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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. When they first put the water and food bars under the toolbelt I had to thicken them as I'll be damned if these old eyes couldn't quite make out how high the levels were.
  2. I never really made trips to snow biomes for snow. If I spawned there in beginning or had to go for some other reason I would gather some though so I wouldn't have to worry about water for a while if needed.
  3. Yes. I have even filled forge with sand to make glass for jars even though you can find jars everywhere. I just make hundreds of jars and fill them with murky water and boil as I need. Can never have too much water lol.
  4. Almost since I have started playing this game I had to make a separate storage chest (crate) for boiled water. Not sure why even. I just had to have it. Once it was filled I would have to start another one. It used to be just for water but now ones for stone and one for wood is starting to creep in now and then.
  5. I do the same. I hated running through the branches and coming face to face with a zombie or even more and realizing my stamina was low. Now they all have to go Lol, I play on server with Guppy now and then and he to this day makes fun of me because I have to clear ALL the grass around any base we make. I don't even do it to place blocks, I just like having the area clean.
  6. Just to clarify, not everyone who built an underground base did it to avoid the horde. I built them and on horde night, depending on if on MP server or SP game, I went above ground to fight. I have 90% of time had a separate horde base. On MP servers usually it was a team base where we all fought or on my SP game I would make my own little place to fight them. Sometime I would just juice up on coffee and run around bashing heads. Or even get zoms to chase me as a pack so others could take shots at them...lol fun times. Anyway this was just to explain that all undergrounders don't do it to avoid the hordes on horde nights. Thank you for listening...
  7. Sooooo, this todo list...I suppose things could be added to it (slips roland nice shiny new duke wink wink nudge nudge)
  8. I also had trouble with my server because of this line. 2021-12-27T13:46:49 0.265 ERR [EOS] Native library or one of its dependencies not found (e.g. no Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022) I had to update it to Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022. It worked fine for me after that.
  9. I also had trouble with my server because of this line. 2021-12-27T13:46:49 0.265 ERR [EOS] Native library or one of its dependencies not found (e.g. no Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022) I had to update it to Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022. It worked fine for me after that.
  10. unholyjoe....you know you just became his drug dealer right
  11. So the bites the boars take out of us...would those be bacon bits?
  12. I know those two boars...named them De and Licious.
  13. I didn't think I could either...well unless I was holding arrows in my hand and stepped on the mine...pretty sure that would do it
  14. I thought a few alphas ago TFP's set it up so in a new game you wouldn't spawn in the wasteland. Was it changed again?
  15. I would have expected that answer from snowdog before I saw it from anyone else.
  16. Speaking of the hunger marks. Is there a way to turn off the moaning/groaning and 75% and 50%.
  17. Gotcha. Will be nice when it does work but doesn't take away from the mod now. Thank you.
  18. I just popped in to check out if there was a new one also.
  19. @scomar, is it possible to somehow add your level to the xp circle instead of the letters xp. Or add an xp icon next to or above it.
  20. Yeah just saw last night Jawoodle have to do same thing
  21. I may be nutty as a fruitcake but if I recall I thought I was told long ago you don't even need a graphics card for a server. Don't even need a monitor. Something called a headless server? I think some people ran servers (for just a few friends or family of course) on an old laptop.
  22. Damn, she's pretty strong swinging that sledge with one hand....during a zombie apocalypse...I want to be on her team
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