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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Who are you kidding? Your number one should read “buzzards” 😉
  2. Unfortunately, I don’t think those saves can be fixed, just everything moving forward.
  3. 1) can you repost server log making sure the entire log is included? 2) on the server, in the serverconfig.xml, for DisabledServerNetworkProtocals, value should equal SteamNetworking 3) on your pc, bring up the game launcher and select Tools tab, click clean, then check all of the boxes and hit Clean. Next run Verify integrity of game files and run it twice 4) also on your pc, create exclusions in your antivirus software for both the game and saves folders. Disabling antivirus does not replace the need for the exclusions. There may be more things to do but we really need to see the entire server log before further suggestions. There are telnet errors though I’m not entirely sure about the cause but you could check that all of the needed ports are forwarded by using an online port checker to verify that 26900 tcp and 26900-26903 udp are open.
  4. A great storage solution is the drone with 2 storage mods. I think that gives you a similar number of slots as the 4 x 4.
  5. Overall, I think the issue is players not liking change especially when the change directly affects something they feel is critical to their playing style. TFP has repeatedly mentioned that they are not anti-player but anti-exploit even if some changes ‘appear’ to be anti-player on the surface. The MONUMENTAL task of balancing gameplay, removing exploits and making gameplay fun & smooth is all on tfp and they have done a fabulous job thus far. So when they make what some call controversial changes, players must look at this a challenge to make the adjustments to their gameplay rather than a personal attack on how to play the game.
  6. There are still some issues with EOS primarily as this is the first implementation and bugs happen. If anyone is seeing issues connecting to EOS in the logs, the first thing that you should check is that you have created exclusions in your antivirus for both yhe game and saves folder. It is not enough to turn off the antivirus so the exclusions are still essential. Other culprits can include various bloatware like Asus Game First and other software that attempts to optimize your internet. As for offline players….I honestly don’t know if EOS failing connections actually mess with your ability to play the game or if it just spams the errors in your log. We can all hope that further work on this new system will fix these issues. Knowledge that tfp hired someone to work specifically on networking issues gives me great hope that this and other online issues will get addressed.
  7. IMO, all of the servers (for example Asian servers) showing up in North American East is due to North American East being the default in the serverconfig.xml and those Asian servers not changing the settings from default. Hopefully tfp will work out a fix for this. What makes things worse is not being able to exclude those servers obviously not in North American East and the browser quickly hits max servers which will leave out some of the servers you actually want to see. This is a big problem for the master server browser which I would expect to be fixed in A21…let’s hope that happens. For now, we need to wait for a fix as I haven’t heard anyone mention a workaround.
  8. Yup, the cleaning of files using the game launcher is quick, simple and solves most playing issues. Launch the game launcher, select Tools tab, select Clean Game Data, click all boxes and be sure to All Maps is selected then hit Clean. Now right-click on 7 Days to Die in Steam and select Properties, select Local Files and click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. Once finished, run it a second time. Now your problem should be solved. If it isn't, then post another log file.
  9. By the way, looking at the end of your posted log shows there to be a video driver issue, a failure of directx. You could try, while waiting to see if the OA team gets you an answer, try uninstalling your video drivers using a program like DDU then installing the latest version of video drivers. Also, in case it's the videocard itself, make sure to reseat it just in case it has partially vibrated loose. Food for thought.
  10. Can you play on any other dedicated server without losing connection or unable to join it a second time?
  11. Umm, let’s see….hmm, nope is the answer
  12. This reminded me…..the alpha where the minibike was released, one of the first things that I tried was to build a loop de loop using frames and using a quality 6 engine (at the time, the speed of the minibike was fastest with a number 6 engine). I was so excited once I had the loop constructed but the attempt was utterly deflating. The minibike hit the loop and just went nowhere. Not the minibike falling halfway around the loop or experiencing a successful loop……it just did nothing lol. My bubble was burst.
  13. The server is having you use steamnetworking rather than litenetlib to connect to the server even though both are enabled. The other players could be joining via litenetlib which is why they aren’t having problems. It is generally recommended that servers disable SteamNetworking as a server protocal. Ask your friend that is hosting to edit his serverconfig.xml and change this line to look like this: <property name=“DisabledServerNetworkProtocals” value=“SteamNetworking” Also be sure that he has forwarded the following ports on his router: 26900 tcp and 26900-26903 udp and use an online scanner to verify that they are indeed open. Since other players can connect fine, the ports are probably configured properly. On your end, disabling the antivirus is not the correct way to deal with EOS disconnection…you really should create exclusions for the 7DaystoDie game & saves folder. I’m hoping that all that you really need to do is to have SteamNetworking disabled so a litenetlib connection is used. Let us know if this fixes your issue.
  14. Actually, no I didn’t so thank you for that.
  15. Man either I’ve been really unlucky and haven’t gotten them to spawn or the factories were updated beyond recognition. I’ll have to try to track them down in A20 to see what they look like. Fantastic pois. Great idea to look at Pregen8k.
  16. Maybe slightly off topic but what I really miss from A19 are are the shamway and gun factories. There is something about those 2 pois that I really miss. Yes there’s some nostalgia for the old book tower but those factories were huge and had the type of loot that really helped you out and I don’t think they were overpowered like the book tower either. Don’t get me wrong, I love the variety of the new pois and the redoing of older pois, I just miss the old factories.
  17. Unfortunately it looks like your player profile is corrupted. You will need to delete your profile for that save and and start over. If you really want to keep playing that seed, you can delete the the 3 files associated with your player in the saves folder or just use the game launcher to clean your profile since it’s a single player game. When you rejoin the map, you’ll be level 1 so you use the giveselfxp command to get your levels back and the creative menu to get your inventory and books back. If you are like me, I have no idea what my level is and which books I’ve read so it becomes a guessing game. Hopefully this helps.
  18. Sometimes you can destroy the block you’re stuck in with a pickaxe or shovel but if you can’t then you’re left with god mode if quitting the game doesn’t help.
  19. So are you saying 2 players can play on that map but just the one guy stands on a single chunk? If that’s what is going on, it has to be in his data of that seed. You said that you deleted his player profile….as a reminder, there are 3 files associated with each persons profile so all three need to be deleted. Another thing he might try is to clean his files via the game launcher. Bring up game launcher, select tools tab, hit clean then on the next page he should check all of the boxes especially the ones associated with maps…all maps should be deleted, then hit the clean button. He should then go and run the the verify integrity of games files, running it twice. Now when he joins the server, he’ll download a fresh copy of the map, he’ll be a new level 1 player with starting quests. As admin you can give him his experience back using the giveselfxp command and the creative menu to get his inventory back. However, if you do all of this cleaning and it still isn’t working, we will definitely need his game log to further troubleshoot. It’s amazing how many of these odd playing issues are fixed by cleaning & verifying files plus deleting the profiles. Let us know how it works.
  20. The tracert looks clean. Maybe if he uses ethernet cable things will improve.
  21. The only other thing that I see in your logs is that you have both litenetlib and steamnetworking as active protocols. It appears you are joining via steamnetworking, that has been known to create significant lag which could lead to de-sync. As a last resort, why not try to add steamnetworking to the serverdisablednetworkprotocols setting? At least worth a try since there don’t seem to be any other ideas out there.
  22. On both the server and your computer, create exclusions in your antivirus software for the 7DaystoDie folder and see if that helps. Also, if you are running any software that says it optimizes your internet for gaming, including router settings, be sure to disable.
  23. There are a whole bunch of mod failures. Also a bunch of chunk errors that “may” be related to files left over from previous alphas. You can go through the log and see the mod errors and I would remove those mods. Delete your Mods folder and all mods. Next, bring up the game launcher, click on Tools tab, select clean & check all boxes then hit Clean. After this, verify integrity of game files and do it twice. Now you can add in the mods that didn’t fail in your above log. Be sure that each mod you are adding has been updated to work with A20.6. Good luck.
  24. I’m very nervous about upgrading to Windows 11 due to all the gaming issues it has caused thus far. I’d be willing to bet that this is some issue with Windows 11 and EOS, no proof but an inkling. I’m glad that your issue was resolved and will keep it in mind when trying to help people having issues. For myself, I’m in no hurry to upgrade to Windows 11 until more issues are resolved. The pc that I game on is strictly for gaming, those pcs I have for not gaming I will try Windows 11.
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