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Everything posted by Roland

  1. You know those parts of the game that you think are just boring and tedious and you just want the result and to not have to go through the boring tasks to get the result? Now imagine that you are the developer and could easily diminish that part of the game. Madmole hates tedious repair mechanics.
  2. It might not be a bad idea to allow players to use a bucket of water with the dew collector to instantly fill it if they don’t want to wait for the timer. The bucket would be consumed and the water block used to fill the bucket could also be used up. For those suffering in their thinky things for not being able to transport water from a water source to their base to build up their water supply, this could be a soothe and a comfort. Could possibly be a modded by adding a fuel slot to the dew collector in which you place a bucket of water and once it is consumed the dew collector is full.
  3. That’s why I like the setting Lose All On Death. It’s a fair trade to lose your entire inventory for gaining back health, fullness, hydration, and healing of all debuffs. It also brings a bit of “degradation” into the game since your gear goes poof if you die. Plus there’s the benefit of not having to waste time running back for your backpack. I do agree that there is a real problem with death erasing status effects. It’s been brought up a lot internally and there’s been talk about creating a setting for persistent stats through respawn but it just hasn’t reached the priority list yet.
  4. A16 had skill points for sure. The console version is based off of A14. Does it have skill points? If so, then it’s probably A13 as the last one without skill points. Hard to remember anymore. You can opt in to those versions and see.
  5. But at the same time a hefty shot in the arm to crafting. I craft so much more in A21. As for the perk trees and skills, you can expect some
  6. Just the fact that you think this is a new feature underscores how little of a presence murky water has had in the game. The percent chance of getting dysentery has been in the game for years. It shows how badly something needed to change to make dysentery and murky water even have relevance in the game It can be mitigated by taking vitamins or by drinking goldenrod tea and I’m talking right now in A20 as well as in A21. in real life we don’t know when we will get sick. Someone can smoke and get lung cancer and someone else never does. I don’t like the idea of a bar that you watch and game with— drinking right up to the limit and then stopping because you know the next drink will cause sickness. We don’t know those things nor have that much control. Bad events that happen to us can be random and then we deal with overcoming rather than having full knowledge about our biochemistry and exactly how much to drink and then never having a bad event happen.
  7. like I said….maybe. It’s not a foregone conclusion that a hybrid would have been the greatest at all. We can hope it could be or assume it could be but without the system to play test we can’t be sure. In comparing the two as an either/or situation I think the new system edges out the old in potential. Right now, I’d be fine with either but if they add dozens of new attachments so that weapons can be more unique, then the current system can be much better. It just depends on whether they take this current system any farther with new and interesting attachments or not.
  8. Those are not empty gas cannisters you are getting. They are full of gas. It is no different than opening a toilet and getting a bottle of murky water. What you don't do is fill your motorcycle with those full cannisters and get back an empty cannister which you can then take to the pump and refill with gas. Water now works the same way. You can harvest water from your dew collectors and find water in loot and buy water and other drinks from the trader. In all of these cases the jars are filled with liquid. Once the liquid is used the container is gone. I guess someone could mod the game so that when you use a bucket while standing in a lake-- instead of drinking the water it would put full jars of murky water into your inventory. This might make it a bit more consistent with harvesting units of gasoline that can be transported for use later. Unfortunately, that would also totally make hydration survival completely trivial and break the survival game, in my opinion, which is why it probably would be best left as a mod for those folks who don't care about the survival game and just want to always have plenty of water at their disposal.
  9. The glass jars are not actually removed. They are just not physically represented in the game any longer. They still show up in the icons for water, tea, etc and when you drink you will still be drinking from a jar. It is simply an abstraction exactly like every other container in the game. It is no worse than not getting an empty bowl or plate after eating a meal, or not getting an empty canister after using gas or acid. Somehow....some way...you have been able to play the game and not be bothered by the realism of there not being any empty containers of anything in the game-- except for drinks. I can promise you that it doesn't take very long at all for your mind to accept the absence of physical glass jars exactly the same way as your mind has been accepting the absence of all of the rest of the empty containers of the consumables you've been using in the game for years. For preventing the player from having an infinity loop of drinkable water on the very first day of the game it is actually a very good change. As to whether you end up enjoying the gameplay of it or not, that remains to be seen. The water from water sources is murky. It isn't fresh drinkable water without consequence. You take damage from drinking straight from a water source and you have a small chance to get dysentery. So really it is just for emergencies until you can get your dew collector farm up and running. You will also find some murky water already in bottled form as you loot which you can take home and boil up for clean water also in a jar. You are still going to be able to carry jars of water around with you in your inventory. But the jars disappears after you drink the water so you can't refill them.
  10. Probably a bit to soon to know that. Everything is going to be looked at, evaluated, and updated so we can hope.
  11. So slight that we are sure to get frustrated posts that it doesn't seem to be working properly because they're finding more magazines in something they didn't perk into than in the thing they did perk into. But not so slight that we shouldn't ever get any frustrated posts that someone has gone days or weeks without ever finding any of the magazines they perked into. Fun times ahead no doubt =p
  12. Maybe. “Kitchen sink” designs often sound good because you are getting everything but they don’t always end up playing as well as they seemed in theory. Having both versions would have been a pretty complex weapon system involving multiple interfaces and problems regarding available mod slots for guns that could change in quality depending on the mix of parts. Maybe it would have been the absolute best. The devs didn’t think so and swapped one for the other rather than doing a hybrid.
  13. What you’re really asking is how many bacon and egg meals will a bandit yield…
  14. I liked the old method with the parts that had quality and your gun was the average of them all. But I prefer the new method with the mod attachments and hope they continue to introduce more once they get to the point where they can focus on adding more variety of stuff. Sticking a mod that adds abilities to the basic gun is more exciting than just a part that makes it a basic gun but perhaps at a slightly better quality. We just need moar!! Both systems have their strengths.
  15. There have been many words. Go back and read @faatal posts since he works a lot on optimizations and you will be able to read about specific things he has been working on. The feature list on the first page of this thread is just that: a feature list. It isn't a changelog that itemizes all changes that have occurred. Optimization is happening. Word.
  16. That wouldn’t stop nerdpoling. It would just leave the remains of nerdpoling littering the server. Then again…new chunk reset timer!
  17. I think the way sphereii did it for me was to make it impossible to place a block when your feet were in the air. That also stopped the ability to jump down from high places and place a hay block at the last moment….;)
  18. Cleaned up the thread so now let’s just stay on topic. I have just over 2400 hrs logged in the game so I do think my forum time wins handily. Of course, if I could play the game while at work things might be different haha
  19. I really like your idea of an off-shore ship or even oil-rigger platform. One of the guys created a yacht as a side project so that might eventually make it in but placing these things 30-40 meters away from the shore in the surrounding ocean would be cool. Even some sunken ones might be possible with the new water simulation. @Laz Man? Anything you could add to the potential of this? Is the surrounding ocean considered in bounds or out of bounds for poi placement?
  20. That is the way it will have to be. It is pretty simple to do for those who want it. Just remove repair kits. When your weapon is done scrap it for parts and go without until you can find or craft another. It really improves the game….for masochists. 😀 The chunk returns to how it was when it was originally generated for your fresh new game. While there might be slight randomizations, for the most part it is exactly the same. So the vein would return. The surface deposits would also return and show up on the map.
  21. Not better-just different. Even when you like all the changes in an update there is the need to start over and then a period of adaptation. Sounds like you and your friends are made for Early Access though.
  22. You can ask console questions in this forum—Console General Discussions. I don’t know and I doubt TFP knows yet either. It all depends on the limitations imposed by the consoles. They will try to make the game as equal as possible to the PC version. It’s too early to know particulars of what will be in and what will be out (if anything).
  23. In one past conversation about it in a team meeting the idea that most liked best was to give frames a native ladder attribute so that zombies could climb up after you and you as well could climb up and down them—-make them even more versatile like a scaffolding block but at the same time a liability since zombies could path up them as well. Honestly, the problem isn’t nerdpoling so much as it is designing a “treasure room” in an easy location like on a roof that can be so easily accessed by nerdpoling. If level designers take nerdpoling into consideration they can surely do some things to mitigate its abuse. That being said…I’ve always been for the removal of nerdpoling and even got its removal to be part of my mod back in the day thanks to the fact that figuring out how to make it happen intrigued someone who knew what they were doing.
  24. I haven't seen anything to make me believe nerd-poling is going away. I didn't catch what Rick said regarding it in the video but I can't believe it was meant to convey that they will get rid of nerd-poling. It was discussed a long time ago and decided that it should remain and I haven't heard about any changes to that decision.
  25. Roland

    Dont run

    Well....this is your thread so nobody will take you to task for derailing your own subject Glad they started walking properly for you. There must have been some kind of remnant code that needed to be cleaned out. Either that or it was your bad language. The game is pretty sensitive.
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