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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. You thinking of this page? https://steamdb.info/app/251570/history/
  2. I've been playing older versions to pass time until A21 drops and there was a time things degraded when repaired. It was removed so don't know if they will change it back in future but who knows.
  3. Water cooled... Hey come on now you were all thinking it
  4. Well I moved on from that alpha lol. I tried 7,8 and 9 and am now playing version 10...for some reason alpha 6 is not available to download. Hoping by time I make it to 19 alpha 21 will be about to drop.
  5. The problem I am having is I can't even open the campfire. I have no way to cook anything. I have placed a campfire and I have a pot I found but no way to open the fire to add anything, food or cooking utensils It could just be my copy of game is glitched. I may have to do a new download..
  6. Just started playing A5 while waiting for A21 and am starving to death. I am not sure how the campfire works. I made a campfire and I have found a cooking pot but not sure how to get into it to cook something. Do we even cook in A5? I know I don't have to boil water as I just fill jars in lake and am good to go. I did figure out how to make a rabbit kabob but not sure how I have to cook it...or if I even have to. It is just combining rabbit and a stick but don't know if it has to be cooked on campfire after.
  7. Not sure if this is what you are looking for or if it is still relevant.
  8. it is fairly simple to change that in menu by using say Notepad ++. You just go to your game folder, open up Data folder, then Config folder and the XUi_Menu folder and open the windows.xml file in Notepad ++ It should be line 691 you have to edit. In my example I added a comma and 180 after the 120. After that you should see 180 minutes in your menu when you start the game. I want to express that if you do this I am not responsible for your game changing it. As they say for educational purposes only. As you can see there are many more changes that can be made there. I added an option for DayLightLength to be 20 hours instead of the 18 if I wanted it along with other various changes to the menus. As I said though be careful as syntax matters...it has to be right to work.
  9. I don't remember how I found out about this forum. I knew of forums, I had been on one for years before joining this one. I had never had steam and had never really played a game on my computer before I got 7 Days. To tell the truth I don't know if I would have knew of the forum first when I started playing but am pretty sure I found out about it quickly from some one I jumped on a server with or from someone on Youtube. I do know that if I just type 7 days to die into search this is what I get. What it would have come up when I first started playing I couldn't say. I am just glad that I did find it. Between all the info, hype and drama it's been a wild ride over these past few years Hoping for many more to come.
  10. It was more of a joke that I mentioned it, but it is weird that it had never been done before.
  11. I am more curious now about why you had to blur the alpha number
  12. I don't recall the pathfinding part. It may be so. lol isn't that what mods are, a workaround so the game acts as you want. I should have mentioned that I think the damage they do is like 1hp so it should have worked pretty well
  13. Yeah I am pretty sure I have used a mod that is suppose to stop zombies from digging, or at least it brings down their damage to dirt (ground) so low that they just can't do much damage.
  14. Wait. I never even noticed that. Do you mean we can kill zoms again by hitting with vehicle if we don't mind the trade off of it doing damage? Don't mind that at all.
  15. Well I will on at least one lol. I was among those that voiced the opinion that wanted driving with the mouse added. I just found it too awkward using the A,W and D keys only. They did add that and I admit others asked too and maybe they were going to add it anyway, who knows. That is not the one I take credit for though. First when books were being added I mentioned on forum that it would be nice if some books were part of the rewards when you did a quest. Madmole even responded that it was a good idea and not long after he mentioned that it had been added. Of course it was back before the Great Forum Reform so there is now no proof of it. I even have the link to the post saved and tried it on the Way Back Machine but it wasn't archived. I also thought I had screen shotted it for future generations to see but must have been on one of my older computers I retired over the years. TL;DR Yes the Fun Pimps have listened to players.
  16. Funny how things happen. Just a day or so ago I watched Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey and they found Jimmy Hoffa's body.
  17. I know people where I live sometimes put large rocks in their garbage bins to keep them from blowing over. Now here the garbage man does it the old way and gets out of truck and takes the bags out of the bins. I am sure this would not work so well for you big city slickers where your fancy doo hickey truck grabs your bin and dumps it in the truck
  18. I didn't use any of those to get any of the alphas from 8 to 20. I just used Steam to get them. I only used those to get versions 5, 6 and 7, but for some reason I think 6 I never got as some trouble with it so I just have the 5 and 7. Was there a specific version you were looking to download? I haven't did it in quite a while so I would probably have to go through the whole process myself just to remember. Or there may be someone who knows more that could just put the exact thing you need to add to get what you are looking for.
  19. Open Steam Click on your library Right click on 7 Days To Die Click on Properties Click on Betas Click on arrow in box under "Select the beta you would like to opt into: Click on the version you want (goes from alpha 8.x to alpha 20.x) Let it download Play For versions 5 to 7 you have to use the other method mentioned EDIT: I had completely forgotten I had already answered similar question back in 2021. Well either one would get you there.
  20. I also looked around the ground to see if it would be there but didn't see it. I would just like to think someone picked it up to use as a weapon and walked off with it. That puts my mind at ease.
  21. I also would agree with that. If you look at the spacing of the F in Fire and the P in Dep from the white blocks you will see there is enough room for the T to have been there.
  22. I feel sad by just being a participant in this. Tell the artist that, at least from me, I apologize for making them feel anything negative emotions for my part in this.
  23. I think you are trolling me or I don't get your sarcasm but will add this anyway.
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