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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Do you know how many bug reports we would get from a feature like this?
  2. Those responses read as a pure desire to be helpful and not as any kind of mansplaining condescension. Maybe you should just relax a bit since you’re claiming to just being cheeky in the first place. For someone who simply posted out of snideness you seem a bit too defensive about not needing to be taught anything. I learned something from them with my thousands of hours so I’m glad they responded from a place of loving the game and wanting to share. One man’s pure pointless masochism is another man’s pure challenging delight. Just turn down the difficulty to the point you feel using intellect and agility works for early game. That way those who can play those builds at a tougher level don’t lose their….masochism. The trees don’t have to be equally proficient in exactly the same way. That makes them play differently and maybe for one particular person they can play insane nightmare using clubs but might only be able to manage warrior jog using knives. Changing the knives just so he can finally do knives at insane nightmare ruins it for others.
  3. As you perk into tools it also reduces stamina use so Sex rex has been incorporated into tools as well.
  4. Will this take seconds minutes hours or days to solve? It's pretty straightforward if you know the images...
  5. That is unknown at this time. My gut feeling is no since the new console version is being made to exactly match the PC version and online crossplay is a focus. It's always possible but there is no news on specifics like that at this point. Right now the development of the console version is literally the optimization and completion of the PC version. If any extra features are added to console such as split screen it won't happen until what is common to both is completed. Finally, I can say that they are working hard just to get a PC equivalent version to be able to run on the consoles. Split screen functionality adds quite a bit more strain on performance. There hasn't been an official announcement on exact console features yet so it is always a possibility until we hear definitively that it's a no-- but I'd say the odds are against it.
  6. YOU didn't. Well, at the least we can hope for it with their sequels if they start with it as a plan from the beginning.
  7. Why does Godzilla have five appendages (six including the tail)....? Is the extra arm simply so it can do a perpetual fist pump as it wreaks mayhem on oversized groundhogs and zombies? Darn...I have several zztong inspirations that MUST be put to digital canvas but, alas, the website is overwhelmed at the moment. This angst will surely drive my artistic passion when the time comes to create my masterpieces...
  8. Its simply an answer to Blake's query about whether an "others" tree would be created to put miscellaneous perks into so you don't have to spend into a specific attribute. The answer should be apparent. This was just a joke riddle for Blake. A real one is coming.
  9. Aw...thanks. Here's a quick riddle I threw together for you.
  10. You gotta stop LARPing stuff like this!
  11. I'm just kidding. Great job to you and to me too if that coaxed you out of lurking. I'll put up another puzzle tomorrow.
  12. Really? That was truly one of the longest sentences you've ever managed to write? Kidding aside, what's your reasoning? Why do you believe it is dumb?
  13. Please don't mistake my skepticism that implementing the feature is a trivial thing with some kind of opposition to it. I would love for multiple people to be able to access chests at the same time. I just don't think it is easy to do. I'm sure a poll would show most people in favor of such a feature.
  14. Think of it like this. The first post will be updated come Monday with the actual information. I was always planning to update it Monday and I could have just stayed silent until then or I could provide a puzzle leading up to the post which sparks conversation and conjecture. The post wasn’t going to come earlier in any case so you aren’t losing out on information. I don’t like the sound either. I’ll make sure the devs know your feedback.
  15. I know...I know...so unprofessional to play games....on a forum about gaming... It's just me. Not the devs.
  16. My last puzzle got solved so quickly and even with me trying to distract you guys with Scooby Doo instead of a real Great Dane. I hope this one is tougher and bit more ambiguous.
  17. My most desired feature is for a native invisible HUD toggle that still lets you interact with the world. If they could just tweak F7 a tiny bit to let the player interact while it is enabled, that would be perfect. There have been a few invisibile HUD mods released over the years and it is always a fun alternative way to play. Very immersive and cinematic. Even better would be the ability to hide/show different regions of the HUD so people could configure how much they need/want. That's correct. It simply conveys the information that stepping into the desert or snow or wasteland carries more threat and danger. It has nothing to do with warning player on dynamically whether there is sudden danger threatening them. Same with POIs. At a glance you will know whether a POI is T1 - T5 when you get close to it. It will not actively reveal danger as you explore POIs.
  18. maybe....actually I honestly can't remember on that what is already in A20 and what is new for A21.
  19. The xp notification doesn't really matter in the long run. In my 0xp mod the notification never showed up but it was still very apparent when zombies were dead for good because there was a death scream and animation that was different than when they were simply knocked back. So I removed the death stuff and made it so that they always just did the knock back animation whether it was because they were dead or because they were knocked back and it became truly ambiguous. Adding to that a variable timer for how long zombies would recover and there was no telling if they were finally dead or not. But now TFP has invested not only in special death sounds, and animations, but also in gory final hits that really make it clear. WIth all that investment into signs of final death I doubt they would ever remove it all just so we have that ambiguous worry about whether they are down for good or might get back up again. Madmole has even said that he likes knowing at the time of the final hit that it is the final hit. The point is that with all the tells added to the game the xp notification is not the only way you would know. A chunk that has not been visited by a player in X days and is not protected by a claim block or a bedroll is reset to how it was when it was first generated at the creation of the world. At first it was set to 15 days for default but after then there was a bug where the setting "disabled" meant the timer was disabled instead of the feature being disabled. This cause chunks to reset the moment the player left it and everyone experienced what it was like to have their progress reset when not expecting it. After that the bug was fixed and the default was changed to off. lol
  20. I plan on talking to it some more. I also asked questions related to 7 Days to Die without referencing 7 Days to Die and it gave me relevant answers.
  21. No they are loot containers that have extra loot and not simply quest objective items like the stash item that you have to take back to the trader.
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