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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. RWG doesn't currently have support for POI placement near / in water.but who knows, this can change in A22 and/or post gold. We certainly have a ton of ideas for water POIs if the feature ever gets add.
  2. There are alot of factors that contribute to each tier. Zombie count is definitely a major factor, but so is length of player path and ultimately how much time time does the POI require to complete. Fyi, the updated crack a book HQ and the pop N Pills factory are probably the smallest / fastest T5s to clear. Whereas, Dishong is one of the largest / longest T5s.
  3. The title of one of my favorite light novel series... 😁
  4. He forgot to mention that save games are often broken so restarting happens often. Also, POIs are still being changed / updated every build so it's far from the relatively uninterrupted enjoyable state you guys are use to.
  5. I'm all for reducing loot room cheesing, however, if anything more is done about it, it hopefully shouldn't nerf off quest exploration.
  6. Armpits smells like a group of sweaty people?....😅
  7. Wrong or right, there are alot of players with so many hours in the game, refinement changes are just always going to sound less enticing versus additional content. Given how long the game has been in development, it is one reason modding is held in such high regard by many. Hopefully, their is enough new content in A21 to keep most people entertained until bandits and the main story is injected. From the level design side, we have a few surprises we hope will please alot of people.
  8. No way....everyone knows corn bread converts into cornnuts....😅
  9. Partially true. It is very costly and risky to venture off and try something new and untested in the market. There is the cost to develop tech. and the risk of failing to make X dollars. CoD / Activision is a great example. Relatively less new tech. to develop, and is a tried and true formula that still sells in the market. Thankfully TFPs are willing to spend the time and resources to create a unique blend of experiences no one else has copied yet. With the exception of Microsoft, as far as minecraft is concerned, so what? Some new IPs and great games would never have existed if people were afraid to be competitive just be because there is already another well established game in the market.
  10. Have you tried also asking the the official 7d2d discord? Also a good place to look for groups.
  11. Rick did mention he hopes A22 comes out around spring next year, barring no delays. So sometime before that? 😄 *Goes back to POI land to finish updating POIs with all of the new art assets*
  12. Tune in, in about 3 hours from now.
  13. At night, higher difficulty zombies spawn in the biomes. I believe they eventually die sometime during the next morning and may leave nice loot bags as well.
  14. I wouldn't even bother Roland. I use to watch his channel when he did a fun POI tournament collaboration with other content creators, but stopped when he started posting tabloid style misleading videos. Looking at his channel history, those type of videos is what nets him the most views. Its not a surprise to see him create more of the same.
  15. Sorry Matt, there are no new skeleton props for A21... Maybe in A22, but no promises.
  16. I know what Matt is dressing up as for Halloween lol...
  17. Hmm, you can also stand in front of your POI and type the console command "givequest test_sleepers" Assuming I got the command syntax correct, it should give a clear quest for the closet POI to your position.
  18. Thanks! I appreciate it! I look forward to hearing feedback on all the new and updated POIs, especially the ones with hazards in them. Apart from working hard to update all POIs with the new art assets, we have alot of new ones too. Players will be very busy killing zombies in A21, that's for sure....😁
  19. Have you tried playtesting it within the prefab editor? If it works in there, it will help isolate the issue further.
  20. Fallout 3 / 4 / NV had alot of skeleton environmental story telling. Did you enjoy those titles? 😁 There is certainly a price to pay for running through but in a fully destructible world, it's a challenge to add them when a player can choose to dig a hole through the ground or wall. Think of them as another mechanic / puzzle to engage and overcome. Since this is the first iteration, I am sure its use and functionality will likly evolve with time.
  21. Not all flame hazards setup will spawn zombies to attack the player.....😁 As for what happens if you try to walk through it? I volunteer Roland to be our guinea pig...😁
  22. This is a known issue on our end. Hopefully programmering will be able to make improvements so downtown tiles don't run against rurals.
  23. You might be onto something there... will bring it up in our next level design meeting whether we have enough magazines in our news stands....and demolishers....😅
  24. Personally, I hope content lock for A21 happens very soon. As much as I would love for the alpha to be held back until certain features are done, there are alot of other features / changes that will be in a good place for testing/feedback in A21. Plus, I dare guess, we have a lot of players who look forward to enjoying the latest changes to 7 Days to Die during the winter holiday season.
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