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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Yeah, that hardware is scraping the bottom of the barrel for sure, but it does at least meet the super-vague minimum requirements. Though the GPU has the VRAM, I would put min-spec around a GTX 660, and that Quadro is about half as fast. Your friend needs to get a whole new PC. Maybe something that was built in the last decade.
  2. Alpha 16-18 the min spec was 2.4GHz. A19 or a20 it was raised to 2.8GHz. The last time it was 2.0GHz was maybe Alpha 9.
  3. It wouldn't have any impact in performance. The bottleneck for BM is on the CPU. Jiggle physics are managed using the physx processor on the GPU. Also, why the hell is everyone talking about this all of a sudden. It is like it has been completely ignored for a couple of years, and now suddenly everyone is complaining about one developer spending a few hours on a single feature like it stole years of development and optimization.
  4. Dedicated Server Does Not Appear in List, or is Unable to Connect to EoS Making a note of this because it has been coming up as an issue for a lot of servers not just with 7 Days, but pretty much any that utilize EoS for the server listings. The issue is a result of some changes Epic made late last year. In addition to opening ports 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP, you may also need to install the revocation certificate from here for EoS. The downloaded r2m02.crl file must be installed I by selecting Place all certificates in the following store and selecting Trusted Root Certification Authorities. A system restart may be needed.
  5. Looks like it isn't able to initialize a connection to EoS. First step would be to ensure that you have excluded the client and save folders from security software. If you say "I don't have any", you have Defender, and it absolutely must be excluded because you cannot truly disable Defender. I cover this in detail in the Pinned Support FAQ thread in the General Support section. Also note that I have moved your thread to the correct forum section for support. You also might need to install the revocation certificate from here for EoS. The downloaded r2m02.crl file must be installed I by selecting Place all certificates in the following store and selecting Trusted Root Certification Authorities. A system restart may be needed. Lastly, that CPU does not meet minimum specs for the client. You will experience network and map latency issues, and very likely to experience, AI glitches as a result of the CPU and RAM/Mainboard bus not meeting the power the client requires to run. Minimum spec is 2.8GHz, and your system might hit 2.5GHz for very sporadic periods. The base speed is 2.0GHz, which has been below min-spec for over half a decade. You might be able to boost performance by switching to a headless Linux setup as that will make better use of the CPU threads available without the overhead of Windows. IMHO though, even that will not make it run well enough to be enjoyable.
  6. It would behoove you to do a bit more research before starting a topic like this. Here are some links for a starter. What is the difference between a Voxel game, and all the other games I play? Why do I get such low FPS on this when I can play _______ just fine at full settings? Optimize this game System hardware comparison (Shows how much of a difference small changes to the core system can make.) Minimum hardware test (Shows how much of a difference bloatware and other resource hogs can make.) Benchmark results (Placeholder for a thread I had here somewhere, and cannot find right now.)
  7. Those temps would seem alarming in traditional computing, but that is pretty standard fare for Intel's latest flagship. I have a system with a 12th-gen and it goes to 95C when idling. Intel has decided to design chips to function completely backwards from known safe standards, and the introduction of the E-Cores with no real governing architecture in place for when they get used makes things even worse. Basically, your CPU is designed to ramp the performance up to hit the temperature target Intel sets, (which for yours is around 97-100C), then it limits the clock rate to adjust for the band. I've tried compensating with custom clock scenarios that are triggered based on what programs are running, upgrading from an Evo 212 to a full 360 water cooler. None of it matters. And damn if every third time I open a large excel spreadsheet, it would get stuck on an E-Core and run like @%$#. Ended up disabling the E-Cores, but then you still end up needing the performance, but the system is now underclocking it automatically to manage the temperature target. I just stuck that system on light-load running small game servers, and just ordered the AMD equipment to replace it. Start the build tomorrow. And then to add insult to injury, there is an issue with the latest top-end chipsets from Intel that Jugg gave you a link to. I've been pretty deep in hardware for a few decades. When the 10th-gen chips dropped Intel started showing their colors. Much like Nvidia did when they dropped the 30-series. As a result, my rigs are now all AMD. My main gaming setup is a 3900X with a 6800XT. I'm replacing that 12th-gen Intel brick with a 5600X because it was a good deal and well suited for running a few test servers on. My next rig will either be a 7800X or maybe the 8000-series equivalent depending on what my financial situation is at the time, and what kinds of deals I can come up with. Not that anything is really wrong with the 3900X, but I do some pretty heavy computing, and it is starting to show its age. ____ Now that was a lot of talking, and sorry if I dragged off a bit. One thing I did not see in your troubleshooting steps was full exclusion of the client and save folders from security software. I cover this in the Support FAQ thread, and maybe it won't fix the issue. But then again, maybe the crashes are a result of some access the client needs being blocked inappropriately. By your log these are the folders you need to add to the exclusion lists. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die C:\Users\JBarr\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie
  8. The only other thing I can think of would be to install the revocation certificate from here. The downloaded r2m02.crl file must be installed (right-click on the file) by selecting Place all certificates in the following store and selecting Trusted Root Certification Authorities. A system restart may be needed. I normally only need to use this fix for getting servers to appear in the server list. Mine is "C:\Users\sylen\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie" Yours will be similar. Do note that the AppData folder is hidden, so you will need to enable viewing hidden files and folders.
  9. When a13 was being worked on, I seriously doubt that TFP was doing any optimization for a console release that wasn't even in their plans. You could likely be referring to the TellTale/IronGalaxy release, which was not even done by TFP, and also was Alpha 14.7. AFAIK the only changes that were made as a result of the console release in that regard was a system that they developed on the console being ported to the PC. And again, you have not provided actual evidence of systems that were simplified in order to support console use. Just saying "We have already gone through this." is not providing any detail.
  10. And yet even now, I can count on one hand the number of games that actually support multithreading. Never mind that the tech has existed for nearly 15 years. Same with IPv6, but that is even worse.
  11. Please enlighten us on which specific features were simplified in order to "shoehorn it into a console". So far as I am aware, there have been no caveats made for consoles other than the optimization coming in a22, or the fact that the initial console release will have limited multiplayer capability in comparison to the PC version.
  12. Take your "proof" and submit a proper bug report. It doesn't make my statement any less true, or wrong. You would not believe the number of people I have assisted who thought just throwing a better GPU at the problem would solve it. Sure that will work for other games, but not this one. I will also note that I have chided the developers a number of times for the overly vague hardware requirements. I even recently submitted a suggestion with details. And by the way, if you studied your proof, you would realize that the game already makes use of multithreading. However the core process is still tied to a single CPU, and child tasks are able to be sent to other threads. Unlike most other games that do not utilize multithreading at all. The engine needs to support further separation of the main process to multiple threads for the team to be able to utilize a tactic like that further. Again, this is not a discussion for this thread. Bring it up in the proper channels, and stop talking about it here. If your performance is really that bad on something better than a GTX 1060 6GB card, then you have other issues preventing the game from performing well. I have actual proof of this, and it has been presented already.
  13. As it stands currently, you would need for the consoles to offer about twice the RAM they currently have, include separate dedicated VRAM for the GPU, and provide much beefier CPU's. Would also need to be added to the PC version, in which case most systems don't support this, and the minimum spec for the game would have to be changed, thus alienating a large portion of the current player base.
  14. Do note that the game does not care about your RTX with 16GB VRAM. It relies on the capability of your CPU. If you want to get assistance with your issue, start a thread in the correct location after following the instructions. This is not a discussion topic for the dev diary.
  15. Been paying attention to the details coming out of the PAX event, and have heard from a few people who got answers to questions while they were there. Yeah, I figured that would be the case. I had hopes the upper-tier PS5 and X could manage 10k, but wasn't going to hold my breath on it knowing that their RAM is shared with the GPU.
  16. Initial connection to the server is not showing issues. I will note however that when your laptop gets a wee bit warm it no longer meets the minimum hardware requirement for the CPU. This could cause delays in processing data, which may end up looking like poor network connectivity due to the CPU taking too long to process. Make sure you are up to date on Windows and drivers. Also note that you have an odd RAM configuration. The amount doesn't make sense for it being shared with the GPU, so I would ensure you don't have mis-matched pairs. It is almost like you had 8GB, and then added 16GB. If that is two separate chips, then they will not be able to run dual-speed. So 3200MHz RAM would only be capable of running at 1600MHz with that setup which would doubly impact your performance. Especially with larger maps, and because your GPU is weak with no VRAM. And honestly, not trying to crap all over your laptop. This is just @%$# you have to live with when you decide to play a very hardware-intensive game on something that can barely support it. At least you aren't trying to run it at 4k with maxed graphics. There really isn't a lot more log to see more than that though. I would run a traceroute to the host server when you have the issue. You might also try using the network helper option in General Settings.
  17. File is not available. Please just use something simple like Pastebin. At a guess, you likely are either facing an issue with poor network connectivity, a poor route to the server, or something like security software or firewalls blocking the data. I do cover some of these issues in the Pinned Support FAQ thread.
  18. Console play is peer to peer without cross-play. Once cross-play is released then you could log on to a dedicated server running on a PC/Linux OS. I am not working on any of that, but I believe that is how it will be. From what I have been able to gather, the consoles will be peer-to-peer 4-player caps when it releases on the console. At a later date cross-play will be enabled, and the player cap on consoles will be increased to 8. The consoles will also be able to join any PC-hosted dedicated server. I have also heard that the available RWG map sizes on the consoles may be smaller than the PC. Which makes a lot of sense when you consider the memory limitations the consoles have.
  19. No we close the thread. Issue is that the OP Double-posted both in the correct section, and in General Discussion. The post from General Discussion was moved to the correct section, which created two threads here. @Stryker848 Please be less spammy.
  20. It's also why we generally leave stuff like this to the modders. There are quite a number of mods that add weaponry for your pleasure.
  21. To be fair, the current TellTale release on the console is almost half a decade behind where the current PC version is. Most of those issues have already been resolved or re-designed.
  22. I cannot imagine why it wouldn't. Especially with KB and mouse being natively supported on the system hardware and OS. Likely this is going to be a "try it and find out" feature though.
  23. Adrenalin reports the FPS correctly only if you are not using FMF. Enabling FMF makes Adrenaline show the FMF framerate, and not what is actually going to your display.
  24. Need the whole log. This only shows Choco joining the game, attempting to issue a lot of console commands they don't have permission to use, and then the game being shut down. There is one odd line that seems to refer to a problem with an installed mod, but since you didn't post the whole log, it is really hard to say what is going on there.
  25. Also take a good read here. I will also mention, that much like my laptop with a 12th-gen Intel CPU, you don't have a full deck of cores. Your i7-13700KF has 16 cores. Of those 16 cores, only half of them are useful. Windows is extremely stupid, and will stick programs on the useless E-cores. Unlike most games that only utilize a single CPU core, 7 Days can use several. If some of its processes get stuck on the pathetic half of your CPU, then you are just at a loss. If you want your processer to actually perform like a real CPU, disable the E-Cores or manage their use with 3rd-party software like Process Lasso. Software isn't designed for the small number of CPU's that are different from all the others. So far I am only aware of a single game that even has an option to force it to run on the performance cores of your chipset, and even then it only works properly on the latest builds of Windows 11. Developers don't code for the "1%" because wasting time on small numbers doesn't make money. Your situation with the fake CPU is only shared by about 3-4% of players on Steam. So when you think about performance in games, remember that half of your "high-end" chipset is utter rubbish and about as useful as a Pentium PC in today's gaming world.
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