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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Yes, there is a problem with treasure hunter and I assume players will very seldom perk into it. So why is it still this way? (What follows is a bit second-hand info and mostly speculation) 1) Because the lead designer didn't play Perception yet, perception as a whole isn't yet balanced. And no, they don't have much problems with leaving unfinished parts lying around. 2) Because perception is balanced as a whole, i.e. even at release Treasure Hunter may be a dud because other parts of perception are just too good (I consider this not really likely though) 3) Because the game is partly a sandbox, so some perks might just be kept in the game to fill some playstyle/role people might want to play. 4) Because Treasure Hunter might have been the best idea they had at the time to fill the perk list, a fitting perk for perception, a prototype. It might mean it will eventually be enhanced or maybe it will be replaced. 5) Because even if it is a rather worthless perk it doesn't really hinder people playing the game (everyone is free to ignore it), while for example performance problems hinder players with minimum specc PC massively. There are simply other priorities.
  2. requires them? I'm not aware of the community having a significant influence on the priorities of the developers. EA (at least in this case) is "watch and experience the game while it is developed" not "you design the game, the devs do it".
  3. I have occasionally seen weapons with far out damage values too. It definitely is a hard to replicate bug. It may have to do with ammo calculation as I don't remember ever having seen this on melee weapons AND I think I remember the damage goes back to normal if you add mods (because it unloads the bow) or change the ammo. @starscream If you can, make a backup of the savegame, then change the ammo (while writing down which ammo is loaded) and add or remove mods. See if it makes the bow normal again. If on the other hand you can change ammo and add a mod and it still shows high damage values it would prove that the bows base damage has the wrong value not the ammo.
  4. Not sure switches would even be usefull. Lets assume I put switches on both sides of a door. I turn switch 1 to enter the door. Now I can't close the door with switch 2 (which is still in the off-position, I would need to turn off switch 1 instead.
  5. You forget that this best outcome is actually the best outcome possible. If you give the word "japanese" to a translation service and do not supply a context by hand then even a human translator could not do better. Asian companies have done this automatic translations of their product manuals for ages and it worked (i.e. they got to sell that stuff in the west, it was cheap for them and it did not start WWIII).
  6. They have a number of testers, for bugs and it seems they also give feedback about gameplay. Furthermore madmole himself as game designer usually plays the game around the time of the release of a new alpha (before that the internal version is rather unplayable). Since A17, when the whole perk system changed to the 5 attributes, he played all attributes except perception AFAIK. As someone else mentioned, they mainly balance difficulty 2 (Nomad?), up from minimum speccs and 1 to 8 players. PS: Except for gamestage calculation there is no difference between single player or multiplayer, local game or game on dedicated server. If there is, it should be a bug.
  7. gamestage once had a multiplier which increased with difficulty. But now this multiplier is always 1.2 independant of difficulty. Obviously they didn't like something about that approach and deactivated it. EDIT: Damn, Wiesel Weppen was faster πŸ˜‰
  8. There should be a ConfigDumps directory inside your savegame. There you will find the xml files AFTER xpath expressions are applied. This is probably the easiest way to try out xpath expressions and find out if your expectations of how the changes are applied line up with reality I assume you already know the xpath tutorial?
  9. I remember that WE thought at the time of alpha15 that it worked that way (and that information may have even come from a comment in some xml stating that). I'm just not sure if the game was actually working that way and it changed or whether that was a common misconception that was circling around.
  10. Did you add them to the quest_list? Starts at line 2845
  11. Interesting problem. I think you should check the server log itself. It tells you which path it loads from and which version it is. Sadly it doesn't say which port it really connects to, that is something you would have to find out using the operating system tools. Also make sure the dates in the log are correct and you are not looking at outdated logs. For example (hypothetising from total ignorance about your actual situation) maybe you haven't rebooted your machine lately or the RAT automatically starts a server from a location you don't know about. In this case an older server could block the port and therefore still be on 19.3 Another problem could be that the force_install_dir command didn't work correctly for any number of reasons. So: Deliberately delete a file in your servers installation directory and do a verify. It should redownload that file and you should be able to witness this in the file system and steam should tell you it needed to download the file again (though steam often downloads one file (the manifest) even if you didn't change anything so you can't rely on just the number of files downloaded. But steam hopefully tells you exactly which files it downloaded and you can see the effect in the file system anyway).
  12. I don't think it does. It may have been this way around alpha 15, but deaths just substract from total days. See the comment near the start of gamestages.xml:
  13. That "otherwise" doesn't make any sense. SAME CPU, different GPU => SAME FPS is the clearest case of a bottleneck you could get. To prove that you still have an issue you need to show that someone else with a similar CPU has much better FPS than you at the same settings(!).
  14. You might not have enough time to change ammo but you could have a gun for armorless targets and a gun for armored targets in your toolbelt. Also another important part is who to target first and who last (hard hitting zombies first). Or even which zombies are ok to melee and which ones you want to gun down. But hey, we don't have to agree, our priorities are just different. And while I voted yes, it is a very mild yes, I shoot anything that is declared as a zombie no matter how it looks 😁
  15. A security software like Kaspersky has two parts, one part is running like any normal program on your PC, a second part is injected deep into the bowels of your operating system. If you prevent the normal program from running you have just disabled the user interface, the serious heavy lifting should still be working as (un)intended. Without an official uninstall utility from Kaspersky you won't get rid of the software (and more paranoid people might even believe not even that will get rid of it 😁 ) Not saying that is the cause, but like SylenThunder said, anti-virus software HAS to be resilient against removing it.
  16. Realism is quite low on the priorities of the devs. The counter-argument most often brought up is that you can have whole cars and concrete that weighs about as much as the titanic in your inventory. And then there are zombies. Realism is already an unreachable goal with such examples in the game. If you want a job at TFP you should look at their job offerings. I don't think they will just take work from some guy on the internet without some contract, for legal reasons. Yes, some variation would be ok, but the battle field of a zombie horde night is a chaotic ocean of zombies and variation definitely does make it harder.
  17. I found this error message: where you seem to have been thrown out of the game. Then there were two server restarts Then the crash. Was the first event just an unexpected exit and the two server restarts were expected? Why so many restarts in only 10 minutes? The error seems to have happened in unity, so it could be a driver problem. It could also be network-related. I would propose a few experiments: Play on that server but turn down texture size to half. This is just to make sure that 6G is enough for full texture display. Does it crash? Next: Play a local game and check memory and GPU mem usage from time to time. Does it happen there? Do you see memory increasing constantly? I know, you have @%$#loads of RAM, but just to be on the safe side If it does happen in a local single player game, post that logfile. Being on a server can muddy the waters if it hasn't anything to do with server/client stuff. If it does not happen, ask the server owner if he uses any mods. Ask what he sees in his log when you crash.
  18. You usually spec into one (or at max two) attributes deeply. Attributes are like classes, just that you are not restricted to one. Double-classing for example is quite possible. Taking the first perk point for some perks in attributes you never want to spec deeply into is also possible and actually there are perks where that makes sense Now if you spec into a specific class or attribute for any reason,it makes sense to use the gun of that class and the melee weapon of that class (because it is the cheapest way to get good with a gun or melee weapon). You don't pay 13+5 for the gun perk and 13+5 for the melee perk and 13+5 for some utility perk there, you pay 13 for the class (or is it 15?) and then 5 for melee. Or not if you only want to shoot. But then it still is only 5 if you change your mind. You are right that it isn't worth going for clubs when you spec into agility, but the system this RPG uses does not balance single perks as much as it balances attributes! And it nudges you to select an attribute and get the perks of that tree mainly.
  19. Spear (and perception in general) has not received the same scrutiny as other attribute trees. I find spear lacking as well, but use all other melee weapons against single enemies even up to end game. Consequently I also put points into the melee perks. I usually don't play insane though and play what I like, not what is most efficient. Developers by the way have said they will balance the game in difficulty 1 (don't know the name, one above adventurer). My best advice of the evening: Set loot abundancy to 50% (or even 25%, but be warned this isn't linear, 25% feels more like a 10% setting) and never select ammo if you get offered it as a quest reward (this is one of the things still not balanced in A19). You might appreciate melee a little better. It was the perks you specifically named, so I used them. When talking about useless perks here on the forum often people mention perks that others vehemently defend as essential to their playstyle. Which is good as the game would not have much replay value if you just wanted the same perks all the time. Though minmax players might have a problem with the game, granted. Strength and Fortitude are the best attribute trees, why have the others? Well, this is an RPG as well, not a competitive PvP game, it seems the devs want to provide different roles and balancing this to the hilt is not their foremost priority. Lets look at some other perks that are often called useless: It is obvious that the treasurehunter perk is not worth its perk points, but as I said perception wasn't really balanced yet. It is obvious that Charismtic Nature is useless in single player. It is a situational perk, you will only use it if you are in a group and that is ok. Lots of the perks are situational. If you have no use for them it might just be your playstyle Not going too much into armor perks, but heavy armor perk is valuable if you want to stay mobile and it isn't guaranteed that you ever get that convenient book that removes the penalty in combat. Its just the place where you might find what you are looking for. Remember, I don't speak for TFP. I know a lot from having actually read every post in the dev thread since A16, but that makes my word not official. I just can say from experience that many of your wishes most likely won't happen, because of lots of different reasons, compromises and very often because of limited developer time. They simply have to prioritize. As I said they have tried a lot of penalties and I think they called the current penalty "good enough for release". Which doesn't mean that is the last word. If they like your idea, maybe they change it again. That I say that it isn't likely is just some background information for you, it is not to somewhow devalue your idea. Me personally, I don't care what the death penalty is because I don't exploit death. Though I would not be against making it more severe and even argued for it the last time it was changed. It's just that some parts of the game have been discussed to death already (pun intended) in this forum and it isn't worth talking much about them anymore. Look at other games, many of them fail with AI, even AAA games with hundreds of devs. Civilization 6 for example. I think Fataal, one of the AI devs, has said there will be an AI setting in the config, maybe that will help you. This is also one area where some improvements might happen yet, but it largely depends on the current code and what is possible with not too much time investment I like that the zombie AI is dependable by the way, it makes building complicated trap designs possible. Building for me is interesting because I like to solve the puzzle-like problem of getting the zombies lined up for the traps and my weapons. Well, they actually do not. Fixed. You were absolutely right, didn't take long. 😁 Seriously, I'm not saying it won't happen, but as I said it depends how long it would take to do. And it always takes longer than we from the outside expect. Trust me, every alpha there is a bunch of players coming here and saying "That's it? One year for just these few features? I could have done that in a week". Because a majority of devs wanted to keep it. Because a majority of players expect/want xp for kills. Because the more xp sources you have the better the game is balanced for different activities and killing is a major activity in this game. My opinion always was that removing xp from kills would be better .and if not that at least removing the xp display whenever you get xp would be good. But I am not a dev.
  20. Please use steam to validate your game. Even if you have done it already, there were cases where two validations were necessary. Secondly please post the full log (through pastebin or similar), this is explained in a pinned thread in this forum section.
  21. Most games are bottlenecked by the GPU in typical PCs, very few (like 7D2D) are bottlenecked by the CPU. Also I suspect another bottleneck somewhere on the memory bus or in caches as 7D2D seems to shift a lot more information (the voxel data) between CPU, GPU, RAM and SSD/harddisk. Bottlenecked CPU means: Every cycle the GPU is finished with its task to display a frame looong before the CPU gives it a new frame to display for the next cycle. Which is why it doesn't matter anymore how fast the GPU is, as it would just have to wait longer.
  22. McCarthy would say that knowing the c-word already makes you suspicious and denying it is almost a confession 😁
  23. I know there are no easy leads, but like Sherlock Holmes said: Holmes: β€œTo the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” Gregory: β€œThe dog did nothing in the night-time.” Holmes: β€œThat was the curious incident.”
  24. Likewise, I'm sure the devs value your feedback. (Although they tend to just skim longer opinion pieces, it is better to concentrate on few most important points). (Note, I do not speak for them though, I'm just a normal player with moderator rights) Sure, but your opinion was that melee weapons are useless, which would amount to an overhaul if they were of the same opinion. By the way, you are pretty alone with that opinion in this forum at least, lots of people use melee extensively to save on ammo. That you have too much ammo at the moment so you don't need to save any is because a) the game isn't fully balanced and b) you are an experienced player playing vanilla. Mods are in an early-alpha state as well πŸ˜‰. They have to adapt to a changing vanilla every time a new alpha comes out which takes time. Generally mods will trail vanilla in polishedness for quite some time because modders are more interested in features than polish and because they don't have the sources and need to work with the interfaces exposed. So they are quite limited in some things. Don't expect them to code a new AI any time soon for example πŸ˜‰. Since alphas don't change as much of the low-level stuff the quality of mods has improved though. I don't like all the changes that Darkness Falls does but in terms of polish it made a big leap in the last year. Can't speak about other mods yet, this is the first one my group tried in A19. The installation system will improve but only near release of the game, TFP plans to use steam workshop Players using intentional death happened with all versions of death penalty TFP tried. At the same time it can't be too punishing so it doesn't lead to death loops happening that would happen to new players. So the death penalty is a compromise like a lot of stuff in the game They try to hit blocks in their way. IF the player is lower than them they will hit the ground as well. AI is very difficult in a voxel world. I too hope they add a value function to blocks nearer to the player but it is not sure if the 2 programmers involved in AI ever get the time for it as they have the difficult task to make bandits act well. Which is a task that will probably occupy them for a long time. In previous alphas people would farm zombies for loot, i.e. intentionally let zombies spawn (through screamers) to get easy loot. The devs said "We don't want a loot delivery service" and removed that. I'm pretty sure it won't come back. Except in mods, some of them increase loot bag frequency. Not likely to get changed in my opinion. I expect that would be just too many low-level changes necessary to improve this. Modders don't have to respect min spec PCs, they increase vehicle speed quite often. Sorry, but it very much looks like you have to swallow the turd of installing mods πŸ˜‰
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