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Everything posted by Star69

  1. You have the following setting that needs fixed: GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies=0 For example, on my server we have it set to 75, which might be default or not, I can't remember. Also you are having some issues with "no block for position x x x cannot add childs to pos x x x". I would clean your files via the game launcher and check all of the boxes and hit clean, verify integrity of game files twice, change the above zombie count to 75, generate a new seed and try it out to see if it's fixed.
  2. I also play dead-is-dead and the closest we get to this is to delete the save and just use the same seed. Every once in a while you run into a very cool map either due to city layout or abundance of skyscrapers etc and die stupidly before getting to fully explore the map. Of course there’s the occasional crappy map where I’ll take exceptional risks (going downtown on day one with no gun) not caring if I die so we can get a new map lol.
  3. Easy to beat....put down a block, put another next to it then place a block on top of first block, jump on it, place block on second block & alternate placing. It will take slightly longer but still manageable and your nerdpole is 2 blocks wide instead of one.
  4. In case you don't remember the seed name, click on the Territory name of the save and the next folder title is your seed name. Just generate a new world with that name as the seed and you should be good to go.
  5. That cpu should give you a better server fps than you're getting as it is a stellar cpu. Additionally, if it is not a typo, 7gigs of ram is not enough. I'd recommend at least 16 gigs, 32 gigs is even better. Just my 2 cents.
  6. I definitely see some issues. Starting with the server log: you have both litenetlib and steamnetworking active. In your serverconfig.xml, under the setting called: ServerDisabledNetworkingProtocals, have it =steamnetworking. Steamnetworking causes some serious lag. This is important because according to the players log, the litenetlib connection is failing and it is failing usually because you do not have all the necessary ports forwarded on the servers end so the server is utilizing steamnetworking. So on top of disabling steamnetworking protocol, verify that the port 26900 tcp is forwarded and the ports 26900-26903 udp are forwarded on the servers router. If you have forwarded them in the router software, use any free online port checker to verify that those ports are indeed forwarded. Make sure that on the server that you have created an exclusion in the antivirus software for the game folder and save folder. Also in the players log, there is a missing chunk at 2880 1600 and some other errors. I would recommend that the player uses the game launcher, select tools tab, select clean game data then check all of the boxes and hit clean. Next he should verify the integrity of the game files and run it twice. It should download good files to replace the bad ones. At this point, I would have him (and you) join the game. Since he cleaned his files, he will need to redownload the map when he first tries to join. See if your issue goes away. If it does, then great. If it still isn't working well then that missing chunk is a problem. It could mean that your save is corrupted, and you might need to start over. If you really want to continue where you left off, be sure both of you write down your inventories, books read and player levels. Delete the save, generate a new map with the same seed. You, as admin, enter dm in the console then hit esc. Here you will see the ability to change day and time so adjust it to where you left off. Use the giveselfxp command to give you all of your levels back. It will take it a few times until you get all your xp back. The other player will need to be given admin powers so he can use the same command to get his levels back. Now you can spend your points again. In the console, type cm then hit enter. This allows access to the creative menu where you can get your inventories and books back. To bring up the creative menu, hit the U button. Now you should be good to go. If you don't want to do all this work then just start a new map from the beginning. Someone else might have suggestions on getting the missing chunks back without deleting the save as I'm not knowledgeable in that area.
  7. If you want to make blocks so zombies could climb them, then wouldn’t zombies be able to climb your base walls? Also, limiting climbing to wood frames wouldn’t help either since you can just carry a stack of cobblestone blocks or concrete blocks. As for limiting block placement to only when your feet are on the ground might slow it down but not stop it. For example, here comes a wolf horde….place a few barbed wire blocks to slow their approach, place 2 cobble blocks then 2 ladders on the blocks, rinse and repeat. The only thing this does is that the player having to use up 3 belt slots for the blocks, ladders and barbed wire instead of 1 for the blocks. IMO, the effort needed to remove nerdpoling completely is much greater than the benefit. Just because you can nerdpole doesn’t mean you will use it. Some people have self control.
  8. I think that when the game crashes unexpectedly, the normal save process can get corrupted. In your case, it vehicle saves was involved. I’ve heard that there will be some changes to the saving process coming to A21 that may address this but this was only mentioned in passing so I’m not sure if it will actually happen. For now, the only fix for you is to use the creative menu to get your vehicles back.
  9. For me, 7000 hours since A6, none of them afk with the game running. As for a life, I'm semi-retired and suffer from health issues basically keeping me housebound most of the time. Guess I like playing 7 Days more than watching tv.
  10. Just my 2 cents……. I was getting those exact same EOS libcurl connection errors on my end. After switching my ISP (for unrelated reasons), the errors remain and the issues experienced from this error include partial disconnect from the server keeping me from interacting with items and downloading a new world would freeze at various points in the download requiring me to kill the game and try again. By process of elimination, the issue appears to be my Nighthawk modem/router. Sometimes I can play for a few hours, sometimes a few minutes before needing to leave and rejoin the server. I’m currently researching a new modem. I hope this helps in some way.
  11. Let's start by having a look at your log file. Instructions on where to find the log and how to use pastebin.com to post the logs here are explained in the pinned topic: HOW TO REPORT AN ISSUE ---- Please Read Before Creating New Threads ---- - General Support - 7 Days to Die
  12. I looked at the last of the logs so I wouldn't repeat what Beelzybub experienced, and it is showing some issues with your player profile as well as menu errors. I would have the server host delete the 3 files associated with your player profile. I know that you said that you verified files, but I would try the following......bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab, select Clean then check all of the boxes then click Clean. Before doing this, be sure to back up any single player games that you want saved. After cleaning, I would verify integrity of game files and run it twice as it doesn't always catch things on the first run. After all of this, you "should" be able to join your friend's server without errors.
  13. I've had the best luck with Asus ROG laptops but not the entry level like the K series. I would take a look at the Asus ROG Strix series. One thing to remember is the laptop graphics cards are not as powerful as the desktop graphics cards of the same name. To get a good laptop to play 7 Days with good settings is probably going to set you back about $2500 USD or more. I like the Asus gaming laptops for exactly what @meganoth said....they are designed with heat dissipation in mind. Instead of venting out the bottom like most laptops, Asus vents out the back so there is no blocking by laptop desks or laptop coolers which don't work as good as you'd think.
  14. I have 7000 hours playing and it has not happened to me once so even though I believe you experienced this, it doesn't seem to be a common occurrence. I'm not sure if a keyboard error would show in your log but it might be worth a look to see if something is noted. Also, are you playing on a lan with your friend, one of you hosting a game or are you playing on a dedicated server. Also, what is the keyboard you and your friend are using? These problems can be really difficult to pinpoint so I'm just tossing out some ideas. Others may have different suggestions.
  15. Run tracert and post results. If the highest ping listed is first or last, the problem is something on the computers slowing down your connection. If you aren't familiar with tracert, run the command prompt as administrator. Type tracert 'ip of server' so an example would be tracert
  16. Your log shows that ports associated with telnet are closed. I do not know if that's the reason the version isn't showing up but be sure that port 8081 tcp is forwarded. To verify, use one of the free online port checkers.
  17. We need to see a copy of your log file. That error that you’re getting is very generic but the specifics are in the log file. Finding your log file and posting it here is described in the pinned topic: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  18. Lots of chunk errors which might indicate a partially corrupted save. I’m also seeing some odd sound errors…..have you used mods in the past on this install? The log says you aren’t currently using mods. Finally, I see some issues with EOS. Be sure that on the host machine that you create exclusions for the game and saves folders in your antivirus software. If you are okay with starting a new map, I would go into the game launcher and clean all the files then verify integrity of the game files twice in order to redownload any corrupted files.
  19. It’s always been a “cheat” for people not wanting horde night to end. Finish the horde, quit the server then log back in….horde night again. Fun times.
  20. To those wondering about why it is still in alpha, the developers have stated that the game will go gold once all of the features mentioned in the kickstarter have been met. If you’re that curious, go read the features list in the kickstarter and you’ll have a good idea how close it is to gold.
  21. At a bare minimum, we would need to see your output log file. Instructions for finding the logs and how to post it using pastebin.com are in the pinned topics above, specifically the one that says “read before posting a thread”. Without the log, no one can possibly help you.
  22. If you trust this guy, give him admin powers temporarily to use god mode to go get it himself then remove the admin role. There's 2 ways to do that, the easy way is with console commands and the harder way is set him as admin in the serveradmin.xml. The console commands are: Admin Add [entity id] [permission level] and the reverse is: Admin Remove [entity id]. Entity is his assigned number and for permission level use 0.
  23. I’m not sure their profiles can be fixed but possibly someone else has a trick to try. I’ve lost a profile myself due to internet cutting out. What I did was to delete the 3 files associated with my profile and then logged in as a day 1 player. I then used the creative menu to get all of my inventory back and used the giveselfxp command to get my experience back. Of course for a player on your server, you’ll need to give them temporary admin privileges in order to do this. A side note, I’d put in a server message telling players to leave the server during reboots.
  24. Were the affected players still on the server when it rebooted? To me, it looks like the player locations have errors so they probably have corrupted profiles. This can happen if the server is rebooted when players still on the server resulting in an incomplete save and can also happen if a player loses power causing the game to suddenly close, again due to incomplete saves.
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