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is A17 removing the much beloved run and gun aspect?


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who said something about "only now"?


You did. I quoted it but I will mark it for you in my quote.


You said they claim to have always wanted it but that they waited to start now after the fanbase is used to something else. I don't really think I even need to summarize it as what you said, yourself, is crystal clear and pretty straightforward if not (apparently) very memorable to yourself.

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sorry if I wasn't specific enough.

It wasn't meant as a timeframe but as a state of the game.

It had been in development for multiple years, before the first rpg elements came and EVEN LONGER until they openly stated, that they wanted it to be more like fallout.


Start--------3years of nonRPG--------|starts implementing one of two rpg elements|----2 more years of it beeing a survival,crafting game------|"only now openly stating that they want the game something (completly) different"|



Sorry if that was a bit confusing. My bad. :)

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sorry if I wasn't specific enough.

It wasn't meant as a timeframe but as a state of the game.

It had been in development for multiple years, before the first rpg elements came and EVEN LONGER until they openly stated, that they wanted it to be more like fallout.


Start--------3years of nonRPG--------|starts implementing one of two rpg elements|----2 more years of it beeing a survival,crafting game------|"only now openly stating that they want the game something (completly) different"|



Sorry if that was a bit confusing. My bad. :)


From the kickstarter page:

"7 Days to Die is an open world, voxel-based, sandbox game that is a unique mash up of First Person Shooter, Survival Horror, Tower Defense and Role Playing Games combining combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, and character growth."


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sorry if I wasn't specific enough.

It wasn't meant as a timeframe but as a state of the game.

It had been in development for multiple years, before the first rpg elements came and EVEN LONGER until they openly stated, that they wanted it to be more like fallout.


Start--------3years of nonRPG--------|starts implementing one of two rpg elements|----2 more years of it beeing a survival,crafting game------|"only now openly stating that they want the game something (completly) different"|



Sorry if that was a bit confusing. My bad. :)


Don't be sorry it's confusing. Be sorry it is incorrect.


Your timeline is off and TFP can't be responsible for you not paying attention all those years during the many times Madmole answered questions and gave information out about the then future RPG aspects of the game that would be added in. The game has been a RPG hybrid for more than 3 years now which means it has been that way for longer than it hasn't. It was only during it's first two years July 2013 - April 2015 that it had no discernable role playing game elements. But even during that time Joel was much more active on the forums and talked a lot about what he wanted the game to become.

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i think we people are saying is, ok theres no sprint backwards, thats fine, but perhaps to avoid a hit, as in dare i say as like real life, a person/player has a quick jump/hop/skip/evade backwards


so then we now have to think "im going for a hit, i wont be able to try to evade backwards because for some physical reason beyond my thinking and physical ability i cant quickly try to evade by going backwards in any quick method"


no one does that, doesnt make sense

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Lastly, the "walk" speed was sped up for a17, it's faster than before (not a whole lot, like 1/3 between a16 walk and run speeds). You likely won't NEED to sprint through a POI anyway as your "walk" speed is faster than the zombie's walk speed, again, not by much, but enough to make a difference in close quarters.


Thats interesting and welcome news Kinyajuu but what about sprint duration? And i am asking in relation to a day 1 character, no perks spent etc just default sprint duration.


In A16 you could sprint for X seconds at Y speed to travel Z distance


Have you changed (reduced) this formula so that whilst the sprint may be a higher speed you actually travel less far before going out of stamina? or is it the same or better?

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so then we now have to think "im going for a hit, i wont be able to try to evade backwards because for some physical reason beyond my thinking and physical ability i cant quickly try to evade by going backwards in any quick method"


no one does that, doesnt make sense


The thing that made you start the game blacked out and mostly naked in the middle of a zombie infested world damaged your motor cortex such that you cannot make quick backward movements. When you awake, you notice this fact. It frustrates and puzzles you, but you have more pressing things to worry about like getting clothes, some sort of weapons and tools, and a place to hide before night falls. Better get moving.


Makes sense to me.

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Yo there's this weird game you've gotta check out it's called counter strike. Maybe you've heard of it? My friend showed it to me the other day fifteen years ago.


E: Go play serious sam or painkiller and stop whining.


I'm honoured that you chose this thread to post on for the first time. Welcome to the community.


If you look again, you'll notice that firstly, i was asking a question for the purpose of starting a discussion, which has happened, so this thread was successful. No whining here.

Secondly, I was simply refering to the "run and gun aspect". Aspect means "a particular part or feature of something." So if i want to play CSGO i will. And if i want to build a deathfort and then run around it blasting zombies with explosive crossbow bolts ill stay here and continue playing the game this forum is dedicated to. Its the 7 Days to Die forum. Maybe you've heard of it?

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Lastly, the "walk" speed was sped up for a17, it's faster than before (not a whole lot, like 1/3 between a16 walk and run speeds). You likely won't NEED to sprint through a POI anyway as your "walk" speed is faster than the zombie's walk speed, again, not by much, but enough to make a difference in close quarters.


Well, i haven't been paying enough attention because this is the first ive heard about an increase to base walk speed. I think that would be a really good change. If the base walk speed is increased it would definitely give us a fighting chance when we encounter sprinting enemies. :D

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The thing that made you start the game blacked out and mostly naked in the middle of a zombie infested world damaged your motor cortex such that you cannot make quick backward movements. When you awake, you notice this fact. It frustrates and puzzles you, but you have more pressing things to worry about like getting clothes, some sort of weapons and tools, and a place to hide before night falls. Better get moving.


Makes sense to me.


"That thing" sounds like a hard night of tequila. ^.^

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So i was browsing the patch notes because its been a while and something jumped out at me like a Screamer in a wardrobe.


"Sprinting only increases speed when moving forwards. Player can still walk backwards, but not sprint. 8/26/18"


So, does this mean we can no longer try and fight any sort of fast zombies? My favourtie thing to do late game is to go out during horde nights buzzing on enough caffeine to kill a small bear and sprinting around my base with a shotgun trying my best to expend 5000 Shells in one night.

But if we can no longer sprint backwards, does this mean we are going to have to stand still whenever we wish to shoot? Or is the idea to sprint towards the group of 20 strong feral wights who are fast enough to stick on your tail even when you are sprinting away from them?

Maybe this is all an overreaction, however the ability to sprint any direction and then turn and fire off your weapon of choice adds a lot to the run and gun aspect of fighting for your life against the really threatening enemies. No ones heart starts racing while picking off a horde of slow, dawdling grandma zombies. And ive never of heard of the game style "Run and walk then Gun then Run again."


no it dosent ........

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There is one bit many seem to conveniently overlook.

You are already moving backwards at your best speed. Even faster than in A16.


No one sprints backwards.


Y'all talk like this is A16 with this one change applied. Yes, in this scenario melee vs running zombies would be considerably harder. But what if this was A17 and there were actual melee-centric skills and item mods for more than just doing more damage?

Mind-blowing, I know.

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There is one bit many seem to conveniently overlook.

You are already moving backwards at your best speed. Even faster than in A16.


No one sprints backwards.


Y'all talk like this is A16 with this one change applied. Yes, in this scenario melee vs running zombies would be considerably harder. But what if this was A17 and there were actual melee-centric skills and item mods for more than just doing more damage?

Mind-blowing, I know.


Gazz is refering to the backflip skill :fat:


Seriously, in reality running fast backwards in a wasteland with rubble and vegetation on the ground would be immediately stopped by a fall. So even if you could theoretically run backwards as fast as forwards (someone in this forum claimed this to be true, I don't really know), in practice you have to go slower and look behind you constantly. Making running backward just slower is a good approximation. Not that reality is terribly important, but if someone needs an explanation for immersion reasons, here is one.

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Well, i haven't been paying enough attention because this is the first ive heard about an increase to base walk speed. I think that would be a really good change. If the base walk speed is increased it would definitely give us a fighting chance when we encounter sprinting enemies. :D


Its not quite that simple though, if you cant sprint for as long before going out of stamina then the reverse is true

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First off, a serious increase in backwards speed - no matter in which way, shape or form - would only reintroduce the cheesy backpedaling "tactic".


Right now backwards movement uses "WalkSpeed" and has no unique functionality or triggers attached.


But yeah, if necessary, a condition could be created so that sprinting backwards randomly makes you stumble and fall. Tying it to specific kinds of collisions would be way too complex for that, I think.



Well, sprinting with a broken leg could still do that. Earmarked for the broken leg buff. Thanks, Guppy! ;)

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We're getting punished for fighting the zombies period, this "temporary" and "permanent" damage they keep touting on about.


This is starting to feel like the devs are trying to create some hybrid FPS/RPG game. Where's the Minecraft-esque portion of the game gone? All this talk of buying perks for strength, agility, fortitude. This is not a RPG game we are playing, the players themselves are the RPG, we pick our own roles, not the other way around.


Why haven't the devs spent anytime trying to fix the water textures they don't care about? Or adding fishing to the game, boating across lakes/oceans, diving in lakes/oceans?



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