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What ideas do you guys have for late game enemies?

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So with the behemoth canceled there is currently, as far as we know, no late game enemies in development. While personally I was kinda looking forward to the behemoth along with maybe some more special zombies in the future, I can see why the pimps along with a large number of the community decided against it.


With that said, I would like to know if anybody else has any suggestions for late game enemies? Or maybe you don't want any at all.


Personally, since it seems everyone is against special mutated zombies, I think another great addition would be bandit raids.


Of course we would need actual working bandits first..

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I would mcuh rather them to make ammo more rare or/and much harder to make but for 1 headshoot or maybe 2 for some harder zombies for them to go down.


If there would be any special zombies then maybe something like in Dying Light Volatile to be more agile and maybe jumps a bit so we would need higher walls to keep them out.


Behemoth would be very hard to make him good. It could be cool but for me this game already haves to many bullet sponges.


Don't get me wrong I love the game and have 830 hours in it. If tfp decided to drop everything now and call it a finished game I would stll say it was more than worth the money. But when it takes 5 or more headshoots to bring a zombie down its just not the thing I like in zombie games.

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I would mcuh rather them to make ammo more rare or/and much harder to make but for 1 headshoot or maybe 2 for some harder zombies for them to go down.


If there would be any special zombies then maybe something like in Dying Light Volatile to be more agile and maybe jumps a bit so we would need higher walls to keep them out.


Behemoth would be very hard to make him good. It could be cool but for me this game already haves to many bullet sponges.


Don't get me wrong I love the game and have 830 hours in it. If tfp decided to drop everything now and call it a finished game I would stll say it was more than worth the money. But when it takes 5 or more headshoots to bring a zombie down its just not the thing I like in zombie games.


Yeah but if it only took 1 headshot for everything it'd probally get boring fast. 7dtd doesn't have the amount of zombies alive at once to make one shot kills viable. Thats why it takes mutiple for some zombies. You also forget that its bascally a rpg now in A16.4 and especally in A17. Its like the fallout games, they'd be boring if you can 1 shot everything, as the amount of enemies you usually fight at once is not that high. If anything the game needs randomized enemies, they have a "class" like say nurse zombie, then their stats for damage/health/speed vary within a range, as well as randomized looks somewhat. I honestly find the zombies in 7dtd boring because they are all carbon copy clones, every nurse zombie is the same etc.

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Okay, Kinyajuu messaged me the other day because I was complaining about the HP bar and I think he felt a bit fed up. Here is what he told me:


The HP bar is still being developed and refined because it is intended for boss zombies only. It has been enabled for all zombies to help with testing and balancing. The bar will not show for every enemy in the final release and because it still isn't ready for bosses it will most likely be removed for A17.


So basically what they've been saying all along is what they still intend and from the sound of it nobody will have to quit playing for A17 if they don't like the bar...


It also sounds like if you do like the bar for every enemy you will probably have to mod it in using the boss zombies as a guide.


The HPbar was only created for bosses... so i would think that they plan to implement some (maybe even for quests and stuff)


That beeing said:

i dislike the idea of "bosses" when it comes to normal games. Maybe if they add underground dungeons from the chemtower... that would be okay...

but i already hate the radiation zombie (i mean seriously! Its so god damn bright! It would look 1000x better if it would look more like the burnt zombie...)

so nothing with radiation.

I dislike out of this world abilities (currently we only have spiders who can walk up walls, screamers who call reinforcement and cops who have extreme stomach acid production)


They are all humans tho...

So I feel like the Behemoth was going in the right direcion... but not visually.

It should be an abomination of multiple zombies stuck onto each other, with visible arms and legs sticking out all over.

It should have massive HP and should move very slow, only dealing ranged damage by ripping something off his body and throwing it (awesome with the new ragdoll mechanic).

OR it could "grab" any block beneath 500health and rip it off its anchor and throw that one.

Depending if it is a caveboss or if it could be coming at hordenight give it more or less block damage... but make it bite its teeth on stained steel.


Maybe it should even be able to use its fists to slam the ground to collapse underground tunnels or bases (2000 dmg to the first block, 1000 to the next, 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 ...)




In any case it should be a slow bulletsponge with very exploitable weaknesses...

if they come at hordenight, they shouldnt do as much damage to structures and have more hp, since there are still other zombies that have to be dealth with!

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The HPbar was only created for bosses... so i would think that they plan to implement some (maybe even for quests and stuff)




They are all humans tho...

So I feel like the Behemoth was going in the right direcion... but not visually.

It should be an abomination of multiple zombies stuck onto each other, with visible arms and legs sticking out all over.

It should have massive HP and should move very slow, only dealing ranged damage by ripping something off his body and throwing it (awesome with the new ragdoll mechanic).

OR it could "grab" any block beneath 500health and rip it off its anchor and throw that one.

Depending if it is a caveboss or if it could be coming at hordenight give it more or less block damage... but make it bite its teeth on stained steel.


Maybe it should even be able to use its fists to slam the ground to collapse underground tunnels or bases (2000 dmg to the first block, 1000 to the next, 500,250,125,62.5,31.25 ...)




In any case it should be a slow bulletsponge with very exploitable weaknesses...

if they come at hordenight, they shouldnt do as much damage to structures and have more hp, since there are still other zombies that have to be dealth with!


If you take away multiple zombies/body parts, you are describing a cave troll. I like the idea of something being able to do area damage like small tremors, and being able to throw blocks at your base.

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I was hoping to see the behemoth redesigned into more of a mutated disgusting amalgamation of zombies kinda like what was described earlier. It would be walk a little faster then the normal jogging speed for players. And that it would have a bunch of slamming attacks that would damage blocks in a radius to make it dangerous against bases. I was also hoping that it could have some kind of "weak spot" where it takes 5x damage and can be killed in a much shorter time.


And then they dropped it :(


Another idea for a late game enemy could be to re-work the spider zombies. Right now they look like skinny bois and don't really do much except walk up walls in a dumb animation. They should be redesigned, have new animations, and be given a second jumping attack that deals large damage and helps make it more nimble and harder to shoot. Kinda like the hunter from L4D2.

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There should´t be bosses there should be Hordes. Like the subtitle of the game says....


It is time to take out the word "Horde" out of the game description. Everything under 50 is not a horde.


Same for the "Survival" Part. It´s barely there. It is pretty much impossible to die from hunger or thirst. Temperature is also only dangerous if you are unlucky.


It should read "7 Days to die! The FPS where you have to craft your weapons"

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I think adding bandits that are difficult to defeat late in the game is probably the cleanest way to go. The bandits could provide the kind of threat that the current zombies simply can't once your base gets advanced enough. Additionally, if they attack you and degrade your base, the zombies may become a threat again, so this would provide a roundabout way of keeping zombies threatening later in the game. It's also an interesting base design challenge: you need to design a base that can withstand bandit attacks and zombie attacks, while also ideally some kind of defense in depth if one enemy type breaks through.

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Sadly the game is trying for staying realistic most of the time.


I wouldn't mind for example if we had the 4 apocalyptic riders as manifestations riding in the sky in the game. For example Famine would remove any food and water from your inventory (plus bike inventory if it is anywhere near you) if that ghostly creature were riding in the sky over your head. Pestilence would give you every sickness available in the game and remove any antibiotic pills in your inventory. ...

Most of the time they would not really be dangerous, but good for an eerie vibe.


I also would like to see fungizombie. If his spit hits you, you get halluzinations for a short time. That might lead you to see a zombie as threes or not at all, you might hear voices and sounds, often from behind you, Or you see the world as if it is a few blocks shifted to the side making you bumbing into things...

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I saw good enough idea on one modded server. Really tough and deadly enemies lives in radiation zone. They kill you with one hit or blow, destroy concrete with few hits, always run, and have tons of hp. If you try kill them with regular weapon, you need like 10-50 headshots from sniper. But they drop exclusive and very rare loot, and you may find there extremely rare parts of modded hunting rifle, and materials for special ammo crafting. This bolt rifle have long reload time, but kill enemies with 1-2 headshots(if not headshot, damage is only 50-60). And it feels balanced.

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Another idea of mine is to just increase the number of zombies alive once the game can handle it. While the game obviously can't right now, It would be great if there could be up to 500 zombies alive at a time. Imagine waves of zombies smashing up against your base :fat:

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have you tried 64 enemies at once? :p

I guess you havent... :D just imagine 20 cops puking at you while there are constantly screamers summoning zombiebears...


THAT isn't the problem :D even though, I'd like even bigger numbers... and one or two zombietypes that can jump trenches... and maybe even one that can "build" some sort of bridge. So that pits aren't the ultimate defence.


If you need more ideas, we need:


something against underground (digger)

something against stilzbases (pathfinding or jumping/flying)

something against trenches

something against walls (with overhang because spiders are countered this way)

and something that tanks a lot of damage/damages traps a lot.

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Seeing how we still haven't had a chance to play vs. human NPC I will have to wait and see what they end up like. I am much more afraid of a human with a gun than a dozen zombies that aren't intelligent enough to jump up to a ladder a block off the ground. Humans can stalk you and shoot you at a 100 yards with a silent crossbow. Much more scared of that than a horde that is fairly predictable.

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With that said, I would like to know if anybody else has any suggestions for late game enemies? Or maybe you don't want any at all.


Personally, since it seems everyone is against special mutated zombies, I think another great addition would be bandit raids.


Of course we would need actual working bandits first..


I think the zombies' behavior should be more complex in general. When creating a new zombie, there are far too few options you can choose from (from a developer's or a modder's point of view). For example you can allow your zeds to climb and give them the ability to run during the day which is fine but that's not enough to create a serious threat. I wish there were a long list of properties which you can assign to the zeds. Just some examples:



[table=width: 500, class: grid]


[td]Properties of Zombie[/td]



[td]spawns at day[/td]



[td]spawns at night[/td]



[td]avoids light[/td]



[td]is attracted by light[/td]



[td]is attracted by auto fumes[/td]



[td]eats corpses / is attracted by corpses[/td]



[td]occurs in groups[/td]



[td]starts to sprint if close to the player[/td]



[td]is blind (follows the players path but don't run directly toward the player)[/td]



[td]is deaf[/td]



[td]is quiet (is mute) (ofc not completely silent)[/td]



[td]occasionally attacks other zombies[/td]



[td]becomes a screamer if the player makes loud noises (e.g. if we use guns)[/td]





In order to create a late game zombie you could give it some nasty properties. You could combine 'spawns at night', 'occurs in groups', 'moves like a crawler', 'always run', 'is quiet' and 'is attracted by light' to get a really dangerous enemy.

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In order to create a late game zombie you could give it some nasty properties. You could combine 'spawns at night', 'occurs in groups', 'moves like a crawler', 'always run', 'is quiet' and 'is attracted by light' to get a really dangerous enemy.


Have little different idea. Lets take a look at e.g. Diablo enemies, common mobs start with blank properties, then they appears with list of suffixes or prefixes, or both, and in later stages they may appears with few suffixes and/or prefixes. So, lets say your list is list of prefixes, and then create list of suffixes with abilities like:


- put infection stage(1/2/3) on hit

- burn you on hit with damage(x,y,z) per second

- cause bleeding on hit

- stun on hit

- extra strong

- extra tough

- extra fast

- regenerating

- climbing

- explode on death

- range attack (like cops, but also may be different types)

- screaming



and then make combination like you propose. Later stage - more suffixes and prefixes.

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Have little different idea. Lets take a look at e.g. Diablo enemies, common mobs start with blank properties, then they appears with list of suffixes or prefixes, or both, and in later stages they may appears with few suffixes and/or prefixes. So, lets say your list is list of prefixes, and then create list of suffixes with abilities like:


- put infection stage(1/2/3) on hit

- burn you on hit with damage(x,y,z) per second

- cause bleeding on hit

- stun on hit

- extra strong

- extra tough

- extra fast

- regenerating

- climbing

- explode on death

- range attack (like cops, but also may be different types)

- screaming



and then make combination like you propose. Later stage - more suffixes and prefixes.


PoE much?



I think normal zombies and bandits are more than enough.

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