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Everything posted by danielspoa

  1. ok, the mods are listed now 😎 I selected the core mod, clicked build, it said it couldn't find the assembly dll in the server_data folder. Are those mods for server side? I download the server build of the game or just move my assembly to the expected folder? edit: this one "F:\Jogos\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'"
  2. can you enlighten me on how to implement those mods? Im interested in your work, but I have no idea how to "install them". I'm using the DMT tools that comes with ur download. I set the mod folder where ur mod is, nothing appears in the list of mods. Any idea?
  3. thats quite a quick response 😛 thanks!
  4. Im completely lost on this. I need to extract the UI icons to fix a hud mod, thats it. I open it, the stuff is extracted as .dat How do I get the image files themselves?
  5. hey guys, just installed it as Im choosing the ones to install in my server. I had one noted from an old version thats not there anymore, psycho. A zombie with sharp hands, is he coming back?
  6. Sirillion, I've been using ur mods for quite a few alphas and would like to know if u plan on releasing different hud versions like the old times (I mean the hp/food/etc part). I actually like this one, just wanted it bigger, or another of the old versions as they were bigger too thank you!
  7. If I wanted to use one of the mods in your pack, who should I talk to? Do you consider authorizing it? thank you
  8. We used to have a variant of that. Player seemed to massively like it. Joel decided its not fun and removed it. I once mentioned it and got a super rude response. I suggest you to not mention it, we got a warning (by Roland, this time politely) that this was set and shouldn't be further discussed. A few mods have it if u want, but xml modding is limited and it cant be fully reproduced.
  9. +1 anything we can use to bring the atmosphere to a18 would be great I'm downloading it but not confident I can adapt it
  10. first, let me say I really appreciate ur work and have been using this mod in my server. second, I would like to note I feel the same some guys said about the sneaky meter, I wish it was bigger thank you so much for ur work
  11. thank you so much Jax and Decept! this mod is working well, even the level up notification and stuff I wasn't sure it would work. Gonna use that on my server, with some UI tweaks (keep ur credits ofc)
  12. unfortunately this is one of the topics MM has a questionable stance on. I don't want to sound an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but massive people saying they love LBD and MM being like those companies "you dont want that". A17 had a long discussion around this. The game improved in a some aspects yeah but taking away exactly what worked well is dumb as f, even more when it looks like its done just for the sake of "I decide this and ♥♥♥♥ everyone else, you are not obligated to play it" he will never admit this was a wrong decision and its not even that he doesnt know that
  13. hello, I'm looking for some help if u dont mind :c Because I changed max stacks of items I also need to change the bundles to something more appropriate. So I did, but their names specify how many units they used to contain. I need to change the name of the bundle items. 1 - preferred method through a property, couldn't find one working so far. 2 - localization file, I dislike that they would need to download it but whatever, thing is I put the localization file with the exact same name and structure in the indicated folder, loaded the game, the changes aren't reflected there yet no error is shown. would you know a property to change its name or take a look at my localization file? its inside the config folder of the mod. thanks! [ATTACH]30417[/ATTACH] Localization.txt
  14. OMG please add this to the front page I was reading page per page looking for this info lol btw what an AMAZING work, thank you so much!
  15. does anyone work on something similar nowadays? Want to bring this idea to A18
  16. hey thank you! I sent you a PM with some info for my pack, I think it will make things easier. Ty!
  17. Hello Sphere I'm looking for some help to have the pack of mods from my server available through the mod launcher. My questions are - I use some modlets that are not mine, can I list them together with my own mods in the pack? - There are a few changes that are outside the mods folder, how do I prepare those files so the mod launcher knows where to put and override certain stuff? thank you
  18. Hello sphere, how are mods added to the default list?
  19. Allocs, I'm not sure if I get this right but with the map being pregenerated now is it possible to reveal the entire webmap through a command? Edit: nevermind, learned the magic of visitmap
  20. hey just came to say this is an amazing topic! Thank you for the help!
  21. Jax, are there any restrictions on working on a "mod of this mod" for my server? I want to keep it clear: - I would just make xml changes on top of ravenhearst - credits would be given upon starting the game - I wouldn't distribute it anywhere, only use in my own server is it ok?
  22. Hey, thanks again! No errors on the launcher. I'm trying to join a server, the servers with lower ping (the ones I intended to play) all show this error of the butterflies block. Trying to play SP or to join that specific server with 4.2 on it's name works, hence why I thought this block was from a different version. EDIT: and yeah, I installed it on a copy. I've played other mods before, somewhat used to it (doesn't mean I'm free from making mistakes, obviously) EDIT 09/august: a screenshot of my issue https://i.imgur.com/awSZRHZ.png
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