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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. There is a reason the complexity in 7d2d is in building and not eating. Hunger is a very onedimensional trait
  2. So steel almost indestructible in insane difficulty? How can that mode be called insane then? 😁 If you have problems designing a base that can hold up through a horde night I would suggest to copy designs from streamers, some of them have refined their bases to withstand anything. And as JCrook1028 said, use the option.
  3. I consider FORT and STR the combat heavy attributes because they clearly have the weapons advantage over all other attributes. For example: Except for the two highest difficulties a normal player could get away with using the tier1 gun of FORT even in endgame and because of the big magazine the m60 is the ultimate oh @%$# weapon (IMHO), even better than the shotgun. Agi in comparison needs a lot more perk points to be effective as their damage potential starts from a lower level. I don't see that necessarily as an advantage that you need a lot more levels to get in range of FORT or STR. The strength of AGI is a completely separate "game mode" where you can relatively safely do quests in the night provided you invested your points in it. In typical fantasy RPG parlance you would call that attribute the rogue assassin class. PER has a strong tier3 weapon, but all lower tiers are hampered by small magazines, especially the tier 1 weapon. There is almost no application for the long range the guns are capable of and melee is one of the most difficult weapons to handle effectively. PER can shine on horde night, but the rest of the week I consider its utility perks more important that the combat perks. The RPG equivalent would be the thief half of the rogue class. Well, just ask that question now. At the current time I would say definitely yes for me. Even with a shotgun I miss sometimes or forget to reload or the weapon even breaks at the wrong time (yes, I'm sloppy there). Also while running around with double barrel or even pump shotgun you need to reload a lot more often than you would like. The turrets are the only companion in single player to watch my back. And set up behind you they even literally watch your back. The effectiveness of the baton in fights with multiple enemies is very low, no question about that, but the turret(s) really shine in fights against multiple opponents. Yes and yes. In theory the game was designed with a balance so that the more effective ammo is harder to get and needs more effort to get enough of it. But effectively ammo of all sizes was too plentiful and easy to get in pretty much every alpha I played. But there is hope for much more balanced setup in A20. If the first people are complaining they don't find enough ammo we might have reached a good balance. It isn't abandoned, but was sold to the new Telltale for further develpment. A big patch is being developed right now. 😁
  4. Basically everything here amounts to: heal the injury or you get some annoying hindrance (like the vision blur, I can guarantee you very few people will describe it as fun. I've seen such an effect in a mod). The hindrances you have chosen may be more realistic, the effects more detailed, and there is no question they would increase variety. But I don't really see an increase in fun (granted that that is in the eye of the beholder). Where do you see a more interesting mechanic, something to entertain and challenge your brain, a non-trivial decision to make? Maybe Fanatical_Meat chimes in, he (as the one who brought this up) might be able to say whether any of this would be more fun for him at least.
  5. No, they are the necessary ingredients, sort of like the dietary fiber equivalent for a game They fill the game with things to do, they provide objectives, context and dangers, they fill the time, but they are not in any way a fun endeavour alone. But searching for the remedies is a different part of the game. That part, like looting, hunting, buying, is mostly interesting and it works for food the same way it works for remedies. I don't see that the OP has been lamenting that he finds it boring to look for antibiotics in medicine cabinets or a hospital. He talks about the penalty being boring or unfun.
  6. One detail about combat, the probability you get injuries from getting hit is pretty low but rises fast if you are hit multiple times in a short time frame. So there is a mechanism that punishes you for careless behaviour. Now my opinion is that injuries and remedies can not be made very interesting at all. Just like hunger or temperature, those are mechanisms in every survival game to provide a sink for the items you find and craft. You do stuff, your hunger increases, you eat stuff and the hunger goes away. That is about all that can be done with hunger basically. Not fun or interestingly involving in any way, its just what you do and have to do in a survival game.
  7. Passive? If I'm not overlooking anything, all except one injury are incurred by zombie hits and the exception is the broken leg which is incurred by jumping down from great height. Both look like you can actively prevent them from happening. Also except for one injury there are specific (though boring) remedies that either remove the condition or dramatically shorten the time until the injury goes away. If you don't know, just call up the inventory, then klick on the injury on the left side and you can read exactly how that injury can be treated.
  8. But xp loss is? How can injuries be fun? Their function in a game is to push the player to trying to cure them. If the player liked them instead he would just keep the injury going.
  9. How does that fit together? They are inconsequentual but you would kill yourself to get rid of them?
  10. Why do you always pick Fortitude as second comparison and act as if that wasn't a combat heavy OP class just like strength? Compare INT to agility or perception and you would actually compare attributes with a smaller focus on combat. Actually INT is the attribute with the highest utility focus and therefore the lowest combat focus. So it is to be expected that using only INT weapons creates the lowest damage output. Make a different test: Just take a shotgun with you and the ammo you got out of a previous quest or bought at the trader to the POI and use all the shotgun ammo you have and find in the factory to shoot at zombies groups and only use the baton for single zombies. Keep 9mm and 7.62 ammo you find for horde night. I'm sure you will get out with much much less turret ammo expended and will be through much faster. You also found the best use for the shotgun ammo. Definitely the trader is OP for experienced players. Finding the right stuff is easy for experienced players. BUT vanilla is for the inexperienced player who will NOT get workstations and all the recipes ready by day 7-10. If you want a balanced game as an experienced player you have to turn down loot frequency to compensate for all the knowledge how to get at stuff. You pointed me to one omission in the game though: The trader never offers turret ammo as quest reward and (I may be wrong here) doesn't sell it, and you don't find it anywhere. I think that should be changed as it isn't logical that the INT player should need to be toiling in the mines more often than a miner himself.
  11. What I meant is when two zombies are down and you see an XP pop-up. You won't know which one of the two is the dead one because of the shared popup. As long as you have a closed front the zombies are always pushed away so I don't see a problem there. If it is a chaotic mingling you have enough enemies to hit and get hit by anyway so I prefer a zombie being down for a moment so I can hit the others. In such a mingling I have to constantly watch my back anyway as zombies could come from all sides. It is. Just asked a co-player and he is sure as well.
  12. Because of performance problems they were reduced in frequency and size, but they are still there. This is supposed to get better again with further optimizations and maybe a better event system
  13. But the crew is international. I think Fataal is in GB and Gazz in DE for example. A lot of the development was done from home even before Covid it seems. AFAIK Madmole and some artists are working on new games, simply because they are not much needed anymore for 7D2D. I don't think they have anything to do with the length of A20's development, that depends almost exclusively on the coders. My best guess is RWG. That is a ton of work since it seems they want to add a lot of features on top of the current RWG and I get the impression they also want to be done with that part in A20 (except for bug fixing naturally).
  14. To paraphrase: "IF" the INT players wants to play this attribute like he plays most other attributes they will be putting themselves at a disadvantage. So my conclusion is players should not do that. They have to play into the strengths of their class aka attribute not into their weakness. This is the way in almost every game I know of. I don't think it helps the INT player to diminish the power of his own perks. First you should find out if there is a problem for the INT player when he is playing optimally. Then find out if that problem is at the start or end of the game. If at the start then upgrading the base power might be applicable, otherwise strengthening the higher levels of the perk should be done. Now does the int-player have problems at start? I don't think so: 1) As dscobral explained the INT player gets the fastest progression and is saving lots of time because of better mobility. 2) As perk points are rare at start other attributes are still only lowly perked into their weapon. So the difference to the unperked non-INT weapon the INT player would normally use in addition to turret is rather low (10-30%). 3) The pusher turret is the single most effective item in the game for horde nights and while still very useful unperked the INT player definitely gets more out of it. The trader respec will hurt the INT player, but also give him a further advantage: While everyone will be running around with worse weapons at the start of the game, a lvl1 AK for example will still mow down a wandering horde of zombies in a few seconds. The limiting factor is ammunition and buying and questing for ammo is again a strength of the INT player.
  15. And the blood isn't the only problem. Seeing getting eaten by zombies might also induce nightmares. Eventually a modder might get the idea to make a fun mod that replaces every zombie with bunnies or wild sandwiches, like in other modable games, but that will take time.
  16. The activation barriers sure feel artifical sometimes, but we are dealing here with compromises. The system TFP uses for its POIs needs few CPU cycles and that is surely why TFP uses it. I hope they will eventually use optimization wins for more zombies instead of more natural senses of zombies, but your mileage may vary. Yes, anything that lowers immersion is a potential problem. 7D2D will be released with lots of problems still in the game because compromises have to be made. The only question is which problems TFP will fix and which it will keep because they just don't have the CPU budget to fix them. Someone checked the xmls and found that the automatic activation happens in much less than 10% of rooms, I think it was even below 5% but I'm not sure. There was just one building which overdid it with almost every room having automatic activation and I made a bug report about it. That is why I think the issue gets overblown, because if it happens in every 20th room then it means stealth works in all the other 19 of 20 rooms as expected and the 20th room is an interesting variety stealthers have to be prepared for. And it is possible to restealth and there are other ways to prepare yourself for such situations. It makes stealth a lot more interesting for me because everyone can play stealth, but there is a way to improve your stealth play further and master it. So you don't use stealth but have a strong opinion about it? Well, I do use stealth and like stealth play. Maybe that is the difference 😉. I also like the occasional surprise and other players may not like surprises. As long as stealth isn't 100% effective I'm good, so a change like the one hiemfire talked about would be fine. But I'm ok with it as it is as well.
  17. I always group with my co-players so I get the XP popup too. Not that I want it. Now with lots of zombies attributing it to which zombie died actually might be difficult. If we ignore the popup then I don't see why that problem would be limited to stun baton. Other weapons have knockdown too. And there still is the effect that zombies can go down when at low health but not dead (or am I imagining things?). Death through stun baton is sometimes even more obvious because dead zombies stop flashing immediately.
  18. This is like saying enemies in a WW2 shooter should always shout "TIMBER" and wave a flag before shooting at you, to prevent any surprises 😉
  19. I know for sure I died at least once because of it. And that is not neccesarily wrong. The same can happen with mines in the wasteland or around military camps, floor traps and surprises like on the first seventh day in any new 7days gamers life. I am a candidate for the Zombie Rehabilitation Party and I will defend their right to get a fair chance in fights and eat people. Zombies are supressed everywhere. Look around, do you see any zombie being CEO of a top500 company? Have you seen the wages they get? How difficult it is for them to rent a house or just a social security number? There is a lot of discrimination here. Vote ZRP, we care.
  20. Thanks. The logfile shows the controllers being added but there is no error when it drops out. One possible cause: There was a bug on AMD 400 to 500 series motherboards with USB connectivity often dropping out. THis bug was found and corrected by AMD in March and should have resulted in BIOS updates for your motherboard being available somewhere in April or May. In other words: Update your BIOS and make sure the new BIOS has AGESA version or newer. **IF** that does not help it might be a Unity issue and I would suggest making an official bug report (see the link in the green banner above)
  21. There is a small chance: Find the savegame (location is listed in a sticky in the "General Support" section), replace original files with modification dates on or after the crash with the *.bak versions if available and try again.
  22. Not again! This was already discussed to death. Now I'm gonna say "Not all stealth players" and we get stuck in a time loop 😉
  23. We were not there when you did all that. Which operating system, where is you install dir, what exactly did you do, what exactly did happen?
  24. I agree that comsumables should not count. In a current game of mine I just can't find nerd tats. Maybe a bug, maybe bad luck, but I constantly make a round of the traders and they almost never have them. So they are nice but you can't depend on them, and definitely not if you want to use tats consistently and often. Wrong. While you use the rifle your shotgun is NOT firing. Turrets can be used while shooting any weapon. EVEN shooting in a different direction, try that with your rifle+shotgun combo
  25. You are trying to play 7d2d on a small laptop not made for gaming with a typical low-level laptop gpu. This has (nearly) nothing to do with Mac.
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