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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Only from the players' perspective. There is the gameplay and entertainment content aspects of the game which we care about more but there is also the technical and artistic element which-- while we might call it fluff, in the industry and among their peers they want the game to shine.
  2. I responded to the article to let them know their information was faulty but so far my comment hasn’t been approved. Moderators…oy vey…
  3. Mostly the same with a few changes not yet revealed. You can find jars of murky water in loot. You can drink directly from water sources with an empty hand while pressing E. This fills your hydration bar but does not give you a jar of murky water. There are no empty jars any longer so no more right clicking to fill jars. You can get jars of drinking water by building a dew collector.
  4. I found this unfortunate article after googling "7 Days to Die Crossplay" https://www.ofzenandcomputing.com/is-7-days-to-die-cross-platform/ That being said, this isn't the Microsoft or Sony stores or us advertising that the game is crossplay between xbox and playstation. Sorry you got duped by this or perhaps another website-- these guys all seem to cite each other rather than actually testing to see if what they claim is true. What the others said is true, however. You must get your refund from the store you bought it from.
  5. Decorative vehicles and it was just a simple mistake that I listed it twice. Sorry! I was thinking about making a clue for the faster generation but faatal was too quick and too forthright!
  6. https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/news/epic-online-services-release-free-pc-crossplay-tools
  7. As @meganoth stated, most games are developed behind closed doors so we cannot see their creative process. But editing is a well known part of any creative process and to demand the creation of something without ever making edits is not reasonable. Someone can certainly have the opinion that a rough draft is better than its final version. Since you’ve now delivered that opinion a few times since the time of A17 there is no need to keep doing it. The time where such an opinion might cause a turnabout is long past. Now it is just futile repetitive complaining for the purposes of trolling community members by derailing their questions. It’s natural for a child to pester and cry for a candy while in the checkout line. For them to still do it in the parking lot after having been told no, firmly, is just bad manners. For this game, we are in the bus about a block from arriving home and for you to still be going on about that candy back in the checkout line is just beyond rude and boorish behavior. Once and for all, the vision and potential you assumed and wanted for the game back in A16 was not the vision and potential the developers had in mind. No amount of pestering will change that at this point so it’s time to cope and readjust your expectations or move on to other games you enjoy. “Go back to A16 gameplay” is not useful feedback.
  8. That is a big part of the art update: creating new original assets for the game. This is furniture, decorations, vehicles, building structures, vehicles, etc. Adding all of this is what is meant by A21 being a big art update. That being said, we won’t necessarily be able to craft or purchase all of these things. A lot is only available in the creative menu.
  9. I’m guessing it conflicted with the city tile system but I’m not sure…only that it’s removal coincided with the implementation of the tiling system. Or maybe…just because, since @Selevan plays so many video games and therefore knows how they are successfully developed and is here to inform us from all their expertise through sarcastic responses to people asking questions of the developers. Lol
  10. This is still a better situation gameplay-wise than having an entire biome wrapped in a complete impenetrable force field that you can enter simply by stepping into it a few meters. Digging zombies took us from 100% safety and able to ignore much of the game the developers were trying to create to a situation where you have close to 100% safety 6 days a week with safety on that one day a week requiring a lot of effort. Many players have separate horde night bases from their everyday crafting and storage bases whether they stay topside or go deep. There is nothing wrong with having a separate base for horde nights. What was wrong was that during those several alphas when they could not dig there was no horde night gameplay at all. Going underground cancelled Horde Night completely and whether that is something some players wanted or not, it isn't really a gameplay choice. It was a choice to remove the gameplay. Players who want the underground to be as it was can do so by turning off bloodmoons and by not turning on feral mode. It is basically the same thing we had before. If they ran underground every seven days for perfect protection and liked that, then they can easily do the same thing now either by turning it off, decreasing the frequency, and/or going topside during the event. Or they can spend a lot of effort to defend their underground bunker. The current settings accomodate everyone in how they like to play. Without digging zombies you wouldn't have ever tried the base design you did. You wouldn't have needed to.
  11. Those who oppose digging zombies on the grounds that they render underground bases useless obviously have never tried doing it and have just been assuming it has been impossible from the time they read about the change. All it takes is trying it out for the "debate" to be over... A more accurate gif for them would be the guy beating that dead horse while wearing a blindfold and earplugs.
  12. Its not just replace old toaster block with new toaster block. It is also a whole bunch of brand new items that they want to stage in POIs where it makes sense to place them. Its also going through older POIs and making sure they are updated to the level of the new POIs and in some cases it means replacing old structures or decorations that were jury-rigged together using existing blocks to a new asset that is just that thing. One example that comes to mind was a tractor that was basically made out of blocks being changed to something that looks like an actual tractor. Because it wasn't simply a single block id that could be swapped for a new block id it needed to be removed and replaced manually. When the game first came out there were a lot of instances of furniture and decorations and building that were done in a kind of Minecrafty way of using existing blocks in creative ways to to make chandeliers out of fences (for example). Now if they want a chandelier they can commission it to be created for them so that it looks like a real chandelier and not a creative repurposing of fences. There are a lot of these types of changes coming for A21.
  13. I should point out that this is the main reason for the long development cycle this time around. There has been a major overhaul of old art and introduction of new art and the task to integrate it into existing POIs has been monumental. It is all part of the process of replacing placeholder art with original art assets owned by TFP so that much much more of the world will look unique to this game instead of everywhere you turn you see the same assets you see in all the other Unity games. I'm not saying, "Blame Laz" or anything but if you've got a pitchfork or torch in hand already and you don't want it to go to waste...well...he's right over there. (BTW...pitchforks and torches are half-off right now on my new website!)
  14. Just to add to Laz, Navezgane is important because it is their handcrafted map. POIs are placed where the developers want them and are not randomly generated wherever. The POI layout of Navezgane is always the same. It changes during updates since new POIs are added but when the game eventually releases in its final form, Navezgane will be locked into its final form. Pregen maps are simply randomly generated maps that are pregenerated when the game is installed so that there is no wait time for a new player to have to generate their own. They can just start playing on a random map that is different than Navezgane. The developers do make sure to add in anything that is missing as Laz mentioned so that the pregen maps are usually good and solid maps to play the game with. The community also starts listing good maps that are found shortly after each update and these can be generated by anyone using the seed name that is shared.
  15. Except where software development and kickstarter crowd-funding intersect...
  16. You are correct. There are 6k, 8k and 10k map. They have generated a new 8k map while the 6k and 10k still say in red letters (A20 not compatible)
  17. I do appreciate that Vik wants the game to be improved beyond what it currently is in regards to RPG gameplay. There are improvements planned. By stating that the promise for a hybrid game that includes RPG, 1st person shooter, tower defense, and survival horror elements is 100% fulfilled, I wasn’t saying that they’re done improving. I was simply stating that if they did no further work, they could technically call it done. There is a story planned and factions as well which also will add to the RPG part of the game.
  18. No, but many many games borrow RPG elements. You even stated that many games use character progression systems. Those systems were first introduced into gaming as part of the RPG genre. That other games use them doesn't make them RPGs but those games do utilize that element from RPGs. In exactly the same way 7 Days to Die uses that element of RPGs. 7 Days to Die is not an RPG. It is a hybrid game that borrows elements from classic RPGs. You are just out in left field with this opinion. Character progression using skillpoints is a primary feature of RPGs. Name some RPGs that don't have character progression through stat increase as one of their defining features? Whether it is purchasing higher stats through skillpoints or passively gaining higher stats through LBD or selecting new abilities on a grid that branches and forks into myriad trees they are all the same idea across all RPGs: gain experience and then level up and gain new abilities and/or grow stronger in existing abilities. Name any game that had this mechanism that existed before RPGs came along. If all RPGS use the feature and they were the first to use the feature then it is a defining feature of RPGs that other games in other genres borrow. You are the one trying to redefine what does and what does not matter for a game claiming to be an RPG. I have to believe you are trolling at this point. I can't believe any gamer can honestly claim what you are claiming with a straight face. The things you are insisting upon must be part of an RPG such as decisions that leave a lasting change upon the world are not even mentioned in the official definition that YOU brought into the conversation. Besides and one more time... 7 Days to Die is not a dedicated RPG and doesn't claim to be.
  19. I guess it depends on whether you end up liking the changes or not. For those who don't, I'm sure they will feel like it is a repeat of A17 in length and play.
  20. Wait...have you been playing 7 Days to Die with god mode and creative mode enabled this entire time?!?!?! That would explain a lot...
  21. Not certain. This dev cycle is getting close to A17 in length.
  22. One of the pregen maps has already been updated to work with A21 and I suspect the others will follow soon.
  23. It's perfectly fine for individual players to modify their own computer files. But if a studio wants to do business with Microsoft then they have to follow Microsoft's procedures. This is exactly what TFP is doing-- following the guidelines of Microsoft so that they can participate in Game Pass and have crossplay enabled for the xbox. They will do the same for any procedures dictated by Sony. So, yes, TFP has changed their directory structure to comply with Microsoft standards while at the same time keeping it possible for PC players to change things if they so desire for themselves. There is no other reason for the change and it isn't coincidence that it happened during the update in which they made the game compatible with Game Pass and began work on crossplay support. This is perilously close to being a bannable offense. I suggest you back up from any statement where you are calling the developers outright liars on their own forum. Its fine that you don't understand why these changes happened but that doesn't mean you have to skip a few logical thoughts and go right to "they're lying". Now you know the reasoning behind the change and my advice is to accept it as the truth.
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