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Everything posted by warmer

  1. Hey Cpt Krunch, you have quoted me twice now but I didn't say anything you are quoting. Figure it out dude. I'd appreciate not being quoted for something I never said.
  2. The distance between knowing and assuming is wide. I still work for a software company and everyday I am reminded that we don't know how it will truly perform until we release on 1000's of different hardware configs.
  3. @KingSlayerGM you rock man! Hotfix 0.11.1 worked. Thank you!
  4. I was running a 16k custom map I made yesterday and made several versions 0.10 and 0.11 tells me my pixel count is over limit even though my pixel count is the square root of a 16k map "Generating heightmap. Traceback (most recent call last): File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime File "world.py", line 1187, in run File "world.py", line 227, in generate File "world.py", line 905, in init_heightmap File "world.py", line 921, in load_heightmap File "PIL\Image.py", line 2953, in open File "PIL\Image.py", line 2940, in _open_core File "PIL\Image.py", line 2849, in _decompression_bomb_check PIL.Image.DecompressionBombError: Image size (268435456 pixels) exceeds limit of 178956970 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack." 268435456 pixels in a 16k map 178956970 pixels limit is a 13,377.4 a side map any ideas?
  5. Why are we focused on something that isn't even a problem yet? The very act of worrying about it, creates a problem when there isn't one already there. Chew on that.
  6. @Vithor14! That map you submitted is awesome. Love the biome distribution. What is the size?
  7. Awesome on the height map submissions. I love making height maps from scratch and I really hope to see some creative designs! Already submitted my first one I made. @KingSlayerGM KingGen is head and shoulders above the rest of map gen tools and I sincerely thank you for the inspiration! KingGen as a platform makes a sandbox true to it's name. Now if we could figure out caves that would be a game changer!
  8. Dig a hole in the nearest mountain/hill to the first trader and then down and towards the city. My goal on a MP server is to reveal myself/base If I choose. Underground bases always ensure I have plenty to do at night without worry.
  9. Once I turned off my Windows firewall my ping went down from 400+ms to 30-80ms. If you are running your server with windows firewall on, that could definitely be contributing.
  10. I have been using King Gen to make custom maps with specific city and district layouts (industrial/commercial/residential) https://imgur.com/a/VogzfUF - 8k custom height map/biomes/city layout/districts/water. Everything is designed using Gimp and King Gen. Takes some work but you can make some really specific maps. Now they implemented custom water spawn so we can go below "sea level" on maps. Check it out here
  11. seriously guys, if you are worried about what people think of the two letters cp next to each other you probably spend to much time thinking about what that stands for, because those of us that DONT think about cp had no idea what the issue is. lol you cant run your life constantly worried about what a fractional percentage of people think of you and what you do. there will always be someone somewhere that hates the most innocent thing you do. just focus on making the best possible game and let wacko fringe issues stay wacko fringe issues.
  12. LOL I had that happen as well, did you happen to kill the bunny mid jump? When it happen to me it was jumping off something when it died and I think not being in contact with the ground is what caused the velocity not to go to zero
  13. we should just have it default to quieter like every other action we do while crouched. That way you always do it quietly because you are actively in stealth mode.
  14. THANK YOU for the note on converting 16bit greyscale to raw to get a smooth world. I spent 5 hrs trying to figure out what the heck was going on.
  15. Asking for something predicates the person who can give it to you is withholding it from you on purpose. Just think about how silly that idea is...
  16. while I understand your desire, I don't see this being a priority in game dev. This is a last on the list kinda thing. I wouldn't hold your breath.
  17. regarding the OP: lots of speculation coming from someone that doesn't seem to recognize as the years go by engines improve. Those improvements are taken advantage of, which often means adding more nuance to the game play, which in turn requires more cpu cycles to complete. Anything in development for this long will be drastically different from its first iteration just based on keeping up with engine tweaks that are possible. All I can say is wait. talking about all of this prior to seeing what they ship is nothing but speculation.
  18. for me its how subtle the difference is between item levels. a lvl 1 stone spear is very close to a lvl 3 stone spear damage wise. it doesn't give you incentive to upgrade until you have a fundamental material change. To me a lvl 1 anything is the most amateur "useable version" and a lvl 3 should be significantly better. a little more durability isn't worth it when repairs are as easy as they are.
  19. from the OP "partially skeletonized bodies running around seem to rule out viral or fungal infection." Add time... Problem solved
  20. How would you possible land anywhere without alerting everything for several miles in a heli? Boats have stealth possibilities and that alone seals the deal for me.
  21. If I was paying by the hours of fun I've had with 7D2D it would be about $0.03/hr I would consider that a wise investment if you ask me. Most AAA games for $60 barely hold my attention for 20hrs these days.
  22. back when books were the gate to most things I made it all the way to day 7 and never found "Forge Ahead" book. No metal weapons or tools. Needless to say, I got wrecked so fast.
  23. when the games base genre is survival and half of the risk in playing is travel, I don't see how this even up for discussion. now make a mod that has a heavy story element and hand built locations, then ya I can get behind it. travel gets in the way of the story in some cases. In the base vanilla game, surviving on your way places is a huge part of the story, so I wouldn't like it. Save it for mods
  24. This seems like the weirdest way to make this work, and yet it does! I have been trying to figure this out for 2 whole days now. Adjusting your mask for city placement and editing biomes to make things look more bombed out and burnt is so much more atmospheric. THANK YOU
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