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Everything posted by Star69

  1. @Gamida I believe port 8082 is for folks running Alloc’s server mod. I agree with @Jugginator that you need to start with a vanilla server and see if you still experience lag. If all is good, add in one mod at a time and test after adding each mod. Be sure to check that each mod has been updated to work with A20.6.
  2. As I developed a blister from scrolling, I saw some errors with port connection problems. Make you have port forwarded tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903.
  3. Can you post a copy of the server log and a copy of one of the effected players log? Instructions on finding the logs and using pastebin.com to post the logs are explained in the pinned topic: HOW TO REPORT AN ISSUE ---- Please Read Before Creating New Threads ---- - General Support - 7 Days to Die
  4. Uggh, I hate when that happens. You may need to reinstall Windows to fix it. Time-consuming I know, but the pc will always run its best after a new install. It would also be a good time to test the various components using software such as Memtest or Windows Memory Diagnostics for ram and any of the free programs to test the hard drives and stress the cpu and power supply. In more than a few cases, Windows errors can be caused by failing components.
  5. We need to see a copy of your log file, at a minimum, to help you with your problem. In this pinned topic: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ you will find instructions on how to find your log files and how to use pastebin.com to post a copy of that log file here.
  6. Your Litenetlib connection failed so it then connects with Steamnetworking which is laggy as heck. This is usually caused by failed port forwarding. Use an online port scanner to verify that these ports are open: 26900 tcp, 26900-26903 udp. If they aren’t all open, go into your router and forward those ports. Also check that your firewall is allowing 7days through. If you are using a vpn, turn it off while playing. Your friends profile ‘might’ be corrupted as well. Once you fix the port issue, if he still can’t join, you’ll need to delete his profile on your server and he’ll need to start over. You can get his levels and inventory back by using the giveselfxp command and the creative menu.
  7. That refers to the server port number if she was going to host a server. There are connection issues, she is unable to get information from several servers. Also she is showing errors with the main menu screen. Is she perhaps using a vpn to play? If so, that by itself can be the problem. If she is not using a vpn, then I would look at her security software meaning her antivirus. She needs to set up an exclusion in the antivirus for the 7days folder and saves folder. I know you said that she verified integrity of the game files but have her do that 2 more times. Let us know if any of this helps. Someone else may give suggestions as well.
  8. Lots of good information however we need to actually see her output log file. You mentioned it but did not actually post it. Copy the entire log file and go to pastebin.com and paste the log there. Then post the link generated to this thread. It is very important to copy the entire log and not just the error as there is important, necessary information throughout the log.
  9. Yikes, that connection from your friend to you is kind of brutal while your connection to him is great except that last hop which is your friends pc. Many people are unaware that an internet connection is a series of ‘hops’ through various servers until it reaches its end point which is determined by your isp. As you can see, your connection to your friend and his connection to you are totally different. I would say that a dozen hops is the average and any one of those hops can be a source of lag. Unfortunately, if the lag is isolated to any hop except first and last, you can’t fix it. I asked for a tracert to see if you could fix the lag and it looks like you can because the lag is in your friends pc. I totally agree with Beelzybub, have your friend create an exclusion in his antivirus for the game folder. It is not enough to turn off the antivirus, exclusions are best and easy to do. If you still experience lag after that, have your friend look for any network optimizing software, including router software settings that purport to make a better connection to a particular pc. These settings are supposed to improve your connection however many of them actually mess up your connections.
  10. It sounds like a connection issue but we would need to see your output log file. Instructions on how to find the file and how to use pastebin.com to post the log file are in the pinned topic: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  11. console commands are always available. Hit F1 to bring up the console, type dm then enter, type cm then enter. Now to access creative menu, you just need to hit U.
  12. You are more likely to get more response if you post this in the mod forums for this particular mod. Most posts here concern the vanilla game. If you're lucky, the author of The Wasteland mod will help out.
  13. Post a copy of your output log to pastebin.com and post the link generated here. Instructions on finding the log and how to use pastebin are in the pinned topic called "Please Read Before Creating New Threads".
  14. A couple of things......use an online port scanner to verify that your ports are indeed being open. Secondly, run the tracert command to your friends ip and have him/her run the command to your ip. This is to see if it is a problem on your end, their end or your isp.
  15. You could try going into god mode and search below ground and go high in the sky. You can also use the creative menu to get your hotbar items back though it’s up to RNG whether you’ll get the correct level. I’m not aware of any console commands that would affect the drone other than deleting it.
  16. I know that I'm late to this discussion but do you happen to have dynamic resolution selected? When I enabled it once, my fps was a steady 60, unchecking it my fps went to 140.
  17. There are no issues in your log but that doesn't mean your world couldn't be borked. My only suggestion is with pen and paper. Log into the game, write down your players level, xp, any and all inventory items, books read etc including what was in your base. Also note your seed name and the day you are on. Leave the game and shut off your game. Go to your saves location and delete your save. If it's single player, you can delete the save from the game but to be safe I'd delete it manually using Windows Explorer or use the game launcher, tools tab and put checks next to everything except Game Settings and hit clean. Using the same seed name, generate a new map. When you join it will be Day 1. Type dm in the console and hit enter. Type cm in the console and hit enter. Use the command giveselfxp command in the console and start giving yourself xp to get your levels back. I "think" if you type giveselfxp 500000 you should get to around level 30 but it will tell you exactly what level after you use the command. It may take executing that command a half dozen times to get where you want your level to be. Now, hit U in the game and that will bring up the creative menu and is where you can get all of your inventory and books back that are on your list. Spend your perk points but remember to finish the initial quest for those 4 points. Lastly, hit the ESC button and on the right side of the screen is an option to change the days so select your day and now you should be back where you were with a clean world. You may need to get some additional supplies to re-build a base if you had one before. I hope this is what you were wanting.
  18. I wasn't familiar with CG-NAT so I looked up information on it's wiki and came across this gem about disadvantages of this system: "Carrier-grade NAT usually prevents ISP customers from using port-forwarding, because the network address translation(NAT) is usually implemented by mapping ports of the NAT devices in the network to other ports in the network interface." There is more info after this sentence on the wiki. So since your ISP uses CG-NAT, it sounds like any hosting software requiring port-forwarding is not going to work for you. I guess you could try contacting the ISP directly and see if they have some kind of answer for you but it sounds like you're in a bad position. The only other option is if one of your playing partners has a different ISP and is willing to host your server.
  19. Unfortunately, I don't think there is. You'll have to guess to the best of your memory. When I've had to 'rebuild' my character, I typically try to go by what perks I had before the crash so give yourself some levels, buy the perks and if you remembered a specific perk that you had and you don't yet have enough points, then keep adding xp until you can buy those perks. For me, it was harder to figure out what books that I had read so I know I lost out on that. Same for inventory....I could remember some but not all that I had in my backpack.
  20. Yes you can recover using the console. Bring up the game launcher, select tools tab and go to Clean. Check the box next to player profiles and hit clean. Exit out. Now run the verify integrity of game files and run it twice. Now enter your game as a level one player. Use the giveselfxp and the creative menu to get your levels and items back.
  21. Also, check if there is a part of the command line referencing max players. Items listed in the command line supersedes what is listed in the serverconfig.xml.
  22. Usually this is a port forwarding issue. If you are using the default port 26900 for your server, you need to forward the following ports: tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903 on your router. If you don’t know how to forward ports on your router, go to portforward.com and look up your router brand/model # and you’ll find instructions on how to do it. After doing that, if you’re still having issues, use an online port scanner to verify the above ports are open. Sometimes some isp’s require you to call them for permission to forward ports. There are still some issues with LAN servers not showing up and you’ll need to direct connect using the internal ip of the server. Hope this helps.
  23. Usually falling through the world is an internet connection issue. We might get more info from your log. Instructions for finding the log and posting it using pastebin.com are covered in the pinned thread: ‘Please Read Before Creating New Threads”.
  24. If you aren’t married to a particular save, I would wipe the server totally. I also rent from Bluefang and they allow you to do it yourself. Open the File Manager. Download a copy of your serveradmin.xml and serverconfig.xml. The serveradmin.xml is in the Saves folder, serverconfig.xml is in the Config folder. Put checkmarks next to all of the server files/folders and hit delete. Now there should be an empty screen. Now go to Game Server Updates and select 20.6 from the dropdown as well as check Validate then hit Steam Update. It takes about 10 minutes to upload new server files. Go back to File Manager and you need to create 2 new folders labeled Config and Saves. Upload your serveradmin.xml to the Saves folder and serverconfig.xml to the Config folder. Be sure that the serverconfig.xml has the 2 additional lines added for server location that were added in 20.6. Now open the Command Line Editor, select the A20.6 template and edit the command line entries as you see fit and hit Update Command Line Parameters. Now you are set to start your server with a fresh copy of A20.6, with nothing left over from previous versions. Fire up the server and all should be good to go. You can also find these instructions under Bluefang’s faqs.
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