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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Keep in mind the art team are given constraints how many polys their art can be so the game can run well across a wide range of PCs.
  2. So, your looking for a way to check the inventory of each trader without having to physically visit them? Interesting Mod idea. Would make the game more pre-apocalypse like. Like calling Walmart or checking Amazon for availability...😅
  3. Looks like it was his 1st post on the forums, go easy on the guy...😅 Joking aside, I'm sure we will get a round of "modders" thought of that first at some point with the usual host of snarky comments. Some of those guys don't realize that TFP has accommodated many of the methods modders are using today and continue to listen and add things so they can continue to expand their mods. Without the support from TFPs, many of those mods wouldn't exist lol...
  4. 1. Can't say just yet. Weather report looks good though...😅 2. Nothing extensive planned. However, there are a few surprises not yet revealed. 3. Don't have a favorite, but that Burgerneer POI recently shown on Twitter is a fun experience. Lots of clever use of shapes and textures.
  5. Hmmmm, what does Brutus VII and the Denied 5 error message have to do with each other? Google has failed me lol...
  6. I'm sure Roland is racking his brain to top his "Everdeen" puzzle. He is probably wants to make sure whatever feature he will elude too won't slip to A22...😅
  7. The guys who maintain the community CompoPack are super friendly and have lots of resources for you on how to do so. The following is a link to their discord server if your interested. https://discord.gg/magolis-compopack
  8. At the end of the day it's probably not worth the time to change/fix. Double dipping still requires the player to spend the time and storage to loot a POI twice. Not to mention, they are also trading off completing 2 quests versus 1 in the similar time frames. Edit: Now a days. I might double loot some nearby loot containers near the Rally marker but that's it. There are so many POIs in the game and I rather spend my time seeing all of them instead of doing each and everyone of them twice lol...
  9. Not sure about bonuses but when you spawn into the world for the first time, you are already wearing the best water apparel..😆
  10. Who says it will be A21? Primes been using a separate A20 branch when testing things out with the integration. 😆
  11. I dunno about that, all I remember is some story about taking an arrow to the knee when he was younger.
  12. A21, will be giving you guys many more similar experiences...guaranteed..lol
  13. I don't think the bug counter has started yet. On a related note, programming fixed a POI bug that was ruining the experience of several of my brand new POIs that will "blow" your socks off....😂
  14. Did you have a bedroll or landclaim placed down in your base? When placed, I believe it is supposed to prevent anyone from questing (resetting) the location when they click on the Rally point.
  15. You just need to win 1st place in the cosplay contest and your good! 😂
  16. You forgot about the bandits with only one shoulder pad...😆
  17. They will be at twitch con to show off twitch integration....🤷‍♂️...😅
  18. Yes, client and server logs would be ideal.
  19. Are you referring to Vanilla? I encourage you submit a bug report with your log files and such. See red banner above.
  20. I can empathize as the old A20 crafting progression was certainly faster than what we now have in A21. Personally speaking, the old method of recipe unlocks through perks felt more like a safety net alternative if RNG didn't bless the player. Remember the old Forge Ahead book gate? Finding or not finding that book was way too important and impacted the player experience too severely. Although crafting progression is slower in some cases, it should be alot smoother and immersive. I personally prefer scavenging the remnants of the world for knowledge of the past versus abstractly learning recipes by pumping skill points down a particular attribute tree. I am hopeful the majority will enjoy the change. For those skeptical, I hope they at least give it a try with an open mind.
  21. Those crack a book POIs are certainly honey pots. However, if it's too OP, I wouldn't be surprised to see alittle reduction of lootable containers, etc. In my current playthrough, I haven't gone out of my way to find a crack a book POI yet, but don't feel my crafting magazine progression is too slow.
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