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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Oh sorry, hab komplett übersehen, daß du ja von zwei Servern redest und du auf dem alten server kompletten Zugriff hast. Also, ich rede jetzt nur vom alten Server. Du bist da gerade als root eingeloggt, die Frage ist: Hast du den server auch immer als root gestartet oder in einem bestimmten useraccount, i.e. user "days" wie das howto es beschrieb? Egal, auf jeden Fall solltest du genau in diesen account einloggen. Dann gib mal folgendes ein: cd pwd ls -al Nach pwd sollte er dein Homeverzeichnis anzeigen (also "/root" im Falle von root, oder "/home/days" im Falle vom user "days"). Mit "ls -al" listest du dein homeverzeichnis auch mit versteckten Dateien an, also auch die mit "." starten. Da sollte es ein ".local" geben, da kannst du dich zu .local/share/7daystodie durchhangeln. Falls du deine savegames dort nicht findest, schau auf jeden Fall auch noch in allen anderen Homeverzeichnissen nach, also in allen "/home/irgendwas" und in "/root".
  2. The logfile is not complete. I have not seen any problems in the part that is shown. Are all the mods updated for version 21.1? Try to serve a vanilla game and if that one works the cause is likely one the mods or an imcompatibility between them.
  3. You are correct that nothing like that will be done in vanilla, learning by doing was once in the game and will not come back. The game is not going to change much before final release and the perk system as it is now will be (besides balancing changes) what we will see in the final release as well. The time for big overhauls is gone. And yes, I consider the magazines a comparatively small change from the schematics we had before. If someone wants an LBD system he can always play some of the overhaul mods, especially Darkness Falls has reimplemented it quite well. The big disadvantage of the magazine system is that you have to adjust what you perk into to what you need to craft. If you don't perk into something you won't be able to craft that stuff when you need it. And when you perk into something where you don't need the magazines then you are slowing down the progression in all the other magazines. So you need to put at least 1 point into all the INT perks that govern utility crafting like the workstations, traps and vehicles. If you don't you have to use the trader to get the relevant items.
  4. Keine Ahnung, ob putty files anzeigt, die mit "." beginnen, eventuell gibt es da eine option. Aber deine beste Option ist, dir einen der logfiles in 7daystodieserver_data runterzuladen und anzuschauen. Such nach "INF Started thread SaveChunks" oder "INF VehicleManager", da steht direkt dahinter der Pfad zu deinem savegame. Wenn das ein Pfad ist, der ausserhalb deines zugreifbaren Bereichs ist, musst du dich an deinen provider wenden. Kann ich mir aber nicht vorstellen.
  5. I can only repeat what Feycat said: "Reality isn't part of the game.". It is definitely a game where reality takes second place behind gameplay. And that you try to explain zombies to yourself is a work of futility, zombies are a work of fiction that can't be explained by viruses or anything else, at least not how they are in any zombie movie or game I have ever seen. To avoid any misunderstandings I have never argued with realism as a reason for anything in the game, if you think that you have misread my post. I only sometimes offer ways to look at things in the game so people who want a simulation instead of a game have an easier time explaining stuff to themselves. The game does not have acid bottles and AFAIK never had them. I never saw complaints about that, until now. People readily accepted it as it was a convention used by many games before. Most games do not simulate containers at all. Except for a few simulations and survival games I suppose. What gets you up on the barricades with the water bottles is that it got changed and now you see behind the facade where before you could easily ignore it. I agree that honey as the solution to infection is just too rare, but that is a completely different topic.
  6. In linux findest du das savegame und auch generierte Welten in .local/share/7DaysToDie/. Diese Info steht übrigens auch in jedem Logfile drin, und du kannst sie in der serverconfig auch ändern, wenn du sie leichter finden willst.
  7. Are you sure it is crap handling and not just a shred of realism in the driving part? I.e. that doing a sudden sharp curve while driving fast destabilizes your vehicle. The vehicles can't topple so all they do when you oversteer is getting into an oscillation where in reality they would topple or crash. I am just asking, I don't have an opinion yet. I sometimes get into this oscillation too but assumed this is because I was making a driving mistake since it always seems to happen when I try to avoid an obstacle in the last millisecond.
  8. In a perfect world you wouldn't see a "trash pile" everywhere but the actual items thrown away that you could pick up. But that would be an option an AAA developer would choose nowadays because he has the manpower to do it. Smaller developers, or even AAA developers at a time when PCs didn't have at least 4G of RAM, compromise by just showing trash piles and generic medical bags and generic chemical bags. Or as another example by showing the same thing whenever you eat food. And similar to the real world when you pick up the item the item vanishes from the world. So does the trash bag when you "take" it. Another way to see it: TFP seem to have a design rule that anything that hasn't a purpose isn't shown. An empty loot container has no purpose anymore, except to waste the players time when he tries to loot it again. That is also a good reason why empty safes and chests immediately show that they are empty, visually and even in the popup description. This is bad for immersion and a simulated world, but nobody ever claimed this game is a simulation.
  9. The reason might be because they believe that. Including me. It is even in its description "A placed land claim block will protect an area from other players in PVP and prevent zombie respawns" And they believe that bedrolls and LCBs stop respawns, not spawns.
  10. AFAIK not correct. AFAIK also not correct. I also checked the release notes for A21 and could not find anything that is even in the ballpark of what you are claiming
  11. Strange, I have played with Living of the Land 1 and had fully self-sufficient farms going. And at LOTL3 you can't even fail if you have an unbelievably improbable string of misharvests because even the worst case gives you back more plants from a seed than you need to produce a seed.
  12. We had this discussion before, but I have new data as well: Right now my group has about 16 dew collectors, 2 camp fires, 2 chem stations, 5 work benches, 1 cement mixer and 6 forges, and at least the 6 forges were in constant use when I stayed home for a whole day recently. Our base is surrounded by a ring of spikes two deep. I think I did hear a screamer twice that day. I didn't even go out to look for them because they died before I would have had a chance to see them. They didn't even cost me a seconds time. Naturally keeping the spikes in repair does cost one of our group some time, not sure how much. My group was actually a bit disappointed how non-existent the screamer threat was. It seems most other people have a similar experience (judging by the almost zero complaints), so your only hope is a mod.
  13. Better. Ghouls with cyborg laser eyes and rocket boots which often horribly malfunction and turn on at inappropriate moments.
  14. To notice a difference in the short term the effect is overshadowing every other magazines advancement in the long term though. Does a user really need to see it daily with his own eyes? The problems of the approach are 1) that TFP can't make magazine advancement generally any faster because the perk-accelerated magazines dominate the advancement speed. 2 points in a perk means it is at 100 when all unperked are still at 20. And 2) it means magazines practically don't drop if a player doesn't perk into it. It isn't really optional anymore And 3) a player accidentally hurts his advancement in other magazines if he perks into magazine perks where he doesn't want any magazines. I.e. it is not advisable to diversify and for example take a few points in bow because then you slow down your advancement in your main weapon and workstations. In effect the player has to make a laundry list of magazines he needs and then he needs to put points into these perks. And the list has to be short, otherwise loot and trader will overtake crafting progression.
  15. @ Roland: We should invite meilodasreh to be moderator, he seems to have everything it takes to be one. 😎
  16. I would say the FPS are what I would expect with your laptop CPU, I had similar performance with my previous desktop CPU ryzen 5 2600x when I didn't optimize my settings. This game is very performance heavy because of using voxels. If you want better FPS you could turn off shadows and reflections completely (not low or very low, really turn them off). And turn off dynamic mesh. Probably that will make the game behave much smoother in all situations even though the average FPS gains will not be huge.
  17. @Cernwn: I read your post just now and have not communicated with you or interfered with you or your posts at all (at least in recent history). What have I supposed to been doing exactly? EDIT: Ah, I get it. One of your posts has been held back. That happens to a lot of forum posters right now because of a new buggy plugin we are testing, even posts of moderators themselves get held back sometimes. You are the first one who thinks that I would misuse my moderator privileges for childish retaliation to a thumbs down 😆
  18. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  19. Unless EAC can detect it this would be an issue for vanilla servers too:
  20. Minigames are usually so trivial (if it is some kind of puzzle) or even worse a reaction game (i.e. a quick time event) that I despise wholeheartedly. So how about a compromise: You don't need to click for the next attempt, the game just wastes lockpicks automatically until it succeeds. Furthermore lockpick time should be shortened greatly as a late game miner with pickaxe can open most boxes cheaper and at the same speed as someone lockpicking
  21. meganoth


    Utilice un servicio de traducción como www.deepl.com o Translate.google.com. Luego traduce lo que está escrito en la página vinculada que publiqué anteriormente. Use a translation service like www.deepl.com or translate.google.com. Then translate what is written in the linked page I posted previously
  22. Since A21 patches are just a collection of changes that were copied back to A21 there is almost no time lost for A22. They could put out a meaningful new patch for A21 and release the next alpha on the next day if they wanted
  23. Weapons are not necessarily the problem. But a single player NEEDS to put points into the workstations and vehicle perks, otherwise his only source for workstations and vehicles will be the trader. And someone diversifying will hamper his own advancement. How logical does it sound that if you are agi player and pistols your main weapon and you put a perk point into bows and farming besides pistol you are actually greatly slowing down your progress with pistols? Sure, veteran players who get told on the forum or players who let themselves get spoiled by well-informed youtubers will get to know those strange rules. Anyone else will just wonder and not understand why he sits there on day 21 without a workstation and it is not at all easy to find out these rules by himself.
  24. @faatalSo someone who puts two perk points into the sledge will get his 100th sledge magazine at the same time all other magazines are at about 20 (with exceptions). Did you (i.e. TFP) change the design criteria of the perk boost from being just a safety measure into a game mechanism? If you wanted to speed up crafting without the player having to deal with hundreds of recipes, wouldn't it have been better to halve the amount of needed recipes? Or reduce the amount of different magazines, i.e. just one for all weapons of an attribute (like you already do it with INT). Is the team ok with the consequence that by perking into other boost perks you are actually greatly slowing down the crafting progress in some perk you specced into? Sorry for asking you about design, but atm you are the only one available.
  25. Well, I made a bug report now even though I have my doubts it will stay there. It is surely possible they simply changed their design intentions for it. If not then I think there is a chance the programmer just forgot a "." in the XML, i.e. he wanted to write ".2" but wrote "2". Though they should have noticed it as well if that is the case. My hope is that at a minimum we might find out what their intentions are now with the perk boost. As it is now it is not a safety measure anymore but it practically governs what magazines you get. You could as well just make the chance to find other magazines than the ones you perked into drop to zero and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
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