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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. It´s not only about refusing to mod, it´s also annoying if you have to switch back and forth between playing alone and MP. Well time will show. Until then i will have a lot of fun for sure, even with lower numbers until the spawn mod comes again. It´s a great update, towns are amazing now, we got vehicle mods and the drone (can´t wait to get one), tons of new POI´s.
  2. Yeah they are more rare now. Beeing infected is actually a thread again. I like that.
  3. Survivalist in SP, Warrior on the server. I mean there is a bit more action, but that´s mostly when i am in a quest POI wrenching things or fighting and the noise attracts a few from outside. Traveling to the POI or to the buried supplies quest is running trough an empty world. 3 visited while doing the buried quest wich was acutally a challenge due to not beeing able to leave the area. But i am not gonna do these a lot, only one or two right at start. (Unless the tier 3 buried are really worth it, not there yet) Went for clay again today, dug up half a stack (3000) in peace. Downtown has more action yeah, but that´s like the bare minimum we should have in the in the suburbs already. 8 zombies per chunk simply isn´t enough. But let´s see what the future brings. As Roland said, the internet would cry out loud if they turned up the spawn now and then have to turn it down again when bandits come @Roland What about the slider for the spawnrate in the options? I remember that when it was removed and i complained that i was told from either you or someone from the Q&A that it will return someday.
  4. @Roland The point is also that towns are still empty if you run trough them, the game still feels empty, that´s a huge minus for a game especially for a zombie game that has horde in the subtitle. And even when they sense me, it´s still only 8 per chunk, nothing that makes, oh no, i need to pay a lot more attention or down the difficulty. I mean yes there are mods, but they should really be looking forward to make the game actually beeing a zombie game without mods. And you and TFP said hardware is limiting this, so bandits won´t change a lot here. I made my point that the ancient minimum specs for like 5% of the players should not outweigh 95% of the players and how your game is received by new or potential players and reviewers. Those don´t give a single F about mods.
  5. Oups. Sorry, shouldn´t do that during homeoffice. 😛 Well tbh i can´t remember that. But it´s not really logical. Ofc you need to draw it manually again.
  6. Nope, you shoot and it reloads without pressing anything. On the normal bow. Crossbow is a different story, there you need to reload manually.
  7. Are you telling me that it´s normal to do an hourly restart? What? No way. So far every game i played online worked fine with a 24hour restart including 7 days and SP the smae. Every hour is just riddiculous.
  8. Yes, in fact i did. Not on purpose tough. Also if this is needed, it sucks. How should that work on MP? Does everyone have to leave the server and i have to restart the server every hour? Meh.
  9. Still an empty world. 500 meters to my quest, not a single zombie seen. Yes, feral sense is on. They did come when i was in the quest POI, but only two of them, wich happened in a19 aswell most of the times. Dug up some clay, no one disturbed me. Feels nothing like what @Roland described in his topic. More zombies please. At least double them. On a sidenote: Is a feral zombie on a tier one quest intended? Also 6 chickens in one POI seems a bit OP for day 1? Both in the dead rooster.
  10. I personally like how it is. However it annoys the F out me that the arrow is not pointing at the crosshair anymore. And you don´t need to do anything to relad the bow, reloads automatically after you shoot. Unless you get that bug where it doesn´t show the arrow even when it´s loaded. Bummer that this still isn´t fixed. Crossbow needs reload, true, but i got used to it. Even catch myself pressing R after shooting when using the normal bow sometimes.
  11. Well, near the trader seems to be standard. In MP we had the same spawnpoint around 100m away from the trader. In SP it was 150m. Loads of first aid, feral sense only bothered me during a quest, running trough a town still feels like an empty world. Meh. First quest was at the dead rooster. Way too many chickens in there, 6 or 7 of them. And a feral. Like what? A feral on a day one quest? Got a tier 4 pipe baton and shotgun on day one also. A bit too much imo. Love the new generation and looks, feels like an actual town now. Can´t wait for my first visit downtown.
  12. R5-3600 GTX1070 16GB Ram. Same graphic settings as in A19 and same performance for me.
  13. @ElCabong No need for me to watch 7 days streams with 5k+ hours. I am positive i can figure the new things out myself. But for newbies it can be helpfull, ofc depending on who you watch.
  14. Well streamers are a vital part of the gaming industry. You simply can´t ignore them as a developer. I only watch Trackmania streams, i don´t play anymore would need to much time to keep up with the skills (that game is no fun if you are a noob ), but i am interested in the tournaments. And ofc i don´t say no to loot streams, where you can get ingame goodies if you watch them. Just let them run muted in the background 😛 Also if you have troubles figuring something in a game, it can help to watch some vids. Especially in complex games like 7 days.
  15. Nice way to generalize. There is in fact at least 2 that uploaded videos in YT explaining and showing all the new stuff in A20. Propably missed others doing this because i don´t watch anything from A20 as i simply wanna discover it myself. @Boidster Yeah i can´t wait for the mistlands update in valheim. I also really enjoy a heavy storm on the longship. @Spatch This isn´t Indiana Jones 4.
  16. They do work on the lockable inventory slots. It´s already in the game but there seems to be a problem. The mod basically just unlocks it.
  17. Yeah also gonna do this tomorrow, unless something happens and they need to delay. Might give A19 a last visit with a max gamestage horde night.
  18. @EzunaAranna don´t you want to add Battlefield 2042 to your list of games that were done faster than 7 days to die?
  19. And how does one know if a spear is stuck in his back in a first person perspective? You can´t just switch to 3rd person unless you are admin.
  20. What? Besides the fact that nothing in this screenshot is not vanilla, i have had this happen during A18 in pure vanilla games on maps that were made with the newest version of the game. Would be good to know if OP uses an older map or not and if any not obvious mods are involved. If everything is vanilla and the map is done with the same version he is playing then a bug report should be done.
  21. Wait, FO76 was used as a good example. Yeah. Sure. Somehow overlooked that one. Now i would acutally bet money on OP beeing a troll. 100%. I mean i had a lot of fun with FO76 not gonna lie here. But at release it was horrible.
  22. @theFlu Builders do get a ton of XP tough. Usually our builder is ahead of us. Upgrading is the key here, it´s crazy how much XP you can gain there. @saoron666 It´s not random who get´s the XP. You need points in advanced engineering at least 3 i think. And i am 99% sure that the person who places the turret get´s the XP. Small chance that it is the one who built the trap, but i don´t think so, it´s 100% not random tough.
  23. You need points in advanced engineering to get XP from a auto turret. I don´t think it´s the person that crafted it, but the person that placed/wired it who get´s the XP. But yeah, it´s never the whole party that get´s XP, always one person only.
  24. We got an ETA of November. Wich got changed to first part of december. So it´s useless anyways. It´s done when it´s done. I will never understand how someone can be that mad about a game taking it´s time. You appear to be an adult and if you aren´t terminally ill (i really hope you aren´t) or really old, i don´t see why it matters so much to you. But telling others to grow up while using terms like fanboy and bragging how much better you are than TFP acutally sounds like the opposite tbh. Also, criminal behaviour? Really? That smells a lot like trolling tbh. Especially seeing no mans sky as an example used against TFP. That´s the best example that a developer should actually take their time instead of rushing a release. Or are you actually too young to know what a disaster the release of no mans sky was?
  25. @BFT2020 My whole converstion before Roland popped in, was with Meganoth. Point still stands, balancing the game for propably not even 5% of the playerbase isn´t a good idea imo. But we will see. I´d rather balance it for the majority and give players with weaker hardware the option to tune it down. What i really don´t understand tough is why colours for building pieces are hard coded and not beeing able to be modded. I think someone said it´s also due to performance issues, not really sure there tough. But following that logic, overhauls shouldn´t be possible either. There is overhauls that hurt the performance pretty hard.
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