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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. From what I remember from a while back you could add -1 as the height. This would spawn you near the ground or near a roof or what ever was at those coordinates. So you didn't spawn high in air and drop and die. EG: 1856 -1 -2196
  2. I was just mentioning what I did to overcome the need for a autorun, I know it won't work for everyone. I don't understand the part about part about pressing Q means you can't press sprint and left at same time? Do you mean as in strafing as in running while moving sidwways to left? If so yeah I know what you mean. I don't strafe so it doesn't affect me as I just use the mouse to turn and face where I am wanting to go. I also bind my Q key to run in my other games lol. Not that many so not that big a deal for me. Well if they ever do add autorunning, I am sure I will just bind that to the Q key also
  3. That is the reason I swapped the Q key for the shift for run. So much easier to use Q and W for running with my ring and middle fingers than trying to use shift and W. My keys are Tab for inventory (pinky), Q for run (ring), W for walk (middle), E for actions (index). Can use them all without moving my left hand or taking right off the mouse. And index finger is still next to R for reload...although I still get that beautiful click noise when I try to shoot a zombie that is up in my face sometime...ok a lot of the time
  4. Anyone else like to have a filter for pings so you could remove ones you know you would absolutely not join? Would love to be able to enter say ping from 1 to 150 and only have those show up. Would remove a lot of the chinese ones I get that have high triple digit pings but have english in the language and hopefullay all those at beginning of list that have NA under ping which I would also not join.
  5. There were mods that had added skill points to screen but for some reason it wouldn't update unless you had opened and closed the menu. It wasn't that big of a problem because of how often the menu was opened but I think they just stopped adding it after. I haven't checked lately but there may be a mod out there somewhere with it
  6. I have a clock like that. I have had it since I am pretty sure the early 90's and I still have it beside my bed. I did finally put a battery in it so when the power went (or even fluctuated) it wouldn't do the flashing 12:00.
  7. I use the mouse to eat but if I recall when you click on an item such as food or bandages it use to say use A to eat. Am wondering if you hit 8 to get to your medpack now then if you hit A would it apply it. You could try it. When you highlight your medpack in slot 8 just look up and see if it gives you the hotkey to apply it. I don't have game open right now and am on the way out so can't try it myself.
  8. That is what we or at least I was getting at. I also don't even notice the popups anymore. It is more about the blinking pen whenever you open the menus. I don't use the journals anymore and that blinking pen is just so distracting, to some of us at least. Older player will understand. To us it is was sort of like watching TV and having your VCR clock constantly blink 12:00. It's not really hurting you but it just annoys the crap out of you. And yes lol we would leave it like that forever instead of fixing it...mostly because we knew next time the power went out if would start all over again.
  9. It may kill them if they are trying to get item A12 in the machine and are so concentrated on that instead of zombies heading towards them
  10. I think that I screwed it up a while ago trying for flat map and ended up with a map that was just snow biome.
  11. I have to ask. Is there anyway to make a perfectly flat map and have all the biomes? I know it was possible in Kinggen. Am hoping it is possible in Teragon. I know to most a flat map may be boring but I like it.
  12. Yeah I used the trick of removing the pen icon. It seems to work fine. You can still click the area where the icon is suppose to be and get the list but now at least I no longer see that flashing lol
  13. I know it is important for new players but I would love to have a button to mark all journals as read. Having played the game so long now I never go in the journals (well not never but so rare it is close) That little constantly blinking icon just drives me now. It is now frustrating to have to go in and click the full list to stop the blinking. A read all button at top or even a option in menu to turn it off for us old timers would be really nice.
  14. lol not to worry. I just recently necroed a post way older than this (by accident of course ). It happens.
  15. I use to like using the online server map that you could set up when you use allocs fixes. It would actually show the map and show all the areas that everyone who has played on the server explored as open spaces. So there may be a way to share map data but I have no idea how they would do it or how difficult it would be to do in the game itself.
  16. This is what my page looks like when I open 7 days forum. I use to have the background and the big title at the top. This happened in the last couple of days. I have not changed anything myself it just happened. I think it happened once before and it just fixed on it's own after I opened page a couple of times but doesn't seem to be working this time. I tried some other web pages and they don't seem to be any different. It doesn't stop me from accessing the site but just looks weird to me.
  17. lol I never realized how old the posts were. I wouldn't have asked if I had seen. Carry on as usual
  18. Well as SylenThunder said,get your ip and port. Tell it to your friends and just have them use that to join your game.
  19. Ok is this correct as I haven't seen it mentioned for a while. Is there for sure going to be a "play as a zombie" feature added to the game at some point. Or is it a more "We'll see" thing.
  20. I started in Alpha 11 and could play MP in every alpha since then. Here is pic of A16 because didn't have copy of 15 set up but should be similar. I read post again and am not sure now if you are talking about just inviting friends to you game or having them join a dedicated server you set up. If dedicated server then there is more to it that I don't think I am the one to explain how to set up.
  21. You know the old saying "The zombies are always greener on the other side of the fence"
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