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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. Does anyone else have trouble with those port sniffers? I have had my server working fine. Had others join from outside so I know the ports are open. I tried I think couple of those online port checkers and put in multiple ports I have open for my games and they still always say they are closed. I mean if the server works it has to be something I am doing wrong in the sniffer right?
  2. Teragon is out Check out Tallman Brad video here on setting it up and has download in link
  3. Sorry for the long read. I think 100% of us will agree that you will never get 100% of us to agree that this game (or any game for that matter) is perfect for everyone. There are too many playstyles to have it so. For instance, I myself, have never, ever used electrical objects in game such at the traps or even the smg and shotgun turrets. I should say build. I have once or twice on occasion in a MP game put ammo in them and have repaired a trap. I hardly even use spikes. The thing is to me that there are a lot of single players of this game but I think it shines best when played in MP PVE. (My opinion, not fact) I like to mine and farm. I find it relaxing as hell. Now I do go out and loot and rarely I will even do quests. I do know though that there are others who live to do those things. They thrive on it. So it makes sense to try and band together with a group of players who like different things. I think akin to all the fantasy books, movies where you have a heroic group of adventurers made up of different members with specialties in different things. Imagine how awful those stories would be if the group was all just say mages, or archers or whatever (yes, I am screwing up my analogy as I am not well versed on the genre ) Anyway to make a long story longer, I think variety is the spice of life and we need to just join a group of misfits on an adventure to rid the world of these zombie pests and create a new and exciting civilizati..............damn it there goes Leroy Jenkins again... "Damn it Leroy, work on your timing!"
  4. I just caught up on the last 3 or 4 pages...wow....TFP's better get A21 out soon before everyone goes completely bonkers lol. Some heated debates here. Debating is good though. Get to see different side of things. For me, I feel no matter what the changes I will still play the game. Been playing since 2015 and don't think there is much they will do to turn me completely off from it. Plus as long as they leave it modable like it is now, I think I and others will be fine. I mean those of us who dabble into the modded versions.
  5. I have all copies of game from a5 to a20 in a "Keep Vanilla" folder for when I want to go back and play one of the older versions. I have been playing, now and again, version from a11 up. Just for curiosity I have check on a couple of them if there are any servers running and surprisingly there were some. I did see one for A17 but it was set for 1 player only. I did think I did see one for A16 but then it never showed up the next day. I must say there are a few A19 ones still up and running. Mind you I am thinking these are all multiplayer games and not dedicated servers. (Not sure on the A19 ones) Anyway the thing I was really curious about was does anyone ever go back and play the older version for kicks...I mean from A5 say up to A10 or 11.
  6. I feel with what we have put him through over the years, one just won't do it.
  7. Oh No. We've broken Roland. Feel better soon man.
  8. There are mods out there now where smelting speed is increased. Am sure if you have a look you will find them in the modding section. You should be able to have a look at those and see how they did it.
  9. I mentioned him as his was one that I watched. Am not subscribed to him so not sure how he is. I feel a lot (not saying all) youtubers are looking for views so not sure how that affects how he reports on it. I have also saw other youtubers talking about same thing but haven't watched them as I figured they just went over the same points. And you have mentioned Godslap a few times and I have no idea what that is but it is not just that one that is affected. From what I understand is even pics of violence is getting marked. I think even one person who just said [a swear word] had it happen to them. You are right though we will see what happens when it starts affecting their big name users.
  10. So true. I could watch VOD's but I enjoy the live interaction. Like you mentioned with live unedited stream there could be long bouts of boring "nothing happening and silent streamer." The streamer, at least for me, has to interact with the chat or it does get boring. Now I know that when they are in situations that require concentration like fighting off zombies or animals, and especially horde night, they may not interact with their chat but during the slower part of game I would expect them to or what is point of streaming and having the chat open. A lot of them even have in there title for you to come in and chat.
  11. That is what I was talking about though. In the video from MoistCritical it mentions just the fact there are body fluids and dismemberment they were getting demonetized. Also just from violent pics...of a drawing. And as for censoring the violence if it is near the beginning. Their policy seemed to state it was demonitized for sure if it was near the beginning. If it was anywhere in the video after that then the video COULD me monetized. Not that it wouldn't be demonetized but it could be monetized. I take it the people you are talking about are the ones making the videos. That may be true. The reason I go there though to watch videos is that that is where pretty much all the people I like to watch are. I have for moment right now no choice
  12. This may be a little long, maybe TL:DR for some but it has me curious. I was wondering about how the new Youtube policy is going to affect 7 Days To Die. First thing I will mention in how I feel YT and 7 Days are connected is it is basically how I found out about the game. Before I had any games or even had steam on my computer I was watching YT vids. I wasn't even watching it that long. I was watching some videos on Dayz and was thinking it looked ok and was even thinking of getting Arma and the Dayz mod (am pretty sure it was early, before it was standalone) As I watched more Dayz vids I noticed one of this game called 7 Days To Die. I watched it and had to see more. Watched some more and that was it, I was hooked. I completely forgot about Dayz (still don't have it to this day). I then downloaded steam, downloaded 7 Days and never looked back. It was actually the only game I had and played for almost a year and a half or more if I recall. That was how I came to find out about 7 Days and am wondering if that may be how a lot of others came to find out about it too. Anyway this leads to my question of if YT's new policy will affect 7 Days. From what I understand from watching youtubers describe it. If there is any swearing withing the first 8 to 15 seconds of a video it will be demonetized. Ok well that is easy to fix. Just don't swear at that time or even at all in your vid. But according to what I had recently seen in a video by MoistCritical. You can get demonetized just by having anything violent in your video. Not only real stuff but game stuff...even just a pic from what he explained. A part of it was basically bodily fluids or dismemberment, both of which we know are in the game. If that has possibility of getting anyone playing 7 Days to have their video demonetized will that mean that players will stop putting them up on youtube. I know some will say well it won't affect stuff like the streamers weekend as that is on Twitch. The thing is like I said at beginning I saw the game on YT and I feel (just my opinion) that a lot of others may have also. I know you can watch VOD's on Twitch but do people. I, again just from my experience, have never watched any more than maybe 3 or 4 twitch VOD's myself since I have been on it. 99.999% of my online video watching is on YT. Before the hate starts, this is not a gloom and doom post about how 7 Days is going to die, I am just curious how other think it will affect how the game is spread. Told you it was going to be TL:DR
  13. I think the Sherry was the only thing I never got into.
  14. I think when you say budget you will have to give them a number to work with. I am sure they will be able to help you. I use a fairly old system to play it on and it runs half decent.
  15. 21= Blackjack= Cake is a lie Spooky right.
  16. Roland, omg, you are so slacking on your job. How in the hell did you let these messages of all this pleasantness and hopefulness get past you and allow them to be posted in this channel. Disgraceful. Happy New Years to all
  17. Back here again....was wondering what you would need to do if you wanted to download older dedicated server files?
  18. I think I mentioned that a few years ago. Always wondered why it needed a gas engine but no gas.
  19. I know someone made a mod once where you could sit on furniture but don't know if it was updated for latest version of game.
  20. Did a quick search... https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Navezgane
  21. Might have to start making proper roads from my base to towns now then. Any chance can add in roads in RNG maps like was in KingGen. Would love to be able to repair a superhighway across the map. Or at least some large tunnel blocks so I can make something like this at bedrock across the map
  22. That already is similar to what my maps looked like with the ingame icons we have
  23. Was thinking same thing on first part of pic. It shows in bottom right the "But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight -" The other pic covers the last two lines, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight" The Minus happy face to me seems to subtract the merry and the minus christmas tree pic seems to me to subtract the Christmas... So should be "and to all a goodnight." Haven't gotten the two pics below those. Maybe the goodnight from the pic means it changes goodnight in line to whatever the other skilltree pic is???
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