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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. For us with the knowledge to build bases that can handle demos that is easy to say. In my last singleplayer game (which I played in a18) I built a base that was quite good as a standard zombie base but was likely a death trap with demos, I would have had to make extensive changes to it.
  2. If you want to get the attention of a developer it would make more sense to start a new thread. Meanwhile, if you play singleplayer and just want to nerf demos, edit Data\Config\entityclasses.xml in your install directory, search for the line with Explosion.BlockDamage and change that value to something less than 5000. Directly below that line is Explosion.EntityDamage, which you could decrease as well if you want to survive inside the blast radius. There is nothing dangerous in editing these values and if you want to go back to vanilla, just use steams "verify", or edit the values back.
  3. I don't know what other ideas you had this year, but this is the best one of them all. Definitely. 😁
  4. I don't know of any dev comments about it. But they usually don't comment on all the bugs or issues talked about here. Accusations of being ignored will also often fail to change anything 😉. Did anyone make a proper bug report yet, I didn't see one ? If not, devs might get the impression that it can't be so important if no one made that effort. Lastly, it has to be said again, this is an EA game, everyone who wants a polished exerience should wait for release.
  5. That might be the reason. Another could be that nobody in the military was ever fined for keeping things secret. They might fear that newer files could give away information about reconaissance capabilities or even older files might show which "friendly" countries where spied out with U2's ... Independent on whether the sightings really were aliens or not I don't think the military kept them secret to protect the population from knowing that aliens exist. After all fear-mongering is by far the best method for the military to get their budget increased.
  6. This would be your contribution to rebuilding the civilization 😁 Seriously, AFAIK the game knows which blocks are player built.
  7. On the amazon page it says "stone like finish". But who cares, if it feels like slate that's good enough.
  8. You need to give yourself the rights to execute the neccessary commands by editing serveradmin.xml (which can be found inside the savegame). Then just login with your client and hit F1.
  9. It is a nerf. Basic zombies are weaker as soon as you can build better materials. I don't see how this would follow. There is a difference between weaker zombies being still dangerous to your base in masses (like now) and weaker zombies being as good as ineffective against the base (like you want it). I don't want the basic zombies to scale with me, I like it fine as it is. Ok, lets assume TFP implements your idea. Then what would change in that scenario? Nothing, since the stronger zombies would still breach through that concrete wall with lowest health and obliterate you. Ok. Now I really don't see (in vanilla) that upgrading to concrete gives you just 5 extra seconds. From cobblestone to reinforced concrete is a factor of >3 in hitpoints if I'm not mistaken. If zombies could destroy that block in 5 seconds, they already could destroy the cobblestone in less than 2, you would have been toast the previous horde night. Are you playing on insane? I really don't see that happening in lower difficulties. If this was just exaggeration: Weaker zombies are already weaker. A normal zombie does 8 block damage while a feral already does 24 and the cop 100. You need a lot of normal zombies even with group bonus to destroy a reinforced concrete block while ferals are 3 times as effective and cops 12 times, and they get the group bonus as well, even from normal zombies. That is a seriously steep progression and you want that even steeper? If you have the feeling zombies do too much damage, simply turn down the difficulty.
  10. What should that list tell me? Then why is it neccessary to nerf basic zombies? Just shoot them before they destroy your base. Lets look at it from a different viewpoint: Even in later stages you have a mix of all zombies. If you make half of them ineffective what is their use? Why not remove them completely then if they pose no danger? I don't see where you show what would be gained if those weak zombies were even weaker.
  11. Result would be that in later horde nights basic zombies could be practically ignored as they would do almost no damage to your structures. This simple strategy would be very effective then: Kill only higher level zombies and let the basic zombies alive.
  12. Madmole himself said that for example concrete will likely be as strong as the old r concrete was. This surely includes all the hitpoints that would be lost because the breakdown system was removed. My goodness, you really must think the devs are idiots who can't even keep the balance in such a trivial case. Example: Previously cobblestone (say 500 HP) downgraded to wood (150 HP) downgraded to nothing Now cobblestone (650 HP) downgrades to nothing. Nerf? None.
  13. I don't know anything about those sightings. But if "jamming" means that the radar doesn't show anything where the ufo should be then yes, Optical Illusion does have that superpower too 😁
  14. Or it might point to being an optical illusion. Optical illusion's superpower is to not produce sonic booms 😉
  15. You misunderstand the idea. Think of a drone as it is planned now, just with a mod that repairs blocks in a small radius around it. No further AI programming, no additional behaviour. The drone would not fly around independently of the player, that would be OP in my book. No, you yourself have to walk around your base and the drone will follow you, i.e. what it does anyway. In a small vicinity around you it would repair, in fact it would preferably be the same range in which you can repair blocks. The drone would be just a second nailgun operating beside you.
  16. The problem of your idea is not whether any plyer hates it. The main problem is that the devs probably don't want to completely automate this part of the base maintenance. I'm no dev but I'm fairly sure they won't do this even if no programming were necessary for it. Because for example you could just build a crafting base on a big block of concrete and without any defense just ignore any wandering hordes coming by. Not going to happen. There are lots of things players want but will never get in vanilla.
  17. You are nearly the only one who thinks INT is worse than FOR in this regard. When I play INT with two turrets and an unspecced M60 in hand I feel generally as powerful as a FOR player with one unspecced turret. If you actually calculate raw DPS maybe the M60 player is still slightly ahead, but that is balanced by the INT player having advantages on horde night and the M60 player having to resupply his turret more often to the point he might not even think it worth it. (IF the INT player still needs a little push, increasing the ammo capacity per perk point would be the thing in my opinion, by the way) I play coop by the way and I am the INT player. And I actually don't care that the strength player can use a turret and actually does. THAT is what coop means, working together and knowing that the other guy covers your back, you want him to be as good as possible. I'm not a saint, I certainly would get envy if the other player were totally OP and I always on the brink of death but I don't have that feeling with INT, far from it. You obviously missed Madmoles information that drones will not have offensive capabilities. And newest info is that even the shock weapon, which I thought would mainly be crowd control, will not be included in the drone, The drone actually needs a totally new perk advantage to fit. Love your new avatar icon by the way.
  18. I just gave a possible answer to one half of your complaint, the drone being useless for the INT player. I consider it the more important question. If I play INT I don't care what a strength player could do, I care what I can do as INT player. There surely will be some perk bonus affecting the drone. But I don't know what it will be. PS: Did you know that the INT player can use the M60? When the M60 is supposed to be the T3 weapon of the Fortitude player. 😉
  19. Possibly the drone priority is lower than the other turrets. If the player drops down a turret the drone vanishes/powers down. Collect the turret again and the drone is back. This way the INT player could operate all his allowed turrets and still use the drone, i.e. it would not be awful for INT builds
  20. You are right, it doesn't work that way (anymore). But if you let the game run, press ESC and alt-tab out of the game you should see differences in the modification date. I just tested it now and it worked, only that there are often 2 region files with the newest date, possibly because most of the time more than one region file is loaded. By the way, here is another method to find the correct region file:
  21. Go into a room with 50 people of all types, some of them nice, some of the "normal",, some of them more of the confrontational type. Accuse them all of being toxic (which is hyperbole as true "toxic" posts would be removed by moderation) and watch what happens. Whether true or not, they will object. And if 10 people tell you you are wrong it automatically feels like you are pressured and there is a mob forming even though it is just that many people reading the post have a different opinion and want to tell you that. Now when asked for an example of this toxic community, point to someone who only has 2 posts(!!) in this forum and whose post is not even close to something that needs moderation, even by higher standards. This leads to more objections and more feelings of being pushed in a corner. Naturally you would feel your opinion of an unpleasant place is confirmed.
  22. Simple. The drone could be set to only repair damage bigger than some specific number. Anyway, you also can't control which zombies the turrets attack, that is the inherent disadvantage of automated thingies. And as you say, nobody needs to use it
  23. Here is one chunk reset method: Start the game, go to the chunk you want to reset, destroy a block (but probably not the one you are standing on). Stop the game. Then look into your savegames directory. You should see a "Region" directory with lots of files ending in ".7rg". Move the file with the newest modify date to somewhere safe. Done. If it doesn't work as expected you can undo the change by moving the file back into the "Region" directory.
  24. This community is "great" in bluntness which might be mistaken for toxicity. Bluntness can't go softer than what the developers themselves exemplify 😉
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