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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. Hey sphereii, you know if there is any cure for the level bug? I did some cooking and when I leveled cooking to level 2 my xp level and points jumped an insane amount. Closest I can tell is I gained 833 points so now I have to make sure I don't buy perks that will cause my points to drop below 833 and my level jumped from 60 to 96 so I have to subtract 36 from my current level to make sure I don't buy any perks that I shouldn't have access to. Am hoping it gets fixed in v3.0 as it's a pain in da butt to have to keep track of it.
  2. If you can find a Crack A Book tower you can get more than enough books to scrap to make a class paper if you loot whole building.
  3. Thank you for that explanation. Will give me more to think about.
  4. Curiosity has gotten the better of me. SylenThunder, when you are talking about height map what does that include. Is 256m the height from bedrock to upper sky limit? Is it possible to mod the heights? What I was thinking is what if the bedrock limit was -50 instead of -57 and the max upper limit of the sky was also dropped so it was only a certain height above the highest peak of the highest mountain (which you also limited yourself)? Would the loss of those bottom 7 blocks and x number of upper limit blocks make enough of a difference to the calculations the pc has to do to make the game run a little smoother? I know you would have to lose the ability to make those uber high tower bases or those deep underground bases (boo) (ok I heard that whoever did it), but would the smoother game play (if it works) make it worth it. This is just my mind racing through these things as it is trys to get me to hurry up and get to a Christmas party so it can get liquored up so I may be spouting a bunch of horse pucks.
  5. That is sad but so true. Sorry people I have accidentally killed...my new years resolution is to have less friendly fire kills added to my list. I say less because I know zero will be impossible.
  6. Wish I did, but I don't...sorry.
  7. Same here. Was cooking some soups and when I leveled from cooking 1 to 2, I was at Level 59 and jumped to level 96 and my points went from (46 - low 50s) to 886. Now I have to keep track of my levels and points to keep my self on track of where I would be...
  8. Who said you could stop working and start wishing people a happy holiday?
  9. maybe that is why they need the pvp server...to kill you ingame....which by how much you just die on your own is way too redundant
  10. not a problem sinda. Would have noticed it when it happened but just nice to know that something was going to happen lol
  11. Sinda, when it is ready do you remember if text would pop up to tell you it was ready and to press e or something along those lines?
  12. So to be clear, all the knick knack items (excluding quest items with the exclamation mark) are just in to be scraped?
  13. I found the best way to play this mod in single player is with a few friends...
  14. lol, the thing that surprised us the most was even though the size of the knife was increased the amount of detail in it was amazing.
  15. Jax, stabby made a tracker knife and we feel that 500 forged steel was a bit steep, could you drop it a bit?
  16. You need small rocks to make cement in forge...you need the cement to make stone if I am thinking correctly on what you are trying to make
  17. For sticks look at 2 posts above yours...
  18. NP Jax, I must admit the mod does slow the game down a bit so you get longer play time. It also makes you have to depend on your team mates for certain things (and them on you) which I like. I knew about the scrap metal tools but was weird the other player couldn't make the iron tools and he is the one that has the tool head perk. Anyway, keep on modding.
  19. Just a little further up this page... https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?76822-Ravenhearst-Mod&p=769214&viewfull=1#post769214
  20. Yes last update removed crafting sticks and made it so you scrap wood to get them. You also get 2 arrowheads from stone and one of my favorite changes we no longer have to punch plants to pick them up.
  21. ok it's weird because I don't have any points in tool head crafting and I can make iron tools but not the heads and another player has tool head crafting, can make the heads but not the iron tools...
  22. What perk/skills etc is needed for making iron tools...
  23. I think someone suggested when you open a menu click on the decoration(?) icon and don't have anything in it added to favorites so your menu is empty, then there should be no lag.
  24. shhhhh, mentioning using the creative biome sets off a lot of players
  25. Thank you sphereii. Appreciate you always keeping updating the launcher to be bigger and better.
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