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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. Not everyone enjoys the same thing. That's why you will always spoil someone's fun. There are players who like to build small bases that don't need many resources and if possible the base should still stand after the horde. That's why they use something like the zombie force field to protect for example pillars that the zombies would destroy if they fall down and then go into destroy everything mode. I do the exact opposite. My bases are usually huge, consume massive resources and would still standing even if the zombies would destroy half of the blocks of the foundation. But that's only because building is the most fun for me and a few destroyed blocks here and there are no big deal for me. The zombies had consistent pathing in A17. You could build a huge maze and they traversed it perfectly without damaging a single block. And you could make them run in circles using a ramp and a jump. But then the fun pimps decided that the zombies get angry when they fall down or are so lazy that they'd rather punch through the wall than take a longer path. As time went on, more and more "features" were added and the zombies became more and more inconsistent in their behavior. By now you have to take so many variables into account when building a base that you sometimes lose interest in base building and just stand on a roof and play the game as a stupid shooter.
  2. I find a lot more 8x scopes than 2x scopes. This was also the case in A19. So I'm not surprised that @ElCabong hasn't found a 2x scope yet. There are always items that you would think would drop regularly but for some reason you just can't find them in the current game. For example, I'm on day 74 and looking for anvils. So far I've only found or bought 4 of them. I have not yet found the schematics either.
  3. I think not. It would also be fitting to unlock the schematics when you have completed the Urban Combat series. The bonus for completing the book series is that silencers no longer reduce damage. So it would be fitting that you are then be able to craft one.
  4. The pass through of the signal is needed for example for vault doors or drawbridges if they should function as both exit and entrance. Here is the setup usually Power source -> motion sensor -> motion sensor -> door / drawbridge. Or you use a combination of motion sensor and trigger plate e.g. with Power source -> trigger plate -> motion sensor -> door / drawbridge.
  5. Sounds to me like your T5 mission was in the wasteland. This is different than having T5 missions in one of the other biomes due to the high spawn rate in the wasteland.
  6. A simple workaround would be to put a relay between the motion sensor and the pressure plate. The relay passed trough the power but not the signal. When a zombie is detected by the motion sensor only then the pressure plate should recieve power and can activate the dart trap. The setup would then be Generator -> Motion Sensor -> Relay -> Pressure Plate -> Dart Trap The downside is that the power duration on the motion sensor needed to be set to the same amount of time that the pressure plate is set. So if you set the pressure plate to 5s then the motion sensor should be set to 5s as well or better 10s.
  7. Then maybe you should take a look at this.
  8. It depends on whether I find the schematics for the forge and the workbench within the first week. I decide on the chemistry station when I find a beaker.
  9. It would probably help if W,A,S,D was not used for actions in the menu. I don't know how many times I accidentally crafted, repaired, used or scraped something because I wanted to use the motion controls even though the menu was still open. Luckily I never ate glass by accident.
  10. I already had screamers when I had more than 2 forges running at the same time. Currently I have 6 forges running for my production. Therefore, the screamers appear relatively often.
  11. Even with the damage trigger, there are cases where you don't want the zombie to go into destruction mode. For example, when the zombies fall down from the ceiling inside a POI.
  12. Something similar happened in the last horde night video of JaWoodle. A party girl zombie runs up to him, he throws a Molotov cocktail behind her and she quickly runs back into the flames because she obviously wanted to warm up.
  13. This also happened to me in the A20 Experimental. After an update to a newer build version, he was suddenly back where he belongs. The problem of traders sinking through the floor has been known since at least the A19 and hopefully will be solved at some point.
  14. Khaine already provides a XML modlet called "Headshot Only".
  15. He also has a video that uses KingGen to get snow on the mountain tops. You could also do more with it.
  16. Is this what you were looking for ?
  17. I can confirm that this is the case in my game too. I am also a linux user. Game Version: A20.1 b5 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: Intel Core i5-7500 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: A20.1
  18. I can confirm that this is the case in my game too. I am also a linux user. Game Version: A20.1 b5 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: Intel Core i5-7500 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: A20.1
  19. I looked at the spawn.xml. Depending on the biome, different zombie groups are spawned with different respawn delay and in different quantity. For the Wasteland there is a separate group of zombies.The green biome, the desert and the winter biome share the most groups. This doesn't seem to affect the Sleeper Zombies, though. If there is a difference it is not shown in the XML files but hard coded. That is possible but I have not idea how to display the effective gamestage. The gamestage command in the console only shows me the same that is also shown in the UI.
  20. Are you sure about this ? I made a quick test. In the open forrest my gamestage is 283 and in the winter biome a few meters away it is still the same. Also driving into the winter biome city does not change my gamestage at all. My lootstage on the other hand is 141 in the open forrest, 307 in the winter biome and 317 in the winter biome city.
  21. Based on what I've observed so far and what I've tested myself, two things seems to have been changed. The zombies switch longer and more often into Destroy Area mode when they fall down somewhere than they used to do. And they switch into Destroy Area mode when a passage is blocked e.g. by other zombies. So as long as the paths are wide enough and the zombies don't keep falling down somewhere, they should remain somewhat predictable. Players should also not be too stingy with resources when building bases. It is better to build a few more supports and everything thicker than necessary instead of standing in front of the ruins of a collapsed base.
  22. My strategy is to have multiple traders, preferably at least one trader Jen and I regularly do quests at the closest traders. This way I increase my chances to get a beaker or a chemistry station as a reward or to be able to buy them. Like you said, it's rare find and I don't like to rely on my luck.
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