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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Huh... I was intrigued and so made an OpenAI account and tried out the chat for myself. When I asked the same question as the OP it said, I tried a variety of questions about all sorts of video games going back to the 90s and it always answered the same. Then I asked, How would you design a video game about surviving a zombie apocalypse?
  2. The POIs are pretty much locked in to what danger level they are by their level design so random danger leveling probably won't happen. Some POIs can be increased or decreased a tier by increasing or decreasing spawns but it won't be random. There are some new loot containers that only appear during a particular type of quest and will never show up if someone clears a POI without the quest activated so this wish is at least partially fulfilled.
  3. New Puzzle tomorrow and you can leave the Bat Computer at home!
  4. As I understand it, it is for performance reasons to prevent too many high polygon objects from bogging down the game. But maybe at some point they’ll do a recipe pass and add most of them in.
  5. I’ve played games where chests can be linked or even just if they are in proximity to the workstation the contents are accessed when crafting. That is cool.
  6. thanks for the correction. I haven’t played space engineers in ages and I don’t remember being able to do that back when I played. Seems to be the exception though. I did a Google search for multiple people accessing the same chest and it seems to be a very common request for pretty much all games that have multiplayer and chests. For something that is so universally desired across so many games and yet absent in almost every game it just leads me to think it must not be a trivial thing to do.
  7. You should be fine then since EOS is already enabled in A20.
  8. See what happens when you leave things to cold simple logic? No mention of 9 years and going in early access or the removal of the bot's favorite feature..... lol Pretty cool though!
  9. Tell me where I said you did. That was kind of your problem that you didn't... Afaik it does not.
  10. It was. Carefully. Really? What games allow it? Every multiplayer game with containers that I've ever played makes players wait their turn from Minecraft to Valheim to Empyrion to Space Engineers to No Man's Sky right down to even Terraria and Stardew Valley. Why doesn't anyone who requests this ever say "Can we have multiple players be allowed to access the same chest at the same time just like they do in ________________?" I'm betting it isn't trivial.
  11. The zombies used to have long paths and perfect memory and so behaved a lot more like what you are describing you want. The problem was that with the ability to see such long and complex pathways to the player it was too easy to unnaturally control them. Step on block A and the zombies would follow the path that led to the player. Hop to block B and the zombies would change their path backtracking until they could pick up the new path. Hop back and forth to keep the zombies dancing to your tune and all because of long path knowledge. Another problem with long path knowledge is that once your base had a breach all the zombies from everywhere would go straight to this one place and instead of having zombies surrounding your base and attacking from several different points, they would always go to just one point. This was seen as dissatisfying as well as super easy to exploit. This was basically A17 zombie behavior in the purity of zombies that "act like engineers" and "know better than I do how to get up to where I am." Over the course of A18 - A20 the pathway distance was shortened and zombies were given variable "tenaciousness" to follow the paths that they could see with some going all the way and others dropping into area destruction mode. There have been other adjustments but they have all been made in the opposite direction you are asking them to go so it is very unlikely that you will get that with zombies. Bandits may be another matter. They should be able to follow long paths, jump up to ladders, walk on narrow ledges, etc that the player character can and so they should provide more of the type of assault on your defenses that you are craving. The behavior of creating ramps and destroying blocks to make a new path to the player also seems like it would be a better fit intelligence-wise for the bandits instead of the zombies. Work is always being done and I'm sure zombie AI will be tweaked again after bandit AI is finalized so that there will seem a clear difference between the two mobs in the perceptions of the players. At the least, it probably won't be hard to copy and past AI code onto zombies from bandits if you want your zombies to be relentless terminating flesh robots of destruction with a hive mind that allows them to intuitively know all the ways to get to your brains. Or you can boot up A17 and try it now.
  12. I'm sure Morloc is pretty smart but if true, the credit has to go to the bat computer. Morloc might get some credit for successfully infiltrating the bat cave but then again it always seemed like everyone was getting into Adam West's bat cave....
  13. It's such a mixture. Some adjustments I've had to make I wasn't happy with at first but I got used to them and other adjustments, although not what I would have thought of doing, ended up being more fun. Not all adjustments to your gameplay necessarily result in less fun and enjoyment. Sometimes when you are forced to play differently you discover that it is more fun than you never considered it would ever be. To me, the game hasn't changed enough to not be fun and A21 was a pleasant surprise in how much fun I found the changes. But I know it won't be fun for everyone.
  14. I don't know. Have you not been playing A20 at all?
  15. I would say "Country Road" by John Denver as well. But then the country road went through a part of a lake splitting the water to the left and right and proceeded to go vertically straight up the side of a Shenandoah mountain... That took me out of the song.
  16. Depends on which team you've got your money riding on...
  17. I'm not necessarily for against anything here but would like to point out that the developers view building your own base from scratch and modifying an existing structure as equally viable options in carrying out the base defense mechanic of the game. They are unlikely to implement anything that would hamper players from using existing POIs as starters for horde bases. Just as there are exploity built-from-scratch strategies there are exploity upgrade-from-poi strategies and in both cases players can choose not to exploit. This is not to say that if TFP decides they need to close some loophole or other they will. But for the most part they recognize that there is no way to close all loopholes associated with building in a voxel world without seriously destroying the fun of the building. Its possible they may revisit how POIs are reset after quests but probably not too likely. After all, they have publicly stated that they do not consider double-dipping a POI before and after activating the quest rally point to be an exploit and perfectly fair game to do it if players wish.
  18. Its more like someone prettier just showed up at the dance. Wow... We can stop calling me Trolland and start calling YOU Megatrollth... lol That was almost as mean as creating a fake countdown out of emojis...haha
  19. I hope there is a jar of Marshmallow Fluff.
  20. https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/faq
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