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Everything posted by zztong

  1. There's some potential for collision there. If we're placing bets, I'd put my chips there, but I don't rule out my having screwed something up with that hastily assembled mod.
  2. Heh, now I'm in a mood to talk RWG, Tiles, Parts. With POIs folks kind of like memorable POIs. With Tiles, being memorable seems to contribute to a Flintstones/Bedrock feeling where you keep passing the same few background items again and again. For instance: The dogleg around the pond on rwg_tile_rural_straight The roundabout on rwg_tile_residential_intersection The road loop on rwg_tile_rural_countryresidential_cap The bridge on rwg_tile_downtown_interesection_02 The tower on rwg_tile_downtown_straight Parts offer an opportunity to disguise the dogleg/pond, the roundabout, and tower. Maybe the bridge too, but that might be an awkward fit. In contrast, while I'll bet many people remember the road construction that can appear on rwg_tile_downtown_intersection, since it only appears 40% of the time, I'll bet those people don't always recognize the tile itself being repeated. The human brain is really good at patterns so we're probably doomed never to have "enough" variety, but I think extensive use of Parts can mess with the brain for a bit longer.
  3. Well sure. Roland seemed to be hunting for news. I'd love to geek out over RWG and POI stuff. If we were playing one of those "If you could invite 4 people to a dinner party, who would they be and why" games with a TFP slant, I'd be torn trying to decide between the RWG devs, the POI team, or some blend of the two.
  4. @Laz Man Are there any new Tiles? Any new techniques or tricks with Parts?
  5. It was made using A20.6. I'm curious how you came by it? If it was Mod Loader, I'm not sure if it recovered from my renaming the project in Github. Do you get some kind of error message? (There isn't a lot to this modlet.) I'm curious what needs to be changed. I've had it installed since I made it.
  6. Take it slow, pay attention to your stealth meter (you want single digits) and I suggest using a bow with sneak attack. Folks say this is an "Agility" build, but I've always played a "jack of all trades" build that doesn't skimp on the sneak and ambush. That is to say, I level up AGL, STA, and STR together. I skimp on INT and lag on PER.
  7. What? I love doing POIs at night. Leave the game's brightness setting at default and turn off all the lights in your house, turn off the secondary monitors, no torch, no helmet light, sneak. It's a lot of fun. You can get used to seeing the outlines of the Z's in the dark once your eyes adjust. I tend to play with a shorter day than most people to get more darkness. I'm glad you had fun.
  8. No idea. See Deverez's note above. Also, Prefabs don't normally come with DLLs. Are you trying to install some overhaul mod? If so, look in the Mods part of this forum for a discussion that matches whatever you're trying to install.
  9. A large number of rubble blocks can be a side-effect of how the destroyed POI was made. For instance, if I make one I start with a complete POI and then shoot it with a rocket launcher a lot of times. If I try to make a destroyed POI way in a crafted -- each block intentionally placed -- manner. I don't like my results. I'm curious which destroyed POI is showing an intact image? The image is easily fixed and that is a common bug as showing the image is not a vanilla feature.
  10. It is being discussed under the KingGen discussion on these boards, but mostly on the Teragon Discord. My understanding is the author, Pille, prefers to focus on the code and does not want to maintain forums or social media related to the project. I may not have that exactly right, so look for their own words on the subject. In any event, they have not created a topic on these boards and nobody else has decided to create a topic for it, possibly because they don't want to "own" the topic.
  11. Related to gasoline, I'm not sure the game needs it, but I wonder if an earlier tier of fuel with less range would be appealing. Perhaps an alcohol fuel, like methanol or ethanol? Not that reality matters, but I'd find the imagery of a bunch of survivor kooks running a still to make alcohol from wood to be kind of entertaining. Cue the dueling banjos.
  12. It was never updated to A20. If you can find a download it would still make great A19 maps. You might be able to convince it to make a map for A20 like folks have done with KingGen, but it would be missing some really nice A20 features, such as Tiles for cities and Parts for both POIs and Tiles. Neither Nitrogen nor KingGen are being actively developed and supported. You A20 feature-friendly choices are Vanilla RWG and a newly emerged alternative called Teragon, that oddly enough is being discussed either in the KingGen topic on these board or the Teragon Discord.
  13. Wow, venom for everyone. Nice. In a roundabout kind of way he endorses the CP as not being boring.
  14. I don't mind the current lockpicks. It is playable and with one level of the lockpicking skill I never seem to run out. However, I do cover a week of physical security in one of my classes and sometimes when playing the game I end up thinking about stuff like you are suggesting, often when I see something weird. For instance: When we break a pick - I've never broken one in real life. My students will sometimes bend one. We bend it back. When we use picks on a combination lock. It is possible to use a thin strip to figure out the combination on some cheap combination locks, but not any of the locks shown on a game safe and you're certainly not going to use a tension tool. What I tend to come up with -- and I don't think it is worth trying to convince TFP to do any of it -- is: As the game progresses you collect different kinds of picks, rakes, tension tools, and maybe even a brute-force combination lock robot thingy (they really exist). You could have traveler's hooks, J tools, and under-door tools to defeat doors. As your skill progresses you become able to pick harder locks. As your skill progresses you get faster at picking. Oddly enough, I'd be okay if the game just made you wait a minute before letting you in. I'd get up, stretch my legs, get a drink, all of which would be good for me.
  15. It certainly stirred the pot. It was a lot of work converting POIs, but the Tiles and Parts features are worth it. Best of luck with your conversion. Is the wilderness bug related to size? I know @stallionsden has had issues with very large POIs in the wilderness.
  16. I think multiple lists would work. That's how I'd do it, but I have not tried it beyond using a vanilla list and my list together. If they are A19 files then you'll have to convert them and probably resize them. That can be a lot of work. Are they unique to you? Otherwise, you might find they are part of the CompoPack and somebody has already done all the work. If they're unique to you, and you convert them, then my approach would be to make a modlet for them and make your own list. Or, dump them in your LocalPrefabs and make your own list. I have no idea what bug that might be. RWG has been solid for me all through A20. Folks are getting Teragon to turn out some really nice terrain, but they're also having trouble with Wilderness POIs. The future of Teragon looks bright, but right now you've got your work cut out for you. I've gotten Wilderness POIs to appear in numbers, but they like to cluster in open spots, kind of making a disorganized city. There are a number of other folks who are doing much more with it than I've had time.
  17. I can get on board for this kind of suggestion. More font choices would be nice. So +1 from me. I assume this is a player-focused suggestion? Not wanting to co-opt the Dream, but there are other sign issues. When it comes to making POIs, there are some other sign issues, such as (1) the persistence of the words on the sign after the block conversion process used to move a POI to a new major version (like A19 to A20), or (2) it would be nice if we had something similar in appearance to "Pass-N-Gas" signs or any of the other game brand names. (Shamway, etc.)
  18. I tried making a river stamp and I've not yet found a satisfying combination. The trouble is they don't look like rivers, but like a lake. The S shaped one that comes with the game looks like an oxbow lake, which is cool, but those are found near rivers. I tried making a very large river system stamp with the idea that it might overlay the entire map. The troubles were (1) it got placed more than once, (2) it got scaled up/down, (3) and other stamps overlayed it making a river with weird connecting lakes and very weird paths through mountains. While I'm entirely cool with using stamps for terrain and the speed of map generation they represent, but I'm wondering if rivers need to be generated to look good.
  19. Yes, that's cool. Great ideas are born this way. When it comes to Teragon-unique features, deciding to support them with POI/Tile/Parts is an interesting decision. Any decision I'd make related to making one would be based on the effort to make one, the perceived relative value, and if I want to target the widest possible audience. Any Teragon-unique creations either have to be really quick to make, be super-cool, and/or something I'd be willing to walk away from if Teragon becomes incompatible with future versions of the game. The way I kind of see it, I must support RWG as it will always be there, is a decent world generator getting better all the time, and is widely used. Consider Tiles of 250x250, for instance. I can't see making a non-standard Tile size since it would be a lot of work and incompatible with RWG. In contrast, Teragon's bridges are super cool and the parts are not a lot of work. I could see making some of those once it becomes clear how to extend that feature.
  20. You could make a Tile larger than the standard size. (The Prefab Editor would allow it.) I don't know what RWG would do with, but I suspect it would end in Exceptions and/or overwritten blocks. It never occurred to me to try. Wilderness POIs do not involve Tiles. You can make a Wilderness POI as large as something like 250x250. I don't know the exact limit, but @stallionsden knows.
  21. I recently added some Cracks (Canyons) stamps to my modlet. They're not associated with POIs in any way. I'm not sure what terrain features ultimately allow for POI placement, but POIs did place near them and paths/roads did take advantage of favorable terrain. That is, I did not see paths going over cliffs, but when there was a viable path through rough terrain a path did use it.
  22. Erg. I really do appreciate the dedication.
  23. There is a "Parts" feature that provides a great many possibilities along this line. The feature arrived with A20. I'm curious to see what TFP's POI designers have done with it in A21.
  24. Oh, good point. It didn't use to matter as the thumbnail would only show in the Prefab Editor. Now there are modlets showing the picture, so I probably have many of those thumbnails that need an update.
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