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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. It simply exits the entire game. It has been doing this for several releases (only in A21, was not an issue in A20). I'm on Linux Mint.
  2. Items.xml in your config folder should be a complete list. Granted, it's in XML so you'll have to pick out the bits you need. EDIT: As for item IDs, read the last line of items.xml: </items> <!-- Item limit: There can be 32k items in the game. IDs are generated internally on loading the game/items. -->
  3. It's that Pinesol cologne you've been wearing.
  4. It's inflation. The new cloth fragments resemble confetti.
  5. Ultimately, they could change the animation and sound based on what you are "attacking" with your fists, but this is hardly a game changer. It would certainly add more polish to the game, though.
  6. Dammit! Learn one thing and then the class is over! This class is only worth one meat... that's alpha 21 meat.
  7. Can we get Twitch integration for the forums?
  8. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me?
  9. Technically it is marketing for your behind...
  10. And this is probably the answer to your question. Does TFP have the rights to announce anything here (or anywhere) if the other team are the ones in control of that project? I don't know, I'm just asking.
  11. The game's name is being changed to 17 Years To Die and it now refers to its development cycle.
  12. The bandits' AI has them making things with a crafting grid.
  13. There are so many POIs now that I can't imagine a single map with all of them and still have it make sense in the size of Navezgane. Maybe if they expanded the map to 10k or so?
  14. TFP put the creep in feature creep. I kid. They're probably all really nice people except for Roland. He's a big meany. But honestly OP, what was the point of this thread?
  15. I'm surprised there isn't a version of this thread titled: Returning to the game after about 8 days. I don't get why nothing has changed.
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