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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Not much can help once you tried out all base designs and know everything about the zombie behaviour and their limits. A game can't help getting very familiar once you play it for hundreds of hours. Partly that is a problem of TFP making the game accessible to beginners and (at least until now) not balancing the higher difficulties. Since zombie behaviour is moddable as well in limits, someone will probably make a mod for that or you will find it in one of the overhauls. A problem for example is that you have practically endless ammo (because the game is sandboxy but also because of the balancing). And TFP balances it so you are supposed to be OP at the end of progression (which is easily rushable with the help of the trader). And nothing can help someone if he checks out the best base designs on the internet and rebuilds them because those specifically exploit everything the game has to offer. That is one reason why I never watch youtubers and hate that a friend does and often employs that knowledge making the end bases of our group snoozefests as well. That doesn't happen in my single player games where I try to make every design unique by using a POI as raw frame for a base. I sometimes get overrun because some construct fails, with that in mind I often build with backup positions and I do need them. But I have fun and I couldn't even set the zombies on high block damage or I would be overrun much too often.
  2. I had a very different experience with the base building part. I started having fun building bases in A17. Before that, in A15 and A16 there was no use building anything but a boring big massive block. After that I could build narrow corridor bases, elevated path way bases, bases with variable path ways through bridges or doors, pit trap bases, and lots of combinations of those. None of this was really possible with A16s AI.
  3. That is something only the developers know. Maybe MS or Sony have rules that forbid download of server side mod files or modding generally. Do you know any other games that allow server side mods but can't be modded directly on one of the consoles? If yes, I would assume the chance is much higher.
  4. And I was wrong. I could not do a "small" jump.
  5. Sigh, another day, another test run
  6. The currently existing console version is very old, made by a company that folded and will never change. TFP is currently in the process of porting the current PC game to the newer consoles and that will have cross-platform play and identical features to the PC version
  7. I remember that I could make lesser jumps with parkour perked up by hitting space only for a very short time.
  8. At what day would you have a full solar bank if you didn't care about highest quality?
  9. It could be that solar cells were only added to the trader (a looong time ago) to have a sink for the stacks of dukes everyone has in end game. If yes, it is obviously working for some of you. So just get more dukes instead of suggesting they get removed
  10. Please use the Discussions and Requests section for talking about mods. The Mods section itself is for announcing mods. In your case I would recommend posting in the thread of the mod author itself as it is a question specific to that mod
  11. One in ten isn't really bad, at least for a tester to ascertain there is a bug. If you want to make sure TFP sees and fixes this you should make a bug report with your and my descriptions how to trigger it.
  12. I started a game right now, found a fence and tried to jump over it from a steep angle while being directly at the fence. I could jump over it no problem most of the time, but maybe every 10th attempt I did get the "interrupted jump". It happened most often at fence posts but then I tried to invoke the bug between posts and once it happened there too. I also had the impression it was often the first jump after a pause or the jump with almost full stamina, but I am not sure if I didn't see exceptions to this rule as well. So, to me it looks like a bug.
  13. You said it is 50cm in your video, I just accepted your estimation. It just feels too close to the fence for me and my muscle memory. To me your failed jump in the first video seems to be happening from a closer distance than all the jumps of your second video now. That is why I think everything is as expected. It is possible that I am wrong and am not seeing correctly what happens as a video is different from actually being in the game. But look again at your first video, it looks like you are as good as touching the fence if you assume you are not a stick figure but a person with typical width. And in the second video you never try to jump the fence in a similar steep angle as in the first video. Not sure the fence posts have any influence in your jump. There is a good chance a fence has a very simple rectangular collision box.
  14. There is some information missing about armor. Currently there are 4 steps of armor quality, fiber -> cloth -> leather -> military, with increasing armor values to match our progression. They can't just give us one step instead, we would be immediately at max armor once we have every slot filled. So either there are multiple steps of the armor sets, or the sets are just the "legendary" final step of the current armor progression or A15 type quality comes back or ... ? Anyway it means we should have a lot more individual armor items than the ~5 sets of 5 armor pieces.
  15. It looks to me like you are too close to the fence (if I compare it to my memorized idea of when to jump in 7d2d). Jumping while running surely follows a physically correct "ballistic trajectory". If you can run relatively fast compared to the upwards speed of the jump the curve will need more like a meter or more to reach the highest point of that curve. Even worse in the wilderness where a little unevenness of the ground could mean you are slightly lower than base height of the fence. You are trying to increase the jump distance to the fence by approaching in a steep angle. This helps, but in the game you and the obstacle may have slightly bigger collision boxes than the visible frame so you could hit the fence earlier than expected as well. Also the collision boxes may be simply rectangular boxes that don't follow your frame closely everywhere. This could contribute further to the effect that jumping at a steep angle is not as effective as it should be. A failed jump just stops your jump, which seems unnatural because in reality you would topple over the fence and falling on your face which isn't implemented in the game. What I would have expected. If you are timing your jump correctly and start jumping early enough you will reach a sufficient height when you reach the fence. And it seems you are jumping from a sufficient distance in this video, from farther away than in the first video. Also it shows that the fence is high enough that you are only marginally clearing it (as you seem to often hit the top of the fence) which means the window of distance where the jump works is quite narrow.
  16. So ridiculous that it will happen in real life if you try it. Run up to a fence and start jumping too late and I promise you will have a hard landing on your face.
  17. Jumping up to a ladder has the same mechanism as jumping over a fence, if you are too close you will hit the wall before reaching a sufficient height and fail. If running out of stamina makes you do the hop instead of a forward jump then that may be just a design decision of TFP, i.e. you need 20 stamina for a forward jump and if you have less than 20 stamina, you can't jump forward. That the interrupted jump has a different animation while running forwards wouldn't really matter. I am not saying this is the case though, just that we need to find a case where the cause is clear. I remember deaths through not reaching a ladder as well, but in most cases the jump was ill-timed. And in other cases I may have assumed it was because of running out of stamina, but without knowing exactly how much stamina I had then. I am a player with tunnel vision, I often find out about having low health (or no stamina) through unexpectedly dying.
  18. Easy way to find out: @FranticDan Can you show us a video of you jumping without any fence in the way and you still only hop in place? If not and it happens only in front of fences then it is just because you are too close to the fence when trying to jump.
  19. Zero. They don't update the old console game, they port the current PC version over.
  20. This is like saying "A Cesna fit into this hangar for years. I'm sure a Boing 737 is bigger, but especially with us unhinging the doors to make more space I would imagine it would fit." 😉 I am highly exaggerating here. But my point is you can't really get such information from this comparison. If you found a similar game to 7D2D that is bigger instead of smaller then you could draw conclusions or make estimations about what features should be possible in 7D2D.
  21. I doubt you will ever see 200-300 fps with your current hardware. 7D2D is not a shooter, it is a survival/shooter/crafting/... game mix that won't need 200 FPS to be played. If TFP finds more optimizing options I am sure they will try to get more graphics quality or more concurrent zombies into the game instead of reaching 200 FPS. In other words, they have different priorities than you. Once this game is released, wait a few years for hardware with bigger caches, improved RAM and SSD speed. Maybe then you will see 200 fps Minecraft is a good comparison as it is one of the few other games with a fully voxel word. Now find a modder to push its graphics quality, physics (SI) and enemy AI to the level of 7d2d and then we can compare FPS.
  22. For the players it has advantages too, so many or most of them support TFP in this. They get something like a slightly buggier games-as-a-service game that keeps changing into a somewhat different version every year (because of all the changes and feature redesigns), but without the costs. Since you have performance problems you might see it different. But performance problems just mean your hardware isn't good enough for the game. Because of it using voxels for the whole world down to rock bottom it needs a lot more CPU power than other games of comparable graphics quality. Many players here play the game with FPS above 100 and have no problems driving the motorbike at max speed. You are correct though that the view distance is quite limited.
  23. The teleport command is available in the console even without using debug mode. And it has a mode where you simply teleport a player to some other player. If not, the "list entities", short "le", command (or something similar) will show you the location of everyone. Careful, the middle number of those coordinates is the elevation, don't mix it up with x and y coordinates. There is no way to get the initial 4 perk points and the trader locations without doing the initial quests. But the initial quests are done in 3 minutes at most if you know what to do. When the rest of the game takes you 40 hours usually that isn't that much of an inconvenience. You always have the option to simply ignore or delete the quests instead
  24. I think you misremember about concrete. Sure, there were two types of wood and two types of stone in older games, but they were practically available from the start, made not much difference and that didn't hinder anyone to rush for concrete. The only thing I am not sure about is whether it did take more time to go to concrete and whether there was an additional step needed to craft reinforced concrete.
  25. I am sooo shocked to hear that 😁 EDIT: I am always astonished how much you dislike about this game. It is as if someone watched The seven Samurai and said "nice movie. I like the sword fights. But Kurosawa should have set it in the far future, it would need more humor and laser swords and princesses and a struggle between an imperium and rebels".
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