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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. It is certainly more complex now than it was in A19, but compared to the times when water was needed for the plants to grow, it has become much easier. I started with A15. At that time you didn't get any seeds back at all. You always had to convert part of your harvest back into seeds and to increase the yield you had to apply fertilizer made from rotten meat, nitrate and clay. For single player the amount of food you find is sufficient but in multiplayer you need a reliable food source. I need Supercorn mainly for glue. The nice thing about mushrooms is that they don't need farm plots. I just plant them on the wall and ceiling. Farming certainly doesn't eat up much of the developers' time. The change from A19 to A20 was probably nothing more than a few changes in the XML files. And what's fun is different for everyone. For me mindless violence is not fun. Building a huge base, on the other hand, is. And farming is a relaxing activity for me.
  2. Farming is now a kind of gamble. You get back on average in 50% of the seeds and at level 2 of Living of the Land you have a 50% chance of harvesting an extra crop. It's basically like a series of coin flips. You can be lucky several times in a row or unlucky several times in a row but in the long run it should average out at 50% success rate. Therefore, you should not start with just one seed. My base stock is always at least 5 seeds and I always convert the whole harvest into seeds until I have at least 10 plants.
  3. A random map generator will only be able to offer very generic options. Anything else would be far too complex. Even KingGen or NitroGen never had options that went into that much detail. What you should check out is Teragon. This is a new random map generator for A20 that is currently in development. But even that doesn't offer such specific options. Maybe someone will develop a map editor for 7 Days to Die. Then you could create your dream map. At least for A21 we will have a slider that determines how big the percentage of the individual biomes will be on the map. Something like 100% snow, desert, wasteland or green biome will then be possible.
  4. As far as I understand it, the magazines can also be found in crates. Therefore, I can imagine that in Pass-N-Gas crates the chance of finding Grease Monkey magazines is higher and in Working Stiffs crates for Miner 69 magazines. Since gas stations always have Pass-N-Gas crates and tool shops always have Working Stiff crates, you are more likely to find the corresponding magazines there.
  5. There are two other ways to get a gyrocopter without investing into the intellect tree. You can find the schematics for the accessories and the chassis or you can buy a gyrocopter from a trader. On multiplayer servers there is even another possibility. Someone else can craft a gyrocopter for you. I am surprised that there are no Intellect specialists on your multiplayer server. They are usually the ones who sell things to the traders and craft the vehicles for the other players.
  6. In Subnautica there is an option seen that highlights all the items you can interact with.
  7. Can't I have both? A horde base that fully automatically processes the horde into mincemeat but doing melee when I do quests ? I have also built bases that combined both. Traps to thin out the horde and the remaining zombies got their skulls crushed with the hammer.
  8. I use melee weapons even in the late game. Not to save ammo but because they are much more fun than guns. A gun is just point and click. When I use a melee weapon I have to move around, make sure I don't get hit too much by the zombies, don't get pushed into a corner, and so on.
  9. A giant steel wall-smashing behemoth would be a problem for two reasons, and they have nothing to do with realism. The first problem is pathing. As far as I know, the idea of the Behemoth was dropped because it was not compatible with the new pathing to have a 5 block behemoth in the game. I see these problems all the time in mods that integrate such titans. The second problem is that you force players to play a certain way. Traps would be ridiculously ineffective against such a monster and what should a melee player do? Put a ladder in front of the zombie, climb up and hit the monster on the head? Basically, everyone will be forced to use firearms.
  10. The controls take some getting used to, but I've seen worse in games. As for speed, the gyrocopter is faster than a minibike. It just looks like that it is slower because of the altitude. But if you compare how long you needed for a distance with the minibike and how long with the gyrocopter then you will see that the gyrocopter is faster. I agree. Reversing with the gyrocopter is frustrating. At least as far as skill points are concerned, this will no longer be a problem in A21 with the learning by looting system. As for resources, that will probably be so late in the game in A21 that you will have the steel and the other parts in abundance.
  11. A gyrocopter is not the same as a helicopter. The large rotor on top is in flight not powered by a motor, but is moved by the wind. Gyrocopters also need a runway in real life. So this is quite realistic. On Youtube you can find many videos of gyrocopters taking off and landing. The biggest advantage of the gyrocopter in the game is that you can easily fly over uneven terrain. In addition, it has a large inventory. Accordingly, I always use it when I visit my traders.
  12. Grace is basically the same model as the other pigs only 2 blocks high and with a different skin. The Behemoth, on the other side, was originally planned to be 5 blocks high. As far as I know there were problems with the pathing at this size. Also a reskin from existing models should be relatively easy but new models from scratch would be much more difficult. So I think the existing models will get a new skin or some effects that identifies them as Boss Zombies.
  13. There is a option for block damage in the game settings under "Advanced". More specifically, one for the Blood Moon Night and one for the rest of the time. It is possible to set the block damage of the zombies from 25% up to 300% of the base value.
  14. The difficulty setting has no effect on block damage nor gamestage. I have just tested it. I had a Demolisher hit a block on Nomad difficulty and Insane difficulty. Both times he did exactly 500 HP damage per hit. And as far as the gamestage is concerned, you only have to take a look at the gamestages.xml file. The difficulty multiplier is set to a value of 1.2. The only thing that is currently affected by the difficulty setting is what damage you do to zombies and what damage zombies do to you.
  15. This is by far not the only POI that can be abused in this way. Almost every POI that is made of concrete is suitable for this. Most of the time you only have to remove a few blocks to prevent zombies from coming to you. The effort is not even remotely as big as digging a shaft down to the bedrock. The benefit of building your own horde base from scratch is currently so small that some players don't build one anymore. They take over a POI and punch a few holes in the roof. During the horde they shoot down or throw Molotovs or grenades at the zombies.
  16. Oh, you mean something like in this POI ? You only have to remove one block and chill the rest of the night. And thanks to the magic of quests you can make all the damage disappear.
  17. I don't think any limitation is necessary because the quests are self-limiting due to the amount of time involved. At the beginning of the game you spend a lot of time running to the quest location and back. That's why you can only do 2 or maximum 3 quests per day even if everything is in the immediate vicinity. By the way, I'm assuming 60-minute days here. As the quest tier increases, so does the amount of time spent per POI. The only T5 quest I can complete in under an day is the Crack a Book headquarters. All other quests take longer if you also loot. And the quests are also further apart as there are fewer and fewer quest POIs nearby.
  18. Are building and mining also core features of the game or just activities that you can do when you feel like it? I only ask because in this game you can get along just fine without these two activities, but not without looting.
  19. According to what I have read so far, the trader in A21 will only offer things that are a bit better than what you can craft. So this option falls flat and unless they lowered the required lootlevel you have to have at least a lootstage of 100 to find T2 items and 190 to find T3 items. And those are mostly Q1 items. Even with the 250% loot bonus of the wasteland you will hardly reach such a high lootstage in the early game. In one playthrough I found the schematics for the auger and the schematics for the crucible early on. Motor tool parts drop very often. Therefore, these were not a problem. This lucky find allowed me to skip steel tools. I found an auger much later in the game. And by the way, almost all of my equipment is crafted except for the Q6 items.
  20. There are some books that unlock recipes such as the recipe for the M60, the steel club, military stealth boots and couple of mods like the drum magazine. The books that unlock the M60 and steel club will probably be replaced with new books. The steel club and the M60 are T3 weapons which means they will be unlocked by magazines.
  21. I wouldn't say that. After the release of first experimental you will read many such comments again and after the release of the stable again. Not everyone actively tracks the development and therefore many will only notice this change later. Stop being so hyped about something you haven't tried yet. You might not like it after all. 😁 And as for your uncle, maybe he likes mining and building. If you also want to have the progress, why don't both of you swap roles and you go into the mine and build. Unless you don't like mining and building. Then be grateful that he handles this part while you can do what you like.
  22. I saw something in the Apocalypse Now mod the other day that might solve this problem. You can find legendary weapons and tools in this mod. They are extremely strong but you can't repair them. So you have to use these items sparingly.
  23. This is true, but there is a difference in A21. You can no longer skip tiers by a lucky find. This makes the game a bit more boring and predictable in my eyes. I think you described it as a railroad trip. It always goes in the same direction and only the speed varies.
  24. It's a little different. Currently, the quality of something you craft is determined by how many points you invest in the corresponding perks and skills. Some perks also allow you to unlock recipes. Whether you got the points by scavenging, killing zombies, mining or building doesn't matter. In A21 you will only be able to increase the quality of what you can craft by looting and you will only be able to unlock recipes this way. Depending on your playstyle, this change may have a big impact or no impact at all.
  25. Give it a chance. I'm not a fan of the idea myself as I prefer to build rather than loot. If I see that I'm not making any progress at all with the new system, I'm sure there will be mods to change the system back to the system that is currently given in A20. Since the FunPimps always overdo when it comes to changes we will probably be flooded with magazines in A21.
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