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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The port number 59568 is the port the telnet client uses to connect to the telnet port of the game. The error messages claims that the operating system abortet the telnet connection (it could be a lie 😉). Two things to try: Try a new game without mods and standard telnet port. See if telnet works again. And setup a simple telnet server on the same machine (open source servers should be available) and try to connect. If the latter fails the outage may have damaged your OS (Unlikely but still worth a check).
  2. I remember people here in the forum saying that armor is not reduced at all. Work in progress ...
  3. For most players in A20 crafting is relatively unimportant. You make your starting weapons and a pipe machine gun and padded armor. Then at least 3/4th of your better weapons or armor or tools already comes from quests and loot. Why should crafting suddenly be the most sought after thing for normal players in 7D2D?
  4. Finally you found the solution. And the good thing: This solution has been endorsed by the developers for years. You could say it is their exit strategy from developing 7D2D 1.
  5. What Ripclaw said. And there is the trader as an alternative source for tools. There is a possibility that players who want to stay home may have trouble getting enough higher-quality traps if they need masses of them. But when they need something just once or twice (like tools, workstations and generators for example) the traders are a relatively safe source.
  6. What multiplayer question is there? Co-op players will advance faster since they loot more and can share the magazines they find that others need but they don't.
  7. Please use the console section for questions about the console version as it is VERY different from the current PC version. Personally I have no experience with it, but I heard others say that restarting the game after an hours seems a very good idea, especially since crashing can very easily corrupt your savegame and should be avoided.
  8. You rent out the old space to a filthy survivor (everyone is filthy) and get a measly rent (everyone needs to save money for ammo). Since neither water taps nor the toilet is working you will often drive back and check that your property is not going down the drain. 😉
  9. Maybe the mod does not simulate the catching of rain? Just like the animal snares do not really catch rabbits running around but are filled after a random time. I also asked someone who already used them and he thinks as well that it is faked. Worst case you would need to ask Khaine which line to change so the mod assumes it always rains or doesn't need rain catchers for growing anymore.
  10. I know the possibilities, but I want him to collapse the wavefunction of his Schroedinger cat. Why should I have to write all possible replies ? 😉
  11. Randomized but from a limited list. What happens when that list is exhausted? Ok, I see the problem. One can select the "Game Name" freely but when deleting a game the generated world is probably not deleted with it (or is it?) and so you have to delete worlds by hand. If you can script you could make a simple tool that deletes games together WITH their worlds.
  12. Ah sorry, I forgot you can create worlds without starting a game. How does that work when you create many worlds, I thought the randomized names were picked from a limited pool?
  13. The problem seems to be your player file. And since you get the problem even when you start a new game I would suggest to completely delete your player information: Start the game launcher, go to the tools tab, select the last option. At a minimum clean your character profile. If you still have problems, delete everything else too. You will start as lvl1 player again, but in the console you can use "giveselfxp" to get back some levels and in creative menue you can get back equipment you already had.
  14. If those events are always when you try to open your inventory then that is the game cleaning up its memory and that is sadly unavoidable If those events are random then you should publish the latest logfile of when this happened to pastebin.com and post the link to the logfile on pastebin here and the exact time such an event happened. If you need explanations how to find your logfile, read the pinned thread in the General Support section that tells you to read it. Which is also where I moved this thread to.
  15. Another option: Include date/time in the name of your world I always add the alpha version to the name so I never try to start a world in a wrong alpha.
  16. 10 times not getting honey with a 20% change is 0.8 ^ 10 = .107, i.e. a chance of 1 in 10, not 1 in 200.
  17. Some games already have special options for people with handicaps. Colorblindness may even be so prevalent that the effort for an option just for it may be justified. But my guess would be that mods might be the better tool to help all sorts of handicapped. In your case it "just" needs an xml setting that can be applied to any block to highlight it like in the tutorial. Maybe it already exists though I suspect not. I think you take logic a bit too far here. "Only being able to "x" some things and not others" is true for many things and very logical. You can craft concrete blocks but not zombies, you can drive vehicles but not concrete blocks nor zombies, there is a perk to track animals but no perk to track gas stations. There are logical reasons for all of these following from design rules for this game. Specifically the reasons you can't track everything in this game are: minimising screen clutter, not trivializing the game, have some level of immersion, performance of the game. I'm not arguing against helping the colorblind with an option or mod here, I'm only saying you will have a hard time to argue that this option is useful for anything else.
  18. Ah ok. The name is a bit misleading as for me corridor is just a synonym for funnel.
  19. No, the SMG is tier3, in the same bracket as an M60, AFAIK. In 7D2D all weapons of the same tier are considered equal, you would find AKs (tier1) much much earlier than an SMG. It needs to be as people are choosing and perking into one type of weapon. Machine guns have the most damage, but also the most expensive ammo. If ammo were somewhat scarce (which it isn't atm, at least or especially for veteran players) machine guns would have a drawback as well as other weapons. In alphas before A17 there where much fewer guns in the game and the guns actually had a progression like you assumed, you would find pistol, then hunting rifle, shotgun, ak, sniper. But those were the only guns then.
  20. I use two scripts that I call in crontab: One to start a server is rather trivial: #!/bin/sh cd ${HOME}/CURRENT/ nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &>/dev/null & The one to stop the server needs the servers telnet access: #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 20 spawn telnet localhost <YOUR TELNET PORTNUMBER> expect "Please enter password:" send "<YOUR TELNET PASSWORD>" expect "Press 'help' to get" send "shutdown\r" sleep 15 send "exit\r" If you want to restart immediately after a crash, crontab naturally won't help that much. In that case you need some script checking if the server is still running aka a watchdog that then calls the start script. There are also at least 2 server managers from modders available that probably do this type of thing as well.
  21. Can you explain why she needs the rain? Crops grow automatically after some time, there is no need for rain at all
  22. I don't know. This is something that has to be tested, i.e. how much more damage is needed over a whole night with an advanced horde. I wouldn't be surprised if you are right. Whether that invalidates the idea or a fix that would remove 95% of all buildings from being used as AFK-bases and maybe provide some "fun" for normal base builders too might be worth something, is another debate. But if you call leading the zombies into traps a pathing exploit then you want a very different game than I do anyway (one that can't really be called tower defense anymore in my view). So we are arguing from very different standpoints and it is no surprise we come to very different conclusions.
  23. Sorry to butt in on this conversation. I am maybe nitpicking here, but this sounds a bit wrong: I personally use a dedicated server and I only play with invited friends co-op. But you seem to deduct from the existence of dedicated server builds that open servers are supported. And that can't be done, even though you are surely right that open servers are officially supported. A much better sign of that support would be the included server browser in the client. Also I don't see what the distinction between peer-to-peer and multiplayer has to do with any of the issues. I don't have seen any information that TFP changed its stance about max number of players, though I might have missed it. I seem to remember that only recently some dev mentioned it was still 8, but don't ask me about a link and I myself don't trust my memory here. But you try to conclude from a client setting that more than 8 players are supported. But in the dedicated server we could allow more than 8 players for ages without that meaning that it was officially supported. Maybe ask in the Dev Diary if you really want to know.
  24. Ok. For me "fast" means something like the speed with which you have to kill a glowy to be faster than its self-healing. Fast may mean a few dozen seconds real-time. But in my example I am talking about more than an ingame hour aka more than 6 minutes real-time before a specific zombie even reaches the block damage he does now in A20. I.e. since a zombie starts with lower damage than now he can live 10-15 minutes real-time (nearly 3 hours in-game) before he even reaches the cumulative damage he would have done now (which may even be too long, come to think of it). I don't know how your horde nights go, but in my horde nights 90% of zombies have a lifespan of less than 30 seconds. The feature is "designed" so it makes not that much difference to normal playstyles and only gets noticable on a playstyle that leaves all or almost all zombies alive on horde night. In my view you are warning about what could happen if the feature were misbalanced. I'm assuming the feature would be balanced after a few iterations. Not if they stand correctly in line to their execution 😁. Seriously, that also depends on how you fight that 64 zombie horde. And whether you make other changes, for example their speed OR turning base block damage down somewhat. They don't need to. They already change one option to increase zombies to max, why would they have a problem to turn down another option a notch to accomodate their playstyle? If that is necessary at all, a sizable part of those 64 zombies have to live much longer than 3 hours to make a difference.
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