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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. ? Not really comparable. Adding a shield in 7D2D would need (IMHO) many changes in diverse parts of the game (graphics, UI, perks, xml-support). But most important there are multiple ways to do it (only passive, with shieldbash or full two-handed support so two knifes for example work too), multiple solutions. So there would be room enough for mods and DLC to exist simultaneously. Maps would only make sense if you add a story too, but this is not 7D2D's strength. But simply adding russian style POIs and a fitting RWG would work. I assume you meant the latter as well, but that is not what I would call a map, Navezgane is a map, RWG is not a map. You are definitely not what I would ever call a "hater". You just want 7D2D to be a different game than it really is.
  2. Generally I would advise to not remove stuff unless you have problems. A lot of sites have outdated information and tips that were applicable for specific bugs than were fixed ages ago. Where do you see this serveradmin.xml reload? Searching his log for the string "serveradmin.xml" only lists one time it is loaded, near the start of the log
  3. Which mod adds a shield you can use while fighting in melee? A shield DLC (in the quality I expect of TFP) would need to add the possibility for two-handed combat which isn't a simple XML fix. A DLC with new zombie models but not additional functionality of those zombies (i.e. just more skins) would probably sell too, but not as well as you think. But I never doubted that. What I am saying is simply TFP can fill its DLC with all possible content (except maybe new maps like in some other games) and will sell that, and it doesn't much depend on what is out there as a mod. I asked if you already know the price of future 7D2D DLCs. And I asked because you listed "price of the DLC" as one of the problems TFP had to sell a DLC. When you told people in this forum that they could use this or that mod if they had some problem, half the time you got the reply that they don't use mods and need vanilla to be the "right way". Until steam workshop integration is added I'm very sure more than 50% of all 7D2D players play without mods. Correct, the money from just licencing the game and DLC will surely be less than if they did the console version themselves. But it doesn't matter, it is still additional income from the console side and with crossplay capability also a further incentive for players to play vanilla so they can play with console friends.
  4. So what category boss is Joss Whedon supposed to be?
  5. Maybe old settings interfere. So if you haven't already, follow the advice linked to in the blue banner above (the first section about using the game launcher) Also, do you have software from your GPU company installed that maybe meddles with the keyboard settings?
  6. There is a joke around "rigidbody" suggesting itself here I just can't bring myself to actually spell out. 😁
  7. Why would the game need horses to sell a horse skin DLC? SOME people will buy it anyway 😁 Just to clarify: I wasn't talking about matt here and not about the lever action rifle discussion. Its just that nitpicks about guns are the most common type of nitpicky rant we get in this forum. Although in previous alphas rants about streets in RWG were a close second.
  8. Is it really more dangerous? We have the trap rooms, sure, but even I (and I'm a mediocre player) have been very carefully inspecting floors anytime I have entered a POI I don't know, and I usually know the trap rooms in known POIs and have multiple ways to do them savely. Bear Den? I can't remember getting killed by the bears, if I did it must have been me trying something new or I fell down from ladder or scafolding. If even forgetful me remembers most of the times to be careful in new POIs I expect good players to not fall into them. Now the new tier5 book POI is a new one and big and even seems to have multiple traps(?). I haven't done it yet and there is a chance I still fall into one of the traps, at least the first time. So yes, I went into what is supposed to be one of the most dangerous POI and maybe get killed by traps or zombies (which could happen if I played INT or PER or ... as well). That is a challenge I want to face in the game, independent of the stealth issue. I can't tell you what the perfect balance is for stealth now with all the changes (I'll have to play without feral sense first) but without a doubt a balance where stealth is fun to play is possible even with occasional wake ups of zombies at any stealth. If I had to guess, I would say as long as you 1) can clear a tier2 POI at night with on average say 1 zombie waking up, 2) clearing a POI at daylight with stealth has some advantages too and 3) restealthing works effectively, then stealth as an alternative will be viable. Just to clarify something: While we talk about pure stealth builds ATM, the optimal strategy may never be to push stealth to 5 as fast as possible. The optimal strategy might involve (for example) that if you want to play stealth you have to perk into run-and-gun whenever possible. Is this still pure stealth? No, but it is pure AGI. Or it might be that either running shoes or college jacket or high parkour is necessary on higher difficulties. We don't know where stealth will ultimately land, but we surely know it is still one of the features that is still in flux and being worked on. Well, I don't think this is supposed to be a nerf. It is a change that (as usual) starts out unbalanced and needs a lot of actual gameplay experiences to know in which direction it has to be balanced or changed. I have said this often and I say it again: We are the guinea pigs. Nice example is that now stealth quest runs often leave undetected zombies behind. This is an undesirable result that is easily overlooked when designing such a feature. This is what the guinea pigs have found and now it is up to the developers to think of an appropriate fix for this. Say, is WWE in Early Access too? 😎 😁
  9. Yes, nice random fact. But what has it to do with the question whether TFP can make a DLC with working shields? So? Have you heard about any prices for 7D2D DLCs? Since 7D2D itself was dirt cheap and is available for less than 10$ in steam sales I don't think they will make a horse skin DLC for 10$. You are listing now dozens of reasons why people bought a Skyrim DLC. What is missing is reasons why TFP can't do the same: And a lot of people don't mod 7D2D, and 7D2D is "in its size category" a very popular game. 7D2D will probably be multiplatform about 1-2 years after release and multiplatform is possible if TFP and the publisher of the console version want to. Which TFP can do as well. 7D2D GOTY edition? Why not? This is the first thing 7D2D can't have too, but lore is part of why Bethesdas games were successful. Nobody expects 7D2D or its DLC to sell as much copies as Skyrim. Lots of games without lore put out DLCs and they get bought. And that definitely will happen with 7D2D as well, and I already said that in my previous post, modders will add mods depending on basegame+DLC and then people have to buy the DLC if they want to play specific mods. Come on, you list a handful of facts why Bethesda can sell DLCs, but I miss the logical argument here why those reasons can't be used by TFP as well. There is a problem if you can't put your thoughts into words. I can only react to your words, not your thoughts 😉 You list problems of CoD DLCs but I bet those DLCs still made a lot of money for activision. Please provide sales numbers to show that "those lots of players" even made a difference. Especially with AAA games you have thousands of very young, very opinionated and easily raging players who find fault at the least "provocation". We have examples of this overblown rage even here in the forum when sometimes a player rages because some weapon has the wrong magazine shown. But the bottom line is, even most of the people wildly critizising a CoD DLC will buy that DLC, in addition to a majority of silent players who simply and quietly buy their next CoD fix.
  10. The OP started an identical thread in both forum sections, I merged them and the one in the console sections seems to be the one being merged into. I will correct that, but the thread has run its course anyway.
  11. Shields is not a bad example. Minecrafts shields have nothing to do with what TFP could add in a DLC. I would rather say Minecraft is a bad example. I can't say what you will do. But I would buy a 200 POI DLC and I would buy a quest DLC from TFP, no matter how many POI or quest mods are out there from modders. And I'm sure a lot of other people would do as well. Especially the fraction that does not want to use mods at all. And the larger fraction that does not want to use mods changing more than xml for security reasons. And that is all what counts for TFP's motivation to do a DLC or expansion and their financial side. And there are quests only TFP can implement easily because they need fundamental changes to internal code. In Modding, as always when people of differing talent do the same stuff, there is a quality pyramid. There is a massive amount of bad and acceptable modders, a few really good modders and very very few excellent modders. And those excellent modders are easily capable of exceeding the quality TFP puts out because they have the time to polish their mods far beyond any reasonable time investment that a company could finance. And those modders will have the tools for that. For example you can get the unity toolset for free (if I'm not mistaken) and for all the expensive modelling software there usually are less comfortable but cheaper alternatives. Not many will have the skill to do good HD zombie models, but there surely will be some. I have underlined the important sentence, the rest was irrelevant to the discussion. Irrelevant. FTL and Terraria are both different genres and very different games to 7D2D. It is easy to list games to supports ANY argument. I just brought up FTL to show you that I can do the same useless name calling for the exact opposite claim. Easy. There is no problem except in your mind. Just wait and see. The additional zombies I did see in overhaul mods I played were all fun. They might not have the quality and same style as the TFP zombies, but I don't need that to enjoy them.
  12. Not sure if it is still the case, but in A18 and A19 only tier5 quests gave quality 6 tier 3 weapons and armor (aka the "legendary stuff") as quest reward.
  13. I decided a long time ago that I would play Navezgane again only once the game has been released. Because I want to play whatever story the game has on a map as fresh and unknown as possible. And Navez itself will not change fundamentaly, so I hope to forget as much as possible until that day. You should have only 1 option on random gen, plus size selection and world and seed names to fill in But there are also 3 pregenerated random gen worlds in 3 sizes. Since the pregenerated worlds were made by TFP just as you would make one you can use them instead of generating one, there should not be any difference except that the pregenerated worlds were selected to be well-behaved average.
  14. I did say trap rooms are the exception, but they are an exception anyway. If a "normal" player falls into such a trap, he often has a good chance to be dead as well. This is where even an AGI player has to use his guns and hope for the best ( if he falls into the trap). Me, if I know there is a trap I put ladders on the wall and trigger the room from safety, no matter what attribute I spec into Now zombies should not spawn and immediately attack directly beside you, this may be something that should be fixed. If such an irradiated feral spawns sufficiently away from you to react you should be able to run away and stealth. Or kill him, I don't think zombies are meant to kill you in a one-on-one fight. Stealth in this game is not absolute and safe because normally players have the means to handle zombies. Now you probably tell me you also set zombies to nightmare speed? Well, don't. I didn't argue that, so its all good. My idea in the last paragraph would not really have improved the situation the way you look at it, but make stealth even more random, but dependably random. I.e. you would know that with stealth X you will wake about Y zombies in one hour of stealthing through tier-Z POIs. But which ones, no idea. You would find out that some rooms usually wake up more zombies and many rooms often not even one, but you would not be able to depend on a specific room to behave always the same. Well, and my idea is exactly that. Stealth like infection would be random, but you can use a better stealth perk to give you less zombies waking up.
  15. You still see problems were hardly any exist. There are dozens of features that can't be done in mods, at least not in an efficient way. Something like a water overhaul, totally new quest modes, shields or two handed fighting, or just 200 new buildings in the same style as the current ones (even if there are 500 POIs in compopack, it doesn't matter). Lots of people will pay for such DLCs and lots of modders will use the new features in their mods making it mandatory to buy the DLC even if you want to just play some new mod. And we don't even need to look at features, just a graphics overhaul will sell even if there are graphics overhaul mods out there. Bethesda could sell all sorts of DLC including graphics overhauls even though there existed graphic overhauls of all their games by the dozens. FTL is the best example of a game that has just a few enemies and two dozen of weapons. Terraria was successfull and FTL was successfull. What does that tell us? 1) Success does not depend on how many enemies and weapons are in a game. 2) We can argue for anything by citing random successfull game who had it as well.
  16. A different solution is to change a value in serverconfig.xml: <property name="PersistentPlayerProfiles" value="false" /> <!-- If disabled a player can join with any selected profile. If true they will join with the last profile they joined with --> If you change this to "true" then you will always enter as the same character if you use the same steam account. I don't know if it would help you currently to get the old character back since you have played two characters with the same steam id now. But possibly you may want to change that setting to avoid similar problems in the future
  17. Yes and no. The trap rooms are poison for INT and PER players as well, only STR and FOR players can be reasonably sure that they have the firepower if it is survivable at all. But reasonable counterplay was already mentioned in the discussions in A19. And now with only some zombies waking up there may be another possibilty: If only one or two zombies wake up, you may be able to kill it or them with a crossbow or bow so you stay in stealth for the rest of them If that doesn't work or you wake up too many, sure, you actually have to run and try to restealth or use parkour to get to a safe position or use your gun to actually deal with them, or a combination of them. Even then, if you succeed in running without waking the rest you may have to deal only with one or two instead of all. Where I have my doubts for example is if you only wake up 1 or 2 and then use a silenced pistol to get rid of them, will I have a good chance to not wake up the others with high stealth? I also have my doubts that the 10% mentioned by Roland is the reality. With the ingame logic of random events happening? We could make the argument that the random dog horde on day 3 is as unlogical, unforseeable and unfair to the player as an auto-aggro room Since we now have the tech in the game that zombies can wake up based on a random roll, I would suggest to TFP this: Make all attack volumes have a chance to wake up zombies depending on RNG and your stealth. And add a single base value to each room representing its "danger" so that rooms with higher danger more easily wake up zombies. The advantage: The randomness can happen everywhere and the player has to accept that there is nothing 100% deterministic happening here, just like in reality. He can only influence chances You would have lots of normal rooms where the chance for any zombie at all waking fairly to really low depending on stealth. And "dangerous" rooms where often more than half the zombies will wake up even with highest stealth. And everything in between-rooms.
  18. Worth a try. I don't know what chunk density means and whether the command fixes just this density or other problems as well.
  19. Exactly, different studios. They have different future plans, different situations, different ideas, different opinions. I simply assume that TFP willingly accepted that there will be much more stuff in mods than in vanilla and are ok with it, since they could clearly see what will likely happen through watching other moddable games. And they openly stated that they wanted modding in their game because of what they saw happened with Bethesda games (and minecraft?). This would change nothing because vanilla IS ALREADY the introduction. I told you about what is fact right now, not any plans for the future. Vanilla at default difficulty is for beginners. When veterans complained about not enough endgame contents or the game being too easy they were always directed to check out mods
  20. I couldn't see any change to gamestage myself. Anyway, even if there were an "effective gamestage" that wasn't shown it would not explain what the OP is seeing. If I don't forget I'll check the gamestage phenomenon in a MP game tonight.
  21. If gamestage didn't change with biome how should more dangerous zombies spawn there? Maybe the shown gamestage doesn't change but the effective one should But I'll do a test now.
  22. Found the mistake: I still had bookmarked the A19 known issues list.
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