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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Ok folks, I promised an experimental release after my stream was done.

It is now done, so here you go.

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL! There will be bugs. There will be balance issues. Myself and the team have done our best to squash any bugs that would stop your progress and enjoyment of the mod. Hopefully any bug fixing should not cause a save restart, but please remember that SAVE RESTARTS ARE A POSSIBILITY!

If you cannot accept the above, do not download the experimental.

Also, NO THIS IS NOT ON THE MOD LAUNCHER! I never release experimentals on the mod launcher. Please review my manual install video (yes it's for A20 but the method is the same) and do that instead: https://youtu.be/3ku2GZr1x2Y

With all the warnings and everything out of the way, here's your patch notes. :)

Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 1-17 Patch Notes.

- Updated DF C# patches for A21.1 compatibility.
- Updated DF XML for A21.1 compatibility.
- Updated SCore for A21.1 compatibility.
- Updated BiomePrefabExclusion for A21.1 compatibility.
- Updated OcbWaypointIcons for A21.1 compatibility.
- Updated Quartz for A21.1 compatibility.
- Remade all zombies with a new controller for A21.1 compatibility.
- Added Zilox's tintable zombie material mod.
- Added new crafting perks.
- Added dew collector to Basic Farming level 2.
- Added Coilturrets.
- Added Laser Turrets.
- Added new recipe for jerky that uses the workbench and only makes 1.
- Added Military Stealth Boots recipe unlock to Master Hunter.
- Added stealth versions of all military armor and added unlock to Master Hunter.
- Added Titanium-Reinforced Kevlar Armour (Light version of titanium).
- Added a patch that sets vehicles to UNLOCKED by default on placement, not locked.
- Added a "lockpicked" version of all secure loot blocks with better loot than just smashing it open.
- Added a patch that allows the player to place blocks faster while building (Prefab Editor speed).
- Added POTENTIAL fix for the arc gun repeating sound after firing has ended.

- Added Tobi's rifle tweaks.
- Added IDC's trader waypoint mod to stop scouts being auto-added and to allow players to remove trader waypoints.
- Added recipe for the Laser Workbench that needs a portal power source and more resources, but can be made in the metal workbench.
- Added Gamestage and Loot bonuses at night for all biomes (forest does not have a GS bonus, only a loot bonus).
- Added IDC's mod that prevents users from loading vanilla worlds and thus being without DF POI's.
- Added IDC Core and IDC's Advanced Dew Collector (renamed to Dew Collector and replaces the vanilla one).
- Added IDC's progression patch that allows customizable XP requirements per level, and customizable skill points per level (players now get 2 points every 10 levels).
- Added IDC's gamestaged screamers.
- Added Demonic and Empowered Demonic Screamers.
- Added Titanium Darts to the Junk Turret.
- Added corpse removal effect to explosives to help with corpse clean up.
- Fixed hand item on Demonic Vulture (Hellpidgeon) so it can actually fireball now.
- Fixed encumbrance being wrong, and also made it worse than V4 so people need to be more careful.
- Fixed missing recipe for high powered barrel mod.
- Fixed Broodmother mutated spider not applying radiation on fireball explosion instead of fire.
- (KySoto) Fixed Reflex Sights on Coilguns, Laser Guns and probably others.
- (KySoto) Fixed ADS on Coilguns, Laser Guns and probably others.
- Fixed reflex sight on the M4A1 so it should be more likely to sit on top of the post.
- Fixed laser sights and flashlights on all guns with TFP provided settings.
- Fixed camera locking at Caitlin's waist when you talk to her.

- Changed first laborer quest to gather wood.
- Changed second laborer quest to craft and place frame shapes.
- Changed Spear Master 4 to grant entity penetration with power attacks, rather than mobility.
- Increase physical damage resistance of all behemoths and titans, both incubi, both succubi and Lord of Hell. Reasoning: They have lower HP and you can overcome it with the armor shredder ammo mod so it's something the player can be tactical about.
- Removed a lot of unnecessary perks due to new crafting perks.
- Combined the "electric trap" perks into 1 perk.
- Coil weapons no longer have bonus damage to demons, but DO disable demonic regen.
- Empowered demons now REQUIRE laser for regen to be disabled (coil won't work).
- Coilturrets ALSO disable demonic regen, but not empowered.
- Laser weapons with normal energy cells now deal +100% damage to demons.
- Overcharged energy cells now deal +200% damage to demons.
- Tailoring station recipe for Jerky makes 2.
- Increased Jerky stack size to 20.
- Increased heat/cold resistance of The Survivor to 10/lvl. This is the same as the basic mods that go in armor, so level 5 of the perk gives heat/cold resist as if you had 5 of the heat and 5 of the cold resist mods installed in armor.
- Increased disease reisstance of The Survivor to 20%/lvl, with level 5 granting immunity. Diseases are Dysentry, Food Poisoning and Pneumonia. (Others may get added later)
- Lowered the bonus from Improved Element to 15% to see if it helps with some of the "instacraft" bugs in the forge.
- Demolition Expert now grants 5% explosion resistance per level.
- Adjusted Pulse Mine damage from 300 to 1200 like Pulse Rockets.
- Slightly lowered mobility penalty of leather armor to make it more viable at low levels.
- Slightly increased physical resistance of military stealth armor.

- Lowered the stamina reduction bonus from action skills on melee weapons and tools (As sexy rex is still a thing and stacking was causing infinite stamina).
- Increased the rounds per minute bonus on the pistols action skill to see if that helps pistols be more viable at higher gamestages.
- Increased the base player resistances to crits as it was kinda nuts in vanilla.
- Rebalanced mod slots so the tier of the item (stone/wood, scrap, iron, steel, titanium, laser) now matters. Items will have a max of 3+tier. Stone/wood is 0, laser is 5.
- Medical items should now stack healing correctly.
- Adjusted LootStage bonus of Quality Joe to account for new loot templates.
- Nights should be darker.
- Bunker doors are no longer invulnerable after being unlocked.
- Silencers can no longer be installed on laser weapons.
- Lowered all Hornet sounds by 50%.
- Lowered Menu Music by 50%.
- Lowered fruit tree spawn rate as it was a little nuts, especially in the desert.
- Changed Caitlin to a wilderness only spawn like she used to be back in the old days, plus it helps with RWG.
- Changed forged steel and titanium to no longer be locked/learnable, and re-locked arrows.
- Unlocked scrap weapons but increased craft costs.
- Standardized the "window width size" of all loot containers (except drone because it's special).
- Slightly increased the spawn rate of portals in the wasteland.
- Re-made animal spawns for Forest/Desert/Snow.
- Re-made zombie spawns for Forest/Desert/Snow.
- Reverted crowbar to DF 4.04 damage levels.

- Adjusted vomit zombies so their vomit spreads out more and should be a little easier to dodge.
- Arc gun can now chain it's stun effect up to 5 blocks from the initially hit target.
- Pain tolerance now affects how quickly the player recovers from untreated critical hits (like sprains/breaks).
- Physician now affects how quickly the player recovers from treated critical hits (like sprains/breaks).
- Erik's Hammer can now take the stun baton Repulsor Mod, because it's funny.
- Food and Water items now restore food and water over time and thus you can now "over eat" like in vanilla.
- Getting hit while infected, and thus making the infection worse, now causes wellness loss, rather than each stage of infection causing the loss. Hits that do not make the infection worse do not cause wellness loss.
- Added small bonus to harvesting fruit trees with Living off the Land perk to help compensate for the fact they can't downgrade anymore.
- Lowered the amount of zombies that spawn in big cities to help with FPS issues.
- Increased the respawn rate of zombies that spawn in big cities to try and keep the "crowded" feel while hopefully keeping the FPS gains.
- Adjusted scout quest rewards, specifically guns.
- Swapped Fusion Forge and Laser Workbench in the lab to non-working versions because of a TFP multiplayer bug.
- Made new blockplaceholders for trader prefabs and updated the traders due to a TFP muliplayer bug with working workstations on POI reset.
- Anna's quest now rewards a portal power source so you can open the door to her loot room and use the workbench in there.
- Increased chances of working forge and workbenches in traders.
- Decreased chances of working chemistry stations and cement mixers in traders.
- Updated Scout so she can teach the new crafting perks for money. Same cost per level as previous skills since money really isn't an issue.
- Advanced Mag Extender can now be installed on junk turrets.
- Weighted head, Metal chain, metal spikes and Barbed wire mods can now be installed in knuckles.


- Localization as per usual. Please post anything that seems odd or is missing.
- Zombies do not have custom loot lists right now.
- Loot is sort-of done so look for anything odd (other than zombies, as noted above).

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ET5OWkBEwfMxxk_1RA-kGcZUEYthXM04/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rzWUMrJuXC4p1occbldDerTKcHkzB1uD/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link 2: https://mega.nz/file/9jEwFb6D#_VvdStmdcxneRDk6YV1cyJMjustImFXyeUXHCYbOxT0

Bugs found and fixed while streaming (not included in this build, will be in B18)

- Fixed metal chain mod having wrong model.
- Fixed bowl of water not displaying water amount.
- Fixed the very hard to find NRE with quests.

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Google sucks.


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1 hour ago, Velvet Jones said:

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Google sucks.


The backup link for Google Drive just worked for me.

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1 hour ago, PoloPoPo said:

Can't wait to play DF on A21 so I have immediately downloaded the latest experimental, thanks a lot for that. However, there are only DF maps saying "noPEP" - does that mean DF with additional POIs isn't out on A21 yet?

Make a RWG. 


Just make sure you have all the DF POIs. Just do a quick search in "DM" mode and type DF when looking at the POIs and make sure you have Razor, Eve, Ana, Bunker and Lab. 

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- When handing in the T1 Scout quest "The Cable Guys Never Made It" and "Lady Killer" the completion message (when selecting a reward) is missing (a string-localization placeholder is shown, e.g. quest_LadyKiller_completion).

- Drinks vending machine sells Tomato Juice at 90, but Yellow Tea was around 150 and Orange Juice was 90.  Prices are inconsistent or unbalanced.

- Serrated Blade mod in bone knife (only knife I can test) prevented stacking bleeds (e.g. Power attack 4 times yielded bleed damage of 2, but without the mod the bleed damage would have been 8).


30 minutes ago, tithin said:

Is anyone having issues speaking to traders when trying to hand in quests? the prompt shows up, but nothing pops up.

I wasn't having trouble, but I closed the game while at Trader Rekt and when I continued the game I can't talk to Scout or Rekt at all. I could interact with Vending Machine and boxes.  Current game-time is after dark (11pm?).  Holding down 'E' to interact with a trader brought up the radial menu (so 'E' works), but selecting Talk or Trade had no effect.  Exiting to menu had no effect.  Waiting until morning had no effect.  Waiting until Trader Open (6ish am) solved the issue.

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Loving the mod so far! Have not been able to watch the streams yet, so some issues may have already been covered.

Here are a few differences from previous builds/issues I ran into after a few hours of testing:


- Action Skills books only give 1 point per book (as opposed to 2 points/book previously), interesting thing is reading 5 books results in getting 6 points, reading 60 books results in getting 64 points

- Hunter Quest 5 title is Craft Leather Armor but actually requires cloth and padded armor

- Unable to place things within the bounds of the Trader (bedroll, building blocks, doors, walls, etc.). If a wall or door is destroyed by zombies, I cannot replace those walls.

- No Darkness Falls specific options at main menu (Screamer horde numbers, wandering horde size/frequency, etc.)

- XP increase maxed at 100% in main menu options

- Had a wandering horde spawn inside the Trader compound

- Advanced Bellows does not reduce crafting time in any of the forges

- Zombies are not showing up on map/compass/HUD with the Hunter class Threat Assessment perk


Thank you for all the work that has been put into this mod over the years. It is by far my favorite!

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Playing with a buddy and even when partied and allied, neither of us receive each other's quests, and are unable to share them, making co-op pretty much impossible at the moment. We're really looking forward to the stable release, keep up the amazing work!

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Sounds from zombies seem off on some zombies, idk if that's on my end or the mod.  I was hitting a moe zombie and hearing a hawaiian zombie sound effect. 


I'm really liking the default speed increase of some zombies (can't just walk backwards hitting zombies and keep out of range anymore, they will catch up) but the changes to hazmat, hawaiian, and big mom might need tweaking at difficulties above nomad.   The cop like explosion is cool but the timing seems to short, I just died to a big mom on day one warrior difficulty because she exploded after 3 heartbeats (I think a cop does 6-7 heartbeats before exploding).

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On 8/19/2023 at 9:53 AM, tithin said:

gdrive worked fine for me


are non-cop projectiles (big mamma / hazmat / tourist) meant to be invisible?


On Khaine's stream they looked visible. So I don't think so.

7 hours ago, wanderinpaladin said:

Is Sap and Bowls of Water not supposed to give hydration? My brother and I just loaded up the current build, we couldn't drink them.


Yeah, it was removed during A20. So sap is mainly a stamina bonus now.

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Alright folks, my internet has been bad so uploading this has taken way, way longer than it should have.

However, new build is up! This is builds 18 and 19, with quite a few fixes, especially for multiplayer. Hopefully this should address most issues.

I don't THINK it needs a new save, but don't be surprised if you need one. Delete the old mods folder and replace, DO NOT JUST OVERWRITE.

Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 18 and 19 Patch Notes.

Fixed metal chain mod having wrong model.
Fixed bowl of water not displaying water amount.
Fixed the very hard to find NRE with quests.
Fixed incorrect unlockedby on bdubs stuff.
Fixed some drinks having an "open" option when they shouldn't.
Fixed scout quests not working in MP.
Fixed random rocket launcher parts being in loot when they shouldn't be.
Fixed bad UI display on Pipe Shotgun and Double-Barreled Shotgun.
Fixed missing coil and laser turret recipes.
Fixed recipe tracker not working.
Fixed Improved Heating Element mod being straight up missing because I'm an idiot.
Fixed scouts not being on their own faction like they were supposed to be.
Fixed quests not sharing.
Fixed incorrect unlockedby on Coilbattery bundle.

Fixed grenades and some other throwables (like pipe bombs) not stacking.
Fixed Survivalist Torch not having flame when placed.
Fixed zombie tracking not always working due to ONE missing tag. One.
Fixed Razor's first quest not working in MP, however the quest may send you right outside the compound because Razor is apparently lazy.
Fixed finding only high quality stun batons in loot. Junk and Pipe batons should now be mixed in.
(IDC) Fixed RWG breaking if you try to generate another world without rebooting the game.
(IDC) Fixed players being stuck while respawning by removing the "Spawn Near Backpack" option as that apparently breaks things in modded games. This bug has been reported to TFP.
Removed 'Must be read from the hotbar' from the books that increase action skills as that issue has been fixed.
Removed Open/Close times on traders to fix potential bug (and also stop people reporting no interaction as a bug).
Removed Weapon Crafting requirement from the Chemistry Station perk as that perk no longer exists.
Added missing turds to toilet loot (clearly the most important fix here).
Edited wandering horde config so frequency is closer to vanilla, as the more often ones were a test setting.
Increased selling price of vending machines for food and drink.
Increased the amount of food a sticky apple grants to be equal to the baked apple.
Slightly increased chances of loot in crack-a-book shelves, crates and bookcases.
Adjusted loot so the highest quality item you can generally find, is now quality 39 to encourage crafting and questing (this may be adjusted later so high quality items will be found in specific places).


Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5NHXvUB4d08hRZq1_3YtiudXPqtZ9T6/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XG1a5iEpJ-XwYEE4wFOZ6giVuFPrv_45/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link 2: https://mega.nz/file/Yj1z0KaI#d99p-iCN7DLTSTKOuyvDAMgU9L4r1DJVwBocaDdrLbg


For the mega link, you need to highlight and copy the URL to your browser. Don't just click it or it won't work.

Alright folks, my internet has been bad so uploading this has taken way, way longer than it should have.

However, new build is up! This is builds 18 and 19, with quite a few fixes, especially for multiplayer. Hopefully this should address most issues.

I don't THINK it needs a new save, but don't be surprised if you need one. Delete the old mods folder and replace, DO NOT JUST OVERWRITE.

Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 18 and 19 Patch Notes.

Fixed metal chain mod having wrong model.
Fixed bowl of water not displaying water amount.
Fixed the very hard to find NRE with quests.
Fixed incorrect unlockedby on bdubs stuff.
Fixed some drinks having an "open" option when they shouldn't.
Fixed scout quests not working in MP.
Fixed random rocket launcher parts being in loot when they shouldn't be.
Fixed bad UI display on Pipe Shotgun and Double-Barreled Shotgun.
Fixed missing coil and laser turret recipes.
Fixed recipe tracker not working.
Fixed Improved Heating Element mod being straight up missing because I'm an idiot.
Fixed scouts not being on their own faction like they were supposed to be.
Fixed quests not sharing.
Fixed incorrect unlockedby on Coilbattery bundle.

Fixed grenades and some other throwables (like pipe bombs) not stacking.
Fixed Survivalist Torch not having flame when placed.
Fixed zombie tracking not always working due to ONE missing tag. One.
Fixed Razor's first quest not working in MP, however the quest may send you right outside the compound because Razor is apparently lazy.
Fixed finding only high quality stun batons in loot. Junk and Pipe batons should now be mixed in.
(IDC) Fixed RWG breaking if you try to generate another world without rebooting the game.
(IDC) Fixed players being stuck while respawning by removing the "Spawn Near Backpack" option as that apparently breaks things in modded games. This bug has been reported to TFP.
Removed 'Must be read from the hotbar' from the books that increase action skills as that issue has been fixed.
Removed Open/Close times on traders to fix potential bug (and also stop people reporting no interaction as a bug).
Removed Weapon Crafting requirement from the Chemistry Station perk as that perk no longer exists.
Added missing turds to toilet loot (clearly the most important fix here).
Edited wandering horde config so frequency is closer to vanilla, as the more often ones were a test setting.
Increased selling price of vending machines for food and drink.
Increased the amount of food a sticky apple grants to be equal to the baked apple.
Slightly increased chances of loot in crack-a-book shelves, crates and bookcases.
Adjusted loot so the highest quality item you can generally find, is now quality 39 to encourage crafting and questing (this may be adjusted later so high quality items will be found in specific places).


Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5NHXvUB4d08hRZq1_3YtiudXPqtZ9T6/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XG1a5iEpJ-XwYEE4wFOZ6giVuFPrv_45/view?usp=sharing
Backup Link 2: https://mega.nz/file/Yj1z0KaI#d99p-iCN7DLTSTKOuyvDAMgU9L4r1DJVwBocaDdrLbg


For the mega link, you need to highlight and copy the URL to your browser. Don't just click it or it won't work.

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7 hours ago, tithin said:

Bug: Updated the way you told me to, and I was level 1 again with a gamestage of 1.

Reverting back to B17 and my save file did not give me back my levels.


Looks like I'm starting over!!


18 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

I don't THINK it needs a new save, but don't be surprised if you need one

So no. That's not a bug. That's the risk you take with experimental builds.

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48 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:


So no. That's not a bug. That's the risk you take with experimental builds.

I did read that part ;)


Question though: is dying supposed to have a permanent impact in your health and stamina?

Currently level 11, had 100+ health, died, and now my max is 80/80

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2 hours ago, tithin said:

I did read that part ;)


Question though: is dying supposed to have a permanent impact in your health and stamina?

Currently level 11, had 100+ health, died, and now my max is 80/80

Yes because DF Has always been like that


1 hour ago, Similar said:

I haven't had problems using my B17 save with B19 here so far. Been a couple of 120 minuite days since I updated and things seem to be working like they should.




Also, just to be certain; rain catchers don't work yet, right?


Unsure. I've had people say they don't spawn water but plants are growing fine

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8 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Unsure. I've had people say they don't spawn water but plants are growing fine

ah, right. I can hear splashing when I walk into the hole with the rain catcher, but I can't see water and I can't fill jars from it either.

I'll try planting something around it and see what happens.

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Just a few things I have noticed after playing B19 for a few hours:


- As mentioned previously, Rain Catchers work but the water is invisible. Plants DO grow around them and there is splashing sounds from the water.

- When you take a drink after eating (or if it has been a while since you last drank), the initial drink does not grant the full hydration listed (e.g. water from a jar is supposed to grant 10 hydration but will only give 4-6)

- I figured out what was going on with the Action Skills Books: In A20 there was a pause in the game between being able to read books. The game would not allow you to read them in quick succession. That is no longer the case. Now you can spam-click through the books. That is where the problem is. If you read the books too quickly, the game cannot keep up and will not allocate the proper number of points.

- Laborer Quest 3 asks for 10 leather, but 20 is required to make the Scrap Iron tools (10 leather each)

- Advanced Bellows does not affect forge speed 

- As mentioned previously, non-cop vomit is invisible in many cases. The impact is visible but not the actual projectiles.


Other than those small issues the mod is fantastic! Thank you, @KhaineGB , for all the work you and your mods/testers put into the mod to make it as awesome as it is!

Edited by PatDTan
spelling errors (see edit history)
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I'm not messing with the food/drink stuff.

I changed it to "give instant food/water" because people kept complaining it "doesnt give the full amount" when that's literally how it works in vanilla. It starts ticking the "process food/water" before the buff even hits your screen.

Then people complained they can't over-eat/over-drink anymore.

I'm not messing with it more than that.

Cop vomit was not invisible for me, at all. I've even got a stream of it.

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