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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. Just a thought, would a slot to the side of inventory box with a trash can that you drag the item to be scrapped to work. I mean if you do that then it is definitely not an accident.
  2. lol just make sure it is not a popup saying "Are you sure?" when you go to scrap something. If you scrap a lot that could get annoying very quickly Not sure what could be done though as it has to be something you can do while out looting....maybe a garbage can icon on top of inventory bar you have to click while on the item to scrap. I suppose that could be an accident waiting to happen too.... "Hey, what does this do?" (while holding lever 6 steel pickaxe fully modded)
  3. Yeah have accidentally hit scrap when in menu. Play 99% single player so I could use creative to spawn it back in. If you know the admin of server or host maybe they could spawn one back for you.
  4. Back in the old days the dog horde would spawn every 5th day if I recall. It could just be random now as I only remember getting one once or twice.
  5. Have seen a lot of back and forth about magazines. Some talk about wanting to be the home builder and take care of base. Some talk of looters who read all the magazines because they eventually take up too many slots and it may be time consuming to have to keep running back to base to drop them off. I was thinking of a sort of compromise. It would need to have to wait until you have a vehicle, preferable at least a minibike. What if in each town the looters dropped a crate or 2. They could mark it for all to see and looters could throw extra magazines in them and then later a home base person could jump on a vehicle, drive around and collect them up to bring back to be sorted amongst whoever is home. Takes care of the looters storage problem and the base builders don't have to do a lot of looting. This of course also depends on if the chunk reset option is chosen. Anyway that was just a thought that popped in my head. My help or may just be a pile of doo doo. (Yes, I said doo doo)
  6. I don't get that part...was this written in an alternate universe???
  7. I keep hoping they would add a filter for ping so you can set it to only show pings between the lowest and highest you want to see. Example: I only would like to see servers with pings well low as possible for low setting and maybe no higher say 250. Maybe they just need to be able to filter the max ping you would like to see.
  8. I didn't think gold and silver was ever used for anything except to be sold to trader, unless someone had made a mod to use it for something
  9. Have noticed that there are sometimes little "spats" about how the game should be and how it should be played between 2 - 8 members on here. You can probably see where I am going with this lol. If your timezones allow it why don't you play together on a server where you can discuss the game live (civilly) That way you can share ideas and even try different playstyless out. You'll either get to "walk in the other persons shoes" or end up having an all out PVP war. Both should let you work out your feelings about the game
  10. Sorry, that is about as far as my modding skill goes right now If you want to try you can ask in the modding section. They have a discussion and request channel. There are probably modders who could move those bars above the xp bar and make them wider in a few minutes.
  11. Was watching a streamer and the way they handled shared trader quests was whoever shared the quest was the one who got to open the main stash of loot. It seemed to work for them.
  12. I have the same problem. Here is what I did. I changed these numbers to 11 from what they were, 8's. You mod so probably can find the file easy enough. It is under Data\Config\XUi The windows.xml file. You can also see the lines numbers to left if you use Notepad++ it gave me this...
  13. Don't use a "Have a cookie" one lol You already saw my post so you know what I am talking about
  14. This is one of the bigger reactions I have woken up to in a while. I guess others have had the thought in back of their minds about it too. Thanks for the comments and yeah as some of you say it is confusing and you don't bother with it either way. I am not exactly bothered by it either I was just figuring it could be cleared up. Any way thanks for the response.
  15. I have gotten and seen other get this icon and I am not sure what it means. Does it mean different things to different members? Does it mean "Aw, man I feel bad for you. Here have this comforting delicious cookie." or "Man, you are such a child, here have this cookie to calm you down and get you shut up" Roland, do you have an official response to this? I also would like to move that we have a thumbs up icon (Like) to be a counter to the thumbs down icon (Dislike)...and no thanks icon is not the same 😛 Am already expecting the influx of prank have a cookie icons
  16. Well my example doesn't change if I was a man or woman saying it I took from your example and from what I know of the game as the bonus getting shared like it is now. I don't know of any thing in game where someone would harvest or loot and they not get any bonus and others in party do. My example was also probably not the best as was on spur of moment.
  17. I am going to use an example where in this day and age might get me flamed but here goes The above example (and am pretty sure it is not how you meant it but it may sound like it to some) is like a husband and wife where the husband works outside the house and the wife takes care of the home and kids. The earlier example of a typical family. It would mean that because the wife stays home she doesn't get any say on how the family income is spent as she didn't actually make the money. As for magazines in game, I am expecting there to be a lot of activity in the forum a day or so after the experimental version is released. When you get a larger pool of players. Because of so many different playstyles I am sure there will be many, , many different suggestions on how things should work either with them being too OP or nerfed too much. Even though lot of players will only play vanilla I suspect some servers will only hit the sweet spot for their players by some tweaking.
  18. If they disable traders they will have to mod in filters to be lootable as right now I think trader is only place to get the filter.
  19. Kinda sad now lol, the anticipation was what was keeping the adrenaline flowing. Is the QA stream still happening on Wednesday night?
  20. You thinking of this page? https://steamdb.info/app/251570/history/
  21. I've been playing older versions to pass time until A21 drops and there was a time things degraded when repaired. It was removed so don't know if they will change it back in future but who knows.
  22. Water cooled... Hey come on now you were all thinking it
  23. Well I moved on from that alpha lol. I tried 7,8 and 9 and am now playing version 10...for some reason alpha 6 is not available to download. Hoping by time I make it to 19 alpha 21 will be about to drop.
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