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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Was your wife in a different biome or in a city POI when you checked? Nowadays gamestage is influenced by position as well. And as soon as you are teamed up and in the same place you might get a combined gamestage (but I could be wrong here and only the separate value lootstage does this) I would suggest you both go to a separate place somewhere in the open forest and check out your gamestage at the same time. If you still see her having a better gamestage then it is time to worry 😉
  2. I never heard of any method to repair a chunk. IF that chunk is corrupted the only recourse seems to be restoring from a backup (if available) or delete. Since you only posted logs of the crash: I would assume relevant chunk errors to appear only in later logs, for example in logs where you try to enter the chunk and your game crashes. Either post one of those logs or check them for errors yourself. Since @SylenThunder asked for the savegame he may have meant to test it and just didn't have the time yet. If you want to wait for his results then just avoid that chunk like the plague. And start doing backups of your savegame, such a situation is always just a crash away.
  3. Please make a bug report. Klick on the red banner above, it tells you what information to provide. "Images and Videos" is not the right section for this.
  4. General support can't help here except to suggest to not go near the forge 😁 You could make a bug report, see red banner above.
  5. Crash seems to be happening in mono while initializing the EOS management code. EOS is a change in A20 to make the game compatible with Epics shop and make player-ids cross-platform between steam and epic. Things to try: *) Start 7D2D directly with the "startserver.sh" script. *) If you have mono libs installed, remove them for a moment and again use startserver.sh to start Both of the measure above might lead to 7D2Ds libraries being used instead of the ones the OS provides. And that could be a source of problems. On my debian server I have practically nothing installed with mono in the name. This is my best guess at the moment If that doesn't help you might be able to turn off EOS code completely. There is a file platform.cfg you can edit for that. Just search the forum for "platform.cfg" mentioned by Faatal. Probably was just removing "EOS" in there.
  6. I may be wrong, so do your own tests, but my guess would be dynamic meshes are the main cause of your stuttering, At least I seem to have noticed no major FPS drops in cities since I turned that off one play session ago. It is a new tab in the video config menu, easy to miss. New feature, still needs some care. If not, another one I would try is occlusion on or off. Another thing is if you are server and client in one, 16G could actually be a problem as there might still be memory leaks (but turning off dynamic meshes might help here too(??)). If you notice the stuttering only after one or two hours of gameplay then frequent restarts may be the solution until the next stable hopefully improves the situation.
  7. No, that is working as intended. Why would they do so much to support modding for almost everyone if they didn't want their game to get "immortality" through modding? Why would they have all that focus on vanilla to be the introductory version for beginners? You overestimate the importance of random complaints on the internet. Since the game can never be the perfect solution for everyone there will always be people saying Command&Conquer(*) is so much better. 😁 (*) Now just substitute any other game or mod for "C&C" and you have an immortal complaint, something you have to live with as a game developer no matter what you do.
  8. No. LotL1 is already sustainable farming. Recheck your calculation or read about it: Just the numbers: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/27146-living-of-the-land-its-a-poor-gamble/?do=findComment&comment=466814 The math: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/27146-living-of-the-land-its-a-poor-gamble/?do=findComment&comment=466603
  9. From where did I get all those seeds in my SP game with LotL1 then? 1 or 2 seeds? We live in different realities This is exactly the same with vehicle schematics or cooking recipes. You either bet on looting to eventually deliver you those recipes or you play it safe and take more points in the perk to get the recipes automatically. This is a choice and I can assure you that looting works too. In both my SP and my MP game I have found all the important seed recipes and more than enough seeds to have a big farm going. Did it take more time than if I had spent that perk point? Yes, sure, I didn't expect any different.
  10. Ah, the Red Tea myth has confused many players it seems, happened to a friend of mine as well. Efficient Digestion doesn't mean you eat better but you use up less food while regenerating stamina. So you should drink red tea before mining or a fight. Drinking it before a meal does simply waste the buff.
  11. Problems after a crash usually mean that the player data or something else in the savegame was corrupted. The "Missing paint" message is informational and probably harmless. Please open a new thread since your problem is different. And post logfiles of server and problematic client, see the pinned thread that tells you to read it before posting for details.
  12. This is comparing apples and oranges. While TFP adds stuff on all levels of the game, modders mostly work on the top level shiny stuff that has the highest impact but can't work without the lower level stuff. TFP is the car company building the car while the modders are the tuning shops. For example the new RWG was surely a lot of low level programming and artistic work just to have a city with streets. What we will see is modders using those new RWG capabilities to add stuff like airports and massive mega-factories, flashy but optional stuff that TFP didn't even try because they might need more basic tier4 buildings for example. On an artistic level you might be able to compare them, but this is subjective and unfair as modders have much more freedom, see the sorcery mod.
  13. ?. Read my previous post. "Click on the blue banner link..."
  14. Feral sense on or off? What gamestage? how much points in stealth perk? Day or night? If night, do you use night-vision or headlight or is there illumination?
  15. It? Who? Error? What error? Have you read the pinned thread on how to post your logfile?
  16. No thanks, I like to live dangerously. Once we had our base in a high tower from compopack and our miner thought it was a good idea do dig below it. Suddenly a part of our horde base was collapsing with filled boxes and all. Ah, good times 🤪 Really, events like this can spice up a world if you already played lots and lots of samey worlds. Naturally it is very different for people playing insane dead-is-dead or with loot frequency really low for example. If I played such a game (with much lower margin of error) I would act differently.
  17. Do wilderness spawns (or screamer spawns or wandering hordes) necessarily spawn on the streets?
  18. Well the context was definitely the netcode. And part of your problem is FPS because of unoptimized network traffic if I understand correctly. For example gikon was talking about unneccessary world update packages that could be optimized away. This looks to me a quite promising avenue for optimizations. There was no word on whether they will also work on PvP and exploit security and to me those problems look to be massively more problematic and to hope for a complete solution there is utopic in my view. Am I wrong in thinking that just one working exploit would make fixes for all the other exploits nearly useless? And seeing what problems other much larger companies have with exploit-prevention I don't see 7D2D ever get really exploit-free, especially since too much processing seems to happen on the client and I doubt this can easily all be moved back to the server. But on the other hand the stuff I don't know about the game's code could fill libraries 😁
  19. Optimism? I thought my main message was that whatever happens will take a lot of time. And I also hinted that it wasn't sure at all that there would come anything off it. Naturally if you think Madmole was just lying/placating when he said they hired new programmer that will look into this issue, then yes, you are more pessimistic than I am. With us? We have nearly zero knowledge about the netcode. What is there to discuss and what would it achieve? I mean, sure, knowledge is always a good thing, but this is off broadway here. I doubt those new engineers tasked with looking at the net code will frequent the forum and start discussing the code (but I could be wrong here, for example Faatal is very forthcoming with internals, usually new hires at some place are shy though and don't know how much info they can give out)
  20. They take fall damage up to 1/3 of their total hitpoints per fall. EDIT: Made a test to confirm it, a height of about 20-25 blocks led to about 10% fall damage
  21. Ok, if that is the question: Lots of POIs have cellars without a direct unobstructed path to the outside (for example if you drop down from the ceiling somewhere to get inside, or simply because of unlocked but closed doors. Also length of path adds to the pathing cost and there is a maximum length of path that is calculated
  22. I know my advice isn't directly attacking the problem. Only your state of mind. But anything you can't control is not worth thinking about. Same with Rapunzel, I don't get what worrying about her situation would help her in any way, except giving her ulcers and an early death through heart attack In my estimation (not backed by any XML study) traders are at least as probably to give you the solution (acid or chem station to buy) on a platter than looting is. So if looting is not part of your routine one possible choice is to return to your normal way of doing things and just opt to visiting the traders every three days (maybe also finding more traders to increase the chance). Well, I found an acid just yesterday without looking for it. Maybe that is the secret sauce 😉
  23. That depends on whether hiring a new programmer and giving him the task to look into it is sufficient or not in your view (isn't that what madmole said in this thread?). Analyzing the netcode and finding and testing solutions will take time. I would assume that talking to the experienced admins would help a lot (and would be the sensible thing to do), but that surely won't happen here in the forum but in direct communication. So you will not see much unless you are one of the experienced admins they might contact. If everything works out well (i.e. the programmer actually finds solutions that don't break stuff elsewhere and those solutions don't need hundreds of complicated changes all over the codebase) then you and I will probably just see a few lines in the changelog from time to time about netcode changes and relatively big changes might not even land before A21. From the outside it always seems surprising how long it takes for changes and features to reach the public. Notice how much time even a big company like Microsoft needs to fix seemingly small but critical bugs in their operating system or other software.
  24. We are missing exact infos to really help you. What were the exact generation parameters you gave? There is a generation logfile that lists those parameters but I forgot where to find it, but probably is a file somewhere in the world data you copied over. What does the relevant part of the serverconfig.xml look like? Usually we also want the complete logfile, but in this case I'd say searching for the string "INF createWorld" and posting that line and the complete error message line might do
  25. At least for the looting part I'd say "Don't sweat it". Just loot and acid or the acid-book will drop eventually whether you constantly think about it or not.
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