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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. However, the fix no longer allows you to repair through the arrow slits or access the dart traps.
  2. Something similar happened in the last horde night video of JaWoodle. A party girl zombie runs up to him, he throws a Molotov cocktail behind her and she quickly runs back into the flames because she obviously wanted to warm up.
  3. This also happened to me in the A20 Experimental. After an update to a newer build version, he was suddenly back where he belongs. The problem of traders sinking through the floor has been known since at least the A19 and hopefully will be solved at some point.
  4. Khaine already provides a XML modlet called "Headshot Only".
  5. He also has a video that uses KingGen to get snow on the mountain tops. You could also do more with it.
  6. Is this what you were looking for ?
  7. I can confirm that this is the case in my game too. I am also a linux user. Game Version: A20.1 b5 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: Intel Core i5-7500 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: A20.1
  8. I can confirm that this is the case in my game too. I am also a linux user. Game Version: A20.1 b5 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: Intel Core i5-7500 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: A20.1
  9. Maybe some people don't want to invest that much time in base building or repairs. Or they need an emergency base because their last one didn't work as hoped. Of course, you could just punch some holes into the roof of a POI and call that a base. This is in my eyes even worse than a cheese base because you can do that 5 minutes before the horde and had virtually any effort at all.
  10. I looked at the spawn.xml. Depending on the biome, different zombie groups are spawned with different respawn delay and in different quantity. For the Wasteland there is a separate group of zombies.The green biome, the desert and the winter biome share the most groups. This doesn't seem to affect the Sleeper Zombies, though. If there is a difference it is not shown in the XML files but hard coded. That is possible but I have not idea how to display the effective gamestage. The gamestage command in the console only shows me the same that is also shown in the UI.
  11. Are you sure about this ? I made a quick test. In the open forrest my gamestage is 283 and in the winter biome a few meters away it is still the same. Also driving into the winter biome city does not change my gamestage at all. My lootstage on the other hand is 141 in the open forrest, 307 in the winter biome and 317 in the winter biome city.
  12. Based on what I've observed so far and what I've tested myself, two things seems to have been changed. The zombies switch longer and more often into Destroy Area mode when they fall down somewhere than they used to do. And they switch into Destroy Area mode when a passage is blocked e.g. by other zombies. So as long as the paths are wide enough and the zombies don't keep falling down somewhere, they should remain somewhat predictable. Players should also not be too stingy with resources when building bases. It is better to build a few more supports and everything thicker than necessary instead of standing in front of the ruins of a collapsed base.
  13. My strategy is to have multiple traders, preferably at least one trader Jen and I regularly do quests at the closest traders. This way I increase my chances to get a beaker or a chemistry station as a reward or to be able to buy them. Like you said, it's rare find and I don't like to rely on my luck.
  14. I agree. I also do not see it horror game or at least not as pure horror game. Horror games for me are those games where you are walking through a dark room and a monster suddenly grabs you. These games live on jumpscares but when the monster has killed you a dozen times you don't get scared anymore. I like something like Subnautica much better. Someone once described it as terror. Instead of a monster lurking around every corner, the player only has the feeling that a monster could be lurking around every corner. The perceived threat is greater than the actual threat. Also, many of the so-called horror elements in this game are unintentionally funny. The bulging eyes, for example, look like googly eyes. And who hasn't laughed at the ragdoll when a zombie lands on the toilet or two zombies in a clearly ambiguous pose?
  15. To be fair, when I started in A15, I knew nothing at all and got killed a couple of times before I even learned what I would now call basic knowledge. If the game has become harder or easier over time is hard to say. The default difficulty setting is Adventurer. This should be helpful for many new players as the game is balanced for Nomad and Adventurer is easier. The spawn point is near a trader and the starter quest is much better now.
  16. No, but you shouldn't assume that the players have the same knowledge base as you moderators. Maybe you should explain to people in more detail what the reasoning behind the changes was and what kind of consideration process preceded it. For you it was a 10 year development and I am sure that about every week someone in the development team mentioned something about this. But for a player that played A16 just a week before A17 release, it was just a week between LDB and the current progress system. Even longtime players probably never realized that LBD was about to be removed. They just saw it changing. I have experienced similar problems with our customers. When big changes are coming, they will always come as a surprise. I don't blame them, though, because they probably have better things to do than constantly test their systems for compatibility with the latest software versions or to keep up with all the IT news. That's great but it's hard to keep up if you don't read the developer diary every day. You don't look at it for a week and a few hundred posts have been added.
  17. Funny that you accuse me of not paying attention to things. @Marinxar has written that with the quick-fix. That was not me. I was just trying to explain how these things look from the perspective of an ordinary player.
  18. First of all you, are a moderator. So you get a view behind the curtain that a normal player don't get. We only get the outside perspective. Seen from the outside, the balancing of the Demolisher is more the result of Mad Mole's moods than thorough considerations. Mad Mole made videos back then in which he tried different builds. The Demolisher at that time did more entity damage than block damage. At one horde night, there was a breach in his defenses and the zombies got into his base. Including two demolishers. These then exploded near his chemistry station but the chemistry station survived. He sounded disappointed that he was not punished for this negligence. The next day, the damage values of the demolisher were flipped and nothing has been changed since then, to my knowledge. It was often criticized that the Demolisher is both a tank but also does a lot of damage. Usually either one or the other is the case but never both at the same time. Again from the outsider perspective, the transition was very quick. A16 had a hybrid system and after 16.4 also solved the spamcrafting problem, it seemed perfect. Yes there were some players who still hugged a cactus for hours or shot ore with a shotgun. The same players now light campfires and summon screamer hordes. This is a mindset and has nothing to do with any particular progression system. Then in A17 the learning by doing was gone and I don't need to mention how bad the start of A17 was. By the way, not everyone reads the forum. Most players only see what was released and sometimes they don't even read the release notes. In the beginning, the farm plots were very expensive. It took a long time until you had enough rotten meat. Especially since the zombies no longer gave rotten meat. At that time I regularly visited the Doggos and Bear Den to take advantage of the respawn. When the roadkills were added, it got a little better.
  19. I've done it too but he was told so. You are welcome to read the thread.
  20. No, I only pointed out that at the time of the collapse, according to the video images, there was only one zombie down there that had fallen down shortly before. Whether zombies attacked the pillars on the way up or not cannot be determined from the video.
  21. You can't mod everything, or at least not yet. For example that the zombies can dig is hardcoded. People asked to add a setting or at least to expose this part of the AI, but as far as I know that hasn't happend yet. You can try to workaround this by making the topsoil invunerable to zombie damage but nevertheless will the zombies try to dig. What I would like to see from the Fun Pimps is at least to better communicate big changes in advance. The block nerf was a pretty big change and it came from nowhere.
  22. Actually, some people have done that in this thread. They said he should disable the Horde if he wants to have an underground base.
  23. Did the wolf have glowing eyes by chance and was a little bigger ? If that was the case, then it was a direwolf. It has 750 HP, just like a bear. A normal wolf has in comparison only 200 HP.
  24. I'm not sure that's what caused the base to collapse. I watched the moment of the collapse frame by frame and there was only one zombie down there. The janitor who fell down moments before. During the horde, zombies kept falling down and they probably attacked the pillar before making their way back up.
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