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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. First of all, the game is CPU bound, so your CPU is the deciding factor how much FPS you get. While there are vast differences in GPU power on the market, top CPUs are not that far away from the middle class. And playing in 4k (I am assuming you do that currently?) will strain even the best currently available CPUs. But see this post: Turning down settings should have some effect, if not there is something else wrong. Maybe you are using some graphics optimizing bloatware that does more harm than good. One thing you can do is simply lowering the resolution, this should increase FPS. Another is waiting for A22 as there should be improvements to city FPS in there. Another is turning off anything else running on your PC, especially graphics tuning utilities. Lastly you could post a logfile and more information about your PC. How to do that correctly is explained in the pinned thread in this forum section that tells you to read it. Then someone here might find a reason for your low FPS instead of just wildly guessing
  2. As far as I know TFP didn't want gun variants that are practically the same but just a different name or skin because they would not have brought any different gameplay. It wasn't about it being simpler.
  3. 2. sounds like a disadvantage to me 😉
  4. They said a major reason for the new armors was that they couldn't get the old armors and clothes to look good in motion. For Madmole that seemed to have been a no go since for him graphics seem to be very important. And programmers can fail at making something work, especially if they have to base their work on some big library made by other programmers (Unity in this case). Which for example can make some theoretically viable solutions impossible, but you might only find out after trying it out. 7 days is special as it has been in EA development longer than any other game. It means they have experimented with game systems much longer than the typical EA games. Nothing says they have to do stuff like other games, otherwise I could name hundreds of games that came out and never changed at all, after all that was the usual thing before the era of buggy releases and EA or beta release games. What you are asking for would currently be exactly what you critizise them doing, a redesign of an existing system 😉. The devs must have been feeling just like you now years ago when they had been playing A16 and just were not happy with the system as it was. I really like your idea with the armor with varied stat bonuses on them, this is (in general) the system they wanted with legendary weapons and there is no reason it couldn't work with armors too. Legendary stuff is the feature I am waiting for the most since it was hinted at. But even if we get that it probably won't remove the attribute/stat "gates". For you there would be an easy solution as a solo player: Ask BFT2020 to make you a mod so that all the glasses (lucky googles, etc.) give +2, +3 or even +5 attribute bonus instead of +1. Practically you would get 2 classes at the price of one.
  5. Sure they could add more tiers. But this is not a service game like World of Warcraft where they add a new tier (aka areas and new quests and weapons) every few years for the **paying** customers. You are just an observer in their development process, it is not their task to keep people entertained for 8 years with new content. Be happy that you got so many hours out of this game, that is not the norm
  6. My guesses: More items for the mods slots means more tough decisions which mods to install, even at quality 6. And tough decisions are a good thing in my book. Also vanishing items would result in complaints they were removing features. Or was this a roundabout question of why the clothes slots were removed?
  7. I agree, I hate mini-games with a vengeance. The only thing I have to critizise about the lockpick system is that investing many points into it does not feel useful. Even fully specced it takes a long time and feels not much faster than unspecced. And in contrast the shotgun or pickaxe of a fully specced strength player seems as fast as a fully specced lockpick, but the points invested in the pickaxe seem to be better invested as the pickaxe has more uses.
  8. It's just that TFP changed cabinets to be this way an alpha ago and there have not been mountains of complaints so I don't think this will change. Cabinets turn up in the hundreds while looting and this behaviour has clear advantages. The only concession to home stylists that I could see TFP doing would be to add a cabinet-skin to the craftable container. And even if they want to do that it could take a while. So in the meantime you have to either use mods or trick the game.
  9. In PvP the exact gamestage could give hints about the whereabouts of a player, so if this gets fixed it should be only shown to Allies (I don't care about PvP but it probably would lead to complaints if this isn't taken into account) This isn't an issue for "general support" by the way. If you think it is a bug, make a bug report
  10. As long as you don't loot everything out of a cabinet it stays open. Which means you could just put a single feather into the lower right corner and as long as you don't touch it you have a storage cabinet
  11. If we assume the mod system did not change then you should be able to insert up to 4 mods in each armor piece, 16 total. I don't see a reason for them removing quality and the variable mods slots.
  12. I wasn't disputing your main point, just arguing that the comparison doesn't allow for any conclusion about the feasability. Minecraft is a smaller game, the old 7days is a smaller game than the current alpha, so even though the platform did grow so did the game. It is easily imaginable that the games demands grew more than the platform. I had to buy a new PC in the time of A17 to play the game. Or just compare the graphics of the old console game with the current alpha to get a small indication of its growth. The Boing 737 has become a 747 😉 I don't have any inside information, but Jugginator above is in QA and he has. And he says that RAM and CPU are the main problems porting the game to console. Now remember that in consoles the memory is shared between CPU and GPU, just like in many laptops. That means a sizable part of main memory is not available to the CPU. Now adding a split screen mode would surely increase memory usage as the second player would need his state and the world data of the surrounding area in memory as well. So if they hardly can fit the game into consoles at the moment then how likely is it that they would add a major feature that eats more memory this late in development? I am not saying your theory is necessarily wrong. I am only saying that the reasons they gave seem plausible to someone with knowledge of PC hardware.
  13. Running drains stamina so in the time before I have a bicycle or minibike I sometimes just walk. Digging drains stamina so in the first few days I keep mining to a minimum. Drinking Red Tea before longer activities like mining saves 25% food Even if you do much melee a first stealth shot with a bow saves a lot of stamina Power attack uses lots of stamina, so I don't spam that for canon fodder enemies Heavy armor drains more stamina, so I tend to use light armor, at least in the early game before bicycle and minibike Freezing or overheating drains food (or water at least??) so I don't go into the desert without appropriate clothing. You don't need to do all of this to save a lot of food use, every measure helps.
  14. If it was only about market share, 99% of xbox owners and everyone else has a phone, so just put 7 days on phones instead. The problem is still how to get a very demanding game on a very lightweight machine without sacrificing too much of the game or making it unplayably slow. CD Projekt Red surely could tell some interesting stories about this topic 😉
  15. In terms of a normal 7days game there's not much use in that. Would you play that zombie in SP, hunting deer instead of progressing with your PC? Once for novelty sure, but then ...? And in co-op MP you might just use it to surprise your friends if you died in a quest you are doing, but you probably would be overwhelmed almost as easy as any other (single) zombie, especially once they know that players turn into zombies. And I am sure most co-op admins would make sure that even as a zombie players can't do friendly fire. Only on open (PvP) servers might be some limited use if you make the player zombies harder or better than normal zombies, otherwise a player has much better abilities with the guns to kill other players. But exactly that market slice is now occupied by Bloodmoons, so why replicate it in 7 days?
  16. Not generally true: Apple uses ARM CPUs of their own design and those chips have enough power. Also the Qualcomms new Snapdragon X Elite should work as well, I found mention of a 12k multiplayer benchmark score probably for the 23W version and there is also an 80W version, though I am not sure if it is the same benchmark.
  17. Wait. This isn't even all of it: 1) Press F1 2) enter cm 3) Now there is a new menu where you can get all the endgame stuff much faster 😉
  18. Strange. I just checked my ubuntu install, perfectly native. And even if your game was downloaded as a proton game, it should have run with proton just as well as with the native version. If it didn't even use proton then your steam seems to be very confused about the platform it is running on
  19. Steam has a setting in Manage->Properties->Compatibility where you can force it to use proton (by enabling "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool"). In your case steam probably turns this on by default, I remember it happend to me with some game as well.
  20. The reason nerdpoling is in the game and was never removed is because of its usefulness in building. Another option the developers were actually contemplating was disabling nerdpoling outside of building stuff, but they seemed not to happy about their options how to do that. You as developer would know that especially in a sandboxy multiplayer game you always get corner cases where such implementations horribly fail to work. About zombies being able to climb, if they could use ladders like players that would probably be too hard on beginners, and even veterans would need to jump through hoops to secure their crafting base and have easy access to it. When you continue to play you will discover quite a few more exploity or cheesy ways that diminish the danger but are in the game because it is a mixed bag of genres and sandbox being one of that bag. Did you know you can simply run or drive away from all zombies at default settings? Outside POIs the danger is an illusion, but players do enough mistakes that that illusion kills them 😄
  21. Ok. As I said, I often use existing almost random POIs that I try to remodel as trap dungeon and at least I can't avoid a certain failure chance. My last effort for example got me killed twice: One time a buddy added some blocks that helped the zombies break through at an unexpected place, and the other occurrence was my own fault. And that was without increasing block damage of zombies. Exactly that is what I was talking about: Simply don't use those blocks where zombies will try and fall. I never use those and they are one big reason that makes the bases my friend builds so easy and boring. If zombies fall in my base it is only because of a push turret and that is strong enough but not too strong since it will get damaged and eventually fail.
  22. I assume you know what confirmation bias is? Polls on this website are far from a meaningful measurement, but they are better than your subjective impression and all they have ever shown is that there probably are lots of people who like either system and a third party (probably the biggest) who doesn't mind either way.
  23. But a different point is that this is also a tower defense game and people who want to play this also as a tower defense game* instead of simply as a shooter want "bases that function how someone wants", to use your very apt words. That means that traps should be effective and that one can lead zombies into the traps one tries to build. If you are so good that you can survive any horde night in a wooden base then you use too many tricks or exploits you found out or found on the internet. Seems you would get more fun out of the game if you just didn't use some of them. Apart from block damage there really is no difficulty setting for the builder part and I imagine it would be difficult making one. The reality is that the building part has to be still easy enough so beginners can succeed and that means that resourceful veterans or people who look up bases on the internet won't get their cake. (*In my book a game where you just stand atop or inside a big cube of concrete and shoot everything down is not a tower defense game. That's a shooter with a defense mission.)
  24. There is or was a mod to have a working tv or monitor in-game, never used it so I can't judge if it is possible to use it that way. But one thing is certain, you would need a mod to do this, this late in development I am quite sure it won't be added as a feature by TFP. Also a bit of warning, an underground bunker isn't easy to manage, you need lots of automatic traps, otherwise zombies will eventually dig through your walls and surprise you 😉 For the zombies you don't need trapdoors. Just use spike traps openly and (very important) plant them flush with the ground. I.e. just dig one-block deep rows of holes and put the spike traps into those holes so that the top of a spike trap is the same height as the ground floor. Zombies will treat spike blocks identical to dirt blocks so a spike trap on top of the ground would be an obstacle while dug-in spike traps just look like flat ground. And once a spike trap is broken there is only a hole left that will be considered an obstacle as well so the zombies will then run over the spike trap next to it. No idea if bandits will be intelligent enough to see the spike traps though.
  25. Welcome to typical game development in the later stages, which is quite boring to a player, and probably even to the developers. I don't think there exists anyone who likes the polishing phase. But it is a necessary part of game development and one that players did never ever experience 20 years ago. Then some game companies started with releasing MMOs in beta and after that kickstarter and especially steam alphas became a thing. Now some of you see a game developed in the alpha state and sometimes confuse it with a service game. That is the danger of an alpha developed game. People participating in the alpha will get to play unfinished game versions, but often have outlived the game or became bored or are dissatisfied with changes, before the game is even released.
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