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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Propably already been answered and/or discussed or i missed the answer, but i just realized that strength is still a must in A21 unless you want to spend a lot more time on mining than necessary? So nothing really changes with strength if playing SP. Unless every attribute also get´s a mining skill like planned with flurry of blows.
  2. Tell me you play on a easy difficulty without saying you play on a easy difficulty. 😛 Also steel tools are a pain without sexy rexy. @Vaeliorin That´s a good point. They did all the work to revamp the skill system so strength isn´t a must anymore, but in SP it still is, unless you want to spend a lot more time mining than necessary.
  3. NMM aka not mediveal mod, Darkness Falls. Those two have swords for sure. There might be other overhauls with swords. Maybe there is some extra weaponpack mods with swords.
  4. Baldurs Gate 3. And tbh that would be a rather impressive bot, beeing vague about the game itself as if it was posted in the right place. But who knows.
  5. How did that happen? There is a ton of 7 days videos out there from people who know exactly what they are doing. And never forget, that YT is about the views only. Even the most skilled youtuber will do some things that are not optimal to get a video that is more enjoyable for the viewer.
  6. Conan Exiles and i think subsistence aswell. And as mentioned SE. I don´t know of any duping exploit there. Propably just a matter of time and work needed to avoid duping vs actual demand/usefullness. Pretty sure if you start a poll that no one would mind beeing able to do that if there is no exploits connected to it.
  7. It had more books. And yeah i know balance and all that. But having a crack a book skyscraper with nearly no books is kinda weird. If you don´t want a place with too many books, why even have a crack a book skyscraper in the game? Also there is way smaller bookstores that have more books wich makes it even weirder. Besides books, i´d say you now get even more loot and iirc there is more to salvage now.
  8. Can those people not simply ban idiots doing this? I know it´s the easiest way for you to handle this, not asking to put it back here. I need to vent though. It´s a game for adults. If a server owner doesn´t want porn they should state it in the rules and ban people who do it. I am sick of things getting restricted because it could be used wrong by idiots and the people responsible can´t handle them. If they can´t control their rules they shouldn´t run a server. Now serverowners who have normal human beeings as players have to go an extra mile if they want custom signs. Basically it´s impossible for a public servers. Well done lazy admins. Sorry, i needed that.
  9. I am not sure anymore, but i think you needed to find the parts? Or the molds? If there isn´t any rng luck involved i don´t mind either method. Hiding the crafting behind luck is simply bad game design imo, so gimme whatever method doesn´t involve luck.
  10. Tbh i prefer text oriented wikis with just a small image of the item described. Using images instead of text to describe crafting costs is kinda confusing, wikis should be fast to use wich text allows way better than images. Also crafting costs, requirements and workstations needed should be on top before things like sell price, durability and mods. There is also no need to list mods that can´t be put on that armor. All the info needed about a piece of armor could easily fit on the screen without the need to scroll.
  11. Yeah it´s so annoying. I get that stats should be random. But at least make is so that it can´t be worse than a lower quality. Yeah i get it, they want to keep us motivated to go out and loot, but tbh it´s simply frustrating nothing more. You want to make sure people go out regulary? Repair kits should need mechanical parts. Way less frustrating and you constantly need to go looting.
  12. I am austrian, a native german speaker. I never heard a word similar to meitag for mowing day. Mowing=mähen. Can´t even think of any dialect where it would sound similiar to "mei" @Melange Maybe "aihaiga" but that´s a very specific dialect and there is no M in it.
  13. I was so dissapointed when i finally tried twinkies. Soooo much sugar. I couldn´t taste anything but sugar. Don´t get me wrong i like sweet things. But that was way too much. Guess as a european i am just not used to that much sugar. Well, a brand called maytag explains my confusion. I always thought Maylag is a very weird way to refer to "Miele" washing machines.
  14. Yeah, i mean we all are tired of "10 years EA" topics but honestly, simply asking doesn´t deserve any dislikes. Not everyone is following social media and forums all the time. Some have barely time to play. That´s why a lot of people don´t wanna come here. A simple question and you get downvoted. Answer ofc still is, when it´s done. The gaming community sadly turns into a cruel, mindless agressive mob if you just happen to be a bit late on any dates you give out as a developer. So i can fully understand any developer not giving out even the slightest info on release dates.
  15. My thoughts? Promotion of the game. Completly normal phenomenon. If the twitch integration doesn´t take up working time that could be used otherwise, for finishing the game, i see absolutly no problem.
  16. I have had 16K Maps running fine for my machine. 12K runs on most PC´s that aren´t a potato. @Pille, so 10K will be the limit in teragon aswell? @unholyjoe Why even trying to stop it? Everyone dealing with 3rd party software should be aware that things can go south regarding performance. That´s mod knowledge 101.
  17. @Guppycur Regarding overhauls, Darkness Falls is by far the most popular overhaul mod and it´s for sure harder. I have seen a lot of DF servers advertised on several platforms and in the serverlist. War of the walkers, wich is easier than vanilla imo, i haven´t seen much of.
  18. Only bow/crossbow doesn´t work. At least not on higher difficulties and always running Z´s. Can´t play without a "oh @%$#" weapon for emergencies.
  19. I do a a base where you can use pipe bombs for the first 3 hordenights, doesn´t take too many gunpowder as the first three hordes are pretty short. Meanwhile i try to melee and sneak with the bow outside of hordenight. Only using firearms if i have to and preferably a shotgun. Even without using the trader i can get a decent amount of brass until day 28. If you are willing to go perception and beeing a bit creative, you can also make hordebases purely designed for grenades, molotovs and rocketlauncher. A bit of help from dart and blade traps and you don´t need brass at all if you use a shotgun during the week.
  20. If there is copper and zinc than you never have problems with brass. War of the walkers mod has them mineable. It´s too easy. And making the source of copper and zinc rare leads to the same as we have know with brass beeing rare....
  21. Well ofc not the whole group stays at home. But it´s perfectly fine if one person doesn´t go out besides from mining at all. And we all hope it stays that way. Who is Khalgar? Did i miss something?
  22. 64K Maps? How much RAM do you need for that? The answer is "Yes". I think @selissi is confusing max number of players with map size. And a public server with a 64K map? I mean sure someone might have a machine standing around with a ton of RAM to host a server, but many? Renting a server with enough RAM is gonna cost a fortune.
  23. I don´t see the future that bright for coop. As they said multiple times, they want people to go out, it´s one of the few things you could count over the years that didn´t change at all. If i was TFP and it would be as easy, i would take that chance tbh, not much of a change needed to accomplish that. I hope they don´t though. I am not concerned because we might suffer due to our team spirit. That´s not a problem at all. Who the hell plays Coop with people that wouldn´t get the miner/farmer/builder the magazines they need? Or any other stuff they can´t get themselves?
  24. @meganoth "Wich seems to give a disadvantage" And simply going by how it is described by TFP there is a big chance for that And no on can just mine in SP. That´s not gonna work. And for MP and people who want to specialize i don´t see why any developer would want to prevent this. More freedom, more players. Wich are likely to migrate to their next project. Unless you make decisions that are highly unpopular. We will see though. I know for sure, no more early access with TFP. Next game will have to wait until release. If there is no place for our buddies who play this game for building/farming/mining only it´s a pass. And why on earth is the font suddenly dark blue, withut me changing anything?
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