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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Just use steam to go back to A16 and play that. You can then have an informed opinion whether vanilla would be better with LBD or not. Because if TFP had not decided to go away from LBD, A16 would have been largely the version you would have gotten in the end.
  2. Did you check the game settings? There is an option for situational music that can be turned off. I would assume the piano sounds at least would be turned off with this
  3. If you don't know then test it. Unplug your Thrustmaster (also the speakers if they are usb and not analog) and see if the problem goes away.
  4. This has been asked for occasionally but by far not often enough to be considered a community favourite I would say. As 7D2D isn't a pure shooter game there are a lot of other features that can expand the game as well and there is only time for a few. From my (outside) view I would say it isn't likely that this will be implemented, but who knows?
  5. Welcome to the forums. I don't have any inside information, but I haven't seen this mentioned by devs as something they want to implement. Though you should never rely on MY memory 😉. But there is a chance: If they think that bandits (in their camps) should be able to sit, they will put an animator to that task and what helps the bandits helps the player characters as well. That gets me thinking: Asking for sitting bandits would be a sly way to ask for what you really want 😁
  6. Can you explain what is bad about cp? Obviously at least the dev at TFP doesn't know because otherwise he wouldn't have chosen it
  7. Done. I made you super moderator in place of Roland. You can access your super moderator menue by flying high with the gyrocopter in game and pressing 'E'
  8. Please show me the logic deduction that doesn't depend on facts and assumptions you know and expect from reading or hearing about real world snipers.
  9. Sure I am talking about me as you are talking about you. Lots of other players are a bit like me or you, and I suspect a lot more players are rather imperfect like me. I don't think unrestricted modes are typical for base games. Usually the base game is more limited to guide new players while advanced modes or mods remove limitations that might unbalance the game. If there are restrictions in advanced modes it is only for additional challenge and not as guidance or for balance. There is no "can't" in this system. Did you ever calculate the perk costs? To crossover between two classes and to be able to learn any perks to 4 takes exactly as many points as learning one class up to perk level 5. And you don't want to tell me that the difference between say clubs learned to 4 or to 5 is so fundamental that playing with 4 is impossibly harder, especially when you can select the best perks of both classes as compensation. The only exception might be the turret perk where the difference between 4 and 5 is quite large. You got a point there, in co-op the task usually get divided anyway. But in my own experience playing with 3 other players, each one of them is like me and tends to gravitate to always use the same weapons and do the same tasks.
  10. Let me rephrase: "7D2D' skill system is exactly like diablo only there are no attributes. " The equivalent would be "And a motorcycles wheels are exactly the same as a car". Which isn't true, but they can be compared without making a face Sure, even in the case of 7D2D and Diablo, "exactly" is an overstatement. You pinpoint the difference quite well: One job of a skill system is to time or gate the progress of the player. In diablo the attributes take on that job. In 7D2D, in absence of attributes something else has to take over that job: the class. Similar to 7D2D in Pathfinder and AD&D the class does this job as well even though there are still attributes, just to point out that that is a common and successful way to do it and is NOT perceived as a fundamental problem or a generally faulty solution. The strength class I would call "The Miner". Yes, it has perks that are not really associated with a miner, but essentially this could be seen as the "Miner" class. Possibly TFP could even go further and make this a specific person, i.e. "Miner Bob" who just happens to be good at cooking. This is a method a lot of the newer fun-shooters like Overwatch employ to make a fixed character with fixed abilities. Fortitude would be "the Brute" or "The Heavy", perception "The Sniper", agility "The Assassin", intelligence "The Tinkerer". Sure, 3 of them are called after their weapon use, 2 after their civil profession, if that is important to someone he may have to look for different archetypes. I would rather say Animal tracker is the outlier in the sniper class. 😉 What you suggest would probably be a lot better in terms of believability and realism. Why does animal tracker not fit the sniper class? Because realism. Yes, without doubt. Would it be better to play? THAT is the more important question and the answer to that is rather open. Whenever you constrain your choices to better suit reality you as a designer also constrain you choices for game play. It might work, or realism and gameplay might clash. 7D2D is quite shamelessly optimized for gameplay (as TFP sees the optimum, any players mileage may vary), and realism or believability is merely an afterthought. Madmole (I assume) designed 5 classes that are supposed to deliver variability and fun for at least 5 playthroughs through suggesting class builds and because of class permeability a few more. And for me it works, in A15 and A16 I always played the same character, now I cycle through the classes. And not to forget, in co-op it works as well as it is usual that everyone picks a different class and takes over different jobs. If the class system went your way I would fall back to a mode where I just take my prefered melee weapon and my prefered gun. Sure I still would have fun with other variable elements of the game (lets not assume the skill system is everything) but I have my suspicion that replayability would be hurt in the long run.
  11. Is diablo a throwback or a "paper and dice" game? 😁 Thats one way to deal with it. In SP I never had much problem getting all necessary recipes (including the steel thingy, if not as loot then by buying it from the trader), but I always spent the point(s) for getting the forge (just like I always put one point into Living of the land)
  12. If numbers are irrelevant to you, don't post them. At least two users here think if you post numbers they should be at least somewhat correct. You should realize that you are nitpicking about this correction now as much as I do about the numbers. Just accept the correction and go on. You want attributes to be really attributes. Which they are not, they were once in A17, but now there is NOTHING "attributy" about them at all except for the name. Strength doesn not increase your strength in the least, fortitude does not increase your health the least bit, agility does not a jota to your agility, intelligence doesn't make you more intelligent. Only perception could be realistically argued as being an actual attribute that is improving your headshot damage. If we want to be generous we could say that intelligence is actually increasing your intelligence behind the scenes because it enables you to learn the perks, but that's a rather farfetched argument. And that is my argument. Attributes are not attributes, they are classes, pure and simple. Exactly. In this we agree. For me this reads as "their names are wrong and their names are wrong" although you start with "Even if I consider it being classes". And sure they are limited to specific weapon types, class systems often do this. Really consider them as classes, ignore the names and ping, there is nothing strange about them. Sure, madmole made an effort to put perks in classes so they often look fitting to the attribute, but nobody would ever notice that if the classes were not named after attributes. I agree that the class system in 7D2D is far from realistic and even a lot of RPG class systems do this better, but still far from realistic. For example a one handed hammer is almost always clearly separated from a two-handed hammer in most such systems, except for bonuses from attributes. BUT, 7d2D has NO attributes at all. A17 had a class system with for example melee clustered in one class and it wasn't well liked. If you wanted to do melee in mid or late game you had to invest into that class. I don't think that system should be adopted again. I don't know whether mods do it better, the only mod I played in A19 was Darkness Falls and there you can train with the club until you are the god of clubs but that helps you not one bit for the sledgehammer, so there is no melee buff for every melee weapon. But DF correctly dropped any mention of attributes, even outside the DF classes there are none. What mods are you talking about and how do they do it? 😀 If a class system is generally not acceptable to you, well, then we found the source of your problem (before you object: I talked about hundreds of systems and you practically said they all are doing it wrong. Not so serious reply to your not so serious reply) . I like class systems in any pen&paper or computer game when I want to play it more than once (or where I play a group). 7D2D is exactly like diablo only there are no attributes.
  13. I myself twice suggested to TFP to change the names of the attributes to class names to no avail. So I agree on the names giving the wrong impression to newcomers. But we veterans should not be hoodwinked by names. And stealed against anything that sounds unrealistic, because gameplay trumps realism. So perception generally is the class where you have great perception and know how to handle a sniper rifle. You can shoot a sniper rifle better (which leads to more effective headshots with that gun). But in this game this does not transfer to being better with pistols, doing great headshots (instead of merely pedestrain headshots) with pistols needs you to be agil, not perceptive. No idea how that works in detail but I'm fine with it. I know RPGs where you can't even use a warhammer if you haven't learned the right skill or are the right class. Skills and perks are an approximation of abilities a character has. My real life personas rifle skill can't be adequately represented by a simple number.
  14. It automatically distracts from the issue. Without correct facts how can we make correct conclusions from the facts? Whether you get 170% more headshot damage for one weapon or only 35% is a hell of a difference. Seems I did. I was distracted by some issue 😁. Seriously, I don't get the point. Why is it important that it is ONE AND THE SAME skill? Hundreds of RPG systems starting by the grandfather D&D have violated your rule and used class systems, and they are still popular. It is a lot easier balancing skills/perks correctly in a class system than in a free choose-your-own-perks system. There are advantages and disadvantages for both.
  15. My idea would be to read the pinned thread that tells you to read it in this forum section and follow it, especially the part about posting a logfile 😉
  16. I see spiders jump quite far and high already.
  17. Practically this is an impossible wish at the current time because line of sight is an expensive operation to calculate, too much to consider for release of 7D2D Theoretically speaking though that would be a lot more realistical. Whether it would be more fun, who knows. I'm not necessarily talking about exploit bases even though stilts were a major problem. My problem with pre-A17 AI was that you could simply build anything and the zombies would not really react to it but just to you. This made almost everything possible but it also REMOVED the need to build anything else but simple blocks. Why bother with some path for the zombies when they ignore it anyway? Why add trap doors when you would have to surround your base completely with trap doors for them to work? Simply said before A17 I didn't bother with doing anything special because special was ignored anyway. THAT is my problem with pre-A17 AI Since A17 the zombies can be "exploited" BUT now the exploits are similar to the "exploits" in other tower-defense games. Or said simply since A17 7D2D had a real tower-defense subgame making the exploits not exploits but a game feature. I never said you wanted to go back to it. But you implicitly compared the current AI to pre-A17 "This sophisticated path finding being used has reduced the diversity of effective bases a lot, ", i.e. you referenced how the previous AI was better in that regard, allowed more diversity, so it is only fair that I can compare with that as well. And denounce it as more arbitrary and very very low on tower defense mechanics Well, you are correct that it would have made tower defense paths possible AND whatever AI goes into effect once the path is away, so I change my mind on this, it would have been a nice feature for horde night.
  18. Or in other words, base building was trivial then. So you could build anything and it would work if it just had enough HP to occupy the zombies long enough or left the zombies running around without attack vector (stilt bases and underground bases were practically out of reach of zombies). Which doesn't work because players would simply "remove" the trail by using a drawbridge or wood frames that they remove after entering the base. The trail was never described as a blood moon feature to my knowledge, it was always about some zombies following you when you were moving about. That is the old pre-A17 method. As I said above this AI can be trivially gamed.
  19. Strange, I get a headshot damage of 270% for hunting rifle and 200% for an AK, both fairly freaking. You must have some strange LBD version of the game 😁
  20. The routines implemented into zombie AI can be tested now and can surely benefit any NPC later. I think Faatal pointed out at some time that there is just one AI, and I assume that AI works slightly different depending on the NPC. Even if that were not the case, a lot of code (like pathfinding, sensing) is identical or at least similar for every NPC and it would be madness to not share behaviour and functions as much as possible Exactly. I can imagine that wandering zombies could be a nice challenge for bow-users and stealth players in general. No sitting duck and might wander near a stealthed player and notice him.
  21. I think Faatal hinted a possible reason: "So enemies can wander around. Like bandits would move about. "
  22. The logfile you show here has EAC enabled. Wrong logfile?
  23. I moved this post to the right section, "General Support". You need to post some more information, especially the logfile:
  24. So where did you get a hummer from? There is no such vehicle in the classic aka vanilla game
  25. Partly agree, but it is a not so subtle difference if you have two mods for the spear you want to use.
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