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  1. @retrogamingdev I think it would be almost impossible to do split-screen co-op on a Pc anyway 🤔 unless you have a 2 keyboards and mice setup? Is that even possible? Could also use 2 controllers but again a Pc screen (in most cases) isnt a 60in TV screen. We will just have to wait and see. It may not come with that feature when it releases but it could be something they add later.
  2. Yeah. Us too. We don't have very good internet where we live and it was a great couch co-op. One of the only games my wife would play with me. She loved the farming/harvesting part (would get up @3am just to do that). But also had a blast exploring with me and being my pack mule.
  3. I'm sure I'm not the only person begging that the new console version has split screen Co-op. My wife and I have 1000s of hrs combined playing on the PS4 version and are praying that it will also come the the PS5. Please, please, please add splitscreen. I don't care if the graphics have to be lowered a bit to achieve it. But seriously can we get splitscreen co-op? I want to game with my wife and kids again on the new version. We can't be the only people out here that desperately need this feature.
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