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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. In other words. It's best to play Insane Nightmare with Permadeath. Preferably only melee combat without armor 😉
  2. I miss learning by doing and more complex crafting processes with intermediate steps. I experienced both in the Undead Legacy mod and it was a lot of fun. But what I've noticed more and more lately is that there don't seem to be any really big ore deposits anymore. I used to have huge mines that never ended. Now I have to keep opening new mines because I'm running out of ore. And building big in general is not that easy anymore. On the one hand, I have FPS drops despite better hardware, and the spawn radius of the zombies in the horde night is significantly smaller than it was back in A16.
  3. You can use trigger plates or additional motion sensors as relays. They not only pass through the power but also the signal to open the door.
  4. Honestly, I would have liked to see a toilet seat on the minibike. It would have been wonderfully silly and I'm always up for that.
  5. More or less. When one eye is covered or closed, the field of view is limited and you can't estimate distances as well because stereoscopic vision is missing. It would definitely be annoying. You can get used to it but it would certainly not be fun.
  6. Honestly, I would mod something like that right out of the game. For me, the blurred vision is bad enough when you bleed, and that effect only lasts a few seconds. Going a whole day with only one eye would be unbearable.
  7. I don't think it's just veterans. If you're coming from another game where you can collect water with a flask, for example, you're going to wonder why the developers of this game didn't implement that.
  8. It is a new game the fun pimps are working on. You can subscribe to a newsletter on the homepage: https://7daysbloodmoons.com/
  9. My biggest gripe with these POI hordes is that they don't exist until you activate the trigger point. For example, you walk across the roof of the big prison with the helipad and there are no zombies. But when you go through a certain door, suddenly there are zombies everywhere. So if you don't go the right way, you might miss a trigger. For a clear quest, this is sometimes quite annoying.
  10. Will this run natively on SteamOS (Linux) or will it run on Proton?
  11. CautiousPancake is working on a mod with new quest types. Among others, "Defend the safe house".
  12. Yeah that would be the big drawback. In the late game when you want to increase the traderstage you spam quests because you already have the equipment, the skills and a fast vehicle. Rewards don't matter at that point.
  13. You only need 7 quests to reach the next level. It is kind of a point system. A T1 is worth 1 point, T2 is worth 2 points, and so on. So you could actually only do T1 quests and still get to T6. But that would require you to do 231 T1 quests, if my math is correct.
  14. A single player game of 7 Days to Die is basically a local server with only one user. In the General tab, you can set the server visibility to "Not Listed", set a password, and reduce the number of players to 1. Then no one else can connect to the server.
  15. XP and loot alone are not enough incentive to spend time and ammo. The loot in T5 POIs is not much different from T1 POIs. You get a slight loot bonus, but if I compare a T5 POI in the Pine Forest to a T1 POI in the Wasteland, for example, the T1 POI will give me better loot, and in the same time it takes me to clear a T5 POI, I could clear several T1 POIs. And there are more effective ways to get a lot of XP than spending a bunch of ammo killing zombies. You can also look at it in-character. The quest is a job. Why should I take a job that doesn't pay? Before there were quests, I hardly ever looted. I find looting very boring. That's why I like quests. I drive or walk to where the trader sends me and do my job. It also allows me to explore the map without driving around for no reason. That would certainly be an interesting mechanic.
  16. Maybe I'm just particularly slow, but I don't manage to complete more than 1-2 quests a day in the first week. Whether it's a fetch quest or a clear quest, I always loot the whole POI. I know that is inefficient but I don't care. Priorities for the first week are finding or building a safe base, getting water and food supplies, setup production and building a horde base for the first few hordes. Later, I usually build a base for the endgame hordes or expand the first horde base. This usually takes a few days or even weeks, so I don't do any quests during that time. So on average I do one quest a day. The question is, what would be a fair reward for the amount of effort it takes to clear a T5 POI? At the start of A21, the quest rewards for T4, T5 and T6 were no better than T3. People were complaining. No one was motivated to do higher quests.
  17. It depends on what you mean by natural progression. To get to T5 you have to do 28 quests. My understanding of natural progression is that you only do one quest a day on average. Currently, quest rewards are simply randomly selected from a predefined loot table. To implement your suggestion, the game would need to evaluate your skills and then adjust the reward. This is not currently implemented.
  18. To be fair, the zombies are at a disadvantage. They are AI-controlled puppets and have to face humans with fully functional brains. 😁
  19. I have a similar ptoblem in my base. The outer wall and floor are made of half-blocks and sometimes it happens that vomit spills through these half-blocks and damages or destroys the electrical fences behind them. It's pretty annoying but luckily not really a big problem since I have a lot of redundancies.
  20. Depends on the POI. If it is a POI with many bookshelves, double dipping may be worthwhile. Especially if it is a T2 or T3 Crack a Book. But there are also some residential POIs where double dipping is worthwhile if you know where the bookshelves are and how to get there quickly.
  21. You can already select a farming plot shape with a rounded corner.
  22. In my case, they were not spectacular deaths, but rather stupid ones. I actually managed to die of either hunger or thirst in A15. I went to lunch and forgot to pause the game. Since I was in my base, I didn't think much when I got back to the computer, but my character was dead. He had either died of thirst or starvation. The second death happened in A17 while I was mining resources. I wasn't paying attention to the HP meter and from time to time a block of gravel would fall down and did a little damage. A block slid down down, barely touched me in the foot, and my character dropped dead. My next stupid death was caused by a mine. I already had the best armor you could have at that point, and mines did very little damage before. But what I didn't know was that in this version, the developers had fixed the mines to do the damage specified in the XML files. And the damage was so high that I died instantly the moment I carelessly stepped on a mine. And the last stupid death happened to me when I messed with a pig on day 1. Do not underestimate them.
  23. They still drop acid but only when they contain loot. As soon as they are empty, they no longer drop acid.
  24. I used to grow supercorn mainly for crafting glue. But since the bottleneck in A21 is water and not bones, I no longer harvest the supercorn in my garden. I still grow it to have it just in case.
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