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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Why would i go on a T6 quest for a T3 reward. Especially in MP Coop, as there isn´t instanced loot in this game, this makes no sense at all. Traders? Don´t use them. Might be a bit of a problem in MP due to the waterfilters, but in SP you can play fine without a dew collector.
  2. I had that happen too. Turns out it was zombies on a drop ceiling that only trigger once you are past them, but i took another route. That mechanic is so stupid. I can even blow up a grenade right beyond them and they won´t wake up.
  3. The bad thing about this system is, that builders/miners/crafters who could perfectly have a lot of fun with doing no looting at all, are now forced to go out looting, something they don´t like to do. The people going out looting bringing back magazines isn´t enough to keep up and you also get no parts for those skills. It sucks bigtime that you have no choice anymore regarding your playstyle. In SP i usually did several playtroughs, with either very less looting, no quests, no trader and some with heavy looting and quests plus all what´s inbetween. Hoping for mods soon. I still don´t get why they wanna force a playstyle so hard. This reduces replayability a lot. Not gonna do a second playtrough of A21 for sure. It will be exactly the same, so why bother. Pretty sure there is already groups that stopped playing or lost their stay at home players. We only keep playing because we know mods will propably fix this. If this game wouldn´t have mods this would be the end.
  4. And now try any other style of playing and fail miserably. I really don´t get it. I mean the majority of players was already looting POI´s a lot. Why do they insist that everybody plays the same way? That makes the game more boring. Totally kills the concept of having roles in a group and excludes those who don´t like the action part of the game. And all the changes have a very small to zero effect on progression in SP. They only really hit hard in MP.
  5. Wich doesn´t matter without a mod for the crafting skill aswell, you need both modded if you want to break the cycle of beeing forced to loot constantly. I mean you could simply enhance the droprate for magazines and jars in the xml for SP if you don´t want to go looting constantly . For public servers i wouldn´t do that as some people will abuse it to no end.
  6. @boban Wow. That really showed me. Maybe stop beeing salty about a single comment? And that was actually just me saying that it is no surprise the game is going that way. I didn´t say i am happy about it. I literally just pointed out that anyone who is surprised they go that way didn´t pay any attention at all to the development of the game.
  7. We don´t have troubles like OP in our group, but we recognized that the new system heavily favors everyone doing their own quest alone instead of doing them together. Same with the water in MP. Doing quests in a group is far worse now. I don´t play with friends to go questing alone.
  8. In SP it´s no issue at all, that´s what really makes this change so awful. I can craft whatever i need whenever i need it. It´s really just there to force a certain playstyle. I really don´t get why they are so obsessed on making us play the game in one style only. I don´t get it.
  9. @Scyris The issue in MP is that we have 2 people at home doing the mining. building, famring, cooking and crafting. They don´t enjoy looting at all. That´s why we struggled with water early on. It´s propably not a problem if everyone goes looting, but even then the system sucks. You actually need to go into different buildings because if you play as an actual party and do the same POI/quest together, you will get less water and less magazines than when everyone does their own building. Wich sucks bigtime. I don´t play with friends to go looting alone.
  10. I have no issues at all in single player with water. You find enough in loot to keep you hydrated. I never struggled to have enough to drink. You need to go looting. That is what i don´t like about the water change (and the crafting magazines for that matter) those changes make the game linear instead of having the freedom to play however you want. If you struggle with water, do quests, best starting on day 1 (ofc depends how far away from the trader you spawn). You get money for quests to buy drinks and you loot water while doing them, sometimes you can get 10 water as a quest reward aswell. In MP Coop with 5 people it´s horrible with the water early game. Barely enough for drinking the first few days and making glue during the first week is nearly impossible. The water change really hit MP hard. In my SP it was no problem at all. Buckets are basically for building. So that you can fill up a pool you want in your base for example.
  11. It is what i expected in MP coop. It´s really hard for people who absolutly don´t like to go looting to keep up. Even though we do bring home magazines, they simply can´t keep up. Wich makes the game uninteresting for them. Bringing the magazines home is quite the challenge in early game aswell due to inventory limitations. We usually are 3 people going out and 2 mining/building/cooking/farming/crafting. Can´t do that anymore. Everyone needs to go looting to keep things even. And even if we would accept that some stay behind a lot in the crafting tier, the parts for weapons/armor/tools are a problem, those seem to be tied to the skill aswell in loot. We have tons of parts for the skills of the people who go looting. And not a single pistol part or steel tool part and one steel armor part on day 21 wich are 3 of the crafting skills the stay at home people have. Plenty of parts for the skills that the players that go looting have. More than we ever need, like 20 steel spear parts for example. I can only hope that Khaine will someday release a standalone of the DF skill system as a mod or someone else a mod that can even out the gap between looting and not looting players with the magazines. Otherwise we need to find a new game for MP Coop. I really like the fact that it slows down progression quite a bit. Not everywhere but the pace is overall slower. It´s not immersive at all, wich sucks, and it kills the Coop for us though. Sad to see the freedom of how you can play this game gone. In SP you have no choice at all. You must go looting constantly to keep up with your gamestage. In SP it´s basically a linear game now. Every playtrough will be the same playstyle: Questing, questing, a little bit of mining and building for the horde and then again questing, questing and more questing. And exactly not having to do this, is what made this game so good.
  12. @boban As said in my original post i was talking about MP here. We are constantly short on water at day 14 with a group of 5. We need a lot of duct tape, vehicles take damage from literally everything, even from curbs sometimes. Tools degrade. Crafting weapons and armor. And also drinking, because drinking with the waterfilter often doesn´t work. At 80% of the water bodies i don´t get the "press E to drink" SP has enough water easily.
  13. Playing as group of 5 people and it´s for crafting. Repair kits, armor, vehicles, weapons. You need a lot of duct tape for 5 people. 50 is a bit of an exaggeration ofc. But i assume that at least 25 are needed.
  14. @meganoth They nerfed water but gave us more food than ever when food was already everyhwere in A20 already. That´s weird. And having water everywhere but not beeing able to use it while needing 50 dew collectors is simply feeling wrong for a survival game. I could get that you can´t drink the water after the war and the pandemic without complicated treatment, but not even beeing able to use it for glue is simply weird af. Especially because we simply need a waterfilter mod to be able to drink it.
  15. I just don´t get why the food was made easier at the same time. Like way easier. Now water is a problem early game (at least in MP, in SP it´s still a all you can drink buffet) but there is more food than ever. Lots of vegetables and seeds in the loot and a new "free meat" POI, the Hogzilla ranch. I am on day 10 and i have 1300 meat and a good amount of corn, potatoes and mushrooms without having a single farmplot, also many seeds to start a farm now. Default settings on warrior. I do appreciate a harder survival, something had to be done about water AND food. But the way it is done is weird af. In MP we need to make a football field full of dew collectors to keep up with the water while we are surrounded by water sources, wich are good enough quality of water to craft with it. That just feels so wrong and artifical. But we can eat all day long simply for the stamina bonus even when not hungry. Why was food buffed? That´s such a weird logic. I can understand nerfing water and keeping food the same and balancing it later in development, but buffing it is so weird.
  16. Well at that point you should have a forge already and craft one.
  17. It´s so weird that water got a huge nerf and food is easier than ever. And now it´s even impossible to not have a cooking pot on day one. Why? Why do you buff food so hard and nerf water at the same time instead of nerfing both a bit? It´s day 10 and i have 1300 meat but not nearly enough water. There is a new "free meat" POI, the Hogzilla ranch and there are way more vegetables and seeds in loot. It´s easier than ever to not starve. And why do you need to force the maybe 25% who don´t go looting to loot at all costs (magazines) but it´s still possible to live in the forest for the whole game? Making people leave the forest would be more importnant. There was more people never leaving the forest than people that don´t go looting. It´s even easier to stay in the forest now as you find enough aloe seeds now.
  18. Open the console with F1, use the command "dm", then use the command "giveselfxp xxxxxx" I don´t know the amount of XP for each level though.
  19. Actually i prefer what Darknes Falls does, learning by doing for action skills and points for perks and crafting. Until i want to use another weapon. That´s the big downside, you can´t just switch weapons and reallocate your points, on higher difficulties you are stuck with your choice. Then i always wish i could simply put points into action skills. Progression wise i like the magazines, they slowed down progression a bit at least for things like vehicles and workstations. But they make the game linear and take away the freedom of how to play the game, also they aren´t immersive at all. I´d like to somehow mix the 3 options here.
  20. You need to loot to the extreme to keep up with your gamestage. Especially if you don´t want to stay in the forest the whole game. So yeah, it´s looting, looting and more looting. Wich many did before, but now it´s a must for everyone. The freedom is gone. It´s linear now. Combined with all the arcady stuff added it´s very much a loot shooter with survival and tower defense elements. Wich no one could tell by looking at the kickstarter or even just looking at the development from release up to A20. So no, i don´t think loot shooter is an extreme point of view here.
  21. Loot restock is default at 7 days stay away at least 15 blocks from a container and it will respawn. And there is quests. Once you find a bookstore you should definitly double loot it. But yeah, this totally removes the ability to turn loot respawn off unless you wanna move from city to city living a nomad life. It´s so arcady, it might be the nail in the coffin with all the other arcade like changes after 5k+ hours. One thing is 100%, i wont buy into early access at their next title. I don´t want to see a game i enjoy going downhill again. I mean i like that it slows down the progress a bit, i am on day 7 and i can do a worckbench btw, but there has to be other ways to slow down the progress than making this a loot shooter.
  22. Shady Swines POI. Up the ladder, along the roof as intended. Then enter trough the broken wall. Stand in front of a cupboard, try to open it. It´s locked and it makes ofc noise when i try that. Nothing happens. I sneak past it with a point in stealth and padded armor only and a zombie breaks out of it as soon as i am like 2 steps away from the cupboard. Cheapest way to create danger for a player i have ever seen. Sucks bigtime. We can remove hidden strike now. There is like 5% of the POI´s zombies where it would still be usefull. And let´s remove stealth while we are at it because it´s all about crossing the magic invisible wall of the sleeper volume no matter what. And i don´t complain because that makes it too hard or because i got hit, or died. I could kill that zombie easily. It´s simply a really badly made mechanic that feels artifical. I know why this mechanic was implemented. I don´t need it explained. I understand the problem. But that solution sucks.
  23. In SP i am gonna get rich af with those magazines. Not sure about balance yet, but it does slow down progression wich was much needed. Not like that though. I just don´t like how this system isn´t immersive at all. Like so many things in this game now. Weird sounds, zombies hiding in the weirdest places just to make sneak shots impossible. This game turned from a immersive survival experience into an arcade loot shooter and if i want that i play Borderlands.
  24. @Ramethzer0 RWG is borked somehow tough. I set snow and wasteland to the same size at 12% Wasteland was tiny and snow was huge. Wilderness POI settings don´t show any difference between default and many. Lakes don´t show up at all or at a max of 3 when set to many.
  25. In SP the water situation is good. No problems. In MP coop however we are on day 10 and are constantly short on water, mainly for crafting. And it´s not very immersive. In SP the the magazines are going to make me as wealthy as Rockefeller. Seriously, once i have a bit of pocket mods and a bike i can sell a ton of those magazines every day. In MP it´s actually a challenge at early game to bring all those home that you don´t read yourself but that the others need. So far my only complaint about the magazines is the fact that they aren´t immersive at all. The progression is slower and i really like that. Overall the game feels way more like an arcade game now. It lost a lot of the immersion with all those artifical solutions and the horrible new sounds.
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