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Grim's Unity Asset Editor


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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;78902]No, Rocky, right now there are no walkthroughs I know of. I keep planing to do some, but not yet. If you want to know how something is done please ask. Make sure you do so in the forums where other can benefit from your answers.[/QUOTE] ok sounds great, thanks for all the hard work and quick replies guys! So im wondering - I have the UAE installed, whats the next step? Do i 'open' or 'import' something? What files do i select? I guess im just confused about how to load everything into it, from there i can probably figure it out... thanks again!
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[QUOTE=Rocky;79118]ok sounds great, thanks for all the hard work and quick replies guys! So im wondering - I have the UAE installed, whats the next step? Do i 'open' or 'import' something? What files do i select? I guess im just confused about how to load everything into it, from there i can probably figure it out... thanks again![/QUOTE] Open the resource.assets ( 7 days to die data folder ) it will take a while... the listing on the left are resources used, some are audio some are text, some are code, some are textures....etc. you can highlight one of the entries or sort them by name clicking on the name header Some of the built in pulg-ins may display certain types of data. you can right click on the name of the resource you want and export it or import it. Make sure you save a copy of this file before you try changing things. For instance you can export the Model_2 entry and have a listing of the block types and properties. the format you export a resource in should be the same format you import it back in. Some you can edit directly, but it could be dangerous if you make a mistake and save it. Save your file back as resource.assets and test. You can look at the shared assets files also. Hope this helps.
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Ok so i am a complete modding noob, all i have done so far is the usual torch flicker one. Now i am getting into this UAE stuff and so far am having no luck. All i have done is the little desert changes at the start of this thread but so far i cannot get it to work, all the text in the code has changed to what you have put at the start but it will not take effect in my new worlds when i go to the desert and dig it is still layer after layer of sandstone. Is it that i missed something in this thread about it not working in alpha 8 or is there something else?? Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Keep up the good work! Edit: So it musn't have been this thread where ya put the desert changes for depth and ore, but you get me right?? lol
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;80197]I'm not sure what you mean by desert changes at the beginning of this thread. Any changes made in the biomes xml will require you to regenerate the chunk. Either start a new game, or delete the chunk an generate a new one.[/QUOTE] In another thread you gave a kind of walkthrough where you put a way of changing the xml in the desert biome to have way less sandstone layers and go straight to stone and also increase the amount of ore that is present. I have had very little luck.. lol. I changed it by cut and pasting the text that was put up on the thread but didnt work, since then i have found the newer version of UAE and tried again but then i just fell outta the world so guessing i had done it wrong. Is there anywhere that you have put up a general "how to" for your editor? Or anyone who is willing to explain it to a noob like me? I am slowly trawling through this forum and learning a lot as i go but tbh a lot of it is over my head completely! Thanks for the quick response and sorry for my "pain in the ass noobness" :) Oh and i am starting a new world each time just to be sure the chunk is fresh and new
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I think someone else posted the thread you're speaking about. I know BloodSlinger has posted some info about editing the ore amounts and stuff. I still don't know what you're talking about, although I'm familiar with what the process would involve. Looking at the file however, it appears the new sub biomes have been added to it, and your existing code made previous to 8.0 wouldn't likely work with a simple copy paste. I'd actually have to look at the file more to give proper instructions on how to make the edit. The other issue to watch out for is a bug in UAE where it doesn't update your changed asset unless you select another asset. Just make sure before you save you select another asset in the editor, and it will force it to update.
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Awesome, will try that and will just try editing things in myself with a backup of the file for when i almost certainly ♥♥♥♥ it up royally! Thanks for the help and sorry i am such a confusing bastard :)
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@jccmuir - Sounds like [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?8093-HOW-TO-Add-modify-the-ore-in-your-game-world"]this is the ore thread[/URL] you meant. It also sounds like an error was made during your attempt. It works well if done right. See if [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?8093-HOW-TO-Add-modify-the-ore-in-your-game-world&p=71965&viewfull=1#post71965"]this helps[/URL]. You simply need to be certain you're pasting over the correct opening and closing layer tags, and that you're overwriting the layers after the subbiome definitions. Those are different (new believe as of 7.11) and are usually defined before the ore layers for a biome. I think I'm going to spend a few minutes and see what it will take to add biome ore editing to my editor.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry, randydg, I must have totally missed this post. It kind of messes with me now that it's stickied. Not that I want it unstickied, I just didn't notice the new post, like a week ago. UAE unfortunately doesn't have any control over your prefab creations. Your black windows are due to missing blocks/textures. TFP changed a few blocks in the last two updates. Since your prefabs were made with the old blocks they show up as black (this is just the way the engine handles unknowns). You need to load up your prefabs, and edit the windows (and any other black object) to their new IDs. I really have never made a single prefab, I'm messing with too much other stuff, so other people may be able to help you better, in the prefab threads. As far as UAE is concerned, 99% it needs no updates. If TFP migrated to Unity 5 it might need some tweaks, but the only issue I've ever had with UAE and a new build was when TFP used a file name longer than I thought was valid. Otherwise UAE should work for every version of this game. Just not to do what you're asking.
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How do you extract things to their native format? If i try to export a texture it just extracts to some raw format, not jpg or what it should be. Do i have the latest version? I got the one off mod db, Also the read me says something about the plugins being able to view textures, mines not viewing anything except like hex.
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If you click on the Buttons at the bottom Plug-in while you have a Texture name highlighted it should show you the texture. and it is in the native format. it is most likely a DDS format not a simple jpeg because the texture may have mipmaps or alpha layers included. to edit it you would need to have a dds editor or plugin. see some of the posts above for editing. To extract right click the name and choose extract. When you view the texture look on the info bar above the texture it will reference the format of the graphic texture. Hope this helps.
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[QUOTE=hackspeedok;89587]when i edit another texture file, it like this, can you help me ??? [ATTACH=CONFIG]2980[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Without knowing where the file comes from it's impossible for me to tell. That's not 7 Days to Die right? It may be a format I haven't seen yet. I may not be able to do anything for you with investigating the file. [QUOTE=10chakrit;89782]Hi grim i have added some new items but the main problem is: I don't know how to add (new) icons for these Items. Are there any ways to do this? :encouragement:[/QUOTE] Do you mean how to add items to the 3D preview atlas? Like inventory icons? I've only messed with that file a little. Some of the other editor authors use that file, so I might be able to come up with something.
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;90119]Without knowing where the file comes from it's impossible for me to tell. That's not 7 Days to Die right? It may be a format I haven't seen yet. I may not be able to do anything for you with investigating the file. [/QUOTE] it's a asset file from a Japan game i want to translate. You can download it here [url]https://www.mediafire.com/?fcwq5qrtgclk00a[/url]
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Thanks Grim for all your hard work on your unity assset editor. I changed the block damage value on the pickaxe & stack valuse on bottled water. Just checking I understand how the edited files work. I edited models_5 in resources.assets and the change only works when I replace the resources.assets file on the client. If I change it on the server it does not work. Is there a way to have the modified resources.assets file on the server and the server send it out to clients? Seems the way it works now is only good for cheating and thats not good if you are a server owner.
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A great big thanks to all of you and grimreefer! !!! The UAE is to cool for me too even try to express in words!!! I'm working on my first few mods and having good luck getting then to work after reading all your posts and tips in other threads. I have a question. Is or is it not possible for me to use my updated assets file on my rented BB server and have everyone share the same adjustments ie edits to the models files 1-10. Thanks in advance and sorry about the possible silliness of my question.
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Right now it's not possible to use these server side. The game itself loads this data from the client. Some items must use server data, but those items are very specific, and you should just expect that to use any modified assets file with any Unity game for it to be client side. Perhaps with a modified DLL you could load from server side, but then every client would have to have the modded DLL, so it's basically the same problem.
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Thanks grimreefer. That's what I thought I read. The xmls are different. How would you setup special loot spawning for containers? Is there a post/thread on what to modify to get specific items? Looking to drop gun molds and have seen it on some servers. Thanks for any help anyone could provide on this
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Thanks grimreefer. I was hoping there was a way to make it work like the recipes.xml but suspected not. Not sure why they don't make the models files external files that get downloaded from the server. Thanks again for the great unity asset editor. Anyone know where I can find the values to change the damage TNT does?
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[QUOTE=Joe. Blow;92355]Thanks grimreefer. That's what I thought I read. The xmls are different. How would you setup special loot spawning for containers? Is there a post/thread on what to modify to get specific items? Looking to drop gun molds and have seen it on some servers. Thanks for any help anyone could provide on this[/QUOTE] To change what the loot containers drop you would need to edit models_6.xml from resources.assets
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[QUOTE=Joe. Blow;94387]some posts are missing ??? ??? how would I add to the purse loot group. It is a block and shows a loot group # I could not find purse in model 6 Any insight would be helpful. thanks in advance for help on this.[/QUOTE] Hope this helps.. but It seams the purse uses the same loot group as the backpack, and sportsbag. You might be able to create a new lootgroup just for the purse if you want. In model_2 you can find the block ID 819 and the loot number Then in the model_6 file you can find the loot 9 <[COLOR="#FFFF00"]lootcontainer id="9[/COLOR]" count="1-3" size="2,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_backpack" sound_close="UseActions/close_backpack" open_time="1.5">
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