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Everything posted by Roland

  1. So slight that we are sure to get frustrated posts that it doesn't seem to be working properly because they're finding more magazines in something they didn't perk into than in the thing they did perk into. But not so slight that we shouldn't ever get any frustrated posts that someone has gone days or weeks without ever finding any of the magazines they perked into. Fun times ahead no doubt =p
  2. Maybe. “Kitchen sink” designs often sound good because you are getting everything but they don’t always end up playing as well as they seemed in theory. Having both versions would have been a pretty complex weapon system involving multiple interfaces and problems regarding available mod slots for guns that could change in quality depending on the mix of parts. Maybe it would have been the absolute best. The devs didn’t think so and swapped one for the other rather than doing a hybrid.
  3. What you’re really asking is how many bacon and egg meals will a bandit yield…
  4. I liked the old method with the parts that had quality and your gun was the average of them all. But I prefer the new method with the mod attachments and hope they continue to introduce more once they get to the point where they can focus on adding more variety of stuff. Sticking a mod that adds abilities to the basic gun is more exciting than just a part that makes it a basic gun but perhaps at a slightly better quality. We just need moar!! Both systems have their strengths.
  5. There have been many words. Go back and read @faatal posts since he works a lot on optimizations and you will be able to read about specific things he has been working on. The feature list on the first page of this thread is just that: a feature list. It isn't a changelog that itemizes all changes that have occurred. Optimization is happening. Word.
  6. That wouldn’t stop nerdpoling. It would just leave the remains of nerdpoling littering the server. Then again…new chunk reset timer!
  7. I think the way sphereii did it for me was to make it impossible to place a block when your feet were in the air. That also stopped the ability to jump down from high places and place a hay block at the last moment….;)
  8. Cleaned up the thread so now let’s just stay on topic. I have just over 2400 hrs logged in the game so I do think my forum time wins handily. Of course, if I could play the game while at work things might be different haha
  9. I really like your idea of an off-shore ship or even oil-rigger platform. One of the guys created a yacht as a side project so that might eventually make it in but placing these things 30-40 meters away from the shore in the surrounding ocean would be cool. Even some sunken ones might be possible with the new water simulation. @Laz Man? Anything you could add to the potential of this? Is the surrounding ocean considered in bounds or out of bounds for poi placement?
  10. That is the way it will have to be. It is pretty simple to do for those who want it. Just remove repair kits. When your weapon is done scrap it for parts and go without until you can find or craft another. It really improves the game….for masochists. 😀 The chunk returns to how it was when it was originally generated for your fresh new game. While there might be slight randomizations, for the most part it is exactly the same. So the vein would return. The surface deposits would also return and show up on the map.
  11. Not better-just different. Even when you like all the changes in an update there is the need to start over and then a period of adaptation. Sounds like you and your friends are made for Early Access though.
  12. You can ask console questions in this forum—Console General Discussions. I don’t know and I doubt TFP knows yet either. It all depends on the limitations imposed by the consoles. They will try to make the game as equal as possible to the PC version. It’s too early to know particulars of what will be in and what will be out (if anything).
  13. In one past conversation about it in a team meeting the idea that most liked best was to give frames a native ladder attribute so that zombies could climb up after you and you as well could climb up and down them—-make them even more versatile like a scaffolding block but at the same time a liability since zombies could path up them as well. Honestly, the problem isn’t nerdpoling so much as it is designing a “treasure room” in an easy location like on a roof that can be so easily accessed by nerdpoling. If level designers take nerdpoling into consideration they can surely do some things to mitigate its abuse. That being said…I’ve always been for the removal of nerdpoling and even got its removal to be part of my mod back in the day thanks to the fact that figuring out how to make it happen intrigued someone who knew what they were doing.
  14. I haven't seen anything to make me believe nerd-poling is going away. I didn't catch what Rick said regarding it in the video but I can't believe it was meant to convey that they will get rid of nerd-poling. It was discussed a long time ago and decided that it should remain and I haven't heard about any changes to that decision.
  15. Roland

    Dont run

    Well....this is your thread so nobody will take you to task for derailing your own subject Glad they started walking properly for you. There must have been some kind of remnant code that needed to be cleaned out. Either that or it was your bad language. The game is pretty sensitive.
  16. Welcome to the forum and glad you enjoy the game. Hopefully you will survive the upheaval of your first major update. Adapting to the new normal can be.....distressing for some. We look forward to hearing your feedback for A21 as someone who has only ever known A20.
  17. Do I have more hours logged in the game or more hours logged in the forum...?
  18. Ah... my favorite subject: The Type of "Friends" I Play With I'll just point out simply that not all teams experience the dynamic you describe so there must not be some control beam shooting out of the game code that forces people to act uncooperatively with each other. All of that originates from the hearts and minds of the people you play with. There is a remedy. But sharing is one of the skills the game rewards. You can get better at aiming, driving, flying, meleeing, as these are all player skills needed in the game. Same goes for sharing and coordinating as a team. Your suggestion would be like adding auto-aim or fast travel to the game which would negate any of the skills required by the game. That is one opinion but it is eclipsed by the thousands of people who have expressed that 7 Days to Die is one of the best cooperative team building experiences they have ever played. We have had letters from fathers who have told us playing our game with his children healed their relationship because of how they bonded while playing. I bet they figured out how to share loot. That is definitely not a universal outcome of friends playing the game together. Sorry you guys are so competitive with regards to loot. Since you added the line that these settings would be optional I have no problem with them being added. I doubt I would ever select them as I think 1 & 2 would be detrimental to the gameplay experience but just like there already is a loot multiplier I don't care whether others decide to give themselves more loot. I definitely don't believe these measures are necessary for effective cooperative play but as a mod or an option for those that want them...sure. This is not accurate at all. There are biomes you can go to for more difficult enemies and better loot as of Alpha 20. Are you playing Alpha 20? The enemies also do not ALL get stronger as you progress. There are still regular zombies but as you progress there are more feral zombies and radiated that start appearing. But this is not the same thing at all as the entire world progressing in difficulty along with the player so that no progress can be felt. You can definitely experience progression. You can select T1 and T2 and T3 quests once you've progressed to T5 for an easier experience. You can even without a quest try and take on a T5 POI and clear it on day one with all your low level gear as a challenge if you wish. What you describe as wanting is already in the game on the biome level and on the POI level and what you accuse the game of doing is more subtle and less in your face than you describe. There has to be SOME progression of challenge so that the game isn't essentially won by Day 3. But there is definitely a feeling of progress when you start out needing to hit a zombie several times to kill it to when you realize you are one shot killing most zombies. Then as ferals and radiated start appearing you are back to needing a few hits to kill but then again you progress to being able to mow even these foes down as your ability to scale up your ammo production and your access to the top tier weapons and highest perk abilities make you practically unstoppable.
  19. On the community side, I agree. But not on the development team side. All of those changes that were controversial among the community were unanimously supported by the team. There is no consensus on these issues (or zip lines) among the team. It will have to be a mod.
  20. The problem with item degradation and food spoilage type mechanics is that they are very polarizing. Some people love them and some people hate them. And it seems to be pretty evenly split in the player base and just as importantly on the dev team. I think entropic designs will be able to be modded into the game and when that happens that mod will also probably include early game lucky finds.
  21. haha...that also explains why I couldn't approve the post. By trying to fix it you removed the part that had to be approved and so it was impossible to be approved. Once a post is marked for approval only a moderator can approve it. Users can't fix it by editing. I would agree IF we had permanent item degradation but since we don't and TFP is not interested in putting it in, we cannot have best stuff showing up early game that lasts forever and makes looting irrelevant for the rest of the game. Someone just was talking about how underwhelming a T5 quest can be when the loot rewards are items of lower quality than you already have. No, loot progression is a must in a game design that eschews entropy. Think of it like this: what if you found a lucky cargo drop that had 20 stacks of 64 meat stews in the very first drop? Great right? Not if you like farming because now farming is irrelevant. See a deer? So what? When you get something that will last the whole playthrough and invalidates part of the game so early, it isn't good.
  22. We have been under attack by a very aggressive spammer and so we changed the post approval process so that we have to approve any posts with links. I’m not sure why your post stayed hidden. I couldn’t unhide it and it wasn’t in the approval queue. I retyped it into your follow up post which was the only way to make it appear. Very strange.
  23. Well A21 is going to feature at least one brand new T5 quest location so it will be interesting to see how it fares in the minds of experienced T5 players. I know the level design team is very excited for you to try it. They really rock the Wheatley vibe when it comes to their creations...
  24. Roland

    Dont run

    We need a new word for zombies with heightened awareness if we are going to call tier 2 zombies with glowy eyes "feral"-- and then there's the Feral Wight that many used to just call "The Feral"
  25. New three word clue for another A21 change....
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