they are actually done making the game. You are a wholly ungrateful lot, and this discussion is most definitely over. All you do is parrot the same crap every few posts and ignore the reality of things.
  4. We're at 6 and a half years, and 5-7 years in the industry standard for AAA companies with hundreds of developers working on a project. This is a small indie company with a handful of developers designing a game far outside the scope of what anyone else will even consider. None of you have any idea of the actual costs of development, or what actually gets returned to the devs from store sales. Don't pretend you have any ideas on development either.
  5. It will still cost millions of dollars. We've had this discussion already. First, TFP has to strike a new contract with IG. This will require lawyers, and several months of deliberation. Just this alone will cost a few mil. Second, IG will need to resume work on the port. Do they have the same team members that worked on it before? If so that will be easier. Otherwise they will almost be starting over from scratch. Just to finish the current build that was almost ready for release will take several months, and will cost several million dollars. Then once that happens, do they continue? Do they just drop it there? These kinds of things would have been negotiated back in the first step. It does not make sense to spend several million dollars just to release a patch though. Which leads us to the other issue... Say they decide to continue and work into aligning the console to the final build. This is going to take a couple of years, and won't be released until after TFP have finished the original PC game. (This is really the next step, because after finishing the next update, any new updates hat aren't hotfixes for current code would require a new save.) The issue with all of this is that it will break current saves. Both Sony and Microshaft have a rule set against this. So they would be unable to update the current version without designing a new process for keeping the old format semi-compatible. Which will take a lot of time and several million dollars. So in order to release the actual finished version, this will likely require a second game release. Thank you TTG for ♥♥♥♥ing over console players on this one by announcing an Alpha build as a finished product. Now after all of that is considered, you have the primary consideration before you even go onto any of this. Money. Will continued support of the console port be financially feasible? If TFP goes into this process and spends 30 million dollars on it, is there any chance of recouping that cost? They are a small indie developer. They don't have that kind of money to just throw away. Much research into sales forecasts will need to be done to determine if this will end up at least breaking even. And that also costs money. So once again, I have given you a detailed description, but kept it simple enough for most people to understand. This is just the tip of what all is involved in doing a port. If you want more details, Google is your friend. I don't know why so many people have a problem using it for finding out simple information.
  6. This would actually take longer, and cost more, than just getting the last update completed and pushed out.
  7. Given the size of the saves, it's almost surprising that Microsoft even allowed the cloud save feature. Dawn of Man is not a fully 3D Voxel game, so it's save files are several times smaller. (There is a big difference between 75kb and 3,145,728kb.) When your save file can take up several gigabytes of data, you're not going to get multiple versions. Console storage is finite, and isn't easy for the "average Joe" to upgrade whenever they run out of space.
  8. The inability to copy saves is a limitation forced my Microsoft. You are able to do this on the Playstation. Playstation doesn't have the MD5 bug like MS does though. And again, that's due to MS's choices on the file system. Why they would use a bastardized version of an out-dated file system is beyond me.
  9. From what I understand, this is a side-effect of a new system that's still being developed and worked on.
  10. Yes, with a17, I was running 24 hours between restarts. In a16 I could go a week. In a18 we were seeing issues caused by memory leaks if we left it up longer than 12. It still sometimes crashes after about 8 hours of running anyway.
  11. Yeah, I have two popular servers under good load and run three testing instances. If I let it go 24 hours, things start getting wonky. I am exceeding the supported player count.
  12. That might be possible, but I've only seen an issue like that with trees or distant POI. Might try restoring the chunkcache on the server.
  13. In-Game World data is stored in the Region files. So to restore the damaged regions, you would reload the Regions folder from the save instance. This is why I have several countries IP blocked from my servers.
  14. Except that Telltale chose to release it as a finished product, and not as EA or Preview. Just another way Telltale ♥♥♥♥ed over console players.
  15. They will need to hire a studio like Iron Galaxy to continue the port. It will still cost millions of dollars. There is also the major issue with bringing the console build more up-to-date with the PC version requiring all existing save games to be wiped due to compatibility issues, and the console will not allow that. (Sony and MS rules, not a technical issue.) It's pretty clearly outlined that they want to continue supporting the console, but there's a lot of ♥♥♥♥ that needs to happen first. The outlook is unclear, but they do hope to be successful with it eventually. There are still a lot of financial and legal issues that must be resolved before this will happen.
  16. Actually you do if you want to support your argument. Let's take a gander. 30% of sales to MS and Sony. This is a known number. 5-10% of sales to TFP for licensing. (Unknown, but pretty common amount) 50% of sales to Iron Galaxy to fund development. (Again, unknown. We know it's not cheap though.) Remaining 10-15% goes to Telltale profits. Now, you can also argue that that small % that went to TFP, was used to pay for the support they gave IG in developing the console version. It also could have covered legal fees, and other things regarding the console version itself. You can't just assume that it directly supported PC development. You can guarantee that it's not enough to cover finishing the console versions. Which lets be fair, is something TFP have said that they want to do. There are some issue with doing that though, and they've given you a heads up about it. You guys seem to forget that they are still working on solving this issue. You're all treating it as if TFP said it's the end, for which they most certainly did not.
  17. The reality is that TellTale approached TFP wanting to do a console port. Yes, TFP gave consent. However TellTale games are who decided to sell it off as a finished product.
  18. Look at it this way. They're dedicated to continuing work on it, but are more likely to wait until after the PC version is finished. Which quite honestly is what should have happened in the first place, but Telltale wanted to do differently. If TellTale were capable of making better business decisions on stuff like this, they likely wouldn't be gone now. Also the console version wouldn't exist yet.
  19. We figured it out. I had removed the @ from in front of the url. Works great in a18.
  20. Tried this in a18. Got the dot..
  21. There are a LOT of config file changes in a18. You can create the instance with the script, but then you should pull the default config from the Engine directory and use it. (Especially since drop on death/quit changed because they took the hidden option 4, and moved it to 0.)
  22. Scripts wouldn't affect server map generation. That's entirely in the game engine code. So far I haven't been able to get the Linux dedi client to generate a map though. Reminds me that I need to submit my data.
  23. Seems like something is messed up with where it's getting the repository from. I've got it set to defaults, and don't have any issues getting it with apt. Just ran it a bit ago, and I get ... root@beta:~# apt-get install xmlstarlet Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done xmlstarlet is already the newest version (1.6.1-2). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
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